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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Sol dropped off Meruin in her dorm and then quickly headed back to his, he wanted to get a good long rest before tommorow. This school had all kinds of fun in it and he had a feeling it was just getting started.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Tyler eventually stopped groaning in pain and went back to his room to sleep for about 14 hours.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

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Morning came eventually, and Mutt was quite happy. He got up, shook the twiggs from his coat, and yawned. He was up long before school started, and spent maybe 20 minuts hunting, and playing in the forest in his wolf form. He happily skimpered about, pouncing on small animals an letting them go. He didnt even realize when he chased an especially fast squirell straight into the school. He dashe through the girls locker room chassing it, then out into the gym, around the field, and generally all over!

After catching it, Mutt rubbed his snout in it, sniffing the adrenaline pumping through their little body. He let the squirell go, having already eaten, then he transformed back into his human state. He was once more wearing his Gym shorts, and his muscular body was pretty much exposed. Mutt didnt seem to mind, he just started walking around, looking for his friends, or a class, or somebody who could tell him what he was supposed to be doing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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Slick got up and headed to school, by this time he didn't care if he was going to be beaten, he just wanted education. That is why he joined this school in the first place, or at least that's what he said in public.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Sol got up with a strech. He was ready for another day filled with energy from his restful night of sleep. Sol quickly got showered, dressed, and ate a bowl of his favorite ceral, Resse puffs. Then he got outside and ,looking out the window, saw Mutt aimless wandering without a shirt on like some kind of Jacob impersonator. Sol grabbed an extra shirt and headed downstairs to the courtyard and ,upon entering, threw the shirt at Mutt, "Put this one you don't want to blow away anybody with those guns of yours. Joking aside you look kind of lost need some help?" Sol inquired.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Tyler walked out of his room after a nice solid sleep. He then began wandering around the school.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin woke up later than usual. Not surprising considering what happened yesterday. She took her bath, ate breakfast, and inspected all her tools, equipment, gems and other accessories. At the farthest side of her room was a large book - it was even bigger than she was in width and height. She flipped through it's blank pages and sighed. No progress on her grimoire today it seemed.

She left her room and headed straight for the courtyard, planning to inspect the previous days battleground to gather information. Hmm, it's rather chilly today . . .

The little magician had completely forgotten to put on clothes after taking a bath,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadolord


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dusk stepped off the boat that brought him to his new home. He was a transfer student that recieved a late notice for joining the school. He had his dufflebag of his belongings. He expected something more than this island. He walked through the town heading up the hill towards the school.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mutt graciously accepted the shirt, but soon sniffed an outsider, and noticed that poor meruin was less dressed than he! Mutt grabbed the shirt, and bolted over to Meruin, offering the shirt to prevent them from becoming exposed to the students whom may judge nudity poorly. Not to mention, their first impression on the new student may have depended on it.

"Do you need a lift to your dorm?" Mutt offered, knowing that most humans are quite embarrassed to be exposed like such.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin looked at Mutt offering her a shirt, before staring downwards and realizing she had nothing on. "Ah, I forgot," she said, barely reacting. She grabbed the shirt from Mutt and nodded. "Thanks for this. I'm still rather *yawn* tired from yesterday. I don't think I've ever strained myself that much before. It was quite *yawn* a new experience."

Of course, it should again be noted that while Meruin now had a shirt on, she still didn't have any pants. Thankfully, it was Sol's shirt she was wearing, and since he was significantly larger than the girl, the shirt looked more like a dress, reaching a few inches below her crotch. "Anyway, I thank you for the offer, but I don't thi- *yawn* -ink I'll be going anywhere yet. I might head for the library later, but for now I'll just walk around to get rid of my *yawn* drowsiness."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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JELDare Trying to improve

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Slick reached school, passing Mutt, Meruin and Sol carefully. He knew that Mutt would sense his presence and as long as he stayed out of sight from the others he'd be fine.

He made his way to class, he hadn't been in the building a minute before a teacher grabbed the back of his cloak. "Mr. Zairos I've had reports that were part of the party that destroyed some our building last night. I'd let you off if it wasn't for the blade you made, you destroyed six classrooms, five different computers and both the main and backup servers. I think that me and you will will be seeing a lot more of each other after school with all the detentions you'll be having. I think if you're good and stay quiet at detention you'll be there for the next year. However if you're disruptive, you'll be there until you leave our school. Oh and if you think of leaving the school, you're parents have already signed for you to stay here for the next three years, but if you fail your exams at the end of the third year you'll redo all three years."

Slick dreaded the idea of staying her for six years, but also the idea of year's detention all sounded like hell.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 2 days ago

Liz walked onto the island off the boat that she had boarded and took a deep breath as she observed the surroundings for a minute before sighing out her breath and muttering "This place looks dull, 3 years here as well." She put her bag onto her back and started to head through the town on her way to the school taking note of the important shops on her way before she arrived at the school grounds impressed by the size of it. As Liz entered the schools ground she noticed 3 people, 2 boys and a girl who appeared to be half naked, chuckling a bit she walked over to the group "Hey, this is the academy right?" she asked but Liz already knew this but she struggled to think of any other way to open a conversation with the group.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Dash375 said
Liz walked onto the island off the boat that she had boarded and took a deep breath as she observed the surroundings for a minute before sighing out her breath and muttering "This place looks dull, 3 years here as well." She put her bag onto her back and started to head through the town on her way to the school taking note of the important shops on her way before she arrived at the school grounds impressed by the size of it. As Liz entered the schools ground she noticed 3 people, 2 boys and a girl who appeared to be half naked, chuckling a bit she walked over to the group "Hey, this is the academy right?" she asked but Liz already knew this but she struggled to think of any other way to open a conversation with the group.

Meruin looked at the newcomer. Her facial expression didn't change despite being in public and half-naked. "Yes it is. I take it that you're also new to the academy?" said Meruin. She wasn't technically new, but she hadn't been here very long, so she wasn't an old student either.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Dash375 said
Liz walked onto the island off the boat that she had boarded and took a deep breath as she observed the surroundings for a minute before sighing out her breath and muttering "This place looks dull, 3 years here as well." She put her bag onto her back and started to head through the town on her way to the school taking note of the important shops on her way before she arrived at the school grounds impressed by the size of it. As Liz entered the schools ground she noticed 3 people, 2 boys and a girl who appeared to be half naked, chuckling a bit she walked over to the group "Hey, this is the academy right?" she asked but Liz already knew this but she struggled to think of any other way to open a conversation with the group.

Mutt was going to ask Meruin if he could walk with her. After all, he did very much enjoy a morning walk. Instead, a new student aproached, and Slick passed. Mutt decided to engage in conversation with the new student. "Haha i wouldnt exactly know." He said. "I just got here"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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Lisana grabbed her duffle bag and vaulted over the railing of the boat that had brought her here making sure to not land on anyone below then started sprinting towards the steps that would lead her to a new adventure, then she thought to herself "mabye I should slow down just a bit so I don't draw attention to myself I am supposed to be a ninja after all, nah" and kept running while she took in the new sights still heading for the path
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Sol attempted not to freak out about Meruin being half-naked and all but he felt incredibly uncomfortable, and since Mutt and Meruin seemed more than capable of dealing with the new girl, Sol inconspicuously slid away to the front gate. Then, looking out over the bay and saw two of the boats that commonly brought in new students. He decided to wait at the gates to welcome whoever arrived
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 2 days ago

Liz looked at Meruin wondering if she should ask about why she seemed to be half naked but figured it would be an annoyingly simple answer so instead choose to answer her question "Yeah, My boat got delayed and they would not let me swim here." She huffed and then looked over at Mutt in thought for a second before reaching into her pocket "You guys want some sweets?" The girl offered the bag out to the 3 people while doing her best to hide her grin as the sweets were usually too sour for most people to stand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"WOULD I!?!" Mutt's face lit up. Turns out, he had a tad bit of a sweet tooth. Soon, his entire face was burried inside of the bag, eating candies, wrappeds and all. After a moment he paused, and pulled his head back with a sucked in facial expression. Moments later, he was darting around in circles, dragging his tounge along th floor, crashing into walls and people, and making a scene. He rolled straight through Meruin and Liz holding his tounge and howling.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tyler walked towards Meruin and Mutt and tilted his head slightly. "Is it normal to wear only a t-shirt on Thursdays? I really must learn these social nuances." He said to himself as he reached into his backpack and pulled out a flask. He opened it and drank out of it. "Would either of you like some coffee?" He asked right before he noticed the new students. "Oh, newcomers."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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As she took in the sights of the town she made a mental note that she would have to come back and shop for some new clothes because she had only brought a weeks worth with her in her bag. When she got to the path she only ran faster trying to get to the school before anything big happened so she activated some of her magic which caused Lisana to burst up the rest of the path but skidded to a stop infront of a boy who had suddenly walled out the main gates. Lisana quickly deactivated her magic with a silent gesture and started fixing her hair which had looked like a tornado had just localized on her head "you are a student here right, Please let this be the right place" she said as she finished straightening her hair.
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