Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

In the darkness, a cloaked figure strolled down a hallway, a tune being whistled from his lips. All was peaceful in the night. Finally entering a door, the room lit up with what appeared to be hundreds of computers, with mysterious and unknown information being displayed on various things. In the middle appeared a large, virtual globe of Remnant, with red highlights on certain area's of the planets surface. Chief among these was Vytal, the Kingdom of Vale. Suddenly, a large window opened, lighting up the entire room. A [indent]man[indent] stood under the cloak, smirking as he waved his arm to his right side. "Burn it." With it, the sounds of missiles, gunfire, and screaming could be heard.

The Club blared out during the night, as the windows showed the many different colorful lights that flashed from the inside. A young and short figure was seated next to a table, rocking their head to the beat of the music. A tall man approached them, wrapping his arm around the shorter person. "A pretty girl like yourself shouldn't be sitting here all alone." The figure pulled away, moving to a new spot to sit. The man, obviously upset with this, got up and walked off to somewhere else. "The nerve of some people..." The shorter one muttered to themselves, slouching back. They crossed their legs and began to hum to the beat, smiling at no longer being disturbed. At that very moment, the figure heard footsteps approaching them. Looking up, their eyes were met with the familiar face of the man that had earlier tried to woo them. "Hey, listen to me girly, nobody rejects me...so you best pucker up or else." His arms reached out for the shorter figure, only to have his hand slapped away. With force, he grabbed their arm, and began to drag them. "Damn it woman...stop struggling and just give it up already!" Suddenly, the shorter figure knee'd the man in the ground and stepped back, taking out a small metal pole. Looking up, he realized the mistake he had made...

"I'm...not...a GIRL!" He yelled out as he met his polearm to the mans face, knocking him out. Quickly, the bodyguards of the club surrounded the young boy, as he let the blades on each end out. "Now where are the Creatures of Grimm you've been hiding...I know you smuggle them here." He growled, entering a combat stance, looking at all directions around him. Suddenly, as if planned, they sprang according. Swinging his blade around, the young boy began to block, dodge, weave, and counter the attacks of the henchmen around him. With a swift movement, he began to spin the polearm over his head, knocking all the men down. This of course made the DJ respond by pulling a lever below him. Out of the shadows rushed three Beowolves, growling and snarling as they approached him. Smirking, he quickly charged at the Beowolves and stabbed one, only to detach it into dual wielding blades as he cut away at the Beowolves chest.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stitchblades
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Stitchblades Never Fear Stitch is here

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

In an Alleyway behind some atrocious Club blasting out some horrible music, A man standing in around 6ft 3" was leaning against His staff, This Alleyway was very damp, smelt funny and clearly had a problem with rodents, the perfect place to commit a crime though a bit stereotypical. He wasn't hear for fun, not that anyone would think that but rather waiting for someone to leave the club.
he Had taken a Job, for what reason this man was targeted he didn't ask, he didn't want to know or care ~ if he cared the job becomes personal ~ it becomes personal he loses his flare ~ he loses that he would be nothing.
he pride himself on working for both sides of the law. This however was low even by Leo's standards but it paid handsomely, A orphanage worker that came here every day and would leave through the Door a few meters away.
it was close to take down. And right on Que the door opened. Leo let the man walk a few meters before dosing the area in darkness, and just as quickly as the darkness fell the body slumped to the ground. and no evidence par the body remained once the light returned
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Undyingregret
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The club was thumping to the sounds of the music...or it would have been had someone not decided to bust the place up. Of course the thugs wouldn't be able to handle this. They could barely handle a simple robbery, let alone fending off an armed combatant. Even if they didn't make decent guards it was kind of fun to watch.

Then came the beowolves, certainly better combatants that the guards, but still no match for a skilled warrior. This guy, whoever he was, was going to be entertaining to say the least.

Black Adder sat in a private booth, watching the events unfold before she looked to her partner, "What do you say? Should we get involved?" There was a smirk as she watched the attacker fend off the beowolves with what looked like practiced ease.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Gerald set down his drink and looked towards the floor, watching the fight. Of course Junior's "pennyworths," as Gerald called them - after all, they were only worth pennies - were no match. Gerald never really put much stock into them, not even when he was a trembling 11 year old walking into the bar for the first time.

"Up to you." Gerald shrugged, his economical sense ticking. "We're not getting paid to fight, so I don't really see a point to it, but if you're in the mood for a brawl then by all means."

Adder could of course use her gauntlets, but Gerald would be fighting using his dust chambered guns. Dust was expensive. If he was going to fight, he would definitely need to bill the owner of this place for the price of equipment spent. And then there was the issue of any of the expendable grenades he might use...

Wait, since when was he a responsible adult who cared about saving money?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Undyingregret
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

With a sigh, Adder sat back, running her fingers across her knuckles. "I guess you're right. Its just money out of our pockets."

She picked up her glass and drained it before sitting back. Great, now she was feeling restless and ready for a fight, and there it was in front of her. Yet joining in would be stupid because, as Gerald had pointed out, it would be a drain on their resources, they'd get nothing out of it.

"Ugh, I'm going to go outside." With that, she stood up and made for the door.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marc


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

The music rang loud in Amy’s ears, making her heart pound with every beat. Even sitting in a small booth in the farthest corner of the club did nothing to fade out the music. She didn’t like having her voice competing with the music. She could barely make out what anything her friends were saying either. Jessica held up her glass into the air, her face red.
“Happy Birthday, Cordelia!” She shouted. Her speech was slurred and slow, and she needed to stop for a moment to gather her thoughts. “And you’re totally 21 today! Haha!” She added, as one of the club’s waiters walked by, eyeing the group of girls suspiciously.
“Dumbass,” Jackie muttered under her breath as the waiter walked away. “Stop being so obvious, you’re going to get us thrown out.
“Lighten up, babe, there are other kids from beacon here tonight.” Jess mumbled, sitting back down after downing the rest of her drink. Amy had never seen Jess polish off so many drinks in one sitting.
“Yes, but they’re not drinking. If you wanted to drink, we should have just done it at home.” Jackie retorted with.
“No one wants to spend their birthday at home! What’s wrong with you?” Amy watched the two bicker, taking small sips from her own drink. She tried her best not to cringe at the strong aftertaste of the beverage. She had never tried anything alcoholic before tonight, and she couldn’t see herself wanting to ever again. Cordelia sat quietly in the corner of the booth, eyeing a guy from Beacon in one of their classes. It was painfully obvious that she wanted to excuse herself to go talk to him.

“Guys, let’s all go dance. I’ve been sitting here for the last hour doing nothing, I gotta move around or I’ll explode.” Amy whined, standing up to stretch. As soon as she stopped talking, Cordelia immediately stood up.
“Yes, doesn’t that sound like fun guys? Let’s all go dance!” Amy smiled at her eagerness, but she knew that it wasn’t them that Cordelia wanted to dance with.
“The orders of the birthday girl are absolute!” Jess yelled, raising her empty glass into the air.
“Sounds like fun, maybe we can make a request for a song at the DJ.” The girls left their booth and headed over to the dance floor. The music excited Amy to her very core, and she could feel her blood pumping in tune with the beat. Based on the expression that Jess and Jackie had on their faces while they danced, they felt the same way. When the song ended, the three huddled together in a large hug.
“That was great! Do you think they’ll play the song you asked for next, Jack?” Amy panted, using Jess as a support so she didn’t tip over.
“I hope so. Hang on where’s Cordelia?” They looked around, only to find Cordelia sitting down in a booth with the boy from her class. They were laughing together.
“Man she works fast. Check this out Jess.” Amy tried to turn her around to face Cordelia, but Jess was fixated on a young girl being hassled by a man.
“Some people are so disgusting. Think we should help her out?” Before Amy could comment, the girl stood up and decked the creep that was coming onto her; revealing that they were actually a boy this whole time.
“Holy shit!” Jackie exclaimed, her jaw practically hitting the ground. “That boy’s prettier than I am!”
“That’s not a very high bar to reach, Jack” Jess teased, which Jackie responded to by flipping her the bird.

Amy laughed, but when the boy started raising his voice to the man who had been trying to hit on him, the mood in the club went dull. Smuggling creatures of Grimm? Why would anyone want to do that? The employees of the club pounced on the boy, but he fought them off with such little effort that Amy was too awestruck to pull out her weapon. That was when the Beowolves came charging out at the boy. He seemed confident in handling them, but Amy knew better than to underestimate a creature of Grimm. She quickly swooped forward, pulling out a small metal pole with a chain wrapped around it. She quickly unwrapped the chain, extending the pole to a decent size. The blades of Bloodthirster extended out from the spearhead of the weapon, attached to the long metallic chain. She came to a sudden halt, skidding along the sleek dance floor while swinging her axe backwards like a baseball hat. Pushing forward with all her might, she swung her weapon forward in a long arc towards the Beowolf. As the weapon sliced through the air, she hit a little switch on the bottom of the axe’s shaft, sending the blades flying forward at the creature. The beowolf raised his arm to take a swipe at the boy attacking the other wolf, but their head quickly turned towards Amy as it felt her attack coming. It wasn’t quick enough to react, and the blade of Bloodthirster crashed into its raised arm with a sickening crunch. The wolf let out a whimper, its arm going limp at its side. Standing on three paws, it growled at Amy before charging at her with a limp. As it ran at her, Amy flipped the switch on her weapon again and swung the pole directly across her chest diagonally, bringing the blade of the axe flying back towards the beast running at her. The axe collided with one if it’s hind legs, tripping it over. While it was falling, Amy poised herself, stepping forward with a quick twirl to deliver a straight kick to the large jaw of the beast. It keeled backwards onto its back, dazed from the blow. She retracted her axe, holding it in front of her before leaping up over the beast. She held her axe high, swinging it down onto the beast’s chest to deal the final blow. The wolf was quicker than she thought, and managed to roll out from her attack and avoid death. She barely had enough time to hold up her axe in front of her to block the massive paw crashing down onto her. Stumbling back, she found herself closer to the boy fighting the other wolf.
“Isn’t this a riot?” She yelled over to him, a cheeky grin plastered across her face as the wolf prepared its next attack.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stitchblades
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Stitchblades Never Fear Stitch is here

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As Leo walked away from the Alleyway and the club he could hear an almighty racket going off inside. Not that terrible music that had been blasting for the past 6 hours, but action. adventure... Violence ~ he could never resist finding out what commotion was and if the odds was good he would Join in. He did love a good fight.
He removed his weapon from his hip and extended it out. Gilder-flame, his trusted weapon of many years,he charged in as fast as his lanky legs could take him running straight into the club where he saw several thugs fighting some kids, and what he thought must of been a lie by his eyes, beowolves.. in Vale? he knew that instantly he should help, he maybe one of questionable morals but he knew that one of these creatures of Grimm could kill hundreds if not killed quickly.
he saw one lass facing down one ~ she had some skills wielding that Ax, And another Lass slicing away at another's chest. He was very impressed by both their skills.
However the thugs were still about and if Leo knew anything about their kind~ they would regroup and do this again
He jumped down onto the floor and dimmed the lights using his Semblance, he made it so only he was in shadow, moving quickly and silently he swung his halberd around taking out the thugs one by one before they could react. Everything was going well till he hit one of the Wolves ~ taking the attention away from the dagger slicing lass
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The "music" as these people called it, was really digging into Angron's skull as it pushed its way through his ears. Plus, this fruity piss they sell here wasn't helping his mood either. With his contact for this job a no show, Angron decided to drown himself in booze and probably wake up with someone he didn't know. Which was unlikely given that he was in full armor save fore the helmet that lay at his side. Giving a sigh, Angron tried to star a whole through his line of shots before some guy bumped into him and caused the drinks to shatter along the ground.

"Hey man! Wash were you goin!" With a snarl, Angron grabbed the shorty man by the face before violently slamming it into the counter of the bar. Leaving a souvenir of blood and broken teeth behind. As the man lay unconscious on the ground, Angron said "NOT in the mood." before buying himself another round out of the money he found through the unconscious man's pocket. Now well into his fifth round, Angron was begining to feel the effects before the sounds of shouting entered his mind.

Turning around in his bar stool, Angron was met face to face with a large Beowolf that didn't look too happy to see him. The beast made a low grumbling sound as its teeth were brought to bare. Meeting the Grimm's growl with his own roar, Angron smashed his head with the beasts and caused it to real back in surprise as much as pain. Slipping on his helmet with practiced ease, Angron pulled out the rectangle at his hip and sprang Gorechild to life. However before he could bring it down on top of the Grimm's head, Angron was tackled by a smaller but just as annoying Beowolf.

The two tumbled for a bit before Angron found himself on his back with a face full of teeth in front of him. Raising his left arm, Angron blocked the bite that would have engulfed his head and greeted Gorechild with the beasts neck. Cutting into it like butter, the battle was soon over but the war was still on as he quickly rose to his feet and got into a combat stance to meet the big one. A brief stare down ensued as the two stood their ground. Then like a flash of lighting the two crashed together. With some quick maneuvering, Angron got the Beowolf into a head lock but accidentally dropped Gorechild in the chaos of the move.

Undeterred, Angron flipped the blade up with his foot and dragged the Grimm's head into the blade as it whirred to life. Angron laughed the entire time as bone splinters and whatever the hell Grimm were made of flew through the air.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

He didn't want to be there. He hated being within such close proximity to so many other people, and he wanted to get out of the club. He wasn't claustrophobic, but he just hated being around mass amounts of people. He had tried to keep himself calm several times, but it didn't seem to work as he seemed just as uncomfortable as before. Luckily, someone shouting above the music was enough to bring his attention away from how uncomfortable he was and over to whatever was going on. Both of his boots made small noises upon impact with the ground, but they were slightly heavy, and made out of metal, so the sound couldn't be avoided. Luckily the sound was drowned out by the music, so it wasn't heard by nearby people.

The young man maneuvered through the crowd to find out who was the one who shouted. It was easy to find them since they were fighting, and much easier once the beowolves came in. He knew what the grim where, and he knew how dangerous they could be if not approached correctly. It seemed that other had joined the fight while he thought about the disgusting creatures, and simply watched the fight instead of joining in.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Gerald finished his drink, looking at the people entering the club. Where did they come from? The looked a tad too young to be underworld or mafia. And the beowolves? He didn't hear about such an operation here, but then again, he was just a hired merc.

And those weapons seemed just a TAD too fancy for criminal underworld. Could they be hunters? Great. Just great. To have his old childhood dream come back and taunt him like that. Gerald would have none of it.

"I'm coming with you." Gerald muttered, following Black Adder out of the bar.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Percy was taken back by the suddenly involvement of the random girl. Smirking, he gripped the two blades handles fiercely, replying with "You can say that again!" All of a sudden, there was a large swarm of henchman surrounding the exits and anyone in possession of a weapon. "Sorry kiddies...the boss doesn't want any of you leaving." The henchman were all armed with a wide assortment of equipment, ranging from crowbars and bats to machine guns. In quick succession, Percy combined his blades again with one end bladed and the other a rifle. He stood at the ready, glaring at the large group of minions. "Wanna have a contest...one with the biggest score wins.." He grinned, squeezing the trigger eagerly.
As the the shadowy Mercenary's attempted to leave, they were quickly blocked off by the henchmen, in an attempt to keep any armed suspect from leaving the Club. "Get back, our boss said nobody is to leave here until we check their backgrounds." He said, placing his hands on their chests and pushing them back.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Undyingregret
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Calmly looking a the man who had shoved her back, "Oh, your boss wants to run a background check on us? I suppose that's reasonable. How about I give you all the info you're gonna need?"

She quickly grasped his outstretched hand, making sure it was still extended, before side stepping and delivering a powerful blow to the joint with her fist, listening for the crunch of his elbow breaking from the trauma. Stepping inside she grabbed his shoulders and delivered a swift knee to his crotch as she thumbed the dials on her right gauntlet, 80 volts, it wouldn't be lethal but it would hurt, and delivered a blow to his chest followed by his head. Releasing the man, she thumbed the dial on her other gauntlet on, cranking the voltage to 110.

"Well? Are you satisfied with what I've given you today? If not I can show you again." To emphasize the point, she removed a canister from her belt, a grenade now in her hand and her thumb prepared to prime. She glanced to Gerald to make sure he was preparing himself for a fight should they insist on fighting now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago


He was saving up for one of them fancy video game systems. But now, with his ammunition and dust being spent, he might as well kiss Last Fable XIII goodbye.

This outta teach him about going to bars when he's trying to save money.

Shaking his head with a small smile as he watched Adder be... well, Adder, Gerald reached into his longcoat, his hand resting on Schnellfeur. He nodded to her when she glanced at him, signalling he was ready to move anytime.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Feigling


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

She wasn't supposed to get involved. Just get in, see if the rumours were true and get out. That was what she was told.
But now it looked like she had no choice.

Lorelei had managed to get into the club without arousing suspicion. She had even managed to get to the bar without drawing a second glance. In fact, she was halfway through her second drink when the Wolves attacked.
"So the rumours are true..."
With that, Lorelei had got up to leave, once again manoeuvring around the crowd to avoid attracting unwanted attention.

But, as she attempted to leave, the she was suddenly blocked off by a group of underlings. It seemed she wasn't the only one trying to get out - there was a girl and a boy that had been cut off by the same group.
"Get back. The boss said nobody is allowed to leave here until we check their backgrounds"
The girl didn't even blink. "Oh, your boss wants to run a background check on us? I suppose that's reasonable. How about I give you all the info you're gonna need?"
She grabbed the grunt's outstretched arm, broke his elbow, kneed him in the groin and smashed his chest and face, seemingly with electric knuckle-dusters. While she was taunting the downed guard, Lore smiled at the remaining underlings, who looked pretty shaken up.
"Can we go now? Or am I gonna have to share my background details too?" She giggled, getting into a battle stance.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marc


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Amy smiled at the prospect of competing against the young man who she now found herself back to back with amidst the battle. The beowolf she’d been dealing with started to slowly fumble around, two of its paws injured from trying to strike her. She remained perfectly still in her battle stance, firmly holding Bloodthirster in her hands while the gang of thugs began to appear from the shadows to confront them. She could see in the corner of her eyes a few other people revolting against them. They held an assortment of deadly looking weapons each, but that only proved to excite Amy. In the background she could see her friends fighting them as well. Jessica’s drunken swings with her mace proved to be quite sinister, whilst Jackie’s quick fingers sent a barrage of dust powered bullets from her revolver at her targets. Columbia had been knocked unconscious earlier in the fight, but the boy she was with was easily fending off the thugs from hurting her while she lay on the ground. Amy quickly bent down, leaning forward while she put pressure into her knees. Tightening her grip around her axe, she sprung forward with a long swipe of her blade at the beowolf.

“You’re in for it, stranger, I’ll be taking first place no problem!” She pulled her knees up to her chest as she flew at the beast, tilting over as the axe flew through the air to angle the blade to strike down onto the wolf’s head. In defence, the creature raised it’s right paw slowly to try and block the axe, but Amy had so much momentum behind the attack that she ended up slicing the arm of the beast clean off. Crimson blood stained the black fur of the beast, spilling from the amputated limb while it hollowed in pain. With three of its paws not functioning, it had no hope left to move around. With a thud, Amy landed crouched down beside the beast. Bloodthirster sit firmly on her shoulders, the blade dripping with the creature’s life fluid. Amy began to glow a little, her semblance starting to kick in after the battle with the beast. Her heavy breathing slowly began to stop and the fatigue of fighting with such a creature was a little alleviated. The beowolf tried to move away from her, but Amy quickly responded by raising her axe over her and bringing it down with a loud thud into the beasts skull. The creature lay motionless below her, and Amy quickly glanced up to see another man with an axe tearing into another one of the beasts.

Amy stared down the group of thugs before her, their weapons pointed directly at her. She wasn’t confident that she’d be able to dodge all of their attacks, so she’d need to move quickly. With a cheeky grin, she firmly grasped Bloodthirster as the thugs unleashed a barrage of bullets at her. Swinging the axe upwards with all her might, the blade hooking into the flesh of the freshly killed beowolf and flung him up in front of Amy as a meat shield. Her arms ached from the feat of lifting such a creature, but if there was one thing Amy had it was strength. The body rattled with each gun shot, but she remained unscathed from behind her shield. When the bullets stopped, she unhooked her blade from the creature and quickly spun around. Swinging the flat edge of her axe into the beowolf’s corpse, she sent the creature flying towards the group of thugs that were reloading their weapons as quick as they could. They scattered away from the flying wolf, but two were unlucky enough to collide straight into it; being pinned down against the wall by its weight. They fell unconscious from the collision. She stared at the remaining thugs that were facing her, their weapons reloaded.
“Let’s try and play nice, guys. I don’t want to have to hurt you too much.” She entered her battle stance, awaiting their next move.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The struggle to keep the beowolf steady was much less than he originally anticipated as after only several seconds the beast was mobile. However this didn't stop Angron as he continued to shred the beasts skull into paste and bone fragments. It was only after Gorechild found itself lodged deep within the Grimm's chest did Angron relent and took stock of the situation for the first time. From the looks of it, his little visceral display had garnered many of the Beowolf's attention as most of them were now circling his location as battle raged on. However when bullets began to fly, several of them broke off to head towards the source which left Angron alone with rest.

For now they just circled around him as they kept a reasonable distance from him, his threat level clear from their dead pack members. With a grunt Angron noted that he wouldn't have time to kick the carcass over and take out Gorechild before the others pounced upon him and he wasn't that much of a quick draw with Hail Fire, so he did the only thing he could in this situation and did the last thing any logical person would do. Giving a low growl that turned into a loud battle cry, Angron jumped forward and gave a massive punch to the Beowolf in front of him.

The beast reacted with the expected confusion before scrambling to kill the man assaulting it. Ducking and weaving, Angron gave the beast punch after titanic punch as it tried to defend itself with little success. However the curb-stomp battle shortly became much more even when the other beasts joined in. It then became a wild, desperate brawl as Angron struggled to keep up with the speed of the much faster Grimm. New rents became born into the surface of his armor as their claws bit deep into Angron, it was only now that he realized that mistakes were made.

With a frustrated growl, Angron punched downwards into the skull of a Beowolf and watched the beast bounce before shaking itself off and getting back into the fray. Seeing this caused something in Angron to snap, no matter what he did these things were just standing back up. With a flash of his aura, Angron was covered head to toe in a blood colored liquid and unleashed a yell that sounded more in place with a Grimm than a man. The substance quickly became invisible as his body quickly turned sanguine in color and steam began to rise from his skin.

Lunging forward into the Beowolf that spited him, Angron latched onto the beasts head before pulling. With a sickening crunch the head tore off the shoulders as Angron pulled the beasts head with his hands. Throwing the head at another Beowolf, Angron charged through another before reaching the large one from before and pulling Gorechild from its bloody tomb. With a jet of steam leaving his helmet, Angron released another bestial roar before meeting the Grimm's charge with his own as Gorechild released its own battle cry and promises of painful death.
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