
Name: Gerald Tarius
Race: Human
Color: Purple
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Anwarter: a handheld gun that looks abnormally large, it utilizes two types of ammunition: Red dust, which causes an explosion at the target, and Blue dust, which when fired forms a bayonet of ice and serves as his close range weapon. The bullets are stored in a revolver-style chamber that holds 6 rounds, and Gerald utilizes a Russian Roulette style of combat with his weapon, always mixing up the order of bullets he loads Anwarter in so that only he knows whether or not the next shot will fire an explosion or a close range weapon for him to use. Blue dust bayonets are dispelled with his next shot.
SchnellFeur: A smaller handheld gun which, unlike Anwarter is rapid firing. SchnellFeur only uses a single type of dust as ammunition and serves as Gerald's general weapon, used to suppress and/or eliminate lightly armoured enemies. Gerald is able to wield SchnellFeur with his lefthand.
Semblance: Innate time control - Gerald is able to alter his body to work at twice, three times or four times the speed of a normal human for a certain amount of time. No matter what configuration he goes in, his average rate is one minute of altered time per hour - meaning that every hour, Gerald is only able to alter his body and displace it up to a minute. For example:
2x speed for one minute means: Gerald's body time is 2 minutes while real time is one minute, meaning: Total "displacement": two minutes minus one minute = one minute.
3x speed for thirty seconds = Gerald's body time is ninety seconds while real time is thirty seconds , meaning total "displacement" is ninety seconds minus thirty seconds = one minute
And so on.
History(TBH is fine.): Gerald didn't have that smooth of a start to his life - he was born in the slums, raised by a working girl who only saved him out of the goodness of her heart. She tried to save up what meagre money she could to send Gerald away from the slums and enrol him into Signal, but she died when Gerald was 10. Her employers called it an "on the job incident" resulting from "angering her client", but Gerald refused to let it go. Investigating her death, Gerald finally fell to the low of involving himself in the criminal underground, associating with the likes of Roman Torchwick. At this point, Gerald considered the possibility of becoming a hunter nothing more than a childish dream, and he immersed himself in the day-to-day needs. Instead of a guardian of humanity and hope, Gerald became a guardian of criminal bosses and criminal packages - and the bane of the guardians of valuable items.
The criminal bosses soon granted him Anwarter and Schnellfeur, two weapons which he dislikes using. At the age of 16, after spending 6 years - over a third of his life- hunting down the man who killed his surrogate mother, Gerald found him and killed him - whether it was in self defence or cold blood, no one but him knows. Upon completing his self-set task, Gerald learned something interesting about that man: he was notorious for abusing and murdering working women like his mother, and as such a lot of people wanted him dead. Gerald just got to him first.
With the successful hunt of the murderer completed, Gerald's reputation in the slums rose and he became a "handyman" of sorts, willing to do a wide variety of jobs, legal or not, for money.
Personality: Gerald is a pragmatist who has one simple code: He will do anything to maintain his status quo of freedom and standard of living. Helping anyone or anything takes a back seat to that and he will only go out to help someone if it does not threaten him -or his friends- first. He has knowledge of living and making one's way on the streets due to his past, and he is quick to come to suspicion on any new information - naive people didn't last long where he came from.
Gerald is also seemingly paranoid, but in truth he is only acting with the necessary caution to survive in his line of work.
Extra Information: Due to his job as a criminal for hire and through his connections to the criminal underground, Gerald has the following tools at his disposal:
2 Scrolls loaded with the Fake ID "Li Yung" and "Alex Tiers", with his financial assets split between them.
4 smoke grenades filled with tear gas
4 smoke grenades filled with sleeping gas
2 flashbang grenades
2 Data sticks
Gas Mask
Safe-destroying liquid explosives
Several Lockpicks
Electronic Lock Scrambling device
Password: Red Like Roses