Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 1 mo ago

It was a fine morning at Aledine Academy. The new term had started and students new and old were pouring into the school. All of them here for differing reasons, and though they may not get along, or their goals and aspirations may clash and differ, in the end, they all passed through the same halls, learned the same lessons, laughed the same laughs and cried the same tears.

Render Wiser sighed in nostalgic content and looked up away from the wards in place. It would be better to see such an awe-inspiring scene with his own two eyes!

In a whisper of words, the Headmasters vision swirled, and he was suddenly in the middle of a large bunch of very surprised students. "Welcome one and all," said the Headmaster, his magically enhanced voice echoed enthusiastically through the area despite the open space, "to Aledine Academy of Magic!"

"To old students, welcome back, and I hope you're ready for another year of learning - it won't get any easier, believe me - and to new students, learn from the older students about the things you should and should not do! Better you learn from the mistakes of other than your own, after all!"

The large crowd of students and personal gathered were stunned for a moment, before resuming their course. The newer students stayed stunned for a moment longer, not as used to the Headmasters usual greeting as the older members of the Academy were. Several students had fallen flat on their backsides.

Render Wiser grinned. This was going to be a good year, he thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shifter_Master
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Shifter_Master Atrast Nal Tunsha

Member Seen 2 days ago

A new term, a new year of schooling and, the end of a summer break at least that's what it meant for most, for one, currently exhausted, individual it meant accesses to a wealth of more information once again. Because to Adam school not being in session didn’t mean it was time to slack off, for him the summer was a time to hone his skills and practice the art. It was frustration to him as well because he had to be more cautious about how far he pushed himself, there was no hall of healers to help put him back together if he stepped out of line, so it was when he polished his basics and build upon the foundations of his craft. So it he was quite eager to get back to schooling so he could once again continue to advance in his studies, not that anyone could tell that by looking at him.

Adam, as usual was one of the first to return to the academy, getting there bright and early compared to most, the reason being he hadn’t slept yet. He had spent the night, checking and double checking his supplies, verifying his schedule and getting an early start on reading the new books he purchased for his classes, in fact he was still reading now, nearly disregarding the Headmaster’s grandiose appearance, as he had felt the spell of the man coming only a moment before he arrived and was less caught off guard then the rest of the congregation. It was all old hat to Adam, on top of being a waste of his time, but there were some who enjoyed it or who needed the introduction so he would just grin and bear it while waiting for classes to start.

Closing his book with a snap he decided to look around and see if anyone caught his eye, Adam was feeling a bit restless, having read at least halfway through all of his books, and wanted a more interactive touch when it came to learning at the moment, so he wandered through the crowed listening and looking, hoping there was a discussion going on somewhere that had more to do then what people had done for the summer.

Adam grimaced as so far his search had been fruitless ‘This is going to be a long year’ he thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 1 mo ago

‘Breathe… just keep breathing.’ Taking slower and deeper breaths, Veili began to calm down. Albeit the moment he opened his eyes and saw the crap he was dealing with, the senior student had a hard time keeping that sense of calm. He could only assume this guard was new around here, or just overeager, but whatever the reason was, Veili didn’t appreciate being stopped in the slightest. “Look,” he growled out in annoyance, “I’ve already told you, I have authorization to carry this around since I’m selling it. Hell, I wouldn’t even be holding onto it anymore if you hadn’t decided to stick your nose where it doesn’t belong.” While the attitude probably wasn’t the best idea, Veili had never been one for politeness.

“And I’ve already told you, you’re going to wait here until I get this checked out,” the guard replied with a smirk as he leaned on the butt of his polearm, taking this almost casually. It made the urge to simply smash the man’s face in all the harder to resist for Veili. Tightening the grip around his creation, Veili grimaced to push down the urge before he turned away and stalked up to lean against a nearby wall. He very nearly lost it as he caught the guard whisperin, “Yeah, that’s right brat.” Unable to simply assault a guard under the Academy’s employment, but needing some way to release his anger, his eyes strayed to the weapon in hand.

Wrapped in cloth, the sword was hid from the public’s view. It was not a thing of beauty, but a longsword of simple design and aesthetics. Yet, when he plunged it into the ground with a grunt of anger, it had little trouble burying half its blade into the earth. Standing up and away from the still quivering hilt, he grinned ever so slightly in satisfaction at the results of his work. The fact that the guards eyes bulged out at the result was obviously unrelated. The cloth drifted ever so slightly, still concealing what was underneath, but it was almost pointless now. There was a weapon underneath, almost everybody would be able to tell. Still, the whole point of him concealing his creation had been in agreement with the Academy, and seeing as how one of its guards had still decided to stop him, he saw little meaning in following the rules set out; at least in the situation.

And while he had blown off some steam with that action, he still did have a meeting with his client to get to. Hopefully someone competent would decide to show up and fix this problem. It was way too early in the year for Veili to be dealing with this type of crap, especially seeing how he had even come to the Academy earlier to finish the piece.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jedly
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Jedly Espresso Drinker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

An Hour Earlier:

Danny’s eyelids opened a sliver, an exhausted escaped his lips as he stretched his stiffened arms. He autonomously covered his vision from the blinding light which seeped through the window, which lacked protective curtains. Once his sight finally focused, he stood up from his cot and scanned the room for his companion. Standing on two stubby legs, Eve was resting on the window sill, her round eyes staring outside. The rays from the sun seemed to deflect off of her snow-white feathers, it was a breathtaking sight to awaken to. What would usually be dubbed an ocular masterpiece, was the norm for Finks. He ran his head through hair and commanded his sore body to rise from the bed.

“Ah, right. It’s the first day of school.” He let out a sigh, realizing that the student would need to establish a better sleeping schedule to make it through the year. The repetitive cycle required him to get up early, and return to his abode at a reasonable hour. Danny had stayed the night at an inn, within the surrounding town. During the summer, he had been residing in his former lord’s castle, since the man felt the need to repay Finks. The jobs the boy was committed to had been costly, and had turned Danny’s life into a worse predicament than it already was. The noble also provided him with surprisingly large sums of currency once in a while. Though, to the businessman, it personally was just spare change. But, in a world where one isn’t so high up in the economy, spare change goes quite the ways. Rather than draping himself in layers of cloth and fabric, he chose to wear more casual attire. The teachers wouldn’t become sticklers for dress code for at least another week. After throwing on a plain shirt and pair of pants, he wrapped a striped scarf around his neck. Even though the temperature didn’t require such an article of apparel, he was fond of the comfortable fabric.

On a table laid his eye patch, formed out of a white cloth, it got the job done. Either than the fact that his left eye was completely blind, excluding that, it was in perfect condition. The pupil was a light grey, so he decided to cover it, in hopes of not frightening people. To new magestravii, it served as a reason to know one’s limits. It was a miracle that Danny had survived the backlash of overusing his abilities. He acknowledged that time wasn’t on his side and whistled for the caladrius to follow him, the bird instinctively chirped and flew to him. Somehow, the bird managed to keep its plump body in the air, it was able to hover in place with its own strength. Before he departed from the inn, the student ordered a cup of coffee, then rushed off to the renowned academy.


Upon his arrival at the academy, he was skimming over the schedule in his hand. Danny only studied two subjects, since keeping few priorities was more manageable. He did indeed have two classes which focused on the two parent subjects, the classes were broad and a lot of information was skimmed over. To supplement the students’ need for knowledge in more depth, child classes which taught different aspects of their parents. To sum it up, out of the many choices, Danny chose the courses; Mind-reading, Clairvoyance, Animal Instincts, Anatomy, and Art. Five courses was easy to operate off of, he excelled mostly in the first two. His main goal was to learn how to operate off of the few resources he had, without straining his weakened mind. Over the past few years, he has been sent to the hall of healers for collapsing in the middle of his insorcery courses.

Hopefully, this year, he would progress in his studies and techniques. He looked at the faces amongst the crowd with a nostalgic feeling. ”I wonder how many of them are first years. I bet they’ll be amazed by the headmaster’s annual greeting he gives.” Finks thought to himself as he took his own place in the ocean of students. The avian steadied itself in the middle of the air next to him and waited expectantly for the old man’s cheerful face appear before them. Once the man of the hour stood before the body, he gave his ordinary speech, somehow captivating all of the new students. It was over as soon it had started, as it was a relatively short announcement. As the body began to disperse, he decided to venture to his first course of the day, taking a sip out of his beverage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jedly
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Jedly Espresso Drinker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Alexander entered the assembly, he immediately felt his mystical senses being overwhelmed. He seen and felt the sheer amount of magical users, and even "heard" the ones who weren't in his line of sight. It remember of him the first time Madame Lily had one of her parties, except she had no more than twenty people of great magical power, where as this time it felt like there were millions of people with relatively weak magical power. However, he remembered what she said, "Control your power, lest it control you." so, he did as she instructed when he first had a similar issue with his powers. He closed his eyes, and immediately more sounds flooded his thoughts. He then focused on himself, and allowed the other sounds leave his mind and then heard one "ding" that came from his own mind. He opened his eyes to see that he no longer sensed the multitudes of people and was now only sensing himself. After that, he stopped focusing on himself and his mystical sense went numb as it should be.

Alexander wasn't partially impressed by the headmaster's entrance, as he seen better. He looked through his schedule one last time; history, language, math, poetry, theater, insorcery, and pytholomancy. Language and history were the two classes he dreaded the most. He never did like history all that much, most of it is just wars and war, and that other war with politics mixed in. And his writing had fallen behind pretty drastically while the Fae, and he barely learnt it with his parents. His parents. He then moved on. Math was ok. He wasn't the best at it, but he should be able to pass it. Poetry and theater probably would require writing to pass it, but he felt it would be worth it. He thought his magical classes were going to be fun. "Fun" he thought. "This is going to be a fun year."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Traitor
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Traitor under cardiac arrest

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Not far from the little show the headmaster was putting up a tall, pink-haired girl casually leaned against a wall, looking at the confused and amazed crowd with an amused expression. "If that's enough to surprise the newbies nowadays, they'll have a shocking time here..." she thought to herself, yet speaking it out at a regular volume, as if to confirm her own train of thought. Elizabeth flipped what looked like a shining, metallic coin-shaped object and caught it with the same hand, still looking at the growing crowd of people. Why did she come here again, she wondered for half a second. She wasn't on duty, sadly, so there was neither a particularly good reason to waste time around here nor a particularly good chance to start something fun.
Oh, right. She remembered that the tower would remain closed until after the welcoming ceremonial nonsense for the freshlings, that she was bored out of her mind and came here to check out the new faces. While there were quite a bunch, none of them really caught her eye. "Boring.", the girl proclaimed after a while of looking and mustering.

Now the quiet time was over again. This was both blessing and curse, as Liza enjoyed having most of the Academy for herself during summer, but also couldn't stand the quiet any longer. There's only so much satisfaction to get out of metal hitting metal and she even kind of missed just hanging out around the scared first timers. Her schedule didn't change much from the last weeks, save for the added shifts of being a part-time guardian, which was another little something she was looking forward to. Theory class sucked but at everyone had to put up with it, and since it was Automancy she'd probably somehow make it through. She was still unsure wether or not to sign up for some Outsorcery courses, with a strong tendency to no. She flipped her 'coin' one last time before stowing it away in a pocket and crossing her arms, waiting for the waves of students pouring in to diminish.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Banned Seen 7 days ago

Lovedaia concentrated on the leaf, focused on it, became the leaf or something to that effect. She willed it to rise, to flutter into the air with a push of her mind. The red edges quivered, the stem trembled, and then it flipped over like a lazy acrobat with an irritating scraping noise. Lovedaia was about to celebrate her immense success when she felt the coolness of a breeze caress her skin.

“Damnit!” she howled, stomping her foot all over the leaf until it was nothing but a million red squares on the stained ground. “Stupid magic. I didn’t want you to work anyways.”

Lovedaia wasn’t the best at magic, quite the opposite really, and the fact that she couldn’t move a leaf irritated her. She was Lovedaia Marden – that leaf should be freaking worshipping her. Or so that was her biased, petulant belief. Groaning under her breath, she continued on her walk to the open space where a vast amount of annoying kids were gathered, clueless except for those returning. It was hard to pass them and she shoved her elbow into several students’ kidneys to ensure herself a front row seat to the Headmaster’s superb appearance.

Many of the students scowled at her, but she ignored them in favor of glancing around for the Headmaster to come. This was her least favorite part, but yet she needed to challenge herself. If she could do this, she could do anything…maybe even magic. Lovedaia nodded to herself in affirmation – if she doesn’t get scared this time, she will definitely be able to do magic. Her logic wasn’t exactly the most coherent. Nevertheless, she planted both feet firmly on the ground, bent her knees and prepared herself whilst sucking in a deep breath through her nostrils.

“Welcome one and all,” a voice bellowed next to her and Lovedaia leapt three feet into the air before landing on her sensitive backside.

“OW~ Ow, ow ow!” she hissed. It took her a moment to realize what this meant – she had been frightened once again. Disappointment fell into her gut. “I guess I’ll have to wait till next year.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Billie waited for something to happened. Anything. Standing in a crowd of people was never her strong suit. Crowds of any kind were never her strong suit. She even found it hard to be surprised by the strange Headmaster's words. It was something her mother would have done. Super flashy and unnecessary. She sighed, trying not to freak out because of the mass amount of people around her, all of them probably better than her.

It was a pretty regular thing. After all, Billie was one of the lowest of her class. Her entrance exam over the summer hadn't exactly inspired much hope. She was in the freshmen classes even though she was clearly older than most of the students there. Still, she was trying and that was all that mattered, right? Even if everything blew up in her face.

She bit her lip, trying her best to get out of the crowd and into a more... secluded area of sorts. She wasn't a loner... She just hated crowds. She always had. Something about feeling lost... She shook her head and quickly made her way down to the stables to check on Eva, more worried about the horse she hadn't seen all day than meeting with any of the other students...

She paused at the door, memories coming back to her from this morning.

"...Try to make some friends? For me?"

The face of her mother, those worried eyes staring her down. She'd promised... Letting out a frustrated groan, Billie turned around, a scowl on her face no doubt, as she looked around the room for someone to talk to. She noticed a blonde girl sitting on the ground and decided to walk over to her, offering a hand to the younger female. "Surprised?" Billie asked with her hand held out to the girl. "I would have been had I not been.. preoccupied by other things..." She explained, her voice trailing off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Zombehs said

The Headmaster, deciding that a nice little stroll was in order after the start of a good day, caught wind of an argument a little off near the entrance. Shaking his head at the thought of people so eager to cause trouble on the first day, he began to grin all over again as he caught sight of the perpetrators of the disturbance in question.

An unimportant guard (seemed new, as the Headmaster didn't recognize him) and Veilie Sturm, a promising if not hot-tempered weaponsmith and one of the many students that Render decided to keep his eyes on for various reasons.

Taking a single step, the world shifted around Render again, he was beside Veilie in a second (Gods above he loved this spell) "So, what seems to be the problem here?" he asked, smiling but with a brow raised.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Veili had taken to closing his eyes while waiting for the mess to be sorted out, blotting out most of the sounds that filled the air. His eyes opened slowly, a sign of disrespect some would say, at the sound of his name and shifted towards the old man. While he never called the Headmaster that aloud, that was the title Veili had decided on for the weathered, yet capable elder. He pushed off the wall to stand at his own two feet, and as he did so, an annoying sound reached his ears. “Ah, Headmaster!” The guard had noticed Render’s appearance and was now rushing forward, trying to get his side of the story in first. He didn't need to; Veili was more than happy to let the other man explain. “This student here was stopped because of the suspicious bundle he was carrying,” the guard continued on after coming to a halt in front of the two of them, gesturing at the sword Veili had embedded into the ground. “Upon discovering it was a weapon, I asked for confirmation that this Veili Sturm is indeed authorized to carry such things around school grounds, and was simply awaiting a reply.”

‘Tch.’ It seemed like the guard could act with a sense of professionalism in the presence of his superiors. With a small scowl, Veili nevertheless shrugged his shoulders, agreeing that what had been said was pretty much the truth. “I am on a schedule though,” he mentioned as he strolled over and tore the blade from its place in the earth. “You know what I’m authorized to do Headmaster, can we just end this farce here?” He was still angry at the guard for the hassle that had been called, but with the Headmaster around Veili was willing to keep his emotions in check. The old man had never once been, even slightly, perturbed by the sight of Veili angry and he had quickly learned that to deal with the man was best done calmly, or at least with the appearance of.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shifter_Master
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Shifter_Master Atrast Nal Tunsha

Member Seen 2 days ago

Adam was frustrated; his search for an intelligent discussion had brought him nothing but disappointment. It seemed to him that everyone here was still wrapped up in the childish grandeur of returning to school or whining that their break was over. Moving to the front of the crowd that was currently heading into the school he tried to calm himself and remember that not everyone had the same goal as him, still the lack conversation dealing with magic was disappointing. He had hoped he would be able to find someone to trade ideas with this year, as his own research was starting to stagnate.

With a sigh Adam brushed those thoughts away from his mind and pulled out what looked like a small journal upon opening it however it was revealed to be his schedule for the year if anyone was reading it over his shoulder they would realize that he was in effectively every class, he had no day off just a few hours of free time a day not counting time for food or sleep. After a small nod to himself he murmured quietly both his schedule and the book he had been reading vanishing in to thin air as he did. ‘Disregard others’ he thought ‘focus only on the goal’
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Banned Seen 7 days ago

HylianRose said
Billie waited for something to happened. Anything. Standing in a crowd of people was never her strong suit. Crowds of any kind were never her strong suit. She even found it hard to be surprised by the strange Headmaster's words. It was something her mother would have done. Super flashy and unnecessary. She sighed, trying not to freak out because of the mass amount of people around her, all of them probably better than her. It was a pretty regular thing. After all, Billie was one of the lowest of her class. Her entrance exam over the summer hadn't exactly inspired much hope. She was in the freshmen classes even though she was clearly older than most of the students there. Still, she was trying and that was all that mattered, right? Even if everything blew up in her face. She bit her lip, trying her best to get out of the crowd and into a more... secluded area of sorts. She wasn't a loner... She just hated crowds. She always had. Something about feeling lost... She shook her head and quickly made her way down to the stables to check on Eva, more worried about the horse she hadn't seen all day than meeting with any of the other students...She paused at the door, memories coming back to her from this morning.The face of her mother, those worried eyes staring her down. She'd promised... Letting out a frustrated groan, Billie turned around, a scowl on her face no doubt, as she looked around the room for someone to talk to. She noticed a blonde girl sitting on the ground and decided to walk over to her, offering a hand to the younger female. Billie asked with her hand held out to the girl. She explained, her voice trailing off.

“Surprised?” another voice decided to startle the girl and Lovedaia would have surely bolted ten feet to the left and slightly up into the air if not for the fact she was still on her posterior. Either unperturbed or unnoticing her widening eyes and stiff spine, the blonde girl continued, “I would have been had I not been..preoccupied by other things…”

“Gods, don’t just come out of nowhere like that!” Lovedaia gasped, clutching at her fast beating heart. When it slowed a second later, she struggled to her feet, nearly falling over, but righting herself at the last minute.

Taking a moment, Lovedaia studied the girl. She was taller than herself and had long wheat-colored hair that had a slight wave to it. Her skin was tan and her nose sharp. Lovedaia couldn’t remember seeing this girl, ever, and decided that friends were good, friends were great, friends were easy to man-i-pu-late. Also because Lovedaia didn’t have any friends and really wanted something to do this year instead of climbing trees simply to overhear conversations and laugh about them.

Clasping her hands behind her back and leaning forward slightly, Lovedaia smiled. “Hello! I’m Lovedaia or you can call me Lufu…or Lovedaia. It really doesn’t matter. Who’re you? What are you studying? I’m studying pythomancy – are you perhaps studying pythomancy? That would be so awesome if we both studied pythomancy! Uh, what did you say your name was?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jedly
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Jedly Espresso Drinker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Once Danny had finished the hot beverage, he disposed of the cup in a nearby garbage bin. Without a second’s delay, a small plume of fire flew up until it reached the brim, where it then died out. Karma users which acted as janitors who monitored the campus and kept it clean to keep a good image. He adjusted the scarf and loosened it to his liking, staying physically comforted was a building block to ensuring one’s sanity. ”Might as well go check on my room, I don't need to check with any professors yet. What do I have first tomorrow?” He wracked his mind for some fragment of a memory, something to pursue the answer off of. [i]”Damn, I’ve excelled at reading others’ minds, but when it comes to my own, I just draw a blank.” Finks stopped in his tracks and pondered on what he would be starting the day with. It would have been easier to just check his schedule, but this was more of a test to the student rather than a simple query.

Eve hovered to his right, tilting her head expectantly, waiting for him to have an epiphany of sorts. Danny could not concentrate over the bird’s incessant flapping and glanced up at the avian. He stared at Eve for a few seconds, then snapped his fingers, “Oh yeah, I have a pythomancy based class first.” The bird let out a joyful chirp, then all of a sudden, something had caught her attention. The caladrius began staring off towards a crowd of first year students, clustered together without an escort. Danny analyzed the gathering of children for something that was drawing the royal bird’s eyes. He narrowed his eyes at one student, dressed in a full set of drapes. The kid had a hacking cough, his eyes were irritated and his face was flustered with a bright red.

“I’ll catch up with you, Eve.”

Is what Danny would have said, if the bird hadn’t already torpedoed itself towards the crowd. Some of the students were caught off guard by the caladrius’ sudden arrival, the sets of childish eyes follow the bird’s. Finks jogged over and knelt down next to the student, he attempted to comfort the boy. From his standpoint, it looked like a common cold which had been given too much time to develop. ”This’ll be a simple task for Eve.” He looked back at the white-feathered bird and gave a commanding nod. The bird propped itself on Danny’s shoulder and opened its wings wide, as if it was an invitation. Within a moment, a green aura, little balls of light, flew from the outside of the boy’s throat in between Eve’s feathers. Once the process was complete, the bird flew off towards the sky to disperse the illness safely. The caladrius was a bird which possessed the ability to cleanse one’s body of illnesses. But it could only cure minor things such as colds and recent infections without putting a strain on itself.

Danny let out a sigh as he stood up, running his hand through his hair. He opened his eye and noticed the awestruck expression on all of the first years’ faces. He ocularly scanned the whole entire crowd, only one student wasn’t wearing the normal attire. The boy had brown hair and green eyes, he somewhat resembled when he was younger. ”Come on Finks, you have to stop this awkward atmosphere somehow.” The student rubbed the back of his head, thinking of an icebreaker. “Um… What class are you all in? And where is your escort to your dormitory?” One of the students closest to him decided to speak up, ”We're in the third class of first years. The old man said he had to go back to the teachers’ office to get some supplies.” Danny nodded and motioned for the students to follow him. He had some spare time before he would have to check on his own abode. One of the students tugged on his shirt and asked him about the bird. The query was then follow by a bombardment of others, it was a hassle for Danny to answer all of them. He replied in a low, soft voice, like usual, “Erm.. The bird you saw was a caladrius, a royal bird which has healing properties. It can tell whether a person will make a full recovery or not, and can heal minor cases.” He continued to answer the questions as they walked to the class, most of which concerned the school and how to get by in its system.

”Hey, why are you wearing that eye patch?”

Danny stopped walking and turned around with a trouble expression. ”There’s no way I can tell them all the truth. Some of them could be aspiring to being insorcerers, it’d be too much of a shock for them.” Luckily for Finks, they had arrived at their stop. “I’ll get back to you all later about that. Just wait here for your teacher, he'll help you unpack. Good luck on your first day.” The student nodded to the group and walked off to another complex. In all honesty, what he had just pulled was a mixture of slyness and good timing. He proceeded to make his way to his own homage through the courtyard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Zombehs said
Veili had taken to closing his eyes while waiting for the mess to be sorted out, blotting out most of the sounds that filled the air. His eyes opened slowly, a sign of disrespect some would say, at the sound of his name and shifted towards the old man. While he never called the Headmaster that aloud, that was the title Veili had decided on for the weathered, yet capable elder. He pushed off the wall to stand at his own two feet, and as he did so, an annoying sound reached his ears. “Ah, Headmaster!” The guard had noticed Render’s appearance and was now rushing forward, trying to get his side of the story in first. He didn't need to; Veili was more than happy to let the other man explain. “This student here was stopped because of the suspicious bundle he was carrying,” the guard continued on after coming to a halt in front of the two of them, gesturing at the sword Veili had embedded into the ground. “Upon discovering it was a weapon, I asked for confirmation that this Veili Sturm is indeed authorized to carry such things around school grounds, and was simply awaiting a reply.” It seemed like the guard could act with a sense of professionalism in the presence of his superiors. With a small scowl, Veili nevertheless shrugged his shoulders, agreeing that what had been said was pretty much the truth. he mentioned as he strolled over and tore the blade from its place in the earth. He was still angry at the guard for the hassle that had been called, but with the Headmaster around Veili was willing to keep his emotions in check. The old man had never once been, even slightly, perturbed by the sight of Veili angry and he had quickly learned that to deal with the man was best done calmly, or at least with the appearance of.

The Headmaster nodded in confirmation. "I'll have to apologize on the guards behalf," said the Headmaster, looking straight at Veili. "He's and unfamiliar with some of the privileges certain students have. In any case, this won't happen again, correct?"

At the questioning look the Headmaster gave him, the guard snapped to attention and nodded firmly. Render, satisfied, returned to Veili. "As for you, Veili, I'm sure you were informed that trafficking your wares through the front gate on a school day was discouraged, or did you not get that note?" said the Headmaster, raising a gray brow. He did not discourage what Veili did for a living, but there were certain standards to follow, and some of the younger students would definitely be intimidated by the things he carried around, which wasn't a very good way to start the year.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alexander who lost stumbled into a group that looked to be taking the same course as himself and were about the same age as himself. He then noticed a strange man with a magic bird who was unfamiliar with, though he was told it was a magical, healing bird who can predict if you get well or not. Interesting. The man appeared to be calm, patient and willing to take to the other kids, though Alexander said quite merely out of a lack of things to say. However as soon as the eye-patch was brought up, he panic'ed and ran off.

Alexander decided to follow him, which was rather easy considering the guy appeared have never ran a day in his live whereas for Alexander running and jogging were a daily activity. As he started, Alexander shouted out towards the guy, "Hey, guy with the Caladrius, where are you going?" He have noticed when was talking early, just before he left he got a flash of grey and yellow together. Grey tending to mean ambiguous, or morally grey while yellow often meaning deception, lies, or something to that effect, so together they tended to mean a half-truth or half-truths. "I know you're hiding something." he said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Excidius


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Auguste mingled his way through the courtyard. Smiling warmly at new faces and winking or high-fiving returnees. As per tradition, he had prepared pastries : donuts, cream puffs, cinnamon buns, pie-pockets... A student named it, he had it! Contrary to popular speculation, he had NOT used any automancy on kitchen tools; his wares were a labor of love and so contained copious amounts of sweat and insomnia. He did however allow himself use of his self-replenishing box of goodies. Close the lid, tap it once, and it filled itself up from the linked cooler in the Aledine kitchens. His general view on magic was to use as little as possible, but for freshness and sanitary reasons, this was ok. « I see a lot of new faces that don't have sweets stuffed in them... and it makes me sad! », he shouted. First days were always so amusing to him. The new apprentices usually thought him to be a clown, which Oggie took some pride in. The fact remained that there was no better moment to make a good impression on the students. They all underestimated how difficult the academy could be on them; the freshmen thought it was going to be fun and games whereas returnees thought they knew what to expect. But Auguste remembered his own student days. Every year was more challenging than the last. Success, failure, fights, highs, lows... It was such a roller coaster ride. He was thankful to have the opportunity to be there for the « minions », as he liked to call the students.

As he made his way through the crowd he caught a glimpse of Adam, an overambitious student he had been tutoring since day 1. What a remarkable student. The boy had drive Auguste had rarely seen before and was capable even at a young age of quite the feats. The guidance counselor always kept hope he could sway him away from the stress of success... Perhaps this year? « Oy! Adam! », he yelled, hurling a chocolate eclair in the boy's direction. Oops. The student vanished and the pastry smacked another in the face. « Uh oh... » Auguste pivoted and spotted Mr Petrie, a mundane who taught Math. « Take this and pass them out! If it's empty you close it, tap it and VOILÀ! I mean, until there's none left. Well, you'll see. It's enchanted, so don't worry, it's not about you, it's about the box! » He felt so bad for the student he was rambling. After thrusting the box into the poor math teacher's hands he darted off to the eclaired student.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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Apokalipse said

“Gods, don’t just come out of nowhere like that!” Lovedaia gasped, clutching at her chest. Billie raised a brow at the girl, a smile growing on her lips. She pulled up her hands, mocking an invisible clip board.

"Scares easily. Noted." Billie responded, chuckling at herself. Billie grinned, watching the girl attempt to stand up. She guessed she could get used to friends if they were all this amusing.

Leaning forward, the girl spewed out a plethora of words, "“Hello! I’m Lovedaia or you can call me Lufu…or Lovedaia. It really doesn’t matter. Who’re you? What are you studying? I’m studying pythomancy – are you perhaps studying pythomancy? That would be so awesome if we both studied pythomancy! Uh, what did you say your name was?”" Billie could only blink, a bit shocked by the lung capacity of this girl, Lovedaia? Yeah, she'd be calling her Lufu.

"Woah, woah! Calm down there. One question at a time." Billie called out, motioning her hands as if to tell the girl to stop. "It's nice to meet you, Lufu. I'm Bille." She began, grinning sweetly at the girl. "I'm studying a few things, actually. Alchemy, Pythomancy, and Outsorcery. So, yes. I'm studying Pythomancy." She continued, making gestures with her hands again, an odd habit. One she'd have to soon stop. "And... I haven't told you my name until just now..." Billie finished, giving the girl a weird look. "What about you? Study anything other than Pythomancy? By the way... do you know exactly what we're doing right now? I mean... I've already been to my room and everything's pretty much settled so..." She trailed off, wiggling a bit as she twisted from side to side on her toes. "What do we do now? Just... hang out?" She asked. If so, she'd much rather just bring someone down to meet her horse. She just wanted to check up on her... It wouldn't take long... but... would the girl even want to?

Billie looked the girl over. Short blonde hair, fair skin, light blue eyes... She didn't seem like the type to really even like the outdoors. A grin grew over Billie's face as she thought of taking the poor girl out for a horse ride sometime. What sort of faces she'd make. Smiling, she waited for the girl to respond.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Veili refrained from sighing at the Headmaster’s straight forward response and simply nodded in acceptance instead. In the midst of carefully rewrapping his creation in the cloth, he looked back up when he was once again addressed. Finishing what he had started, he grabbed the ends of the cloth firmly before setting the weapon on his shoulder and looking straight into the older man’s eyes. “I figured since it was the first day, which isn’t really so much a school day as it is a “get to know things” day, it wouldn’t be so much of an issue.” He waved his hands at the crowd around the two of them as if to emphasize the point. There were a crowd of onlookers, no doubt from the scene that had been caused, but the majority of students were content to go along their merry way and ignore the delinquent looking boy.

“Yes I’m skirting the rules,” he admitted as he continued to meet the Headmaster’s gaze, “but if some students can’t handle the sight of a single, wrapped-up longsword, than I really question why they are here.” And Veili truly believed that, even if it was a bit harsh. What was a piece of plain metal in comparison to the sight of a roaring inferno contained in the palm of someone’s hand, or the ability to peer into someone’s deepest secrets. “Look, I’m not saying I’m going to parade around with my entire collection, but is this really hurting anyone?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Zombehs said

Render paid no mind to the guard who began protesting indignantly about what he perceived as rudeness on Veili's part. The Headmaster understood that the teen was blunt and straightforward, with the same disregard for formality that the Headmaster has. Still, there were words to be said.

"Yes indeed, it is a 'get-to-know' kind of day, which is all the more reason for you to not wave those things around. I understand what you're thinking, but it's not up to you to decide how much people can handle. Is it that hard to figure out that there are, in fact, children here? Children that do not come from hard lives?

"Perhaps you are right, and perhaps you are really not hurting anyone, but these restrictions are here for reasons. You were given the privilege of being a student that can come and go sell your products at your leisure, so at the very least, can you follow the rules set in place. Steps must be taken."

Render Wiser looked at Veili, waiting for a response. In terms of how what a person could see and handle; steps had to be taken. It couldn't all happen with everyone at one time. Not everyone was that strong, and until they were, the rules would still apply.
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