Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

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Alexander had been walking for at least three days in game and if ithadn't been for his high stamina he would have been beat. However as things were going he was slowly approaching a town on a lower level as far as he knew, "I hate this stupid map system its to damn hard to keep track of where you are." Alexander kept walking and as he did he bumped into a woman who seemed to be talking with two other guys, "...Sorry..." He looked straight down hoping she wouldn't recognize him...hoping that name wouldn't follow him here. He skated past them both and put his hood up revealing his scythe hanging on his back. "Um...Yeah...Sorry..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Sol laughed into the strange knights face, "So the unchivalrous knight awakens at last, i would ask you how you managed to become AFK in SAO but it doesn't really matter. You don't seem to remember the part where you can't kill someone in a city unless its in a duel. Anyway i brought you here to aplogize to this beautiful women that you callously left in an unsafe condition on the road where anything or anyone could have just walked up and attacked her. Valid enough reason for you knight?" Sol said scornfully.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by obitokizuke
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He'd turn his head and seemed to be scanning something with his eyes as he looked around and then gauged distance. He seemed to be looking at a large bell that was about three stories up. "Fly." He says as he stepped forward and then tossed him putting a good amount of force behind it. He didn't care if he reached or even hit his target, he simply wished to be rid of the nuisance. "You know not of my code of honor." He says as he began walking away from the boy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

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makarov said
Alexander had been walking for at least three days in game and if ithadn't been for his high stamina he would have been beat. However as things were going he was slowly approaching a town on a lower level as far as he knew, "I hate this stupid map system its to damn hard to keep track of where you are." Alexander kept walking and as he did he bumped into a woman who seemed to be talking with two other guys, "...Sorry..." He looked straight down hoping she wouldn't recognize him...hoping that name wouldn't follow him here. He skated past them both and put his hood up revealing his scythe hanging on his back. "Um...Yeah...Sorry..."

"your fine, really" sebastian said with a smile as he glanced over the weapon and instantly knew who the man was. "ah such a famous man in such a desolate place what could be the problem for you? Prehaps I can help" sebastian said as his intentions of recruiting all that he saw as valuable were rising again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

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Alexander turned his bright blue eyes almost glowing, "You can help me find a smith who can shape Shadow Steel?" Alexander looked rather interested now so much so that he removed his hood to show his bright blonde hair. "My smith...she perished a few months ago...I have been looking for a new one ever since then..." Alexnader raised an eyebrow in sucspicion, "If you know who I am...Why would you want to talk to me? Aren't you afraid of the Curse they all say I have..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Soma chuckled. "I know of one. She has literally maxed out her smithing skill, so she can even shape Dragon Scales and Dragon Bones." He looked at Alexander. "I was just about to go see her, if you wanna join."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

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"I'm not afriad of your curse, and you should know why, maybe you've heard of me as well, the leader of the guild imortalis, you of all people would understand why I would desire to meet you" sebastian said as he looked over the man, he was exactly how he pictured alexander the great but younger and it made he all the more curious. "mason perhaps you can help this man" sebastian said looking to his friend with a bit more of a smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Marx walked around town hoping to find this Mason character. " She must be tough if an assassin needs to be hired." Marx mumbled to him self. He started to notice a few people starring at his name. Marx started to get a little pissed off ( Hope I can say that) from all the glares of hatred. "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT!!!" Marx shouted to the countless number of people and stomped out of town.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Sol laughed as he flew through the air, to think that some poeple had to pay for this kind of expierence, Sol nimbly landed on the bell causing a loud ringing sound, Sol waved at the knight and cried out mockingly "Fun ride do i get to go again?" He didn't think that annoying knight had even heard from way down there but whatever. Sol looked around from where he was, wow he could see the entire city from way up here. His eye's honed in on Alexander the infamous cursed player, talking with Sebastion a guild leader, could this be what he thought it was, a guild that finally had enough guts to ask Alexander the Cursed to join? Intresting

Sol did a quick character check on the girl next him who he didn't recongnize, the girl seemed to be one of the rare players with max leveled smithing. His weapon really needed an upgrade he was having difficulty dealing with the monsters this high level, what he really want was to reforge his weapon out of ghost steel so he could slice past armour but he had no idea where to find it. He quickly made his way over there and introduced himself. "Hi my name is Sol and my weapon has been lacking lately i was hoping you could tell me where I could find some materials to improve and of course if i could employ your services."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"It's been a while since I've done any kind of smithing, but I think I can do something." Mason said walking to stand by Sebastian. She was still tiny compared to him but she seemed to have grown a few more inches since she disappeared.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

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Alexander's eyes went wide with a bit of shock and then a slight smile covered his lips, "I'll make you a deal...if my scythe gets reforged to my level...I'm in your Guild..." Alexander knew it was a tough thing to do, Shadow Steel wasn't part of the normal smithing perktree it was a extra perk that you learned from a limited time quest, people with the skill were super rare. "I'll fight as your left hand...your destroyer...but make me a deal...If the day comes and it all goes bad...if our guild is in danger...let me sacrifice myself for the guild...I don't want to survive a fourth time..." As sol arrived Alexander regarded him with a smile, "Morning..." He hoped he didn't scare Sol off, being The Reaper did that allot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Soma looked at Alexander. "If you'd like, I can get my blacksmith to fix your scythe for you. She literally took every quest to get all the smithing skills, so she can forge Shadow Steel."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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"You scare me?" Sol asked incredisously. "Your one of the coolest players around, those idiots that call you the Reaper just don't get it. You've survived the breakdown of three guilds, that's incrediable. You have one of the coolest weapons, and your one of the highest level players right now. I know it must've been hard going through all that but you're a legend now," then Sol said somewhat wistfully under his breath "I wish i could be a legend like that" Then he shook his head and looked at Alexander again "So you finally joining another guild? Well at least you choose a good one, i hear Silver Reins is the top guild right now."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaithas
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Kaithas One Jump Man

Member Seen 11 mos ago

IC: And there both of them went. Haunt smiled as he limped off toward the center of town, his halfway boosted Battle Healing gradually fixing the cut on his face.

Was that... Was that the Reaper? He'd heard of legends about him before, twas pretty much the only person who could challenge Haunt in terms of raw speed. Would be interesting to meet him face to face. Haunt had no desire to be a legend, when you're a legend you're a target for every scrub who thinks he's bad@$$.

He wouldn't mind seeing what the "legend" was actually like, though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by obitokizuke
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Travelstar ran his fingers along Arondight.. He could feel it's whispering through the armor and his skin.. 'destroy...' his eyelids slowly lowered. "Destroy.." He muttered under his own breath.. "That dragon.." He mutters as his head slowly tilted to the side. He could feel his soul creaking , slowly twisting inside him as he began to slowly grin. "Let's go.. Arondight..." He mutters as he lurched forward slowly before running full sprint off , sheathing Arondight on his back as it generated a cloak over his shoulder.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"Silver Reins is a nightmare actually. Don't get involved with them." Mason said, even if she was the person who created Silver Reins she hated that guild with her life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sebastian was almost drooling at the response, but hearing his last remark he started to wonder, his guild falling never occurred to him but it seemed so real with hi always gone until a fight shows up so it could happen. Still he was sure it wouldn't happen any time soon. Grunting at mason as he sent a friend request to Alexander he tried to keep a straight face. "we'll message you when it's time" He said as he began to walk mason. "now what do we need? I am willing to go get it for such an awesome team mate" HE said with his old smile looking down towards her but she seemed taller. "hey what happened you're bigger you can't do that I have to be the big guy here"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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James chuckled. "If you want I can make you feel really small." He grinned. "All I have to do is equip my armor."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

arowne97 said
James chuckled. "If you want I can make you feel really small." He grinned. "All I have to do is equip my armor."

" judging by your sword I think you like want the bigger the better so I'll just agree with you there" sebastian said with a grin towards the other boy "you should always have your armor on anyway hehehe"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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James grinned, knowing he'd instantly be recognized as his nickname, the Dragon Slayer, once he put on his armor. He brought up his menu, and equipped his armor and sword. His armor was made of dragon scales and dragon bones, with an inner layer of leather for more comfort, so while wearing it he stood at 6'9" tall.
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