Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

The sun was shining and the birds were making an infuriating racket as classes finally came to an end on this day in Mizumi's female school. It was a day totally without any intrinsic specialness at all; something people would undoubtedly forget as their lives stretched on and individual school-days blurred into a contiguous mass. For now, though, it was a paradisical day where the weather was the perfect combination of warm and breezy, whilst lessons had only been half the day due to being Saturday. Now, it was time for clubs.

In a nekomata's case, she remained seated and waited for the day's teacher to pick her up, grumpily accepting the needed tuition--it wasn't that she was stupid, just that she was a whole two schools behind the rest of the class, and needed the help to not spend the next decade doing nothing but highschool classes. Still, Koneko wasn't really the best student, and in the warm weather, the long-haired catgirl was drifting off in her window seat, using her arms as a pillow. Maybe she'd get lucky and spend the lesson in a more interesting club...

Over by the door, a member of the baking club was sat, cross-legged, and waiting for a lift towards her intended destination. Sometimes she didn't get any help at all... but most of the time, at least one class member helped the smallest girl out, carrying her over to the clubrooms and sparing her the task of having to walk over there herself. Admittedly, she was a speedy little thing, but the doors were trouble and there was always the risk of being trodden on to consider...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


A pale, slight hand came down to carefully lift Kaede off the desk.

"Honda-kun," Shiori began, with a serious expression on her face. It was important to be prepared in school, after all. Shiori herself was quite prepared, up to and including a few thick books so she could reach things without needing to ask for help. She wasn't the kind of vampire who could fly, after all. "You should be more prepared, and have someone ready to take you to clubs after classes!"

The tiny teacher waggled her finger. Responsibility was important, very much so! It was why she did her best to project such a responsible image when she was teaching, or interacting with students in general. She didn't want them to take away some bad influence from her. Certainly, there were some times where she let herself unwind, but for now she was going to be strongly projecting the image of a competent and responsible teacher who did everything she could to make sure school was a productive experience for the students! "It would be no good at all if you got missed and didn't make it to your club, after all. But I've got you this time."

The childish vampire's expression faded from serious to a smile. "And I'm sure today's baking club will be full of fun!"

With that, Shiori raised her free hand and waved to the still-seated nekomata girl in the room. "Tsukihime-kun, come along!"

Ayano's motions were swift and practiced. She stood, slid her seat in, and straightened. Her bag was gathered up, and the black-haired girl quietly adjusted her glasses before turning and heading to the door. She was going to try and be the first to the book club, as well, in order to try and get things nice and situated so that she could ensure the club meeting would go off without a hitch. The Book Club wasn't very large, but it had a fair number of members and to put it simply Ayano had to ensure that the meetings were nice and pleasant for everyone involved. She felt it was the responsible thing to do. The girl made her way swiftly out of the classroom, passing her fellow students, and even the (mini)teacher.

"Goodbye, Karpathy-sensei," she bid her teacher farewell until Monday. Her pronunciation of the foreign surname was accented, but clear. Ayano had done her best to ensure she was good at pronouncing words from other languages, even if she was really only at the average level of competence for English(and certainly actually speaking Hungarian, the origin of the Karpathy surname, was out of her grasp). In any case, she was swiftly out the door and heading down the hall to the book club's meeting room.

Sakurako uncoiled her tail, rising and proceeding to slither out from behind her desk. Ah, the dull part of the day was over... Sure, Karpathy was pretty adorable for a teacher, but it didn't make lessons any more exciting. No, what Sakurako was really looking forward to was the club meeting after classes. She'd be able to get back to rocking out, at last! It'd been too long since the last session... which had only been yesterday, but still. Too long! The Light Music Club was basically pretty damn fun as far as the naga was concerned. She casually waved to the teacher on the way out.

"See you, Karpathy-sensei," she added, before slithering out the door entirely. Alright, so... after club, how to plan her day? There were plenty of options, and many of them included prolonged time with very cute girls, meaning they were options with the most possible benefits. There was no way Sakurako planned on just going home after the club meeting, except maybe to change out of her school uniform. There was, to put it quite simply, way to much to do. Which included homework, but screw homework.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Art of Fun
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Art of Fun oh dear

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Yori's chair slid back as she stood, her full height making her stand out even in a class with a naga in it.

Patience is a virtue, one which Yori really did not enjoy maintaining. She's an attentive and hard working student, but she wasn't the academic type in the slightest - that's why she had to make an active effort in classes to actually absorb any of the information. For her efforts, she maintained above-average grades, acceptable in her eyes so long as she excelled in other areas. Not to mention she'd feel pretty bad for not trying in Karpathy's lessons, the small teacher clearly put a lot of effort into teaching so it's only fair that Yori returned the favour.

"Good bye, sensei." The tall girl nodded to her teacher in passing, a tense gesture that was characteristic of Yori. Tense was a good word to describe her mannerisms, always with a hint of caution.

Yori made her way through busy post-lesson halls of the school, destination Judo club. The name Aragaki Yori and Judo were especially synonymous with one another, she was one of its most skilled and senior members. She wasn't the captain, but goodness if she wasn't treated like it sometimes. She was good, but she lacked the more social skills required to be a captain, instead taking the role of instructor and aid to the captain.

Outside of Judo Yori's social life was near non-existant, not that she had anyone to blame other than herself for that. She'd been asked to hang out plenty of times by goodness knows how many people, but declined each time - part because she felt it was a waste of time and part because she didn't want to disappoint people. The idea of 'cool' was often associated with her from the younger girls, and she certainly didn't want to give them the knowledge that she was actually a massive dork with a love for repairing cars and motorcycles. Let them think she's a quiet butt-kicking machine one-hundred percent.

Ignorance is bliss, after all.

This meant that after Judo club, she had the entire day to herself. She could continue to train, head down to the garage, or lay on her bed for the evening...

A heavy sigh came from Yori, closing her eyes briefly. Maybe she should take up one of those offers some day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnendingEmpire
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UnendingEmpire bye~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

At long last, classes were done for the day. Today there was a thing with the Theatrical Club. Cody would have to go, of course. Getting up to her feet and picking her head up off her desk, the dullahan girl set her head in its rightful(?) place on her shoulders and pushed her chair in. But it didn't necessarily mean she had to be on time. Cody found her class to be rather interesting, even for Mizumi. The teacher could have passed for being younger than her students, there was that nekomata who took extra classes because her education started in high school, among other folks. And of course, there was a dullahan among the lot; as far as Cody could tell, they weren't quite as common as other non-human beasties. And the tiny fairy, too. She always seemed to have problems getting to clubs, and the teacher wound up taking care of it. Today, Cody wanted to lend a hand to her fellow classmates; she hadn't done much for others lately and it was bugging her.

Stepping up to the trio of vampire, fairy, and nekomata, Cody said "I can take her to the Baking Club if you want, sensei. You have other things you need to do, right?"
Another weekend begins, Amaya mentally cheered. Today, she aspired. Today she'd finally fill out those papers for the Undead Research Club! Shuffling through the contents of her bag, she took a quick inventory while searching for the papers. Writing utensils...textbooks...but where were the club forms? Amaya concluded that - unless her bag had developed a portal to the netherworld during class today - they were in fact not here. And since there was no sign of a deathly portal in her bag, there was only one place the forms could be. In her room; she must have forgotten them this morning...again. Getting up to her feet and pushing her chair in, Amaya then made to bolt out of the room right past her vampiric teacher, exclaiming "See you Monday, sensei!" on the way out. What a way to start off the weekend.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 17 hrs ago


"I knew you would be teaching today," Kaede pointed out, squirming out of the small vampire's grip and scampering up her arm, seating herself firmly on the girl's shoulder. Being carried around in someone's hand was... well, for a start it was more than a little demeaning to be carried around like a child's doll, but on top of that, it was nauseating to be swung around as whoever was providing the lift swung their arms. Plus she didn't get a very good view.

On the other hand, the odd short girl--Kazamatsuri, she thought--would probably be staring at her now. She wasn't sure why Nadeshiko had such an interest in here, but it was rather unnerving to have someone that shy look at you regularly.

Straightening her ribbon, the catgirl yawned and got up, moving over to where the little teacher was waiting. In her arms was a rather limp-looking teddy bear, its arms and legs dangling forlornly as the nekomata silently approached the teacher. She was, in Koneko's opinion, by far the cutest teacher in school. Oh, how she'd like to hug her and dress her in an even frillier dress and then go put her on a shelf surrounded by lots of dolls and take a picture. It'd be the cutest thing ever!

She appeared to have stopped paying attention to her surroundings in favour of daydreaming about turning her teacher into an actual doll.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


Shiori certainly didn't mind the tiny girl clambering up her onto the shoulder. She was, naturally, just trying to get her off the desk. She bid farewell to the various students heading out, including the Judo Club's Aragaki Yori and... Kuroi Amaya, who Shiori sometimes found herself somewhat concerned for. She was about to leave, when she realized the dullahan girl had approached her.

"Ah, Macbeth-kun," she began, "Thank you for the offer, but it's not a problem."

She smiled, which had the somewhat accidental result of displaying her fangs. "I'm the baking club's advisor, so it's my duty to handle these kinds of things. Doing anything else would set a bad example. I don't want my students shirking their duties!"

That was, indeed, a point the tiny teacher was quite adamant about. Shiori refused to let her students think she would do such a thing, and as a result she was certain that they would follow her good example and not ignore any of their duties. That was one of many important things about being a good teacher. "Now, Tsukihime-kun..."

She turned to face the catgirl, and immediately noticed that she seemed... distracted. "... Tsukihime-kun?"

Hearing feet behind her, Ayano glanced over her shoulder. Oh, it was... Kuroi. Well, Ayano didn't want to say anything bad about anyone, not at all! But Amaya, well... the girl was very weird. Weirdness could get people in trouble! Being too weird ended up with doing strange things, like running around with sufficiently less clothing then was required or something like that. And that was undeniably going to get a person in trouble. She didn't think Kuroi Amaya would be doing anything like that any time soon, but still, she had to try and not cause trouble. Ayano certainly did not what any of her fellow students to get in trouble. Still, it wouldn't be polite not to greet the girl in some way...

Ayano raised one hand and waved to her.

"Oi, whadda we have here?"

Sakurako grinned. Oh, so it was another student... not just any student, but the cool-headed star of the Judo club, Aragaki Yori herself. Well, it's not like they weren't both heading for club rooms somewhat close to one another... The naga's forked tongue stuck out out of the right corner of her mouth as she regarded her fellow student. She could have some fun here! "Aragaki Yori-san, heading to the judo club, I bet? I mean, where the hell else could their star be heading?"

Sakurako, in spite of her tone, was really just trying to be friendly. After all, Aragaki didn't seem to interact with people so much. And hey, she was a pretty girl even if she did where pants instead of a skirt for some reason. Pretty girls were always worth talking to in the naga's mind. "I was just gonna go and rock out with the band and all, hehehe!"

She had to wonder, had her reputation as a 'carnivore' spread even to people like Aragaki? It'd be kind of fun to find out.
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