Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Aboard the slaver ship was a group people, while they all may not have been actually people, they all had something in common. They were all on this ship for some reason, they just didn't know why, each unwilling occupant was cuffed, the cuffed were comprised of an energy that crippled the abilities of each prisoner. The ship was on course for the orbital nation of Quwell Koma, a trade center of sorts, selling all sorts of rare items and things. In this case it happened to be the unlucky prisoners aboard, streaking past stars and interplanetary traffic, the slaver ship bypassed security and went around the massive planet construct, going through a back entrance and landing in the hangar bay. The line of energy that connected their cuffs made it evident that no one was going anywhere without the rest of the group. Their captors pushed each one of them out with electric staves, corralling them into the space station , forced into the market area. They were being led toward a local shop that sold ;exotic species' in this case, that was them, maybe it didn't have to go this way though.

Marcus and Kori Hale had unfortunately fallen victim to the pirates that captured them, becoming prisoners as well, despite what the cuffs did to their abilities, they were still dangerous. "If you let me out, I swear I won't kill you..." Marcus smirked, shouting in pain when he got hit by the electrical stave, his body being shocked relentlessly. "That worked out nicely brother..." Kori spoke, managing somewhat of a smirk as they were brought to the square of the planet nation. Marcus began looking at his fellow prisoners curiously. He generally didn't care but knowing who he was going to prison with was always a need for him. Maybe each of them had strengths they didn't or weaknesses they could make up for, but these people didn't see like the team player types. In mass, the prisoners were thrown into a group cell while pirates began to bargain with their contractor. "Any ideas?" Kori asked aloud.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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"Man, this seriously fuckin' bites." One of the slaves said as he was roughly shoved into the group cell along with the others. Unlike a few of the others, who's peculiarity may have been less noticeable, this man seemed to stick out due to the strange markings that adorned his face, coupled with the medium cage that he gripped firmly in one hand as he sat down. "This is all your fault y'know, Coal. You just had to suggest hitching a ride on that weird ass boat. But oh no, we just *had* to get to borneo via boat because you hate planes!" he barked down to the cage. For a moment, the cage remained silent, however a quick swat from the top by the man elicited a loud, drawn out hiss from the occupant inside. The man narrowed his eyes "Oh don't you start with me. Don't act as though just because the spell that lets us talk to each other isn't active doesn't mean I don't know what you're tryin' to say. You shouldn't be hissing at me at all considering that A: This is your fault, and B: I convinced these douchenozzles that they'd get a better deal selling us together rather than separately." the man hissed venomously before huffing and leaning back against the cell, "Reeeaaally fuckin' bites....".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

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Sitting on the ship in the darkest corner she could find away from all the other prisoner was a girl who appeared t be very human, except for her eyes and the large wings that were attached to her back, grumbling to herself about demons and letting herself be caught by good for nothing pirates. She wasn't exactly frilled about being in such a cramped space with so many other people, it has been so long since she had even been close to another living thing that wasn't an animal, so she attempted still to shuffle away in hope that she would be forgotten, while she was attempting to pick the lock of the thing that bound her hands together and restricted the use of her beloved magic.
"How did this even happen? I've evaded capture for so long, so how?" She sighed to herself.

As the prisoner were being herded out of the ship after it landed, into holding cages the prisoner was being particularly loud and difficult to her captors as she struggled furiously against them. Her wings that resembled exactly that of an angel, and a demon, struggling to be free as they had been bound to her back, and her demonic eyes looking most angry as she attempted to bite at the one attempting to contain her seeing as her hands were bound. shocking rods that the pirates attempted to shock her with had little effect since electricity was her magic.
"Let me go, you blood sucking pricks!! I swear you are all dead when I get my hands free! Or I will just bite you all to death right now" She was shouting, a long with many other profanities as she continued to try and bite at them with her fanged teeth.
Once the captors managed to get the Hybrid contained they finally managed to dragged her over, with difficulty, to one of the group cells and lopped her into it. It was seconds before the hybrid was up on her feet again and charging at the door with her shoulder, but the cell was shut before she made it causing a painful collision into the bars that again sent her back to the ground. Growling she back to her feet her shoulder now hurting bad, the demon\angel hybrid stalked to the corner of the cage, kicking at the bars before plonking back down in the corner attempting to get away from the people contained along with her. Rachel was hoping to Hell and to Heaven that no one would recognize what she was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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In the center of the group was a man who looked like he was brimming with rage. If it weren't for the cuffs on him that were keeping his abilities in check, every guard on the ship would have burst into flames. They had managed to catch him using his number one weakness: water. Now he was here, on who-knows-where. His eyes flickered as if flames were in them, just waiting to be released into the open, where it could consume everything. Just you wait, Daniel thought as he was led along with the rest of the group. When I get free, you'll wish you never met me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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The young man, cage now sitting squarely in his lap watching with a combination of amusement and pity as one of his fellow captives tried vainly to free herself via flinging herself at the wall, and another was poked with a cattle prod several times to elicit a response of some sort. "Y'know, it probably isn't a wise idea to be shocking your merchandise like that, I dunno what kind of people you sell to, but where I come form, people tend to like having their shit decidedly NOT damaged before purchase. Some food for thought.", he stated to one of the guards as he began to strum his fingers over the top of the cage. "They can't say shit if we shock you in places they can't see. Now shut up slave, before I decide to cook and eat that stupid animal of yours rather than sell it.", "Not that I expect you to actually give a damn, but the name my mother gave to me was Jacque, not slave, and trust me buddy, this right here? It is NOT the snack that smiles back." Jacque explained as he propped his elbows up on the cage and held his head up with his hands. Jacque tensed slightly in preparation for a shock, however the guard simply sneered, "You'd better be grateful that we already have a buyer for you, bitch, or i'd beat you into the dirt." "And here I thought you weren't doing it because you liked the way I look in these jeans.". That last comment earned Jacque a sharp jab in the shoulder with the prod, causing the man to jump and bite down on his inner cheek to suppress a yelp, "Keep on talking, just try me.".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Standing formally in the blind spot of everyone, was a starkly dressed woman, she was wearing a maid's uniform and covering her face she had a type of mouth mask, when Kori asked if anyone had any ideas, the woman raised her hand, she began to speak but all that everyone would hear would be a heavy voice, spouting vowels and barely understandable words. It was almost ear bleeding till she stopped herself, she held her hands together and tried to pretend that she didn't even say anything at all, and gave everyone what they only could guess was a sorry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amalvi


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Carlota opened her eyes slowly just to shut them immediately after due to the intense light that was pointing at her, which attacked her pupils with such intensity that made her shout profanities. As far as she could remember the crypt she went to sleep to was rather dark, did anyone tear up the ceiling to let the sunlight in? In such case she rolled face down and tried to open her eyes again, but the light also came from below, which, to that point, meant that she was clearly not in a crypt, so putting her hands in front of her face, she opened her eyes and let the pupils adapt to the new lightning before inspecting her surroundings, but she couldn't discern anything and her senses weren't back before she was taken out of the room by some people and without warning she was handcuffed with something that emitted a weird glow. She was weak, too weak to feel anything, her vision was absolutely blurred, she was deaf to a point of listening only echoes grunts and she couldn't tell where she was or where she was going, barely being able to stand and walk by herself. She tried to put some effort into awakening and she was capable of discerning some words

Rachel said "Let me go, you blood sucking pricks!!


That's exactly what she needed

She raised her arms and moved them forward to try to feel whatever was in front of her and upon touching a person she smiled and bit said person, she didn't have sharp teeth or anything like that, so she just used had to use all the strength she had left in hopes of her getting a drop or two of blood, and, upon drinking it she finally recovered, getting her vision, her hearing and all her senses back and shouting triumphantly before getting hit violently in the head with a electric baton and getting all dizzy.

When she came back, after no more than minute or two, she was back at the room with the lights, she still had no idea what was going on or where she was, but at least she was now awake
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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Slaver Ship: half an hour before reaching the orbital nation

Spartan slowly opened his glowing blue eye's, his head was spinning, he looked around to find out where he was, then his eye's shot wide open when he took in his surroundings, disregarding the fact he has some kind of energy cuffs on him and where he was, he got to his feet and the first thought that came to mind was where was Eve, as he walked around the large holding room, he seen things that looked like they were out of a book, then he seen her, she was passed out along side the wall of the area, he walked up to her and went to nudge her shoulder, then he noticed the cuffs on himself, confused he tried to pull his hands away from each other in an attempt to break the energy cuffs, but it didn't work, Spartan grit his teeth before putting all his strength into trying to break free, but he couldn't, it was as if his strength had been drained from him, that's when he noticed Eve had them on her too, as well as every other being in this holding room
"what's going on here?..." Spartan asked himself as he slowly took a seat near Eve, then a deep voice emanated a few feet away from them in a darker part of the room
"we are being taken to an orbital nation... called Quwell Koma... to be sold as slaves, trophy's, or worse..." said the voice, Spartan looked in the direction of the one speaking to see a tall humanoid alien with four arms, it's cuffs were shaped as an X which firmly held all it's arms
"how did this happen?..." Spartan asked himself as he looked down to Eve in concern for her
"It always happens... but no one notices a few missing people..." the alien said to him, Spartan then grew a determined look
"we're getting out of here" Spartan said as he began to get up
"there's no point in trying..." the alien said in a serous tone, as Spartan got to his feet he looked to the alien with a raised brow
"those cuffs on you wont let you... the second one of the crew see's you up to anything-" the alien said as it looked up with it's four eye's to what could be guessed as a camera
"-they'll give you a very painful electric shock... or have the guards beat you until your unconscious... or both..." the alien said as it looked to the metal floor
"that's no reason to give up, there has to be a way..." Spartan said with grit teeth as he looked around at every being with them
"you let me know when you find one... and I'll do my best to help..." the alien said as it closed it's eye's, then his eye's jolted open as she ship shook followed by a faint roar that rang through the metal walls
"there's that noise again..." the alien said in a slightly annoyed tone before he closed his eye's, Spartan looked around when he heard it, then the realisation hit him, whoever abducted them had abducted Magnus as well
"Magnus?..." Spartan said silently to himself before the ship shook again, once more a faint roar rang through the walls, feeling defeated, Spartan sat down beside Eve and tried to think of a way to explain what happened to them when she woke up
Inside another part or the ship meant for holding large beast-like animals

There were rows of large cages that were stacked on top of each other in this room, each one holding a beast of unknown origin, most of them were asleep, some were restless, others were whimpering, but one was angry, at the end of the room was a cage slightly larger then most and away from other cages, the reason being that it was a cage lined with energy shielding making it glow dimly in the dark of the room, inside it was Magnus, a cybernetic dragon with a bad attitude, he stood in his cage of all fours glaring out to some pirates who were staring at him, he let out a dangerous growl as his claws slightly scrapped against the floor of the cage
"what is that thing?" one of the pirate asked
"it's a machine, isn't it obvious? what kind of animal has metal for skin and lights for eye's?" another said
"one things for sure, it has a bad attitude..." one of the pirates said with anger, the others looked to him
"oh really? do tell" one asked with a grin, his eye's widened as the pirate turned to face them, most of the other half of his body looked like it had been melted
"the hell happened!?" one pirate asked the burned one
"turns out this thing can breath burning hot plasma..." he said as he turned to face the best
"I found that out when I tried to stop it from clawing and biting at the bars of it's cage... when I jabbed it with an electric spear it looked into my eye's and let out a screech that damn near caused my ear drums to rupture, then it blasted me with a torrent of plasma, I barely managed to get out of the way, and it almost melted the bars, so I turned on the shield..." he said with grit teeth
"well I guess that means you owe him some payback doesn't it?" one of the pirate asked with a grin as he tossed an electro-spear to the burned pirate, he caught it without looking, hatred in his eye's
"yeah, I guess it does..." he said as he slowly walked up to the cage, Magnus growled as he took a step back, without warning the pirate thrust the spear forward, through the shield, jabbing Magnus in his chest and electrocuting him, Magnus bellowed out a roar of pain as he reeled back from the shock, hitting the shield of the cage, shocking him again, Magnus then stood in the middle of the cage growling as he glared at the burned pirate
"it hurts doesn't it?" the pirate said with a grin, the other pirates were laughing at the beast
"better do it again, just to be sure..." the burned one said with anger, Magnus tensed slightly and narrowed his eye's, then burned pirate then thrust into the cage again towards Magnus's chest, but was stopped when Magnus bit down on the spear, the pirate gasped as he was then pulled through the cage's shield, the others had a look of dread when they seen it happen, the burned one got to his feet and ran to the bars of the cage to get out, but was stopped by the shield, as he touched it he was shocked and knocked down, he got up quickly and panicked
"get me out! get me out!!!" he exclaimed, the other pirates panicked and scrambled to look for the shield controls, some just stood there and watched, the burned one turned around to see the metal beast glaring at him with the electro-spear in his jaws, it growled before the spear snapped in half letting the pieces fall to the cage floor, then it glared at him and growled
"no-no-no! get the f*ck back you stupid beast!" the pirate exclaimed as he backed up to the shield, Magnus narrowed his eye's before he used his tail to knock the pirate down to his stomach, he tried to get up but felt a heavy metal paw press against him, he let out a terrified scream as he tried to get free, Magnus then gripped the burned pirate in his claws and held him up, without a second thought Magnus slammed the burned pirate up against the shielded cage bars, the pirate let out a scream mixed with fear, agony, and anger as he was electrocuted by the shield, the others watched as the shield lit up, Magnus just growled as he pushed the burned pirate through the shield, the sound of the burned pirates body being shocked blocked out his screams before he was finally pushed out of the cage, his body then fell the floor with a thud, his whole body was scorched black, he was dead, the other pirates gather around their dead comrade before looking to the metal beast, Magnus inhaled deeply before letting out a monstrous roar, the pirate stumbled back in fear before they ran, Magnus stood there, feeling a sense of pride, but he would not rest until he was free

Slaver ship docking

Spartan open his eye's, they had arrived, pirates entered the holding area and began rounding up the captives, earlier Spartan had explained their situation to Eve when she woke up, she didn't want to believe it, but the evidence was to strong to not believe it, as everyone was being moved out, an energy chain formed to link every beings cuff to one another, Spartan was linked behind Eve, and the four armed alien was behind Spartan, the they all began moving out of the ship to the dock
"Spartan... I'm scared..." Eve whispered to Spartan
"I know... but you have to be brave, we'll get out of this... I promise" Spartan said in a serous tone as he took in their surroundings, the alien behind him didn't say anything, it just kept it's head down, secretly glaring at the pirates with the eclectic batons
after everyone was out of the ship, heavy machines drove up the ramp to the ships cargo hold, and shortly after they started bringing large cages out, one of which was Magnus shielded cage
"careful with this one, I heard it managed to kill a crew member while it's cage's shield was up..." the one driving the machine silently gulped as he brought it towards the market area, and around back to the exotic shop, there cages with alien animals had been placed, Magnus's cage was placed away from the other cages for the safety of the other animals, Magnus let out a growl as he watched the driver quickly leave the area
Spartan was quiet as they were corralled into a shop, outside aliens peered through the windows at the new merchandise that just got in, they watched as everyone was brought out of sight to the back of the shop where they were thrown into a single holding cell, the owner of the shop and the pirates had left the room to talk business, Spartan listened to the others speak, Eve was quiet as she looked around, Spartan looked around as well, the four armed alien had taken the liberty to lean against one of the cells walls, Spartan thought he had a way to break his cuffs, but he needed to be sure they weren't being watched
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

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All of the commotion, all of the struggling and all of those who were also being herded into the cage like cattle for trade at a farmers fair, none of it escaped Rachel's demon eyes as she watched from her dark corner of the cage, So many people and yet she never recognized the few in there that could help her and would help her, her memories seemed to have failed in her years of isolation though she never minded that she forgot people, she didn't like people anyway.
As she was huddled up there in her corner looking like she was being sad and trying to hide away, Rachel was hiding she was really scheming of a way to get out of this hell hole, because she didn't know about the others here but she was not going to be given up to the demons after nearly 200 years of avoiding capture and death, she wanted to be discrete about it and use the pirates weakness against them, the weakness that they would not hesitate to use those shocking rods and abuse their power whenever they see fit, also that they were sensitive and hot headed. It was funny to her because they didn't seem to think about the fact that not everyone was affected by those rods, which means that she could pull her little scheme off, but it had to be done quickly.
Putting her face up against the bars of their prison Rachel started to try and grab the attention of one of the guards, hoping that he would fall for the bait and like she assumed abuse his power to shut her up. "Hey, hey you, Yea I'm talking to you Ugly" She called him as one of them glanced over "You're weak, did I ever tell you, worthless and weak. I bet you can't even win in a fight against me. Cause I am going to kill you when I get out of here" She started trying to think of insults, she wasn't good at coming up with them when she wasn't in immediate danger, "Oh yea did I ever tell you about a 'yo mama' joke?" Pirates were always sensitive about their mothers "Let us see...Oh, Your mother is so fat, she has her own gravitational pull " Like she expected the pirate guard was starting to get annoyed, coming over with his stick to tell her to shut up "...No? um..uhhh Oh I know. Your mother was so stupid that she spent all day saying are not to R2 (D2)" She faked a laugh "Or your mother is so fat she walked in font of the t.v and I missed an entire series"
As she expected the pirate was getting mad now and telling her to shut up, to which she replied with the biggest smug look she could muster "Make me, mama's boy ~<3". As the guard put his stick through the bars to try and shock her into shutting up, Rachel then grabbed it with her teeth and clamped down hard, placing her feet against the bars as she attempted to wrestle this shocking rod out of the pirate's grasp and into her possession, and no amount of shocks from this rod could make her let go, in fact it only recharged her power, to bad she couldn't use her magic yet though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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As he continued to observe his surroundings, Jacque found himself cringing slightly at the combination of one of his fellow captive's harsh manner of speaking, and the actions of one of the others, who had seen fit to sink her teeth into someone before getting cracked in the back of the head with a baton. The man hardly had a chance to give input to his pet however, as he and the other prisoners were herded off of the vessel and into a merchant's shop. Jacque had pretty much given up most of his hope for escaping the market, however, escaping the buyer that would come for him would be all too easy if he was smart, and more importantly, patient, though he wouldn't have been opposed to getting away at the moment should he see the chance.

Within the mesh cage clutched in Jacque's hand however, Coal was growing extremely ill tempered. She was not nearly as content to sit by as her owner, and as such, began to uncoil and strike at the bars of her cage. The cage rattled in Jacque's grip, that is, until the handle snapped off and sent the cage sprawling to the ground. Jacque cursed and leaned down to pick up the cage, only to recoil as it was dented from another strike, "The fuck is your damage Coal?" he muttered to the serpent before it clicked: the cage seemed relatively sturdy, but upon closer inspection, the materials used were actually a bit cheap looking. Jacque figured that it was likely meant to hold small mammals such as raccoons, opossums, and any other creature of that size and strength. Coal was no small mammal, and while she could fit perfectly fine in the cage whilst coiled up, it didn't change the fact that she was still five feet and seventeen pounds of nearly solid muscle. Jacque seized the distraction presented as one of the captive clamped down onto a baton after goading a guard, and knelt down and tucked at a few holes in the cage that had been widened, hissing under his breath as the materials cut into his fingers. It took several moments, but Jacque finally achieved his goal; opening up a hole wide enough to pull Coal out. With his pet now wrapping around his waist like a belt, Jacque stood up, looked at his fellow slaves, and clapped his hands together, splattering a bit of his blood in the process as a plan was formulated, one that hinged on a response to his next few words: "Who's in the mood for a good ol' fashioned bare knuckle brawl?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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If only these were regular cuffs, Daniel thought. then I could just melt them. Fire, for once, would not obey him, which irritated him. Then there was one prisoner who suddenly caused a small panic among the pirates. They rushed to the aid of the one whose rod was on the verge of being taken away. Quickly, Daniel moved to the edge of the cage and stuck his leg through one of the bars, tripping a guard, which led to more guards falling over him. As the pirates tried to disentangle themselves from each other, Daniel thought he saw a metal ring on a pirate's belt, which held.... were those keys??? Daniel quickly reached out to grab them, hoping that at least one of those keys would free him from his cuffs. The pirate barely noticed the keys were being stolen until it was too late, the keys now in Daniel's grasp. "Oh F***!" the pirate swore as Daniel began trying the keys in the keyholes on his cuffs. With a satisfying "click", the cuffs opened and fell to the ground. Daniel smiled as flames swirled around his fists, accidentally melting the keys in the process, then drew back his fist and swung at the bars that were the only barrier between him and the pirates.
A mysterious cloaked figure was watching from afar, the cross hair on the scope being used changing from one target to the next. It wouldn't be easy, but the job was to free one prisoner out of the entire group. The prisoner in question was currently causing a commotion, and quite a large one at that. Perhaps it would be easier than I thought, the mysterious figure thought, as the sniper rifle currently being used was aimed at the commotion. She turned her attention to the pirate who was fighting for his rod, and decided her next course of action. She reloaded the sniper rifle to a different cartridge, then fired at the hands of the guard fighting a prisoner for the rod, the shot making little sound due to the silencer attached. The bullet struck the guard's hands, but instead of drawing blood, the bullet covered his hands in water, making it difficult for the pirate to maintain his grip on the rod. That should help, Michelle thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

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It was unexpected for Rachel when people started to use her direction to start their own attempts to break free of this slavers prison, though she wasn't that surprised as no one wanted to be here just as much as she didn't be here, though she felt that she didn't want to be here more as he life was at stake if demons were involved, but this would prove good to escaping admittedly with the help of others as much as she hated help. Soon Rachel was flying back with the rod free of the guards hand and now in her possession, her smug look growing as she got to her feet and took the rod in hand as her eyes glanced over the guard who now had water on his hands, it seemed that there was a third party here attempting to help all those whom had been captured, this would make things easy so now all that Rachel had to do was free her wings and hands, and she would be out of here.
It was then she noticed that one other prisoner had broken free along with his pet snake and was tempting everyone to have a brawl, a good distraction though she couldn't do anything from this cage she was in, so walking to the side of the cage closer to this strange figure she called out to him over the escalating noise coming from everyone starting their own attempts to break free of this hell hole
"Hey you! Voodoo looking guy with your snake. Help me out of here and I will show you a real bare knuckle brawl!" She grinned though she did wondered if he would come over to help hem out, then again he did seem like he type of guy to take on a challenge given to him. Turning her gaze down to her bound wrist she wondered just how she would break from them, and how she would free her wings as well since they are tied down tight, but at least she could defend herself from any other guard that attempted to get this chaos under control.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Daniel smashed through the bars as if they weren't even there, leaving a large hole for people to get through one at a time. Other prisoners were watching and/or cheering, while the pirates were stumbling over each other in their desperate attempt to run away. One particularly dense pirate tried to stop Daniel from leaving, holding two shock rods in his hands. Daniel's eyes suddenly turned from blue to red, and the rods burst into flames, badly scorching the pirate's hands. Daniel walked over to the pirate, fury and glee in his expression, and grabbed him by the front of his shirt. "P-please don't k-k-kill me. I-I h-have a wife, a-a-and kids," the pirate pleaded. Daniel's response was, "I don't care," before setting him on fire. The pirate screamed and rolled around on the floor as Daniel released him, dying only seconds later. Other pirates had saw what had happened, and quickly ran for an exit, only for Daniel to suddenly appear in front of them, his body blazing brightly. "Never play with fire, kids," Daniel said, his arms ready to shoot large beams of fire at them.
Michelle saw the chaos taking place, and quickly jumped off the ledge she was on. She had to make sure the prisoner would be okay. If her info was correct about her target, though, then Michelle was mostly sure that she would be okay. All Michelle had to do was to get her to safety, then turn her in for the money.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Marcus and Kori were analyzing the situation rather closely, at least now they had an idea of who they were with, super powered people it seemed. But the important part was that they were free now, still cuffed but free in a sense. The two began to prepare to leave, still armored up, though they were lacking their helmets, their weapons too. Kori watched how merciless the elemental was with his enemies for the moment, shaking his head, sloppy ruthlessness. "I may regret this..." Kori said as he broke into a run across the room, barreling toward the elemental. "As always..." Marcus quipped, Kori jumping into a flying kick, attempting to drive his boot into the side of the flame user's head before he could finalize his kill.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

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Standing next to Marcus as Kori was going into fight against the pirates, was Junko, she pulled on the mask covering her mouth and face, attempting to take it off her face, before she could fight along side of them, but to her avail she couldn't take the metal device off, all she was able to do was make heavy grunts and make the sound of nails scratching on metal while she attempted to pry the thing off her face,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amalvi


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It didn't take long for quarrels to start. Somehow some of the prisoners had escaped from whenever she was and, true to be told, Carlota wanted to join the fun, but since she was locked in a cell with lights both in the floor and the ceiling it would seem impossible to use her shadow powers, since there was no shadow. Not a big deal, it wasn't the first time she had been in such a situation, she just moved to one corner and putting the hands against her back she tried to enclose a space between the wall, the floor and her back where light could not reach, from where she retrieved an old Chiappa single action and used it to burst the lights of the ceiling and floor, letting some shadows to be created and be connected to the outside of the cell and using them to leave the cell and also get rid of the handcuffs, since she had the power to arbitrarily let whatever objects wanted or not into the shadows

Once outside Carlota took the chance to put on some normal clothes with short jeans and a leather jacket (that was the mode back when Carlota went to sleep) and scrap the slave robes. A pair of guards, at least that's what they looked like, entered running into the corridor and without wasting a moment the girl released a onslaught of bullets towards them, which, sadly, did nothing, since the .22lr caliber of the old revolver was too weak to make a noticeable dent in the armor of the guards. With a quick running they got close enough to hit the girl, but luckily she used the shadows around her to disappear and then reappear with a more powerful Colt Anaconda right behind and with the increased firepower she managed to blow up their helmets and the skulls within them.

True to be told, she was still hungry, so without much delay, and still not caring enough about where she was, she jumped to the corpse of the guards and started to drink the blood of one of them. While delicious she had to admit the taste was rather weird, probably it was a species she had never eaten before? Regardless, she finished her "beverage" and then she finally started to worry about her surroundings and with a smirk on her face she said with excitement.

"Now, where the hell am I?"

Hell would be a better place to be, at least she knew what it should look like. She just retrieved another Python from the shadow below the fallen guard to be able to dual wield them when a prisoner begged her to be freed, which was answered with a bullet to the mouth. Quite fun for the vampire girl. After that she just walked calmly down corridors without any particular route, shooting the guards and prisoners that came on her way, but usually avoiding the areas with heavy confrontation.

"Great 'welcome back' party. I really like it
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

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Daniel was about to engulf all the pirates in fire, but then he was kicked in the head and lost consciousness. His flames dissipated as he fell to the ground.
Michelle moved quickly. Her target was still in the area, and she had no intention to lose her, and therefore lose the payment. As she moved around the escaping prisoners, she spotted the target. Michelle walked toward her, climbing though the hole, and said, "Rachel Blackwood. Come with me." her mask transforming her voice to sound like a man's. To all intents and appearances, Michelle was a mysterious cloaked figure.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Rachel was currently attempting to leave the area and she still holding her newly claimed shock rod, whilst she had her teeth to the energy cuffs that bound her and restricted her magic which was less than ideal but at least now she had a chance to find someone to remove her bindings "I need to fly again, an get away from here. arg people" She made this disgusted looking face as she attempted to avoid all the people in the area, except the one she called to before with his pet snake.
It was then that she heard a male's voice to her side as she was making her escape, shocked that anyone here knew her name she reacted quickly as she turned to this voice and held out the shock rod out defensively ready to attack if she needed to...or if she wanted too. it was very difficult though with bound hands but she could make it work, she has before and she can certainly do it again.
"Look asshole I don't go anywhere with anyone, especially those who know my name for no reason. So sorry but bugger off...oh wait I'm not sorry, go jump off a cliff or something, and your look isn't scary by the way. I could pull scary off so much better, loser!"
Rachel after retorting back to this guy in the rudest way she could, Rachel then started to walk back not letting her demon eyes off this character until she was a safe distance, and she returned to trying to gnaw her way out of the energy restraints so that she could use her magic "I really need my weapons" The hybrid growled feeling rather paranoid without her beloved scythe by her side.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

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Michelle sighed. From the info she gathered about Rachel, she had guessed as much that it wouldn't be easy to convince her. She leaped over to Rachel in one leap, landing next to her. "I am trying to help you," Michelle said. "For one, I can remove your bonds, but it will take me time. Until then, though, follow me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kori sighed as he looked down at the collapsed body of the elemental before turning his attention to the pirates the look onward, rather confused about how they should deal with the man. The look on Kori's face was a grin laced with an obvious intent to maim, the pirates slightly backing up was all he needed as a trigger, his hands may have been useless for the moment but his legswere not, dealy strikes to the neck and temple were delivered by the bounty hunter, the force he applied to the attacks were too much for the armored helmets of the pirates to handle, causing them to cave in.

Marcus was going to join the fray but was stopped by two sounds of gunfire along with impact, someone tried to shoot him. Lucky for the mercenary he had on armor, it wasn't indestructible or anything but the rounds didn't seem high grade at all to do damage. "Now who would be so stupid to..?" He paused catching sight of a female, he sighed a little bit, that killer instinct he had was being pushed. Besides, the age of her weaponry made him sure she was in over her head. A quick dash allowed him to close distance, a kick to her head followed by a sickening snap made the female crumple to the floor.
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