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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

200 years ago out of the watchful eyes of the angels the demons attacked, their forces were stronger than they had ever been before and it took the angels by surprise as a result, they were helpless against the demon armada.This was all possible due to one human, one crime lord known as Monocle who wanted immortality and the power to crush his enemies. This man found a way to release the demons of unto this world and in return was rewarded with what he had wished for, along with becoming the demon's eyes, ears and voice and the leader of all crime. Nothing gets past this man in the way of crime and even the police movements he has managed to gain in his many years. The demon that this human crime lord made a pact with and works for, is named Abbadon, a demon who succeeded Satan himself and the most powerful of them all.
It wasn't long before the angel's numbers dropped during the battle for the planet and the demons advanced further than they ever had before, slowly but steadily claiming the world as their own.
Once they won the war the demons took the last of the Angels have been beaten and taken away to a planet on the outer rim of the galaxy called Sil Ethis which is guarded by an ancient alien race that saw the demons as gods and worshiped them, the gates to heaven locked up tight in demonic chains, denying entry to all, and the gates to Heaven denied innocent or good souls could entry. Though as they took over the world the demons were slowly working towards another unknown goal

Over the many years the demons sat behind the scenes and corrupted humans into doing their biding, taking control of the mafia all around the world, finding it was better for humans to corrupt the world before they showed themselves into their new domain.
crime rate in the human world was rising. the Police and even the army in every country were becoming so overwhelmed, unsure of why crime has gone up and losing hope that things would get better. The world was giving up.

200 years later, this is where you come in.
It might not sound like a pretty scene but hell on earth is a thing, well not necessarily just earth, lots of other dimensions, universes, and planets are experiencing some turmoil by the hands of malevolent forces. Whether it be created by the work of literal demons or figurative ones, hell is raging on like a category five hurricane mixed with an F12 tornado. Who's going to brave enough to stand in the eye of hell's fury and stop it all? Well, why don't I just leave that part up to you, huh?

CS Form
Theme Song: (Optional)
Name: Marcus Arashi
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Alignment: Evil
Position: Enforcer/Bounty Hunter
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Red
Physique: Athletic



Skills: Marcus' intense physical training by his masters has allowed him to hone in on many skills. He is an experienced practitioner of parkour and many sword and knife fighting techniques, making him a respective in the category. He is a skilled fighter and has attained the title of expert in a few of the arts of fighting; Atemi excels in taking advantage of the anatomical weak points of the human body, Kempo or the way of the fist, Hapkido, a style focused solely on high kicks. Kendojitsu, a style created by Marcus himself by combining the sword arts Kendo and Kenjitsu.



Name: Kori Arashi
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Alignment: Evil
Position: Enforcer/Bounty Hunter
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Black
Physique: Athletic



Skills: Kori's intense physical training by his masters has allowed him to hone in on many skills. He is an experienced practitioner of parkour and many sword and knife fighting techniques, making him a respective in the category. He is a skilled fighter and has attained the title of expert in a few of the arts of fighting; Atemi excels in taking advantage of the anatomical weak points of the human body, Kempo or the way of the fist, Hapkido, a style focused solely on high kicks. Kendojitsu, a style created by his brother by combining the sword arts Kendo and Kenjitsu.


Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 5 days ago

Name: Spartan

Appearance: he stands over 6ft tall

Combat armor: in combat armor he stand at 7ft tall

Age: Looks 18

Gender: Male

Species: Cybernetic Human / Augmented Super Soldier

Alignment: Neutral Good


Regeneration: microscopic nanobots that reside inside Spartan's body repair him if he's ever ingured, reguardless of the type of injury, but each type of injury takes different amounts of time to repair.

Energy Projection: using the energy from his core he can fire's beams or blasts of light blue energy from his hands.

Flight: jet like engines built into his back and feet activate and allow him to fly up to speeds above Mach 10 which is 7,612mph

Cybernetic Physiology + Augmentations: Spartan's Strength, Speed, Agility, Reflexes and Durability have been increased dramatically when he was turned into a Cybernetic human, more so when he was Augmented to be a Super Soldier, he can lift up to 70 tons, run at speeds of nearly 300mph and has a reaction time that allows him to dodge multiple sniper rounds at point blank range, as well as having a skeleton thats vertually unbreakable with bones made of metal and skin thats tougher then kevlar.

Slip-Space Container: this device uses slip-space technology to create a personal pocket dimension that can store multiple weapons and items so long as the weapons and items are smaller than Spartan, the device it linked to Spartans mind so he can summon any weapon or item at a moments notice.

Built in Energy Blades: hidden in both of Spartans arms are blades made of pure energy that glow bright blue, they reach over 4ft when there extended, these blades are razor sharp and hot enough to cut through solid steel with ease.

Built in combat armor with energy shielding: Spartan's Combat Armor is a mix of all the strongest metals on earth and a rare metal found in space that isnt found on earth, normally adding all these metals together would weaken the bond and make it brittle, but thanks to the rare metal found in space the bond is strong, and makes Spartan's armor the strongest known to man, his armor is also equipped with a recharging energy shield that can withstand the force of being hit directly by a tank shell and then some, if the shield is depleted it'll take a few seconds to begin recharging and a little more to recharge fully, aside from the shielding the armors boots have magnetic clamps that can be turned on and off at will and the helmet has a H.U.D (heads-up display) system with a motion sensor, it can be used for tracking targets, seeing in night vision, thermal or infrared and has a comm. system as well as built in headlights, another function is a zoom feature that helps seeing long distances without the need of a scope

Personality: Spartan is caring, and good willed, he will fight for what he believes is the right thing, and has a nag for never giving up, even if he knows he cant win, he can be serous at some times, but he does like to joke around when he can

Backstory: Spartan was a normal human once, he was a captain of a flying warship, but after a fierce battle, his ship's reactor went nuclear and killed everyone on bored, except Spartan, his body was ruined, no amount of medical help in that time could have healed him, but science had something more to offer, to which Spartan, and the military he served in accepted, but the military had different plans, during the operation, Spartan's memory's were wiped and his free will taken over, and then he was turned into a war machine, to fight for his country against his will, luckily during a freak accident, Spartan regained his free will and made his escape, rescuing others who happened to be in a situation oddly similar to his own, but out of all the people he set free, one stayed by his side, over time he and his follower found a wild beast with scales of steel, Spartan thought he might have to fight it, but his follower seemed to tame the beast, after that they traveled together keeping each other safe.

Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1UBTA-pIDU

Name: Eve

Appearance: she stands just over 5ft tall

Combat Armor: in combat armor she stands at 6ft tall

Age: Looks 16

Gender: Female

Species: Cybernetic Human

Alignment: Neutral Good


Slow Regeneration: microscopic nanobots that reside within Eve's body repair her if she's ever injured, but different types of injury's take different amounts of time to repair.

Energy Projection: using energy from her core Eve can fire beams or blasts og light pink energy from her hands.

Flight: Eve has a built pair of titanium wings with a wingspan of 9ft, on the underside of each wing are two small jet engines, and on the back in the center between the wings is another jet engine thats slightly bigger than the others, giving her a top speed of mach 3 or over 2283mph

Cybernetic Physiology: Eve's Strength, Speed, Agility, Reflexes and Durability have been increased greatly when she was turned into a Cybernetic Human, she can lift close to 20 tons, run at speeds of nearly 100mph and has a reaction time that allows her to dodge small weapons fire at close range as well as having a hardened skeleton with bones made of metal and skin as tough as a bullet proof vest

Built in Energy Blades: hidden in Eve's arms are are blades made of pure energy that barely reach 3ft when there extended, these blades are razor sharp and hot enough to cut through steel like a hot knife through butter.

Built in combat armor: Eve's armor is a 25% tungsten, 25% kevlar, and 50% titanium mix, the kevlar acts as a second skin under the armored plates of tungsten covered with condensed titanium, this allows her armor to take heat up to 2760 degrees C or 5000 degrees F from the tungsten, and withstand the impact of being hit by a train from the titanium while the kevlar allows her to move without restraint.

Personality: Eve is shy and nervous around new people, she's usually quiet, she easily forgives others and does her best to keep promises with people she considers her friends, she's for the most part really friendly and tries to help those who are in trouble

Backstory: Eve once served on a flying ship, a vessel of war, it was on a peace mission, but during the trip, they came under attack, Eve ran to hide in some of the deeper parts of the ship where the hull was thicker, when the fight was over Eve was hesitant to leave her hiding place, but before she worked up the nerve to do so, there was a blinding light and then darkness, she awoke in a white room, she felt herself strapped down by something, when she looked around she could see wires that seemed to be leading to her, she could hear the sound of mechanical parts moving, but before she could further investigate she blacked out, the next thing she knew she was in another room, white as well, but void of anything but a bed that she found herself on, she spent many hours in that room waiting for something to happen, and something did, from outside of the room she could hear alarms blaring, the sound of fighting was getting closer, suddenly her door opened up, for her to see a boy with silver hair and glowing blue eye's, he told her to take his hand and she did, he lead her to safety, and she stayed with him ever since, one day they came upon a beast with a hide as strong as steel, Eve was scared at first but managed to keep herself together, she befriended the beast and took it with them, they then traveled together to keep themselves safe

Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAkWYAkPZVE

Name: Magnus

Appearance: he stands just over 15ft tall on all fours, and from head to tail I believe he would be about 35ft long, and from the tip of his left wing to the tip of his right, is about 80ft (he has big wings because he need the lift, he's made of metal after all, so he's extremely heavy =3 )

Age: ???

Gender: Male

Species: Cybernetic Beast

Alignment: Lawful Evil


Regeneration: Magnus has nanomites that reside throughout his body, if he receives damage the nanomites within his body will repair the damage over time

Plasma Breath: Magnus can breath out an extremely hot torrent of plasma or an explosive plasma ball with temperatures able to melt through a three meter thick solid reinforced steel wall within seconds

Monstrous strength: Magnus has the ability to lift 100 tons with ease without straining a circuit

Flight: with Magnus's large powerful wings he can propel himself into the sky and fly just over Mach 1 or 761mph

Weapons/Equipment: Magnus has razor sharp steel like teeth inside jaws with a bite force far stronger then a tyrannosaurus-rex, as well as razor sharp steel like claws able to cut through steel with ease, a powerful tail with razor like blades at the end, and heavy armored plating covered in harder then steel scales, with huge wings for flight, inside his body he has small antigravity generators that takes most of his body weight away allowing him to move quickly and to fly faster

Personality: Magnus is a very stubborn creature, and is not easily forgiving, he has a short temper, and will attack those who threaten him without a second thought

Backstory: Magnus was made in a top secret facility, he was built to fight for his creators, and bend to their every whim, but, through time, Magnus became intelligent, and with this new found intellect, he planned his escape, it happened so fast, no one knew what took place, the area that held Magnus was destroyed, by the time they found this out, it was too late, for there deadliest weapon was now free, as time passed, the search for Magnus was given up, he was presumed dead, but in reality, Magnus had hidden himself from civilization in caves and underground caverns, after he was forgotten he made an appearance, to be found by a little girl with pink hair and glowing eye's and a boy with silver hair and glowing blue eye's, to which he then followed, they traveled together, fighting fierce enemies and keeping each other safe

Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tewnLJj3V9w

Name: Kore-Drax

Appearance: He stands at 9ft tall

Age: 78 in human years, he's 26 in Rakavenclonien years, his race in known to live up to 300 Rakavenclonien years

Gender: Male

Species: Rakavenclon (Raka-Ven-Clon)

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Position: Mercenary

Genetic Enhancement's: Kore-Drax's Strength & Speed have been increased greatly, each arm can lift up to 2.5 tons, allowing him to lift 10 tons with all arms, he has a top running speed of 60pmh. His eye's easily can see in pitch black areas as if it was a moon lit night. thanks to his genetic enhancement's his body heals faster then it normal would after receiving in injury.

Psychic Powers: Kore-Drax's race has a natural born ability to use psychic powers, it allows them to make invisible barriers, lift heavy objects, or add more power to their punches, and in rare cases allow them to fly or at the least glide through the air.

Melded Armor: Kore-Drax's armor has been fused with his skin, meaning he can never take it off, there's a compartment on the torso that he can put food in that breaks down the food into nutrients, the left over substance is then removed from the compartment, the nutrients are then directly put into his blood system, in other words he never eats, or has to go to the bathroom because there's no waste. The armor acts as a filter and rebreather, taking in the air around him and filtering it before he breaths in, when he breaths out it filters his breath and allows it to be rebreathed if needed. The armor is made out of unknown metals to humans but it's stronger then reinforced steel, and is as light as titanium, with the armor has an energy shield that activates to stop speeding projectiles or objects, but something going slow enough wont trigger the shield to activate it allowing it to get though to the armor. The helmet has a nearly invisible visor over Kore-Drax's eye's that have a heads-up display with a motion sensor, it shows him how much ammo he has on him, how many rounds are in his weapons magazines, and what charge his shields are at. What makes Kore-Drax's armor special is the metal it's made out of, if becomes damaged, overtime it'll slowly repair itself.

Personality: Kore-Drax does not care for laws and has no mercy for his enemies or pity for those who are weak, if anyone is in his way he'll go through them without a second thought regardless if he has to kill them or not, he thinks himself superior to most other races and wont back down from a challenge unless he knows he has no chance to win, he's fearless, relentless and roars in the face of danger

Backstory: Kore-Drax was born and raised onboard a ship, his race is nomadic and is always traveling among the stars, going planet to planet, taking what they need to survive, and killing those who get in the way, when Kore-Drax came of age he was given his armor and weapons as well as a ship of his own, and left his home fleet to explore the stars, through his travels he fought to survive, and killed hundreds who dared get in his way, along his travels he took up the life of a mercenary, and he was good at it, he always got his target and made sure he got paid, regardless if the one who hired him didn't want to or couldn't.

Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjwFe6okyUw
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Uh Stry you know you didn't need to name it Hell's fury right ? You could of named it operation drop kick or ice pick or scalpel or wolf or wolf pack.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Now you tell me >.< oh well
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I thought you knew.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

No, I didn't but we'll work with it
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

We shall actually go by the name of Xcom instead now, or the Grey Wardens, or the Deep Stalkers or the Payne makers. SHIT Spriggs can't find Archer's cs fuck nuggles Spriggs will re make it from nothing like Minecraft
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sure sure, in IC anyway
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hey uh your first image doesn't work
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Didn't place one yet, for appearance or weapons? or the suit?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

So your bringing back Arashi clan ? And what happened to his history ?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

They're from a different universe, remember that.

Thing were way different, but they're both two different sides of a coin
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Oh so we're doing that again ?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Well not again cause this tie, I'm making them literally related
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 6 mos ago

I don't even feel that we need to be bothered placing our CSs anymore.
But then for the sake of new people if we get any.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

well y'all don't I do cause I'm presenting new ones, but assuming people join you should
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Yea. would be a good chance to again look over the Bio and work out any kinks.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Amalvi


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

-Name: Carlota
-Age: -203 (203 years since death)
-Gender: female
-Species: Vampire/undead
-Appearance: Carlota looks like a girl in her mid 20s that stands around 1.75m, with black hair that seems to float to the length of her shoulders and eyes that change color depending on her mood (normally green, yellow if excited, red if angered and blue if asleep, bored or similar) and some freckles on her cheeks and nose, with white pale skin typical of a corpse. She changes clothing often, not having a particular preferred way of dressing
-Alignment: chaotic neutral
-Position: Vagrant, former servant

-Weapon: Unknown number of revolvers Any weapon that is a gun consisting in a rotatory chamber is stored in the shadow realm and used by Carlota. It is impossible to determinate all of the different guns that she has and uses, even having multiples of each. Just a few of them are:
SW 629
1876 single colt action army
Flintlock revolvers
Webley Fosber automatic revolver
Taurus/Rossi .45 revolver rifle
Mateba autorevolver
Pistola Con Caricato Revolver

Some of these weapons are ancient and some are technologically advanced, the armor of the opponent usually determinate which will be more efficient

-Personality: Sadistic. Carlota finds quite enjoying and satisfying the moment she kills someone and is finally able to keep on living by drinking his or her blood. She lives without any care for others suffering and at the contrary she seems to find it a way to feel superior (others suffer and I don't, that makes me feel good). Ironically, this doesn't necessarily make her evil because she isn't without her good deeds. When she doesn't feel particularly hungry she can find other people interesting enough to not quarrel with them and in those situations she displays a cheerful and happy attitude and is even willing to help if she finds it worth her time, although everything she says carries a twisted undertone and is prone to entering disturbing black humor. Her smile never disappears from her face

-Backstory: Carlota was a normal girl who was unfortunate enough to live the apocalypse when the demons and angels quarrel on the earth. Caught in battle, Carlota was cursed by a demon lord and thus obligated to serve this master with her newly acquired vampire powers, which grew with each victim she consumed. Because of her increasing blood lust and luck she managed to stay alive more time than any other servant of the demon lord and thus became one of his favorite pupils to the point of being taught the dark magic of the shadow merging. However, her luck finally ran out when she was badly injured after a fight with an unknown angel and, in order to prevent death, she entered a slumbering state within a tomb in a crypt, where she would await for the return of her master. 190 years later she woke up, but not in the crypt by her master, but inside a slave ship in an unknown future. Carlota tries now to get back to her master and to adapt herself to this new world where she has missed almost two centuries
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Amalvi


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I actually need to ask, since I wasn't in the interest check
what are the species restriction?
what are the powers restriction?
is there a story of how this world came to the pandemonium and a conflict between heaven and hell, etc etc.

I have a character in mind, but just having the CS form with figuring by myself what to fill it with might be a bit complicated, so you might want to elaborate
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