Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

A nod came from the hybrid as the lady with the cane spoke to him and a slight chuckle was given to the other canine who also gave a comment. While they talked among each other in their tongue, the ranger glanced around the many faces of the bystanders who had witnessed the fight and by the time he returned his focus on the group they were already walking out, leaving the humans to glue their eyes on the ranger instead of the others. The spotlight being on the lone ranger kinda brought a sense uneasiness to the anthro, and before he knew it he started going towards the group, his left gloved hand raising up slightly to try and grab their attention if someone was watching him. As he walked away his eyes glanced over at the old man and the girl until he caught up to the Elvira group to talk again.

"Heya! Just a little advise: If you all are heading to the surface, keep an eye out for kill squads.. That's why this center is locked down in the first place." The ranger pointed out, keeping his distance so to not intrude on the group's personal space. He assumed they understood that people would mix himself in with them because of his appearance, but once at the gate he might be able to break away, unless circumstances say otherwise. ".. I saw a couple groups, but who knows? Maybe they're just scavengers and these guys are overreacting. There is a nearby caravan that had been massacred, I came from there and came back with some stuff, but seeing that carnage... These folks do have a reason to be on edge." All of this was directed specifically towards the human who was the first to talk to him since she and the canine seem to be the ones to communicate to if he wanted a response. One was occupied with the old man, and the other, well.. The guy looked like he wasn't much of a talker when it came to dealing with strangers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 7 days ago

Keepa jumped to attention as Xurga spoke. It was a pretty good idea, he could already see a few people who they had drawn the attention of, not to mention the announcement which had come on a few minutes ago. Certainly, they were running out of time, and Xurga didn't seem all to comfortable being around the humans. "<With certainty>" Keepa firmly replied, glancing to the scientist as he spoke in French and pausing for a moment before Skylar took his hand.
"<Yes, yes. This way, if you will>" I reply, pleasantly surprised by the bridge in the language gap. "<Yes,I...ehrm...you would not mind if I were to take someone with us...do...you?>" I inquire in response to Skylar, hesitantly and eager to distract myself from her as we followed the others by my reluctant lead at a hastened pace to match theirs, genuinely curious about her opinion before...Edgar? Caught up. I hoped she would forgive my forwardness, since she was just in being our only exception. "<I am unsure how much you can understand, but I thank you for trying.>" beginning with a gesture to my comrades, namely Xurga, first before continuing, "<That is Xurga. He is the equivalent of a hero and it was rude not to address him first>". There was no way he could have known, but he wanted to learn about out culture...It was a good place to start. The words of Achashverosh and names peaking through the Frynch, but I hoped the others didn't notice. "<The other one is Ashiek...he may slit your throat in your sleep if you make a mistake like that, again>" I say with laugh; as far as introductions went, it was about as good as he was probably going to get from me and I found it humorous, on a level, that he was so eager to join us. I prided myself on my truths and I suppose being a hybrid like our new friend, whom I knew little to nothing about, designated me as being most of the group to him. I was glad he spoke Frynch, since the crash-course on explaining the cultural gap would be embarrassing to word out into English.
As our new friend went on about something pertaining to 'Kill squads', I couldn't help but grow slightly skeptical. I expected Skylar to translate for me, but the fox didn't know or didn't care to speak Elvarian. He was an outsider; Humans couldn't be trusted by default, but a hybrid outsider had the potential to be much worse if we let our guard down.
Call me paranoid.
My mother was part of the tribe and I never knew my father. I was never told of him in depth and I could only assume the worst from him...I was very confused back in those days.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gogojakeo


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Keane's perspective:

Keane walked through the station, until he finally found Naomi. He was holding his hand on the back of his head to try and stop the bleeding, and his cheeks were red from where he had been slapped by Seamus. He also had a small scratch from Seamus' ring. "H-hi," he said, "How are you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by jdh97
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jdh97 Hopeful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Edgar heard the words of the persistent soothsayer, but was too preoccupied with the present to worry about the future, and so the thoughts sifted gently to the niche of his mind reserved for idly obscure facts, the kind that one could recollect if they thought for long enough. Like many naysayers who strived for the attention and fear of the weak, what he was saying was probably lies; Armageddon had already come, and Edgar was sure that the fear-mongers would have ran out of stuff to say after something they rambled on about for so long came true… apparently not.

Hearing the reply of the petite Cherie, the words coming in a much more familiar fashion, Edgar’s attention shifted to Keepa, understanding all of what she was saying, but he had to replay certain words in his mind until an associated meaning drifted to them.

“I understand enough to get by,” Edgar responded aptly, though he was certain he was not putting the right strains on certain syllables, despite his message being clear. Edgar looked at the hulking mass that was named Xurga, and had a sinking feeling in his chest that one obtains after doing something really rather stupid. In all the discussions he had had with Elvira, it had been mainly about their physiology and biological functions: what they ate, how they bred, how they were born, how they grew. Never did Edgar once ask about their social hierarchy, which he was regretting now, but at least there was an unforeseen benefit, in that he knew what to focus his question on.

“Then I shall have to apologise when we stop then, as I would rather like to survive this expedition,” Edgar laughed, tinges of nerves in it, hidden only by the sporadic change in breathing due to his quickened pace. Nevertheless he tried to strengthen his resolve, and steel his mind; he was doing this for science, and for the pride he upheld for being one of the few remaining academics he knew off; he would be damned if he was to let a little danger stop him from uncovering more about a race so mysterious to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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Skylar smiled slightly at Keepa's question and gave a soft chuckle. "<Not at all, I don't mind. The more the merrier. As long as your comfortable with it.>" she gave a reply before turning her head towards the man Keepa was bringing along, listening as it seemed Keepa was naming the group. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Skylar." she said pleasantly, turning her head slightly as the stranger anthro followed them and gave a warning.

"Thank you for the warning. Elvirans are use to dealing with things on the surface. Including Kill Squads." she said before turning toward Keepa. "<He means to warn us of groups of people going around and killing whoever they come across and steal from them. They've been on the surface plentifully as of late.>" she informed her companion.

Ashiek snickered and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, were used to it. Kill squads aren't as bad as hose Wraiths. Those are hella scary and tough . Xurga caught one and ripped its head off for his Pilgramige . First one in the tribe to do it." the black wolf smirked.

Xurga kept walking until reaching the exit. His ears twitching occasionally as he listened to the conversations. Occasionally hearing a word he recongized. His eyes glanced back at the two strangers of the group, the. At Skylar briefly before back ahead. Reaching the exit, he opened the closed doors with a large paw before opening them. A streak of dusty sunlight emitting from from the crack. Stepping up above the ground , there just lay dirt and ruin, dirt cloud rolling over the land. The large black tiger man looked around, examining the terrain before walking ahead. "<Clear. Let's go.>" he said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

((Guess I gotta pop something off like promised))

The ranger listened to the girl as she spoke with a mixture of laziness and professionalism to his stance, his hands finding their way into his jacket pockets as he trailed behind and stopped when the group stopped. Hearing both of their responses was a relief, but everyone had their own things to boast about until they die, and that was what concerned the anthro. By the time the larger fellow was opening the door and looking around, the hybrid stayed put and glanced over the two he spoke to before giving them yet another nod. "Well.. Feel free to help out lower the numbers. The amount of Rangers that are still alive kinda make it difficult to try and even go out there with an intent to stay alive... Anywho, if you do come across those groups, it would be rather nice if you could bring back some of their supplies so some of the o-" And just like that an out of place, but unique sound punctured the sounds of a market place, and trouble was going to follow.

Not too far away a shout followed by a small explosion was heard at one of the gates, the same gate the fox/wolf entered when he brought back some of the supplies from his run. Immediately chaos started up and the sounds of a fire fight erupted with the surviving guards and citizens exchanging gunfire with whoever was attacking the station. A curse erupted from under the ranger's breath and he turned to face the group, his eyes looking over each person before he spoke with a tone of concern in his voice. "Looks you guys picked a good time to leave.. Be careful." Those were his final words before the ranger reached for his chest holster and turned towards the chaos so to engage the threat. There were many people on the streets still, some being children who were currently being herded into their homes by their mothers or fathers, others being visitors of the station making their way for the exits, there were even a decent number of brave folk who have decided to rise up against the attackers, but none were organized.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 7 days ago

"< Good~ >" Keepa chirped as they neared the hatch, almost coldly in response to Edgar's words as a whole as shots rang through the tunnels. Without even jumping from the sounds of gunshots, he was already about himself with pulling his hood back and scarf down so he could slip on a gas mask he drew from the bag at his side in mid stride. The lavender and ice-blue curls and waves of the bunny's hair getting caught in the straps for a moment and needing readjusting; being a chemist wasn't all bombs and gas, effective dyes shared a handful of space in the 'Book of Spells'...though, like his eyes which glinted against the visor of the mask, it was rumored that it may simply grow that way. There were other suspicions that Keepa was actually fifty-something, an anthro who modified themselves to look like a hybrid, the chupacabre and/or Pestilence from Christian folklore, but none could ever be proven and were frequently contrived at his expense by rabble-rousers. Most didn't catch on, but little got past Keepa's ears.

The teasing was reason enough for him to seek exile and (oh my, a tangent ~_~ )...


"It voult be vise" I say in English, my accent showing; I only really knew enough English to get by at the time. Offering Skylar a nod for the translation, I throw my hood back on, twitching my ears through the holes while I adjust the scarf over the filter connection, poorly obscuring my face. I still had the switch on vent, but it was already there in case I needed to switch back to filter. A warning from a hybrid from outside the tribe...I bet he has a remote bomb inside him and the kill squads are simply using him to lure people to the surface in return for his life to continue to do the same to others. He picked one hell of a time to find us...

I whisper a small prayer while checking the bullets in the clip of my pistol, cocking the slide and catching the good bullet which I pop back in the clip.
I turn the safety off and resume my place in the crowd, my other hand on the pommel of my short sword as I stepped into the hazy light of the midday sun.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by jdh97
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jdh97 Hopeful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Edgar looked round to where the sound had originated, and, upon seeing Keepa do something similar, pulled the gasmask that was hanging from his neck onto his face, adjusting it so that the rubber and leather straps fit closely to his head. Each breath through the filter was difficult, but at least he was drawing breath. Blue eyes peered through the lenses of his mask, examining face and colourful hair of Keepa, realising he had not yet appreciated the idea she might be gifted with ammonia based colorants; it was rather useless underground, so scavengers steered clear of it, but it had its uses. That would mean she would have to have so scientific understanding, and Edgar highly doubted that to be the case.

He saw the crowds surge in panic, and voices and alarms were raised. A pang of guilt struck a deep chord in the essence of Edgar’s being, and for the first time in a long time, empathy struck him like a freight train; the fear, the confusion, he understood it all, and he felt a remorse that he had not expected. The fact was, these people were likely to die if the horde got through, and he found himself caring; years of being integrated into their society and ingrained a symbiotic appreciation and partnership. These conditioned feelings took Edgar off-guard, and caused him to hesitate, not so entirely certain that leaving would be a good idea.

“What do we do?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gogojakeo


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Seamus was worried that Keane would get hurt. He rushed out of their home, and dragged him back to their house again. "Put yer gas mask on!" he told him. Keane did as he told, and sat waiting for it to be over with Seamus.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Skylar smiled softly before it faded at the sound of screaming from where they came from. The stranger hybrid from before returning to assist the Station. The blind woman couldn't help but pause as she though of the several innocent people that could be hurt or killed. Especially the children. As their human arrival spoke what to do, she sensed his hesitation within his voice as well.

Both Ashiek and Xurga paused when Skylar did, the canine giving a gruff snort. "<Oi, Sky, don't be so softhearted again. It's not our problem what happens there. Plus we aren't exactly prepped for such a firefight. Gunfire hurts your ears, and me and Xurga are the only experienced fighters and we don't know how many there are or have the advantage of knowing the area. Plus we don't owe anything to those people. Metro Centre had its share of pelts from our tribe.>" The canine growled as he crossed his arms.

Skylar thought over his words , thinking thoughtfully before sighing. "<I know but... Our tribe is also based off in what's right. And leaving those people to death feels wrong. Sure, there are both bad and good people... But isn't helping those in need worth trying?>" sh asked softly.

Xurga flicked his round ears thoughtfully, giving a grunt before looking directly at Keepa. "<It is up to Keepa. This is your pilgrimage, a right in growing up and showing your true self. So if you say the word, we will leave or assist.>" the black tiger said firmly, a sense of strength of wisdom in it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 7 days ago

Keepa stopped...
My hand on the door as I had been the first one to cross the threshold. My boot barely had enough time to sing into the desolate soil before the human's words spoke.

"What do we do?"

I froze, looking down at my pistol.

~{"its not our fight"
"They are just humans..."
My own words ring though my head as I hear the screams of women and children, the siege already underway. None of us could say what would happen to them; likely a fate worse than death...until death would come. Either way, I had no hope of stopping them all...

"<We couldn't find anyone...>"
'Uncle Hawlin made a debut in my mind. I wanted them dead...ANY of them, whoever walked the surface must have known; maybe a chemical, some kind of sonic weaponry...a punch to the back of the head- what? It-...I don't-...
What would have explained the unconsciousness those years ago? How would I have gotten back?

~You have materials tailored for this~
My voice coos. Not myself, something inside me while I thumb at the first release of the gas grenade I had. One of three which had yet to be tested; I would never put myself in a position to need it, much less use it indiscriminately. It was valuable, three of a kind...

"<Please...we went back for her...don't-...don't cry>"
They had tried and failed, looking for someone who was dead or worse.
I had been sad.
I wanted to go out there to look for myself, but they had already lost someone from the search and that was the call for everyone, even me. They went back for me...and why shouldn't I go back for them?

"<We can only do what we can do for who we can, Keepa>"}~


"We can only do what we can for who we can" The boy mutters in a dialect expertly rehearsed as the words meant something to him, before drawing a repurposed smoke grenade shall from his bag, hooking his thumb on the pin. "<I have an...experiment...to conduct.>" They continue, taking a step back into the metro. It was clear by their expression that they were confusing themselves with their indecision, unwilling yet conflicted by their choices as they brush past Edgar.
"<I intend on going back. I can stop this...I hope...I pray>" The bunny sighs, looking to the group's eyes for a reason to give himself more time or reason to talk himself out of his intentions.
"<I want to help, only because the choice has been given to be my own; the humans in the station will be killed the same as our own would be and for that...>" Keepa began, unsure where to go with his speech. He shook, almost violently with what could be anticipation, nervousness, fear? He wasn't cut out to lead, and he knew this...but he was aware his voice would be heard as though he was. Catching themselves with almost cocking their pistol a second time, he looked at the ground, wrought with indecision as the words carried a weight he had no intention to actually speak. "<If we are superior...we should endeavor to teach through example...>" They started, hesitantly moving from wall to wall in pseudo cover back into the metro, still waiting to be talked down from his indecision. "...for as the saying goes...it would be awfully human of us.>" They conclude with the slightest of half-chuckles, looking back at the group for a response. This hybrid pushing his social limits to inspire some kind of compassion in the group in which almost half even cared.
The Human in him cried out for justice.
The Arthro in him cried out for Science.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

((I'll make a quick character post while I wait for a response in the OOC))

The anthro who had parted from the group to engage the threat had finally caught up to the conflict and game to a halt at the edge of the district where the fight was still happening, the sounds of gunfire still ringing, a fire already starting up down the lane in one of the stalls, and bodies laid out around the path way that were once living speaking people. He stared for a minute, neither shock or fear in those blasé eyes but when he tried to move he found a lot of difficulty. Despite his experience in hell, his body still was experiencing fear; the fear of death and the gunfire and screams didn't give a positive form of support for the hybrid. He did pull himself together though and kept going after holstering his handgun to grab his rifle.

When he took a few steps forward, there was a single crack from a variety of guns heard nearby, followed by screams of terror. The ranger immediately answered the calls of chaos, and he steeled himself before moving in and turning the corner that revealed the scene before him. The guards are failing and most have fallen, the invading attackers had even covered enough ground so to start rounding up people to execute them. There was one man, pacing around shouting and calling out those who were to be executed by labeling them 'impure' or 'impervious to man kind' Some were pleading for mercy, but people were being killed in a systematic, inhumane way and that was something that always shocked the ranger. He had to pause, listening to the sound of guns being loaded, people both young and old sobbing and crying out, and the shuffling of boots until he registered that he had enough, and immediately, the hybrid turned the corner, flicked the safety off, and squeeze the trigger.
Throughout the station the gunfire became more frequent, and it was closer towards the group of survivors who had waited at one of the many exits where the fight had not caught up to them yet. It was rather evident there wasn't much time for peace left, but the question was: How would one enter the fray?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Skylar smiled softly at Keepa's words, hearing his footsteps take a slight hesitant steps back inside the underground tunnel. Ashiek gave a snort at the reasoning.

"<Most Apelesshar never seem to learn... And most would not do the same kindness.>" The canine scoffed a little but cracked his knuckles as he prepared for a battle.

"<Not all are the same. There are many times where they have done wrong, but they will only learn the right thing to do by guidance."> Skylar said before walking after Keepa quickly and gripped his hand. "As for you, I believe you deserve a blessing." she smiled brightly.

Xurga nodded, walking closer and gave a slight smile toward the hybrid of the group. "<A warrior going into battle deserves the proper send off.>" he said softly, looking to Skylar and giving her shoulder a slight touch with his large hand.

It was customary for warriors going off to battle to receive a prayer by a Cyril of the temples. To wish them the guidance of the gods, and the honor of being a Elviran be if they live or die. Skylar was the closest to a Cyril of the group, perhaps close to Keepa if not for the God of Steel. So usually, she was the one who blessed Xurga or Ashiek when they went off to battle.

Giving a smile, Skylar walked closer to her comrade, moving her hands up, her fingertips feeling their way up to the correct position in a gentle brushing manner. Reaching in the hood to gently grasp the slightly unfamiliar smooth cheeks. It wasn't often she touched a more human face. Though it was the best way to get a idea on what people looked like, touching their faces. She tried to ask people on it though , since it made quite a few uncomfortable. So despite wanting her hands wanting to wander over the soft skin, she held them gently against the cheeks, cupping the face tenderly. Giving a smile, the blonde leaned closer ever so slightly.

"<May our gods and ancestors guide you along your path, and bless your soul.>" Skylar said before kissing Keepa's forehead hidden inside the hood. Pulling away she moved to Xurga who kneeled down before her, as she did the same to him. Ashiek grumbled a little but knelt down as well, receiving the same gesture before standing instantly.

"Let's just go. Try to stand back, Sky, it will probably get loud." Ashiek said before heading through the tunnels.

Xurga nodded as well, patting the top of her head before heading out as well, Skylar following behind.

When they reached Metro Centre, there was defiantly a commotion and the fights were already breaking out. Xurga cracked moved around the corner and peeked at what was going on and examined the situation. "<Many of the stations people are scattered, many trembling at the exits. Seems to be a lot of opponents though.>" he said firmly, his eyes scanning for possible leads.

Ashiek scoffed before looking at Sky and Keepa. "<Sky, you should probably stay back here..>" he muttered.

Shaking her head, the female human looked a little determined. "That's alright, I'll help the survivors out." she said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by jdh97
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jdh97 Hopeful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Edgar watched with an amalgamation of wonderment and patience as before him Keepa quite visibly struggled with herself internally, trying to choose between what was right, and what was practical, the two seemingly tearing apart her resolve, but she finally concluded upon a course of action. He had to fight the underlying urge to quiz Keepa, and kept his face sternly serious, though he was smiling inside, impressed with the Elvira; it was rare to see a selfless person in the tunnels, much less the Elvira, as all those he had seen before had been filthy and duplicitous.

To try to help whom they could seemed a noble cause, and yet Edgar found himself questioning whether it was the right thing to do. He was by no means a noble man, but he thought he was a good man, relatively speaking, and he found himself wanting to abandon those he had come to now. He wondered, then, why it was he found his feet following the Elvira as they stalked off with clear purpose towards the sound of gunfire and death. It was not as though he could offer much; he had but a knife, which he was not that apt with, to do combat, and would most ultimately meet his demise if he tried to assist them in their venture. After his father died, Edgar spoke rarely to those in his community, for that is what they were, and felt no guilt for it; their lives were simpler without another name to put to a face. Despite this, he viewed them as a family, the guards and long-stayers were always there for each other, even Edgar to an extent with the maintenance he performed. But when they were in grave peril, and Edgar found himself caring more for his own life than those he may yet save, he felt deeply ashamed; the Elvira were ready to risk their lives, and they knew nothing of his homesteaders. He supposed this inspired him to a degree, but also shamed him into moving; he was clearly not as good of a man as he liked to think.

The Elvira conversed in their most alien tongue, and they came to a halt near to where the pandemonium was transpiring. He saw guards, with names he knew, faces he knew, laying, contorted in pain, yet utterly tranquil in death, and hollow in the eyes when their soul had long since left them. A cold shiver ran down Edgar’s spine, and his heart raced against a heavy, constricting weight around his chest. Death scared him, there was no denying it, but seeing those he knew dispatched with such onanistic brutality filled him with a leaden dread. So much he had taken for granted, his safety, his life, and it was frightfully apparent that his mortal coil could so easily be sprung when faced with the lifeless façade of people who were once known. He wondered how long it would be before their deeds, and indeed their names, faded from the memories of those they died trying to protect. Not long, he wagered.

From the appearance of their situation, this was direr than the normal skirmishes, the death toll could testify to that. The dank smell of dirt and people was now permeated with the putrescence of blood and gore. Edgar fought the urge to gag, holding his knife in shaky hands, his face visibly pale. Perhaps if he held one of his contraptions he would feel a greater confidence, but for now, the only thing keeping him from fleeing was adrenaline and an indescribable sense of duty.

He stood as ready as he would ever be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 7 days ago

"<We are not most, nor are we Aplesshar>" I was quick to snap, frustration with myself and nervousness for what I had already convinced myself was a terrible idea, feeling foolish as Skylar spoke. I stop to count our numbers, noticing the stranger had already gone off ahead. Laying a trap? Telling the kill squad about a rinky-dink mismatch of would be (and one should be) 'heros'?
My grim thoughts were pulled from my mind at Skylar's touch, having almost forgotten about the now. Now we were warriors, for one reason or another. I'd be loathe to squander a prayer to the gods with the excuse of cowardice now...however tantalizing running away was. Her fingers were cool and silken against my cheeks and jaw; I was never used to her touch and certainly didn't deserve anyone's respect if I got a single one of them hurt, if only for her. I was glad that she respected my vow of obscurity, especially with strangers in our midst.


And so our hero's visor fogged up, lightly from the human's kiss, shuffling in their boots slightly before following Ashiek, whispering a small prayer while tracing the barrel his rifle...on his back. "God, Gods, guide the wings of my steel; set sail and find me a grain in the coffin with which to set my nail" his words chirp in a hushed French, aware of Ashiek's mood and not wanting to really attract his attention. Keepa wasn't a leader; quite meek in all honesty and a would-be coward if not for the company he kept to inspire him to be more.

As they approached the door, he slipped a pair of ballistics plugs into his bunny ears which he tucked back into his hood. Gas mask still on, pistol in one hand and gas grenade in the other, it almost looked like he knew what he was doing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

There was shouting and people scrambling around as the ranger took the first shot into the group. He was following them with his iron sights and giving the possibility of death to those who were his target each time he squeezed the trigger. Everything happened so unexpectantly, and that gave the hybrid a slight advantage until they began to realize who the shooter was. One of the called out his location and immediately turned to squeeze the trigger, bringing the reality that ranger was going to suffer the price for playing the gambling game of a reckless one versus many shootout.

First came a shot, then came a whistle that got louder before it was cut off with the jolt of pain that shot from the shoulder of the anthro who was busy unloading rounds into the crowd. Everything around him became quiet, even the sounds of the innocent who had taken the time to flee and run for safety during the shootout. The silence was brief, then there was shouting. It wasn't long before the bewildered ranger came to his senses, and he reached up to feel a numb yet significant pain in the shoulder where it all had started, only to see his gloved hand be smeared by his own blood. He had been shot, and it was where his vest didn't cover.

"Find him! I want that dog skinned alive!" Someone shouted, and the danger came back to the hybrid. He quickly got up but kept low, his still good hand reaching to his chest holster to yank out the revolver as he fought through the pain and tried to sneak away. The silence to his step and voice was what had saved him, yet it took a lot from him not to collapse and cry out in pain. Adrenaline was the credit for the strength that he had never felt before, a new source of energy would not last long before it seeped away, and tossed the anthro into the mercy of his opponents, if they found him that is. He hid behind a stall not too far away, placing his handgun on his lap so to reach up and grip his wound. He could hear them down the lane, searching and tossing things aside until someone said a whisper.

"Look, on the floor, it leads over there."

That wasn't the only thing he heard, he could also hear muffled voices nearby, and they were familiar to him. The only question was, who would get to him first? The kill squad or the strangers whom he had bumped into earlier on?

Back at where the ranger had challenged the group, there were two bad guys dead and four more still holding their ground. They were all speaking to eachother and training their rifles at the corner. Two had left to find the injured ranger because their leader commanded them to, and they were armed with semi automatic hunting rifles, the caliber being enough to give a nasty hit, but not enough to puncture armor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Xurga glanced around the corner, examining how many there were. Four were near the exit, two were lying on the ground dead. He could smell more, so noise was out of the question unless necessary. It didn't seem they noticed them just yet, and the large tiger wasn't quiet enough to sneak. That just left the stealth master. Without saying a word, the large Elviran looked to Ashiek before nodding toward the two men.

Ashiek nodded softly, glancing a little toward Keepa, ears flicking as he barely heard the quiet prayer of the God of Steel. But he only gave a slight nod before crouching low to the ground. Creeping across the ground like a quick silent shadow, his black fur blending in against the dark shadows against the walls. The canine moved closer to the four men from behind, a risky move but a quiet one if successful. In a swift movement, he moved up behind one, his hands grasping the sides of his head and snapped it to the left. The body falling in a instant.

At that moment, Xurga charged, his muzzle curled into a terrifying snarl and his pupils mere slits like a charging predator. If one has the features, using intimidation could be useful in freezing a opponent in a momentary fright. The men had turned toward the canine to shoot, though true fast moving Ashiek, spun , his left leg held high and kicked the gun hands. Before they could counter, the tiger had reached heir position.

One seemed about to scream in fright, but before he could, Xurga pressed his massive paws on both sides of his heads and pressed together. Until the human's skull crushed between them and blood spurted out like a rushing geyser.

The other two trembled at the sight, scurrying to pick up the guns, but Ashiek kicked one in the stomach, while Xurga unhooked his sledgehammer on his back and rose it above his head and slammed it down on the other, the head smashing into the hand it's skull. The canine got a choke hold on the last one from behind, binding his throat so hard that he couldn't scream. Before long, the human fainted from being deprived of breathe. Tsking, Ashiek set the man down and took out a knife, slitting the throat before standing up.

Xurga nodded as well before looking around then looked at Ashiek. "<Scout ahead.>" he whispered.

Ashiek nodded, glancing toward the others before quickly moving on, making sure to stay closer to the shadows and out of sight. He went down a lane closer to the shopping district and spotted two men seeming to follow a blood trail. Sneaking up behind them, he kicked one under the legs while knifing the other in the throat, turning and knifing the other on the ground.

He sheathed the blade before looking at the stand cautiously, slowly getting closer. Unhooking his two pistols, he turned the corner and pointed the guns straight at whoever was there. Though blinked a little as he saw it was that hybrid canine from before. He clicked his tongue a little before slightly lowering his weapons. "Well don't you look like shit." he grinned.

Xurga moved toward the others and looked to Skylar. "<Stay here. If any survivors make here , lead them back toward the surface until it's safe to come back. Keepa, let's go after Ashiek. There are bound to be much more or them.>" he said quietly before lumbering off after Ashiek.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 7 days ago

Keepa strolled slowly behind the other two, the click of their boots accenting the silence of the death which gave the air a sour stink. He'd never killed a human, himself, but had a hand in traps and was not new to their death; his pistol clean and almost new and a sword crafted from bone with a hunk of rebar shown into the blade, sharpened into a vicious serrated edge which, in itself, was still razor sharp.
He wore a look of disappointment as he watched Ashiek slit the unconscious man's throat; wavering at the eyebrows with a mix of interest and actual disappointment. Curiosity won out through the attempt to hide his expression, and that's what could make one consider Keepa dangerous. He would never say it, but he was curious what it was like to kill a human. The accompanying sigh hinted to a sense of relief; maybe it wasn't much different, being half animal himself, but having to kill rats and eat vermin to survive for as long as he had, he wasn't to sure if he was ready for the weight of the dead's soul on his shoulders...especially if he hadn't earned it.

~ ~ ~

I tapped the back of the curved bone sword to the back of my arm a few times as I watched Ashiek slink off, pulling out one of my earplugs. Feeling for the pack of cigarettes in my arm pocket, I sighed into the filter of my mask and counted the seconds; the hushed whispers in the distance and shifting rocks of Ashiek's steps as a encroached like a silent storm upon the unprepared. The ears weren't for show, he was quiet and if I hadn't saw him leave, I wouldn't have known what to listen for...except for the two-second skirmish of men dying although, to my surprise, one was alive before Ashiek finished him. I looked away and swallowed my feelings in a display which may have looked like squeamishness though, how I offered to help the hybrid with a "I can say. I can help- you cannot? Can?" uncaring about my English.

There weren't many hybrids that I had the luxury to know in the tribe since the occurrence was usually due to barbarisms in one way or the other; bad ideas in the spur of the moment leading to rejected outcasts who mostly had to fend for themselves if one of the parent's wouldn't keep them. Eyeing up his wound as I drew close, I pulled out my 'advanced' medkit with the intention of performing excision on the bullet likely still lodged in his shoulder. I wanted to hear his story and trust was key. I had been selfish with the word, but seeing his condition after being saved, it was my move to make.
"In no time~" I chirp with a smile from behind the mask, my tone laced with a hope of reassurance. My eyes felt warm as I saw the reflection of their light in the visor. I needed to work on calming myself since the bioluminescence had been known to put people off...and I suddenly found myself caring about what people thought of me.
I wanted him to let me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

When the fight settled and the threat was dealt with, the mood of the aftermath sunk in with bodies strewn about the area. While the bad guys were done, they did leave behind a significant amount of death with little time they had, and the lines of dead metro dwellers proved it. Those who were alive during the ordeal and were not directly affiliated with it had fled and left the group alone, but the sounds of gunfire still echo throughout the metro. This meant the had group time to prepare and make their decisions with what little time of peace they had.

When Ashiek turned the corner guns ready he was met by the barrel of the revolver, the grip being firm but weak despite the quick response. The ranger and the one responsible for the reflex looked over the gun, and slowly the gun was lowered, leaving him to somewhat relax with a slight smirk on his face. "I-I have had better days. He said, a pant escaping him between each word. The gunshot wound he had sustained was taking it's toll, and with the adrenaline wearing off and the pain taking over the hybrid knew he was running out of choices and was rather fortunate for the rescue.

Moments later the other came and his eyes glanced over the group with that look of pain and relief in that only a man who had a rough experience had the right to show and the words directed towards Keepa almost flew over his head. They reached him however, and he placed the gun aside to push him slightly up the cover he sat against, attempting to sit himself up despite the current circumstances. A grunt and a cringe came from him, but he managed to get himself sitting properly and when he did so he pulled off the strap that kept his rifle close by, slowly sliding the gun towards the group with his hand resting on the stock of it.

"Thank you all for staying... But such a thanks will have to hold off. No doubt more trouble comes our way when these guys' friends realize the shooting has stopped." The hybrid pointed out, letting his hand slip off the gun and his head give Keepa a nod. "If you need anything from my gear just say so.. That includes the rifle. Get ready to run or fight while you can, I am confident these guys you had combat with have their own stuff you to use as well."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 7 days ago

I helped him up, examining the wound which seemed to have gone through for the most part. The exit wound was messy, though, perhaps hollowpoints? I cracked open my medical pack, rifling through the contents before drawing antibiotics and bandages; I would have more time to treat him after the threat had been dealt with. "Pardon the pain" I coo, dampening a cloth with alcohol and cutting away a bit of his sleeve counting softly.
"Un...deux...trois" And disinfecting the wound while pulling a bandage to length. I quickly applied antibiotics to the injury and bound it up tight enough to stop the bleeding, but not so much as to cut off circulation to the rest of the arm. I make a makeshift sling for him with leftover length from the bandage as to keep stress off of his shoulder, as we were bound to soon be on the move. I pack up, checking to make sure my work was holding together. "Check will, when safe" I mention, trying to assure him that I know it was slapdash, but it would have to do for the situation, since properly patching him up might take a bit...and I would make a point to avoid being shot.


Keepa sighed as he stowed everything back in his bag which he slung back around his hips, peeking over the stall at the bodies. He had considered taking the man's assault rifle, but it was almost as big as he was and was certain to be cumbersome...whereas the glint of an smg under one of the soldiers was much more alluring. After a short scan on the area, Keepa vaulted the counter, sprinting low and sliding next to the corpse, quickly going to work while whispering silent apologies to the dead. The smg turned out to be a Skorpion which worked out nicely.


I was tempted by the dead man's flack jacket. It hadn't done him much against Ashiek's deft strikes, but also hadn't been damaged as a result. I looked back at the group as I proceeded to undo the buckles and slide it off of the man, who was a bit heavier than I had wanted him to be...and larger, as the vest fit me poorly, even tightened all the way up. I must have looked ridiculous, but it was better than the leather armor I wore underneath. It even had pockets for extra clips, thankfully already set with a few extra magazines for the Skorpion, should I need it. Foolishly, I had taken a seat behind the corpse of the Nazi to pop rounds into the currently used magazine; the gun having already slain a few by what was missing. I hollowly obliged to do the same before I heard the alarmed guttural tones of the kill squad some way across the metro.

Und dann sehen wir das unreine Mädchen, die Toten zu berauben. Ich wende mich an Diedrick und eine Wette vorschlagen; "Glaubst du, ich könnte die peg Schlampe daraus weit?"
Deidrick seufzt, wie er sagt, "Mir wirklich egal, was Sie tun, Sir. Wir sind hier aus einem Grund..."

Shots rain out from an adjacent corridor. Keepa ducks what would have otherwise been his head by the damage that befell the strap on the top of his mask. In the process of drawing his newfound gun, two 'Tthup!'s emanate from his chest as hes knocked to the floor, not even managing to pull the trigger. He laid, coughing and gasping weakly as he pulled at his mask.
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