Haru Nyan said
And maybe two or three guys in the buff, some rope and T-Oops, better not get my hopes up.I swear, it better Sato with him. He's gonna see if he can 'handle' Noboru's Qualorie Magic.
"I feel... I can really trust you now."
RANK UP: Rank 10 MAX
[Thou art I... And I am thou... Thou hast established a genuine bond... The inner most power of the Strength Arcana has been set free. We bestow upon thee Zaou Gongen, the ultimate form of the Strength Arcana.]
> Noboru takes something out of his "gym bag."
"Sato, I want you to have this."
> Got "Quelorie Magic"
"Can we... can you stay here for a while?
> You spend a
long time in the gym before going home.