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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Once upon a time there was a world with heroes like Iron Man, Captain America, Batman, Superman, and even Spiderman. But that isn't this world. Those are just comics, they aren't real. But this world we call home has many Villians, and why not create a Team of Heroes, after all, it works in the comics!

So, we will completely original heroes. This means you can have a Alias/Costume like one of the heroes, but not the same history.


The Leader
The Goof
The Hothead
The Mystical
The Flirt
The Raw Power
The Spiritual
The Trained
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Alison Clare
Alias: Lady Red
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Enhanced Human

Powers: Heightened Senses, Enhanced Speed, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Agility, Extreme Stamina, Regeneration(To an extent)
Abilities: Experienced with just about every type of weapon, Some hacking skills, Has experience in multiple types of Martial Arts
History: Her family was very poor, then they found out about a program that wanted young children. They owed money to the Mob and some people in high places. So they gave their daughter(Alison) and their son(Jacob) to the program. A few weeks after they got the money, they were found dead in their home, all signs pointed to a break in. But Alison and Jacob knew the truth. They were taken to separate facilities where they were experimented on. Alison was kept for 9 years, and then escaped. But she hasn't been able to find her sibling. She recently found an ad online for a "Superhero Team" and she took it, wanting to help families like her own.
Personality: She sometimes uses guns and swords, not caring about the lives of criminals. She might even kill someone if they withheld information her brother. At this point she would betray even her best friends to get her brother, who all she knows is that he is alive.
Role: The Trained
Weaknesses: She is still human, just genetical and biologically upgraded, while her skin and muscle are stronger and harder, she is weak to electrical shocks, as this was the only way to control her during her training.
Family/Friends: Mary Clare(Mother, Deceased), Kevin Clare(Father, Deceased), Jacob Clare(Brother, Deceased)
Crush/Relationship: "Why would i need that? I would only hurt them, just like everyone else. I only need my brother. I will do anything to get him back!"
Other: She doesn't have much of a life outside of being Lady Red, since she was taught everything she would need through telepathy, a power she has but can't unlock, due to it not being fully integrated with her mind. This leads to horrible nightmares and extreme headaches. This cause of this is her brother, who was the only thing she thought of while escaping, the day they tried giving her the power of telepathy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Do all the characters know eachother before the RP, or do they meet another during it?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

datadogie said
Do all the characters know eachother before the RP, or do they meet another during it?

A few might know each other, but not too much and the rest meet during
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Timeo Yosef
Alias: Stone Face
Species: Mutant (Basically a human who had his dna on his hands changed from a chemical spill during a dangerous lab experiment at college. And then afterwards bitten by a werewolf.)
Appearance: He is 5'10" tall with pale skin, except for his hands which are completely black. He has green eyes and long brown hair held back in a pony tail. His clothing consists of a plain grey t-shirt and blue jeans and his shoes are black runners with white laces.
Power(s): He will transform into a wolf at the sight of the full moon. This gives him a better sense of smell and hearing and allows him to move much faster then a man running.

Abilities(Learned): He has learned how to transform fully when he wants to from his human-like form to a wolf when he wants to, but exposure to the full moon will still automatically transform him into a wolf and he cannot change back until he is not exposed to the full moon or there is no full moon, which has definitely proved to be annoying.

Due to some experiments after the chemical spill he has discovered that his hands nerves are all dead. So he does not feel pain by grasping or touching with his hands.

History: He grew up from a family that believed that everything came from nature. His whole family were very kind to him and his brother, even when they did things the wrong way. In such a case his mother would simply explain to him why he must never do what he did wrong again, in such a clear and calm voice delivered with a smile that he couldn't help smiling himself. As he grew older he wondered how she did it, and after several years he discovered it. It was patience and kindness, but mostly patience.

Anyway he grew up, participating in sports teams in middle school after seeing his older brother enjoy it. Although his brother was the loud one on his team, while Timeo wouldn't speak very often unless spoken to or he thought he could help someone. Then those years passed by and he graduated middle school and high school and went straight to college.

In his first year of Chemical labs, he thought he would stay behind one day and try a new combination of chemicals that he thought would mix well. Things like bleach, and hydrochloric acid and others. It turned out that he was very, very wrong and by the third thing he added to the mixture, it then bubbled over onto his unprotected hands and within two seconds he was screaming. The rest of the night was like torture and he wouldn't forget the pain that accident brought.

Three months later, he was venturing into the forest during the night to get some peace and quiet from the partying in the college residence, when he was attacked by a werewolf. It was too fast and he couldn't stop it. And so after telling his story to the few friends who would stick by him he was then called The Mutant.

Shortly afterwards,
One of his 'friends' couldn't keep their mouth shut about his 'condition' and he ended up getting expelled from college shortly before the end of his second year. He moved into the forest after that, knowing that at least nature wouldn't betray him like his friend. To this day, he only comes out of the forest when he is lonely or when one of the few who knows he is there requests him to do so.

Personality:Quiet much of the time, unless he thinks he can guide or help someone else. He will do what he can to avoid hurting anyone, because he remembers what it feels like to feel pain and he doesn't want others to feel the same. He can crack a joke at times, and likes to do it to make awkward situations less awkward.
Role: The Spiritual
Weaknesses: The Full Moon as he loses control of his shapeshifting power.
Family/Friends: His father Wade. Mother Merry. Older brother Joe. His friend is Zack.
Crush/Relationship: He doesn't feel the need to get 'involved with a girl'. At least not yet.
Other: He likes the color blue.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Sry I've kinda lost interest. Bye.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Scarifar said
Sry I've kinda lost interest. Bye.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Susan "Suzy" Meadows

Alias: Nova

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Species: Android


Suzy is a tall girl, standing at 6'0 and while it has given her much grief over the years she likes it quiet a bit. Helping get stuff off the top shelf and such. She also has a smile or gentle look 80% of the time.

Power(s): Suzy is a highly advanced android, light years ahead of anything that could be created today. As such she has these powers.
-Super Strength: Like a robot, she is far stronger than any human. However unlike a robot, she has no set limit as to how high her strength. The only thing stopping her from lifting 100 tons is herself. Usually she can only lift 15 tons but when motivated enough she can lift far more.

-Durability: The skin itself is only slightly tougher than normal skin, only able to block small caliber bullets and the such. However the metal skeleton is far more durable and is able to resist blows from rockets and high caliber bullets with minor damage.

-Healing: Not as great as you would think. The healing factor only heals at about the same rate as a humans would, if not a tad faster. However considering that this is a being of metal, this is extraordinary.

-Android Physiology: Being an android, Suzy does not need to eat, sleep, drink, or even breath. To that effect she isn't effected by poisons or sonic attacks. However she was built to be extremly human. As such she will eat, drink, and sleep. She will can also blush, laugh, cry, and even bleed.

Abilities: The only thing she knows how to do combat wise is fire her stun gun accurately. Outside of combat she is a master level cook, a skill she likes to use often.

History: Suzy comes from the future, not this Earth's future but the future all the same. Her home was one filled with war and death, one her parents hoped to escape. After 15 years the little family found out how to travel back in time. However before they could leave completely, the lab was attacked and caused the family to get separated. While Suzy fell through the time stream, she saw many points in time but also many points from other worlds. Worried what would happen should she stay in the stream, Suzy touched the closest hole in time and space. A flash knocked her unconscious and when she awoke, found herself in an alleyway. After a couple days of wandering and collecting information, she discovered something called a "superhero team". Seeing her opportunity to not be alone anymore, Suzy went to the location in hopes of making friends and stopping bad guys.

Personality: Suzy is one of those people that always seem to have a smile on their face. All she wants to do is help people, something that didn't happen much in her world. She is also very trusting, something that has gotten her in more trouble than good but is a trait she refuses to let go. However for all her positiveity she is hides an impressive anxious streak. She doesn't like her metal bits, she is worried her friends won't like her should they learn the truth, and she is afraid that she doesn't have a soul. When these feelings come up she hides them behind a smile and acts like nothing is the matter for her friends sake.

Role: The Raw Power

Weaknesses: While she is extremely powerful, Suzy is also highly untrained in combat. Only giving clumsy swings and punches. However her most powerful weakness is herself. She is self conscious about her robot parts as she thinks they are ugly. In fact whenever a piece of her skeleton is showing she will scramble to cover it up, giving the excuse that she needs to wrap up an injury. Because her "powers" closely tied to her emotions, when Suzy gets anxious she either looses them or the go out of control. Suzy is also easily manipulated due to her trusting nature.

Family/Friends: Dr.'s Adrian and Leandra Meadows, unknown location or well being.

Crush/Relationship: She will have a crush on Alison.

Other: Nobody knows she is an android, that will be reveled later in the RP.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Everyone has been accepted, but we can't start without a leader
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 25 days ago

may i take leader or em... hothead?

"We are Legion We are Many"
Name: Jack north
Alias: Legion
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Appearance: human form
True Titan Form
(he prefers not to use it because of its immense destructive properties

Role: Leader
Weaknesses: UV Light in large quantitys (a little more then sunlight) Brass and Steel
Family/Friends: His Sister Is a Antihero...
Crush/Relationship: None hes to focused on his work into Quantum physics
Other: WIp
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I bumped the interest thread.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

1Charak2 said
may i take leader or em... hothead?"We are Legion We are Many"Name: Jack northAlias: Legion Age: 19Gender: MaleSpecies: HumanAppearance: human form True Titan Form (he prefers not to use it because of its immense destructive properties Power(s): Abilities(Learned): History: Personality: Role: Leader Weaknesses: UV Light in large quantitys (a little more then sunlight) Brass and Steel Family/Friends: His Sister Is a Antihero...Crush/Relationship: None hes to focused on his work into Quantum physics Other: WIp

Which one? And if you complete it, we will see
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Can I have whatever is left? When Charak decides.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So what positions are still open?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Teoinsanity
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Teoinsanity Lost on Jeopardy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name:jack rip


Role:the hothead

Personality:smart ,brash,and brutal,he will do anything for his family and friends,likes to quip during battles

Appearance :a 5,11 cacausion male with brown eyes and hair

Suit:a black jumpsuit and a domino mask

Powers:is able to teleport himself and items he is carrying anywhere,he also has a pocket demension



Bio:while searching in a junkyard one day,he found a glowing blue cube,when he touched it he fainted,when he woke up,he had a tatto on his arm shaped like a "A"and he started teleporting out of control,he learned how to use it,and became a hero.

Equipment:a sledgehammer,and a taser he took from a crooked cop.

Weakness:if he teleports more than 5 times every ten seconds,hewill faint.

Abilities:teleport self,teleport item,teleport to pocket dimension

Family:he has two uncaring parents,rich but uncaring.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Teoinsanity said
Name:jack ripAlias:blinkRole:the hotheadPersonality:smart ,brash,and brutal,he will do anything for his family and friends,likes to quip during battlesAppearance :a 5,11 cacausion male with brown eyes and hair Suit:a black jumpsuit and a domino maskPowers:is able to teleport himself and items he is carrying anywhere,he also has a pocket demension Age:14Species:HumanBio:while searching in a junkyard one day,he found a glowing blue cube,when he touched it he fainted,when he woke up,he had a tatto on his arm shaped like a "A"and he started teleporting out of control,he learned how to use it,and became a hero.Equipment:a sledgehammer,and a taser he took from a crooked cop.Weakness:if he teleports more than 5 times every ten seconds,hewill faint.Abilities:teleport self,teleport item,teleport to pocket dimensionFamily:he has two uncaring parents,rich but uncaring.

Nope, one you didn't detail at all, and two I have three people before you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

RumikoOhara said
So what positions are still open?

Hothead, Leader, Mystical
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Like what is the hothead exactly? Like the rebel of the team?
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