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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I get off my bike and place my helmet on the seat. I walk to the front door of the house that would be our HQ, it doesn't look like much of a house for crime fighters, and I begin to wonder if this is the right place. I knock on the door, wondering who is this "Titan" is. She was the one who sent out the Ad and said to meet here. I begin to wonder who else is gonna be here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cassandra steps out of a Misty bank of fog a tapestry bag thrown over her left shoulder an gripped by her right hand. She follows a trail a short distance till she comes to the strangest sight she's ever seen. It is a road made of bituminous pitch with sand or gravel bonded together and it's makers have even used white, yellow and white paint stripes to decorate it.
Feeling adventurous Cassie decides to follow this road as it seems to be headed where the spirits are guiding her.

She is on the road for only minutes when she hears a mixture of sounds approaching from behind her. Rushing wind and a thumping drum are the only two sounds she can place for the others are beyond her experience. Heeding her intuition's warning Cassie steps off the road in time to see a huge metal and glass construct go by faster than a horse may run. Sitting inside the machine are two young men who seem at first aloof but then extremely interested as they pass her.

The machine slows then stops as one of the men hangs out of a hole where once was glass.

"Hey sweetness why's a fine beauty as yourself walking down Hollow Well Mountain?" He asks Cassie

"I am in search of those that require my aid".she answers honestly

"Well now if they're in town or on the way why not bring your fine self over here and allow us to give you a ride?" He says back making a delightful offer

Cassie walks to the machine and takes a seat in it's rear where at first she's stunned by the fake leather then fascinated. She an the two young men talk of many things as they go down the mountain then enter town. She is happy to take advantage of their primal lust for her by asking them to drive her where she needs to go.

They ask her cell number confusing her a moment till one holds up his and explains it to her. She tells them she doesn't have one but that if they wish to continue their friendship that here is where she can be reached. The two trade glances as they look past Cassie and at the Mystical Dreams Witches supply and homeopathy store.

Cassie walks into the store, it is crowded with shelves holding bottles of various components and odd contents she cannot place. The store is poorly lit and in the air hangs a dense cloud of incense smoke. In the back of the store softly playing a silver flute sits crosslegged a graying witch and the owner of the place.

("Greetings Darkwing Dancer, I am she you've dreamed of")
"Saúdos escuro Baile á, eu son aquela que soñou" Says Cassie to the startled woman
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

With the hood of his hoodie up, hiding his ears, and his tail tucked inside of his jeans, James walks along the road feeling the backpack on his back shift every step, and toward the house which already had someone on a bike riding up to it. He stood his distance for a minute or so, observing as he realized that when the person took off the bike helmet she was a girl with red hair. A few more seconds later, he was walking up to the girl as she knocked on the door. "Hey there," James says, winking at the girl, a kind smile on his face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Monster
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Monster Hella

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tying her chestnut brown hair into a loose ponytail, Aaelith stepped over to the control console, her finger-less gloved hands reaching out to check the many security cameras. Again, she saw no one. With a huff, the infamous Titan plopped down into her seat at the head of the command center, the blinking lights of the many computers and switches bounced across her golden skin. If her father could see her now, he would be furious at her, all his years of training seemed to leak out of her body at that very moment, and instead of the strong Titan, what was left sitting in the seat was 17-year old Sam Walker. The girl who made sure to get all A's, befriending her teachers despite her many strange absences. If only they knew why...

Never once had she allowed herself to complain, or to indulge in self-pity. But so far, it seemed the superhero business was more of a vigilante job, people didn't like to work together anymore. Let alone be lead by a newcomer. Or worse, a demon. Though she may not have made many news articles, Titan had done a lot of good during her short time in the hero scene. This would be her first time leading a team- she'd worked with other's before, but this was different. She would be put in charge, if anything happened, it would be on her head. Or her teammates, all because of her. The stress was eating her alive. 'C'mon, get ahold of yourself Aaelith. You're Titan and Sam, one of the strongest young heroes. You have to be brave, and go at this with the best mindset possible.'

With a light shake of her head to clear out her troubled mind, Aaelith turned once more to the HQ monitors, surprise painting over her face. With a grand smile, she bounced up from her chair and raced through the vibrant house, using some of her gymnastic's training to vault herself over anything in her way. When she reached the door, Sam could feel her heart thump with excitement. She could feel adrenaline racing through her bones. Just as she reached for the doorknob, she questioned whether or not to place a mask of some sort on her face. She never used a mask; not ever. She had no family here on earth to spare, no one that she particularly cared for. Plus, she almost always went to a mission as Aaelith, her demon form. The only times she didn't, which were very, very rare. She would wear her mask. No, she decided. She wouldn't hide herself from these people. Her glamour did a good enough job of that.

A smile on her face, Sam opened the door and leaned against the frame. She looked over the newcomers with interest, trying to sort them out by their strengths and weaknesses. Already, she was sizing them up. "Welcome, I suppose that you're here for the openings on the team, right?" She didn't wait for a reply, instead, she stepped into the threshold and opened the door a little wider in invitation. "Please excuse me, but I will need to get to know you all before you're excepted. That means, a brief introduction, and a prep mission." She paused, fiery eyes burning against the sunlight that streamed in through the open door. "Now, keep in mind. This will be hard work. If you want to join, I'll have to make sure you're capable. One of the best ways to do that, is to take you out on an actual mission." Her voice softened, though her sunset eyes were still burning like a forest fire, gleaming with promise of adventure.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alyssa stretched a bit as she got out of her house, yawning and now walking around, she was supposed to go to the base that they were supposed to have as their little house. As she got closer, she could see a girl knocking on the door and a guy, flirting with her. Alyssa sighed walking next to them but she didnt say a single word. All she did was wait for the door to be opened so that they could start on their little hero adventure. Alyssa also had a show to do later on at night, but she had time for these people! Alyssa looked infront of her noticing, the leader, or so thats what Alyssa thought. "Okay.." She nodded to the leader's words sighing. A short introductory and a prep mission?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Timeo, was sprinting around his usual course through the forest. He was in wolf form as usual on these runs, as he felt closest to nature in this form and it was nice and peaceful. Unfortunately though, with the slight breeze cooling his warm black fur, he had to leave as he remembered he had some places to be.

With that in mind he pivoted on the spot, without really bothering to slow down, and sprinted to the edge of the forest that was closest to where all the normal people lived.

About five minutes later he had reached the edge of the forest transformed back to a human and walked the relatively short distance, two miles that is to the edge of the city.

Then he walked to the bar where he would meet his friend Zack and have their regular talk of going's on. Within about fifteen minutes he was sitting down with his friend Zack across from him, having both ordered a normal can of beer.

"Hey Zack, what's up with you?" Timeo asked with a slight smile.

Zack was a guy of average height, short spiked blonde hair and light blue eyes which shone with excitement as he answered Timeo.

"Dude haven't you heard?" Timeo stared at him blankly and he continued, "Well I just got promoted to the manager at the skateboard store and with that comes a great pay rise!" He was basically yelling as he said this and Timeo looked around at the other patrons of the bar worriedly.

Having seen no angry looks at him and his friend, Timeo congratulated him, "Well, that's awesome man. I hope you enjoy management there."

Zack beamed at him, "You bet I will. How about you, same old stuff?"

Timeo sighed as he was thought about his own life, "Yep.... More errands to do for people around the city, it never stops..."

Zack frowned at his friend's long face and tried to comfort him, as he took a sip from his beer, "Hey well at least your getting payed right?"

Timeo smiled a little as he replied, "Yep... but not enough... Anyway, sorry Zack but I gotta go to some house for another meeting..." with that he finished his half can of beer in a long pull and backed up his chair and went to the door.

Zack was suprised at his friend leaving like that and asked, "Well which house is it?"

Timeo sighed again as he turned back for a moment, "Sorry I was told to tell no one of where it is, just to be there and try to be on time."

With that he left the bar and made his way to this house, where he was supposed to meet 'superheroes' like himself and he wondered if there really was anyone else strange like him. Well he would find out in about an hour as that would be the time it would take for him to walk there and he had already decided that today was a day for walking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I grin, at the guy who had come after me. I look him up and down, wondering if I should just end our "friendship" before it begins. The only reason I was joining a team was to hide myself from those damn scientists. And to use a different IP to try and hack them. After all, I didn't want them knowing I was coming for them.

I notice the girl who opens the door, I begin to look her up and down, sizing her up. noticing she is doing the same. "Hello, I'm Alison, and I have a feeling you don't completely trust us..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

James turns to the new girl that had come over, and winked at her, smiling. "Hey there, princess," He says to the girl (Alyssa), smiling at her, looking her up and down. The new girl seemed to be quite pretty to James, but he could say that about someone and then divert to another person.

Once the door opens, James turns to the girl in the doorway. He opens his mouth to say something, but is interrupted by 'Alison' as she says something about the girl in the doorway probably not trusting them completely.
"I agree," James says after a second or so. "But, I'm in for talking. If you wanna get to know me, I wanna get to know you, too." He gives her a wink, grinning, then turns back to the second girl (Alyssa again). He can't help but continue to gaze at her. It was something about her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ralph was flying through the air on a cartoon rocket construct that was twice the size of a St Bernard dog, and soon he saw the house where the team was meeting come into view. He grinned mischievously and couldn't wait to make his teammates laugh at his cartoony antics. Once he got to the house, he made the rocket vanish in a puff of cartoon like smoke and fell towards the ground at fast speeds. He created a large cartoon baseball glove to make his landing soft and catch himself.

"Another awesome landing!" he said to himself with a grin. He entered the house and looked at everyone gathered in it.

"Hay guys, the name's Toon Nut and as you can see-" he created a cartoon squirrel and let it knew on a cartoon nut before making it disappear.

"Cartoon are my thing" he said to them imitating a cool sounding voice, before he laughed at himself. The team goof was in the house, and he was lovin it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cassie chats with the startled Mundane Witch telling her that all she expects of her is a room for lodging. Cassie for her part promises to show the older woman the secrets of magic that she will be able to learn.

After an inspection of her room Cassie lights five candles in a pattern on the floor and steps out an stands next to Reba her new student.

"May I ask what is happening?" She asks of Cassie.

"Just adjusting the room for my use" says Cassie as she knocks on the door as if asking entry.
The door swings open as if someone were inviting them inside. Reba gapes at what she sees for now the basement room appears as if it were made of stone. Tapestries hang on the walls depicting the God an Goddess and spirits that Reba cannot place. The walls where not covered in tapestries are heavy with shelves filled with jars that contain many things she can identify but just as many that she can't and some are moving in their jars.

"I hope none of this is illegal" says Reba from the door

"Well I'm not sure about legality but if it makes you feel better this room can only be accessed by myself. You are seeing it because I allowed it. If anyone else or you open the door they'll see the empty storeroom that is still here. says Cassie with a soft laugh.

She shoos off Reba saying she has work to be done and once the door is closed removes a large crystal ball from her bag an sets it on a table. She performs a ritual for a few minutes which causes the orb to glow brightly as she leans close to look at an listen to the Hero's she's come to serve.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Monster
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Monster Hella

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Upon looking over the few that wanted to join the team, Aaelith had to say, she was in a mixure of concern and promise. Each of the people in front of her had power potential, the demon within her could practically feel it. The only thing she found herself wondering, was if the young man in front of her had some sort of eye-tick. If so, that'd be perfectly fine. It might give him some difficulty in the field. She was slightly confused when noticing that this certain tick, only happened when he was looking upon the female compatriots.

Cold enveloped her. It devoured her. Shook her core. Sam shouldn't have noticed, but Aaelith did. The demon had come in contact with many mystical energies, magic being one of them. Magic was play. It was in the air around them, though too light to be noticed by the untrained eye. It made the air dense, and made a demon chill. Instinctively, Sam brought her hand up to her glamour necklace, relief flooding her face when it was still firmly upon her neck. Good - at least that wasn't the issue. Whatever it was, it didn't seem to be a threat, but the demon decided it may be best to keep it in check. Magic was the one thing that she relied on to keep herself hidden - if it were to act up now, she'd be outed to this group. They most definitely would reconsider the job. She'd wait until the mission played out - going as Sam. If she felt she could trust a member or two, perhaps she'd tell them. Perhaps not.

A voice, soft and controlled, ripped open her thoughts and pulled her out of her overactive mind and back to reality. The voice of Alison. The first to introduce herself. With a soft smile, almost endearing, Sam gave a lighthearted laugh. It appeared both her and wink-kid seemed to think her motives were based on some fork of mistrust. Something she soon found herself clarifying. "No - I don't have a reason to mistrust any of you. Yet." She flashed another toothy grin, amber eyes glowing. "In all honesty, I just want to make sure you're qualified. We can't have just anyone go out and be a hero. That takes serious skills and commitment. Plus, I don't want to have a dead rookie on my hands." She grimaced at the thought, as she remembered a similar story she'd read once. Long story short: it ended badly.

Seeing a man approach from the walkway, she could only guess he'd walked here due to his wind-blown face, she motioned for him to come inside as well. Just as she was about to invite them inside to get ready to start their day, she heard a loud and cheery voice boom from above. A voice belonging to a young boy, clad in a colorful costume and smile. He was so cheery, not something she was completely used to. With a nod to him, she motioned for the collective group to follow her into the large and cosy HQ: The place she had called home for quite awhile now.

When she reached the living room, she headed straight to the center of the beautifully polished hardwood floor, motioning once again, this time at the comfortable furniture surrounding her. "Please, do have a seat." After making the offer, Sam sat down on a large leather reclining chair that faced the other seats in the room. Eyes of pure fire training on the visitors, she gave a small smile to them. "Welcome. I'm Sam." She'd almost slipped Aaelith, but caught herself just in time. "As you've probably already gathered, I am the leader at this HQ, though I have yet to find a formidable team." She gave another pointed glance around the room before continuing. "I hope that you will be a part of this team. Together, we can do great things." Crossing her legs, Sam looked over at them expectantly.

"Do you have any questions? If so, it'd be best to ask now. The rest of our day together will be packed. Though I promise I'll try my best to answer any questions you may have later as well." There it was, the magic from earlier. Sam gripped the edges of her chair, silently digging her nails into the expensive leather. The magic was running through her veins, sending a newfound cold to rush through her demon-blood. Something was up... No matter, she had a team to run. They came first. Returning her attention to the team, Aaelith tried to pull any sort of feeling from them - trying to see beyond them, within them. Only to be reminded that it would be against free will, something she stood most for. It would help... But it would also be cheating. And an invasion. Something she didn't want to do. So, she waited patiently for a response.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cassie observed the group for as they moved deeper into their Head Quarters and listened to the one who identified herself as their leader. As she watched she noticed that Sam had that looking over her shoulder air about her.
"Hmm..I wonder if she's an arcane sensitive?" Cassandra asked herself as she pondered her next move.

Cassie stood and began concentrating on her crystal ball as she cast a spell her fingers weaving a complex pattern over the globes surface. She was son surrounded by a visible aura. She knew the next stage of the spell might startle the Heros but it was her best option.

In the center of the room where the Hero's were meeting a glowing column of light appeared growing into a smiling yet transparent young woman.

"Hello All I do hope I haven't startled you too much
I am The Sorceress Cassandra and it is my task to be of aid to you all.
I am sure that as true Hero's you see need to distrust me because of how little any of you know of me.
If you wish I will appear fully and in whole in any condition you so deem"
says Cassie

She remains a hovering ghost like woman waiting for them to give her an answer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ralph was waiting for people to respond to his entrance, when what looked like the ghost of a girl appeared. This creeped Ralph out a little and he gave a faltering smile.

"okay, why didn't someone tell me that this place was haunted? I'm kind of getting afraid here" he said to everyone else.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Timeo was gathered up into the house with the others by some lady and followed because he didn't see why not. They got to some room, the lady addressed them mentioning some stuff about a formidable team and if they had questions to ask now. He had one.

"Are we going to-?" The question died on his lips as he turned to see some light appear with a ghost in it, that said it was Cassandra. He was a weirded out by this.

Then some guy asked if this place is a haunted house. It made him smile a little in understanding. He turned to the guy, "No kidding. It makes me wonder if this place is safe."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

James walks into the house, sitting down and placing his backpack inbetween his legs. Looking around, James then pulled down his hood, and wiggled his ears a little, also flexing his tail as it came out of it's hiding spot. He tried to think of a question, and just as he was going to ask it, one other guy began to speak. The guy was then interrupted by what looked like a ghost that appeared. The first thing that James did was reach to his backpack, which had a special composite bow in it that was folded to be easily portable. He quickly stopped, though, sitting back up.
"Ghosts are nothing to be afraid of. They float through us and stuff. They can't touch us, we can't touch them." He says, then thinks for a second. "Then again, ghosts aren't real, are they?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alyssa walked into the house with the others, not talking much she just stood quiet and so she stared up looking at the ghost woman, telling them that she was going to be her aid. Alyssa rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms closer to her chest and spoke. "Ghost scary, yadayadayada. When are we gonna have some action? I mean, we cannot just sit here while the city is getting attacked by criminals or something. I mean, why are we going to be doing introductory about ourselves and then a prep mission, when were supposed to be kicking some butt out there!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I smile at Alyssa and stand next to her "I agree with Alyssa, we need to act, not just sit here. So you wanna test me, then be my guest." I walk over to James and whisper in his ear "Well, there are many types of ghosts…and if you wronged one before it died, It might be back to claim your life." I grin, sitting down on the couch and eyeing the "Spirit". I look around, trying to find a computer I can put my USB Thumb Drive in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ralph created a cartoon ghost that floated around, and was smiling as the construct began to fly about.

"I'm not scared of ghost, I was only joking around," he said to the others with a smile. When the others talked about going to fight crime, Ralph spoke up.

"I think we should properly introduce ourselves. You can call me Toon Nut, I create cartoon constructs" he said to them" he said to them
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Monster
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Monster Hella

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aaelith watched with an amused expression as the group turned their attention to the woman appearing through a veil of magic, appearing to be ghost-like. With a graceful swoop, she stood from her chair and welcomed Cassie with a smile, her fangs peeking through. "Thank you for joining us, I was just about to brief the mission." She listened to each and everyone take their own response to the situation, listening with intent on how they reacted to the paranormal. It could give her a clue on who she could tell, and who she couldn't. Giving a lighthearted smile, she quickly rushed to assure her new partners. "Now- I can assure you that this building is highly safe. It isn't haunted either."

Tilting her head, sending her milky brown hair to her other shoulder, she pondered how to respond next. James last question was a little deeper... Complicated. Ghosts, they didn't exist, no. Though, they could be manifested, it didn't necessarily validate their existence. Spirits though- a whole other story. Either way, paranormal phenomena was too complicated to allow a simple answer, but she tried nonetheless. "That's correct James," She started, impressed with his thoughtfulness. She also hadn't missed how he had reached for his bow. He was quick - good. "Now, as much as I could go into the possibilities of ghosts and other such, it's far too complicated and long for today. I'd rather get this show on the road."

She was taken aback by the slightly forward voice from the girl she had previously wondered over. She would be an interesting one - for sure. Alison stepped over and agreed with her, causing a warmth to spread within both Sam - and Aaelith. They were already acting like a team. Good. Training her sights on the girl, before answering with a soft voice, "I apologize, I know that you want to get started. And we will - but I have to make sure you are all capable. I can't just send you out there and expect you to save the day, you could all die if I'm not careful." Sam leaned back, feeling the surge of her power on the brink. Not now.... She reached back up to her necklace and rubbed her thumb over the light surface, trying to ease her nerves and relax her troubled soul.

She decided now may be the best time to get started, it appeared that only one spot was open, and that - could definitely be filled later. "Alright, without further ado - Let's get on with it, shall we?" Her face was a perfect mask of calm, years of leadership pouring through her tainted veins. "Alright - if you'd follow me to the hanger, we can proceed to the vehicles. For this mission, I'd prefer the use of the jet. It'll carry all of us to where we need to go, in little time at all." She glanced around at those surrounding her, "Now, if you need to change into your costume, I would recommend you do so now."

She was already in her attire - dressed in an almost rugged military-like apparel, long brown hair swept back into a loose ponytail, and her golden skin shimmering in the half-light that came from the bulbs above their heads. "The jet is this way, in our hanger downstairs." She stepped over to the bookshelf on her right and tilted a book towards herself, releasing it and stepping back as the shelf glided across the floor - revealing a hidden stairway down to the hanger. "If you will..." She stepped into the dark of the hallway, her red eyes glowing from within the shadows. "Please follow me, you will have access to weapons, and your costumes - if you need to change, within the jet." Tapping into her demon abilities, she triggered the lights to turn on without touching the switch.

When she entered the underground hanger, she proceeded to explain the situation. []i"I have located a possible terrorist in hiding; therefore we must be careful of how we approach him. He has guards around him in disguise, so we won't easily be able to tell if they are citizens or murderers within the crowd. Be warned: He too, has powers. He feeds off of life to use magic, so do not go too close. Or he will feed off of you."[/i] If she allowed herself to become fully demon for this mission - perhaps she could. That was beside the point though, she had to see each and every individuals possibilities within the rag-tag group she had here. She could already gather they had something special about them. Pride flared in her chest. It would be a honor to lead this group. Years of loneliness made this all the more exciting. Waving her hand, Sam opened the keypad on the door to the jet, entered the password and stepped inside when it opened. When she was fully inside the large jet, she leaned against the nearest wall and watched as eight sets raised up from the ground, all large and comfortable looking. Each seat awaiting it's owner. "Alright, this jet is set on auto-pilot. So I will be able to sit here with all of you."

Sam adjusted her outfit with light fingers, deftly fixing the collar of her jacket before turning her attention back to the group. "The flight will take off as soon as you are all ready." She sat in her seat, waiting for the team to gather so they could leave for their first mission together.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Monster
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Monster Hella

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

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