Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

James takes off his hoodie, revealing the top half of his costume. He then quickly walks through a door, and comes out a second later with his trousers folded in his arms. Putting them in his backpack then picking the bag up, he quickly proceeds to walk down the stairs, following Sam down the stairs, giving a wink to Alyssa and Alison. He then walks into the jet, whistling in awe. "Wow." He says, sitting down in a seat. He places the bag at his feet, then takes out his bow, setting the folded weapon on his lap. He takes out a black quiver filled with arrows and places it so it leans against his shoulder. "This place looks almost as sciencey as the lab I came from." He mumbles, having bad memories return to him as he thinks about the lab he was made in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cassie giggles causing the projection to briefly shimmer
"Actually I am not a Ghost but as I said a Sorceress and I've been sent to help you Heros in your quests for the forces of light.
What you see before you is an astral projection of myself so that we might communicate.
Oh an ghosts are real.
she says as her image glows brighter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

After he made the cartoon ghost disappear, Ralph was wondering why no one seemed to be listening to him, and he followed the others to hanger where the jet was. He was in awe at the jet, but he still thought that they should introduce themselves. He came up behind James, Sam/Aaelith, and created a cartoon air-horn. He then used it create a very loud honk that was painful to the ears, hoping that maybe this time he would get their attention.

"Excuse me, but if we're going to be a team then may we please introduce ourselves so that we know who we are?" he asked, not bothering to care if the loud noise made them angry at him. He made the air-horn disappear in a puff of smoke and waited for an answer from his new teammates.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Monster
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Monster Hella

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The loud noise caused the demon to wince, it was highly unpleasant. Sam turned to the young boy who had introduced himself as Toon Nut, raising a curious brow. She had heard himself earlier, and had in fact responded to him, just as she had to the other's. It was surprising to hear him request the same thing she had, but she shrugged. There were still a few who had yet to offer their names, but Sam had suspected they would just offer that over the jet ride. She crossed her arms over her chest, tilting her head and lowering it to look down at the boy. "I understand where you are coming from, as that was my take on the situation as well. BUT, I should also make clear that if mentioning their names is an issue - we'll let that be as long as we can get their superhero name."

Shrugging lightly, her face still calm - despite the loud intrusion, Sam let her gaze soften, the flames in her eyes dimming. She gave the young boy a knowing nod of her head before returning to her seat. Motioning to the one to her right, it appeared he would like someone to talk to. If so - she would be fine with making conversation. Afterwords, she turned her attention to Cassie, offering a tired smile. "Thank you for joining us, Sorceress. It is a pleasure to work with another invested in the magical arts." She refrained from mentioning her darker connection to the magic however, deeming that information to keep to herself for the moment.

Aaelith had heard of the many awry experiments that human's took place in - that they conducted. A part of being a fully fledged demon, meant that you had to oversee most all of the worlds wrongdoing silently, ensuring that it would take place. Horrid as it was - it was necessary. No evil is born - it's made. The same went for anything good. It was an unspoken agreement between both angels and demons, that they would watch over and ensure the creation of both good and evil within the world. All of those years she had created evil, had given Aaelith an advantage. She knew what it was like. To this day, even as Sam, she felt the call to return to her roots. To wreak havoc - to destroy and just be herself once more. She felt for James then - for she knew the feeling all too well. He may have been forced into a horrid situation in a lab, but how different was that then being forced to be evil within the underworld. Both were prisoners to their fates, to their unsightly past. Perhaps after this was done, she would be able bend the rules and allow them to change the interior of the jet. Make it a bit more comfortable.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Timeo quickly launched himself into a seat in the jet as he was admittedly a little excited to fly through air as he had not done this before. Ever. Also he didn't have a costume which had its own perks. For one he was likely to not to be taken as a threat by anyone, and two he could go to work without having to change clothes as long as-his clothes were still rather fresh.

Having taken his seat he decided to introduce himself to the others around him, "My name is Timeo and my 'other name' is Stone Face. It is nice to meet all of you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

James makes a low growling noise in response to the air-horn. He then sighs to himself, leaning back in his seat. After listening to the others, he felt it was time to introduce himself.
"Well, my name is James, but my other name is 'Arrow'." He states, smiling. "As you can see, I'm half a fox." He didn't want to explain why he was half a fox, as that would probably make him upset. Thinking about it already made him a little upset, but he tried to blink out the tiny tears that formed in his eyes, but failed. He instead just tried to hide them, as they weren't yet falling. However, he was biting his lower lip gently.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alyssa followed the group as they were talking, which didn't exactly interest her. Alyssa did listen to what the leader said, but all that the girl(Alyssa) wanted to do was to go out there and kick some criminal's asses. Its not that hard to understand her language. As they got into the ship, FINALLY, Their mission was about to get started. "Good." All she said, thats what she was waiting for. Alyssa sighed as she sat down to the fox guy, the one winking at Alison and shit. No wonder why he is all flirty, he is a fox and he is just going all over Alison, winking at her and shit, in other words he wants a bite of that boobaloo. Alyssa just sat there raising a leg ontop of the other, crossing her arms close to her chest and looking another way, not really partcipating in the conversation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ralph listened to Sam's words and nodded, "I get that, I am pretty sure several of us aren't very comfortable with revealing each others' secret identity."

He then heard Timeo and James introduce themselves, and he gave them a nice smile, "Nice you two, my name is Ralph Jones, but when we're in the field of duty, you can call me Toon Nut in case you didn't my introduction earlier. If it isn't obvious, then I'll tell you that I love cartoons and my powers fit that appreciation of the medium."

Ralph created a cartoon dog with silly looking angel wings that allowed to fly with its body hanging off the wings like it was be towed by them, and let the construct fly around near the ceiling of the plane. It gave cute barks at each of his teammates.

"So what can you all do?" he asked all of them as he took his seat, waiting for them to take off and go on a mission.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Timeo listened when James and Ralph introduced themselves and nodded when James said he was part of fox, because his ears did look like they could have been from an animal. Then he heard Ralph ask the group what they can do. He was a little uncomfortable about revealing this, but after hearing James admit who he was physically, he wasn't so uncomfortable. "I can transform into a large wolf, with all black fur, and still understand people as if I was still human."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cassie allowed her projection to fade then returned to her other necessary work. She had to seal her present home against intrusion by any means and this required powerful wards, runes and spells. Then after she finished here she needed to travel to the hold of her heros and seal it just as completely as she had her present sanctum.

As she began her work Cassie found herself distracted by thoughts of the lovely girls she'd spied among her Heros.

"Goddess sometimes these inclinations can be annoying" she says with a giggle.

Knowing she needed to dispel her urges Cassie summoned the memories of her time dancing among her sisters in the misty glenns. Soon music sounded in the air around her along with the laughter of her friends as she shed her robes and danced Skyclad neath stars and Moon.
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