Tales Of A Gilded Throne
-One Spot Now Open Post or PM me if interested-
Fantasy Nation Role play
The Continent of Elyden, an empire sized Kingdom first founded by the Phoenix Queen, Valarien Paragon, Lightbringer, and Lady of Dawn. Since time immoral, it has been Valarien's line that has ruled from the Phoenix Throne from the majestic city of Skyhaven. A mountain top metropolis and the capital of Elyden, and thanks to Valarien's covenant of fire, a powerful magic pact with the Lord of Fire and Sun, the Realm of Elyden has known eternal summer and spring.
In the 700 years of its existence, and the exception of a minor squabble here and there between the lords and the incursions of the beastfolk, all of Elyden has known peace. The turning of the age sees an end to that long peace.
The Rp will start with the death of the most recent High King, Lord Taramyth Paragon 'The Fowler', named so for his love of falcons and obsession with flying. Lord Taramyth was a fairly 'good' king, though this may be due to the fact he was quite an absent one, spending less time ruling and more time hunting, leaving more and more work to his Lord Regent. A tragic accident born of a new, 'flying chariot', saw Taramyth meet an untimely end. Taramyth had two sons, the older of which was young promising if a bit...simple...
However, on the day of his ascension ceremony, tragedy would strike again. As four men dressed in the priest garb of the Order of the Silver flame were revealed to be assassins, and taking his honorguard by surprise, struck the young would be king before they in turn could be killed. One of these assassins managed to stole away with the Crown of Fire, a powerful magical artifact widely known to be the key to the 'Long Summer.' With the loss of the crown, and no immediate heir of age to renew the spells of the seasons, the days are growing cold once more, such as they have been during the days of the Everfrost.
The youngest son is but a child, and the crown is still lost, throwing the realm at large into near utter chaos. It is in the midst of this that Taramyth's cousin, Ealstain Paragon quickly rose up support for his claim to the throne, citing that a mere boy was too young to rule and they could not afford to wait for him to be of age to renew the flames of Long Summer. This has only thrown more oil on the fire, as this act would overthrow countless decades of tradition. Many claim Ealstain is an opportunist, and has no right to the throne, others still see the slowing colder days ahead and wish someone would simply come and put an end to the chaos and restore order. Ealstain has long since fled the capital and currently rallies support for his claim.
Players will play as a High House of the Greater Realm, each House rules their own provincial state, and these smaller realms are kingdoms in their own right, but all ultimately swear fealty to the Phoenix Throne. The RP will begin with an immediate call for a Grand Council meeting of all the rulers of the lesser realms to decide how to deal the recent threats to the realm. They will also decide on who will be placed as the new Lord Regent for the newly appointed heir.
Each High House rules at their own domain, lesser realms that are powerful provinces in their own right, with their own armies, traditions, and cultures, but all are united by the worship of the Silver Flame, Lord of Light, the sun god Kammeth himself. Players will have vast control over the lore and events from within their own realm and be a vital part in shaping the kingdom. Tied history between realms is not only expected but encouraged, as these realms have been neighbors for centuries.
Other open Council seats of the Sky Tower:
Lord Regent
Lord Regent, The Lord Regent oversees all common affairs both small and great in the name of the Phoenix Throne, and serves as the main administer. Second only to the man or women who sits on the Phoenix Throne itself. Acting as the right hand of the King offers much authority, influence, and raw political power. Only the most trustworthy are given this position, and for good reason.
Seeker of Secerts
The Seeker of Secrets, The eye of the crown, the Seeker of Secrets, or more commonly simply called the 'Seeker' by most, oversees the 'Crowns Eyes' an expansive network of spies encompassing from the lowest house servant to the mightiest baron. Their knowledge often obtained by bribes, black mail, or outright threats, few are fool enough to lie to an Eye of the Crown. Though the High Lords of the Greater Houses are above their authority. When the King wishes to know anything, he turns to his Seeker, and it is the business of the Seeker to always have an answer.
Lord Marshal and First Sword, perhaps the second most powerful position in the realm working for the Throne, The Lord Marshal commands the Royal Phoenix demesnes, which are largely made up from levies pulled from across the Great Realm, every house must give an account of their full might, and a sizable portion of this is taken to serve the crown directly. Aside from organizing the standing army and navy, The First sword is named so for often leading these very forces in battle directly in the name of the Phoenix Throne. It is a highly prestigious position to be sure, but aside from his duties on and off the battlefield, the Lord Marshal councils his lord in all things marital.
Master of Coin
Master of Coin, Perhaps least glamorous of the council seats, but yet still among the most important, it is the Master of Coin who oversees the kingdom's coin counters and is chiefly occupied with the finances of the realm. In addition to finances, the Master of Coin is also the chief diplomat of the realm, and is expected to be the face of peace representing the Phoenix to the outside world. It is he who must balance the ledges keeps the realm afloat and out of debt, if he can manage it.
Arch Dawnbringer
Arch Dawnbringer, if the Seeker is the ears and eyes of the Throne, the Lord Regent the right hand and the Marshal the strong arm with the Master of Coin his purse. The Arch Dawnbringer and Chaplin serves as the soul. The unwise might think the Arch Chaplin has little in the ways of power, or influence if the current King is more secular then god fearing. Such men could not be more wrong, for the Arch Dawnbringer is the head of the church of Kammeth, the official religion of the realm, and holds the hearts, minds, and faith of the people, for he is seen as the mouth piece of Kammeth himself. The relationship of the state and the church has always been a tenuous one at best, largely due to the fact that the Arch Dawnbringer often times has as much if not 'more' power then the crown if the masses truly favor him.
Keeper of Kingdoms
Due to the importance of this office, some question that the Keeper of kingdoms is easily the most influential seat in all of Elyden. The Voices task include the administrating of laws and over seeing major diplomatic overtures to other realms (something more or less unheard of). However, his main task is that of policing the many bickering High Houses of the realm through internal diplomacy. If the Realm were a machine, the Voice is in charge of keeping it well oiled and in one working piece. The power of this office is sufficient enough that those chosen for it are the most carefully selected, more so than even the Master of Coins. A single word misspoken, after all, could easily result in civil war, or a House falling into out right rebellion. The reverse is also true however, and many are the famed Voices who have managed to maintain peace for the greater good. Any lord who is subject to a visit from the Voice of the Throne does well in being cautious if not outright fearful. As the Voice may call to court any lord he wishes who he feels has acted in such a manner as to endanger the realms stability, even if that man or women sits on the gilded throne. Though few Voices have the gall to question the rulership of a Paragon, not without very good reason at least. Of all the seats on the High Council, the Voice of the Throne is most abroad, often travelling from House to House during times of turmoil in the Realm.
ReligionKammeth, Sun God, Lord of the Sacred Flame.
Kammeth is both seen as the god of light, life the long summer, sky, athletics, spring, self-perfection, vitality and youth, he is also the lord of battles, and master of war. Novices in the Kamthein faith were called the Enlightened while clerics were known as Dawnbringers. The full priests take a new name in his service when they were ready to signify that Kammeth has personally recognized and accepted them. This new name could either be used instead of their old name or simply used only when addressing other Dawnbringers and when in solitary prayer. Due to his aspects of worship, temples to the Lord of Battle look more like military fortresses than the archetypal temple of past or present religions. They feature barracks, mess halls, armories, and training grounds, along with the common rooms for prayer and schooling in the faith.
The church is divided into two parts; militant and ministry. The ministry oversees administrative functions of the church. The ministry also gives spiritual guidance to the church's members. Every kingdom has a network of priests and bishops who answer to the Council of Flamekeep and then to the Keeper of the Sky Flame. The church militant is comprised of warriors, paladins, clerics, and exorcists. Unlike the ministry, it battles evil rather than evangelize to the people. The soldiers live and train in monastic fortresses, and patrol across the territory of Elyden. Knights of Kammeth are often called
1. Be fearless
2. Never turn away from a battle.
3. Obey the rules of war
4. Obey your rightful Queen and king
5. Defend those who cannont defend themselves
Strive always to aid, to foster new hope, new ideas, and new prosperity for all mortal kind and its allies. Perfect thyself, and guard ever against pride, for it is a sacred duty to foster new growth, nurture growing things, and work for rebirth and renewal. Be fertile in mind and in body. Consider always the consequences of thine actions so that the least effort may bring the greatest and best reward. Kammeth does not win wars of one mortal over the other, he helps the deserving faithful win battles in wars of faith and test of strength. War is fair in that it oppresses and aids all equally and that in any given battle, a mortal may be slain or become a great leader among his or her companions. It should not be feared, but seen as a natural force, a mortal force, the storm that civilization brings by its very existence.
So wherever you go, sow seeds of plants, tend the growing things you find, and plant seeds of hope, new ideas, and plans for a rosy future in the minds of all. Whenever possible, see each dawn.
Valarien Paragon, Lightbringer, Phoenix Queen, Lady of Dawn.
It is said Valarien was so favored by Kammeth that he took her as his bride, making her the first and last mortal to ascend to godhood. Her spheres include creativity, renewal, birth, and oaths. Many women who seek to serve the faith in a more militant role often take up knighthoods as Maidens of Valarien. Her dogma dictated the use of careful tactics in battle to achieve victory, under the belief that sound strategy was the best way to win a battle with the most favorable outcome. Her symbol is that if dawn on the horizon. Valarien temples are often much more artistically pleasing then those of Kammeth, making up some of the grandest and breathe taking structures in the realm. Maidens or knights specifically, of Valarien are called Vala's. Worshipers of Valarien are called Valaiths, and preach peace and harmony between neighbors.
Early History of Elyden:
The continent Elyden is older than what man can remember, but they have lived in its lands from the very beginning. In the old days magic was strong in the land, and those beasts most inherently skilled in its use were the great wyrm, the children of the skies. Dragon kind was said to have been older then man or any other mortal race. They had long since ignored the squabbles of creatures they saw as little more than ants. In time these ancient winged horrors took it upon themselves to enslave these lesser races, arrogantly believing themselves to be infinitely superior in every way. They hunted men and beast alike for sport, forced others to worship them rightly as gods or made them slaves, while others still they tormented for their own amusement. Great shrines where built in their name, with favored priest given such power as to be seen as petty kings in their own right.
As time went on and the cruelty of their dragon masters continued, the cries of oppressed were finely heard. The Sky Goddess and bride of the God Who Sleeps witnessed the plight of these lesser races and sought to put an end to it. She thus turned to her oldest of children, Kammeth the Lord of the Sun, and begun to beseech him to teach these younger races. The Sun God was moved by his mother’s love of these lower races and sought to teach them the ways of fire, how to forge the deep rocks into iron, and iron into steel. So man had learned well, and used these new gifts they did, but lo, sadly, though they were many, they were weak and small. They flesh easily burnt or their bones easily crushed, and so the dragons mocked them and increased their labors.
So Kammeth turned to his younger sister, Marakash the Star Maiden, and she in turn reached out to the heavens and plucked a handful of stars, these see scattered throughout the lands. Where they landed, those who were touched by them were blessed with magic. This act created all manner of beast, both beautiful and vile. In turn she taught the lesser races how to shape their world around them and thus learned, too, to wield magic. They warred with the dragons again, and again they were soundly beaten, for Dragons were older still and wiser in the ways of magic and ferocious in battle. At last Kammeth one last gift would shift the balance and dug deep into the world. There he found precious metals which he shaped into glorious weapons of such beauty even dragons would turn with envoy when they beheld them. These weapons he gave to Marakash, who breathed magic into their steel, thus naming them Makitherin, which means "Star Metal". These weapons were gifted to the greatest warriors of the lesser races, and in so doing granted these men honored seats of leadership among their people.
Thus the last war of the dragons would commence, and much blood was spilled, tens of thousands of men died, hundreds of even the mightiest of dragons. In the end the last of the great wyrms lay defeated, and the war thus ended, no great songs of glory followed for the losses of the races was great indeed. One last trick the wyrms of old did play however, as with the last breath of the final fire drake, they land was cursed with Everfrost, for the fire of all the realm was tied to his life force. So even in victory did the races know defeat. Those warriors who had lead their people to glory, become greater then lords in their own realms, creating their own kingdoms, their line becoming the High Houses of Elyden, their Makitherin weapons becoming their birthright and signs of ruler ship.
In the years following the long winter had begun to settle over the land strongly. The races who had once turned to the gods above for aid quickly blamed them for their predicament, forced as they were to live in an eternal winter. Old alliances quickly sundered as the cold grew and resources became scarcer. War became a fact of life forever more, great armies clashing and turning the pure snows crimson. Yet the Sun God Kammeth, beseech by his mother once more, did not abandon mortals entirely. He swept his gaze across the lands and found one who still revered the gods above.
Legend of the Phoenix Queen:
Not much is known of the Phoenix Queen before she rose to become conqueror of Elyden. Rumor has it that before she was Valarien Paragon, that she was not but a mere peasant of no House, a girl by the name of Valera. She grew up in a small Hamlet to a hunter father and her mother who was a seamstress for their local community. Life was simple enough if not harsh given the bleak landscape of Everfrost. All of this changed when a wild band of beastling's came upon the hamlet and set fire to her family’s home. Both her mother and father died in the resulting blaze, but Valera lived. Reborn. Kammeth, it is said, came to her within the fiery blaze and told her what she would need to do to finally bring peace and prosperity to the land. She would be his chosen prophet. She took for herself a new name, leaving the old and her past life behind. She slowly rekindled the love of the old Sky Gods among the common people. So touched was she and favored, that she performed impossible miracles time and again, overcoming every obstacle ever set before her.
As the following of the Sky Gods, specifically Kammeth, Valarien received a vision from the Sky Goddess herself. Revealing the time had come for the mortals of Elyden to unite once again. Valarien soon took up her own sigil, and allying several smaller tribes, who had come back into the worship of Kammeth, took up arms against the desperate and still bickering kings of Elyden. Some joined her willingly, seeing the might over the masses and magic she wielded, many others still fight against her rule bitterly, but in the end all eventually bent the knee. In just six years’ time, the faith militant had conquered all of Elyden, bringing an end to countless decades of war. With the people returning to again to the worship of Kammeth, Valarien made a pact on the part of her people known as the 'Oath of Springs Tide'. In so doing Kammeth called upon the power of all his siblings to bestow the Long Summer, and banish the Everfrost.
So the Phoenix Throne and the Oath was firmly established, now tradition dictates that the 'Oath Of Springs Tide' be renewed for every new ruler, during which the land knows a brief season of Mid-winter. 700 years has the covenant stood strong, but this new Era many scholars have foreseen will bring new hardships on all of Elyden, for as of now, no one sits on the gilded throne.
Magic in Elyden:
Magic was once a very powerful force in Elyden, primarily during the age of Dragons. In present day it has seen a decline in might and use, with less and less being born with the power to wield magic. Many scholars have attempted to answer why this is, some tying it with the extinction of dragons on Elyden or with the fact the Long Summer undoubtedly drains much of the natural magic of the realm. Whatever the case, magic still remains an instinctual part of the Kingdoms. The arts of magic can be broken down into several key schools are as follows. With the art of necromancy having long since been almost thoroughly wiped out.
Primal Path: Those touched with the natural magic of the world are most associated with this school. Often called 'druids' men and women attuned to the dreams of the God Who Sleeps, can tap into the very energy that runs through nature. This manifest itself in several ways, those of this path can for example, commune with animals and possess a natural empathy for their chosen beast, of which often becomes something like their familiar. This connection to the wilds allows them to take on aspects of beast, granting them the stamina of a bear, or the strength of an ox, the speed and cunning of a fox, even the sight of an eagle to the grace and reflexes of a cat. Some can even temporarily shift into a wild form half man half beast, but this is often dangerous, for many have lost their humanity from assuming a shape of a beast for to long and are thus hunted down. Those of this more primal magic cannot heal in the manner true divine touched priest can, but some are known to be able to neutralize poisons and other ailments.
Way of the Divine: The most well-known and respected of those who work magic are those who acquire their power from a higher power. They are most well known as healers, but those who worship specific deities, such as Kammeth, can do much more. Priest of the sun god are known to create great blinding flashes of light to blind aggressors, or banish fear or curses. Still healing is the most called for gift of those who seek the divine, and no others are capable of their miracles. It should be noted however, that those of the divine require faith more than skill and thus means few powerful priest truly exist. One cannot train faith, they either trust in their god whole heartily or they do not and even then a god or goddess may seek to test the faith of their follower, and grant him no power when he needs it most. Indeed, the whims of a god are often fickle at times.
Path of the Mind: The most well-known of arcanists are those who are gifted in molding the world around them by sheer force of will and are considered the true wizards in the realm. Though, while they have the potential of being some of the most powerful in the arts, they are the most limited by the laws of magic. For one, a mage cannot create fire, or call down lightening whenever they wish it. A suitable fire must already be present, a storm already brewing high above. Even the latter case would still require nearly hours in intense rituals for the proper attunement with the fabric of magic. Other gifts of this school revolve around those called 'windsingers', those gifted in manipulating the wind. While they are unable to call whirlwinds or increase the strength of said winds, the simple ability to change the tide of the wind has been enough to make them highly sought after in sailing vessels. Those skilled in scurrying are called skytouched, and are capable of leaving their bodies and traveling vast distances seeing where they wish with a bird like view from above, though, other mages have long since learned to ward against such intrusions, with such wards existing over every major city or castle in Elyden. Still they are often used in searching for those lost in the wilderness or at sea.
Aside from these schools certain laws of magic exist that even the mighty dragons of old could not break.
Three things magic cannot heal; Fate, Age, and, Death.
No one in the art regardless of how skilled can create something from nothing.
And no one has learned a way to transport instantly one thing or person from one place to the next.
Further Notes: Magic as you can see does exist in Elyden, but it is primarily meant for flavor, only certain bloodlines still hold magic strongly, and even then it is quite rare. When using magic keep it reasonable, calling in a flock of birds or turning a bed of ice into spikes is reasonable, creating huge tidal waves or armies of undead is overkill and much more then what even the most powerful wizard is capable off. You can have someone strong in the art, but keep in mind he is still just a mortal, and without prep time is rather close to being defenseless. Common sense will go a long way when dealing with magic.
The unique nature of the Long Summer has caused the measuring of time by seasons impossible. To this end, the Arcane Guild created an ingenuous magical device known as the 'Wheels.' The wheels are large magically powered clock like platforms, dominated by a single 'hand.' Numbers dot the side of the wheel, with the wheel shaded and colored with three distinct sections all equal in size to its neighbor on the wheel. The numbers of these massive magic fueled wheels count from one to eighty for each segment of the wheel. One character being the first number that it crosses for each new segment, otherwise known as months. Elyden thus tells time as follows. Also of note: A half hour is measured by a 'candlemark', while a full hour is often called the 'turn of a glass' associated with of course hour glasses.
Turn of the wheel means an entire year has passed.
Coloring onto Zieliah/ Seliel/ Achiel is a common saying that means that the month is soon coming to an end. Example: “I hope this midwinter ends this coloring.”
'Day of Dawning' is what the first day of a month is called.
Elydenian counts their passage by 'turns of the wheel' rather than years. Example: “Me boy's going on four turns of the wheel this new moon.”
Year: 698
Moons: Sielyr, Kasdiel, Jeha
Zieliah- 80 days
Seliel- 80 days
Achiel- 80 days
The Greater Realm of Elyden is home to more then just the races of men. The races of Beast, also widely known as beastlings, also inhabit Elyden, while not as civilized and unified as the races of men. They are savage, ruthless, and without mercy. There exist several major tribes of Beastlings, most are separated by race.
Gnolls: Gnolls are a humanoid beastling race that most closely resemble hyenas that dwell in the north eastern parts of Elyden. Gnolls are extremely tall, with the members of the race standing on average between 7' and 7'6". Though gnolls are relatively lean for their height, weighing in usually between 280 to 320 lbs, the race cuts an impressive visage. In part because of their height and lean musculature, gnolls are very quick compared with many other races such as humans or even other beastlings. Moreso than many other humanoid beastlings, primal instinct remains a strong part of the gnoll psyche. Gnolls are natural predators and savour the thrills of the hunt. Almost all gnolls prefer the wilderness to the civilized enclaves favoured by men, and those that do take to cities usually think of them as just another kind of landscape. Gnolls of the wilds prey upon isolated communities often, raping pillaging, marauding, and enslaving those left. Gnolls assault humans so often that half-gnolls happen quite frequently. Gnolls of all the beast races are perhaps the most reviled and hated. And with good reason.
Mongerls: These ape-like men make their home around the Endless plains and the eastern mountain ranges. Mongerls have a close connection with primal magic, and are some of the most skilled in its use. Many scholars believe primal magic in fact comes naturally to most of their ilk, with a good few extending their skills in it to become truly formidable. Mongrels are said to be swift warriors and skilled riders, that resemble anthropomorphic apes. They are also said to have a city deep in the east mountains called Cro Beska, but can also be found in the Endless Plains. Always a thorn in the side of the sides of the Khitani, as mongerls are said to kidnap men and women alike and, using powerful primal magic, forcefully transform them into bestial mounts.
“No one knows from where Gothians originally came, but the gothica hoards are a race of horrors that have been a threat to the civilized cultures of Elyden for as long as any can remember.“ - Lord Marshal Erik Halverson, Templar of Korczyn.
Grimgoths: Grimgoths belong the the Gothica family of beastlings, who make their home primarily in the central western mountain ranges. Grimgoths in particular are a race of monstrous humanoids that live in the underbarrows beneath the mountains. Grimgoths are some of the nastiest beastlings one can come upon, with the race often described as savage humanoids that have dwelt within the depths of the world for thousands of years, even during the time of dragons. As such, they have lost their sight in the lightless depths and have replaced their ability to sense the world around them with an acute sense of smell and echolocation. The underbarrow is a savage place, and grimgoths are just as primitive. They make crude clothing from the hide of animals and weapons from stone. Their love of dark places makes their appearance on the surface extremely rare and often short. They have the often nasty habit of infesting mines. As humanoid creatures Grimgoths have slightly scaled, gray skin that is usually scarred from hunts through constricted passageways. Perhaps the most striking feature of a grimgoth is the complete absence of eyes or eye sockets. Blank skin stretches across the upper face, giving grimgoths a shadowed, masked visage. The average height for a grimgoth, male or female, is five to five and a half feet. The average weight is around 180 pounds.
Boargoths: A boargoth is a massive humanoid distantly related to, but larger and stronger than, grimgoths and Voregoths. Like many Gothians, boargoths speak Gothric. They are one of the only Gothica's to be covered in fur. Boargoths resemble hairy, feral grimgoths standing seven feet tall and often weigh 300-350 pounds. They take their name from their tusk and claws, which are similar to those of boars, and unlike grimgoths, have eye sockets and eyes. Their claws are not long and sharp enough to be used as weapons, so Boargoths often armor and arm themselves with a variety of purloined gear. Most often, this gear is second-rate and in poor repair. Boargoths, like other Gothians, have a reputation for being dim-witted and brutish. This claim is not unfounded and like their kin boargoths have easily provoked tempers and are prone to fitful rages. Few boargoths overcome this nature and their culture's brutal nature. Boargoths tend to also be immensely stronger then most races of men, easily capable of lifting and tearing a mans head off with their bear claws.
Voregoths: Voregoths are a larger, stronger, smarter, and more menacing form of gothian than grimgoths, but not as powerful as boargoths. It is believed they may have created the latter two races, the former through force feeding a type of fungi to what was once a race of men and using primal magic to transform their bodies and minds. None are quite sure how Boargoths came about, but similar devilry is suspected. By and large voregoths, like their kin, are considered evil creatures and often meet this expectation. Voregoth society is cruel and harsh, with the race prizing discipline with brutal efficiency to the more softer virtues of civilized life. Voregoths are rarely found in communities where they are not in command of either grimgoths or boargoths, or sometimes both, and the most civilized gothian communities are ruled by the race. This is in large part because Voregoth society is more industrious and less savage than that of grimgoths or boargoths. Though sometimes boargoths take control most such communities are ruled over by the strongest Voregoth, who serves as the warchief.
Voregoths have a long tradition of mastering and breeding the creatures of the world into slaves of various sorts. Many, for instance, like working with wolves or worgs. Similarly, many wyvern breeds were first bred by Voregoths. Some even believe Voregoths carried this practice on within their own race, creating the grimgoths and boargoths in such a manner. Voregoths are immensely protective of their tribe's reputation and military status, so much so that meetings between different groups can turn violent if proper protocol is not followed. However, though Voregoth tribes are territorial and egotistical in nature they will often unite for a common purpose, such as war against the Races of men. Several large scale conflicts have in fact been born from “Vhor Gaku” which loosely translated means 'Warpath', these are large scale invasions or wars of vengeance against the races of men, often formed from imagined slights or just the love of war itself. This makes the Gothians undoubtedly the most dangerous of all the Beastlings, with Voregoths at the head, the are easily the most disciplined, well lead, and united of the beastling races. No community of Gothians must ever be allowed to foster...
Gorthger: Gorthger are the fierce offspring of ogres and Voregoths. They generally display the brutish tendencies of their larger sires, but are more cunning, violent, and prone to mutation. Gorthger are almost obsessed in their single-minded drive for combat. An Gorthger out of combat is restless and troubled, but is often seen chuckling wickedly to itself during particularly brutal fights. Gorthger often serve their gothian kin as valued mercenaries, as often for the love of combat and destruction, as for the gold and promise of loot.
Drus & Oak Men: Drus are small fey warriors who act as guardians of other fey creatures of the Greenwood such as Dryads. They are sometimes nicknamed Stings from their longswords they carry which are constructed from thorn plants. Thorns will attack anything that threatens the greenwood and other forest creatures. They prefer to sneak up on opponents and carry sleep arrows which cause adversaries to fall into a slumber. Quick and nimble they are not very strong, they have been known to call upon their older larger cousins, the Oak Men, giant sized tree men. Thanfkully to those who live within or around the greenwood, Drus, Dryads, and Oak men are quite docile if left alone and unmolested. Sighting either is extremely rare, as they blend seamlessly with their surroundings. One might stumble across a great Oak man and never know it.
Lizardfolk: Not much is known about the mysterious and elusive lizardfolk, though many believe their are distant relatives to the dragons of old. Where, or when exactly, they originate from, no one can truly say. However, most hold it to be true that they were here since before the Wyrm Wars, lurking in the shadows while the other races slowly killed off their larger more formidable cousins. They appear to not be easy to find, for they tend to inhabit deep underwater caverns and scarcely come to the surface. Often these are in the form of fast raids to acquire slaves before departing again. Lizardfolk, or lizardmen, are a proud and ancient race. As their name would suggest, they are reptilian creatures with humanoid characteristics, such as (usually) walking on two legs. Most lizardfolk stand between six and seven feet tall, with a tail for balance measuring roughly four-six feet long. On average, they can weigh from 200 to 300 pounds. Members of this race will usually have scales of earthy greens, browns, and grays, though other colors are not that unheard of. Lizardfolk can range greatly in appearance between regions, even having very different body structures, particularly around the face. In stature, lizardfolk are lanky yet muscular. They are quick and agile, with piercing fangs. Their claws, while still functional in combat, are mostly used as useful tools for various other activities such as climbing. Many of their adaptational characteristics are similar to those of iguanas.
Lizardfolk are omnivores, but they prefer meat. They are typically found living in temperate marshes or swamps south of The Mountainlands in the largest numbers, though rare breeds have been reported in the north marshes. They usually make their homes right in or on the water itself, as mentioned. They are also semi-arboreal, and will use this to their advantage, though groups rarely take up permanent residence in the treetops. Being amphibious, a few highly advanced tribes have been known to inhabit underwater cave systems. It should go without saying that lizardfolk are cold blooded creatures and will quickly die in colder climates. Thus they have truly thrived in the Long summers, going into hibernation during the midwinters. On the onset of midwinder is when lizardfolk are most active, often foraging to the surface to raid villages for slaves and goods of the short winters. Many predict if the lizardfolk ever truly put their mind to the task, they could become a real threat, for they reproduce quickly, heal faster the the races of men, and are fierce in combat. Underestimate these cold blooded killers at ones own peril.
Kuo-toa: Kuo-toa are a debased monstrous humanoid fish-like race that dwell in the southern coastlines and in caverns of the archipelagos of the south. They have human-like bodies and fish-like heads with some almost frog-like characteristics. Kuo-toa are among the least understood of the beast races, and among sailors, the most feared. Kuo-toa are usually green skinned; darker on the back and lighter on the belly. Many have dark stripes, bands, or spots, but these tend to fade with age. An adult male Kuo-toa stands roughly six feet (1.83 meters) tall and weighs about 200 pounds (91 kilograms). Kuo-toa are highly fish-like, with webbed feet and hands, gills, and a finned tail. There is additional webbing down the back, at the elbows and, notably, also where human ears would be. About one in every 216 hatchlings possesses four functional arms. These four-armed mutations are usually black, fading to gray in color. While Kuo-toa usually kill off defective hatchlings, they allow these to live. No one really knows where the Kuo-toa first originated, but they have plagued the southern coast for as long as many can recall. Worse still, some breeds can survive in fresh water, and have set up underwater dwellings in larger rivers and lakes. The fact these beastlings live primarily underwater makes them almost impossible to effectively combat. While in turn, Kuo-toa can survive on land for short periods of time, long enough to raid ships and fishing villages. Savage fighters, Kuo-toa ask for and give no quarter. When swimming, a Kuo-toa tears with its feet, striking with its talons or a weapon. Spears and tridents tend to be their favoured weapons. About half of any group of Kuo-toa are also armed with nets. For whatever reason, Kuo-toa are the natural enemies of men and lizardfolk. Men and Kuo-toa cannot co-exist peacefully, and conflicts between them have often been prolonged, bloody affairs that occasionally even interfere with shipping and maritime trade. Kuo-toa tolerate the lizardfolk much more than they do the men. Exactly why the two races hate each other so much is unknown, but on rumor persist that the presence of an human community within several hundred miles of a Kuo-toa community occasionally causes some Kuo-toa to be born as malenti; mutants who resemble aquatic merfolk. Another more likely belief, is that Kuo-toa once worshipped the dragons of old willingly, and the now extinction of their old gods is blamed solely on the races of men.
(more may be added)
Knights of the Blazing Sun
The Knights of the Blazing Sun are a small elite order of Kumen devoted to the study and mastery of the science and art of warfare. These fervent followers of Kammeth value ability and accomplishment over all other factors, including noble birth. It is because of this that the order has grown in prosperity attracting the finest military minds to its banner. A Knight of the Blazing Sun's primary goal is to obtain perfection in the art of War, for this is one of Kammeths primary tenets, as such they travel Elyden individually seeking battle both large and small. A warband with a Knight of the Blazing sun at it's head is a potent force capable of dealing with opponents with a level of cunning that ensures victory before the battle is even joined.
As a private order from the Faith militant, the order will often join the wars of the faithful, often against beastling hoards or pagan uprisings.
The Argentum
The Argentum is a ministry within the Church of the Sacred Flame dedicated to the acquisition, study, and redistribution of magic items and artifacts, focusing on those that might be put to evil use. Freed from all restrictions and disavowed by the Church at large, it sends agents abroad to retrieve items of power—things that can be used by the Phoenix Throne to solidify its political and magical dominance. Some of these items languish in half-forgotten ruins. Others must be snatched from the clutches of their present owners. The Argentum is a shadow organization that cares not for treaties. It exists because the Elyden powerful magic as much as it needs great armies.
The Argentum's goals also extend beyond acquiring dangerous magic, but also into investigating and rooting out heresy. It is in the hands of heretics some of the most vile and dangerous of magic items have been found after all. The Argentum is primarily responsible for the near extinction of the art of Necromancy. Many nobles become quite wary when an agent of Argentum shows up in their court-because why would he come unless the noblemen somehow failed in their devotion to Kammeth?
Makitherin, so named due to the common belief this metal falls from the star goddess Marakash herself, is a extremely rare and abnormally powerful form of metal often associated with the first Makitherin weapons gifted to from Kammeth to mortal men in their wars against dragon-kind. Makitherin is a precious metal almost silvery white in color, and becomes blazing white when refined from ore. Makitherin can also have a green sheen when viewed by candlelight or a purple-white sheen when viewed by magical light. Aside from meteorites it is believed one can mine Makitherin from extremely deep deposits beneath the earth though these may be long buried fallen stars that have buried themselves deep within the ground upon impact. Makitherin steel, when smelted, would become an ultra-hard metal, but this is a costly procedure.
The difficulty in forging true Makitherin steel is the need for a furnace or smelter capable of producing the hottest heats imaginable for extended periods of time, beyond that, the metal must be constantly beaten, then cooled in water that has been blessed by a priest of Kammeth. Then heated again and beaten slowly into shape, the metal is surprisingly fragile as well while in this process. Once done right however, Makitherin becomes an ultrahard, astoundingly light, metal that adds to the quality of a weapon or to a suit of armor. Though given the rarity of Makitherin an entire suit of armor forged from it is inconceivable.
After the Wyrm War, much of Elyden had been forever changed, and the aftermath had left many corpses of dragons littered throughout the continent. Hardly believing that their long time hated foe had at last been vanquished, and fearing they would somehow rise again, the victorious races of men set to burying the bones of these dragons in great funeral pits. Some even going so far as to casting the majority of them into the eastern seas. Over time many of these bones were taken up by the current and thus helped create what is now known as The Bonelands of Alabast. Dragon bones are of such strength they have lasted throughout the centuries.
Armorsmiths have in time learned to work with the bones of these long since vanquished dragons to produce armor or shields of masterwork quality. One dragon was often large enough to produce bones for a single suit of masterwork bone armor for a creature the size of a giant. By selecting only choice pieces and bits of their skeletons, an armorsmith can produce eighty suits of masterwork banded mail for a creature the size of a normal man, thirty suits of masterwork plate-like armor for a creature also the size of a common human.
Due to the inflexibility of the martial, primal magic is often needed to reshape the bone, with smiths then reinforcing it with leather underneath. A true suit of dragon armor it is said grants the wearer some resistance to the element that the dragon used in life. Only the most skilled and experienced of bone armorsmiths can tell the difference of one kind of dragon bone from another.
After around 83 AU (After Unifaction), coins in Elyden are minted in either the Royal Mint in Lochbridge Port or the mint in Skyhaven(I might make a mint in House Sovanid lands as well).
Coins were referred to by the following names:
Falcons are copper pieces = 1
Dawns are silver pieces = 10
Crowns are gold pieces = 100
Tricrowns are Gold pieces = 1,000
Exchange Value
Copper piece (cp) = Are worth only one Falcon
Silver piece (sp) = 10 Falcons are worth a single Dawn
Gold piece (gp) = 100 Dawns make a Crown
Gold piece (tgp) = 1,000 Crowns make a Tricrown
Tricrowns tend to be thrice he size of a normal coin hence their name.
(if you have been to Canada you have seen fat ass coins the equivalent sized loonies.)
- No arguing, there will be zero tolerance for needless bickering
- Keep travel time reasonable, this being in the middle ages and teleportation being very much not a thing, word of mouth will travel slowly at best.
- This being a NRP, a level of wiring is expected and necessary; consider it High Casual at least.
- This is a heavily story focused Rp, so there is no 'game' to win. Or any points to earn, so that should not really be your goal, yes the throne can be a goal for your character, but the goal of a Roleplayer is that crafting a story not winning the 'game'.
- Technology is about 10th 12th century, with plate armor existing but still rather new and expensive. Crossbows, blast furnaces, paper mills, Chimneys, Segmental arch bridges, Treadwheel cranes, hourglasses, spectacles and trebuchets sure, gunpowder and cannons? No.
- This does boil down to a kind of game of thrones (I know it sounds corny as hell), and so character death should not only be expected, but seen as something that would be damn hard to avoid. So no one has any plot armor, and you should not expect special treatment for characters you really like. That being said, I don't plan to kill characters willy nilly, but if it will advance the story, there is a good chance.
- At last...HAVE FUN! ^.^, that is the true main purpose of any RP I feel and it should be no different here. NOTE: This rule will be enforced with armed crossbowmen at ALL times... :K
Nation Sheets
Worldbuilding Thread

Nex: Light Blue
Bridgeburner: Black
solamelike: Red
naxhi: Blue
LordZell: Purple
Lone Wanderer: Green
Goldeagle1221:Pale Orange
Crabmeat: Light Grey
DeadBeatWalking: Oxford Blue
Milkman: Dark Red
Gorgenmast:Dark green
Aristo: Gold
Katabasis: Dark Yellow
ethanjory: Pink
Open: Dark Purple
Celeste: White
Open: Silver
Nation Sheets