Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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He's around here somewhere.
Hale scanned his surroundings, he was sure he'd seen the bastard slip trough the undergrowth.
He wouldn't get him get away. Not again.
Suddenly a bright light hit him from above, dazed he looked up to see the one he'd been hunting.
His target now came running at him with long daggers ablaze with eldritch magic.
It was Hale's reflexes that saved him, if only barely. A clever ambush, but the fight had only just started.
He rolled away into the undergrowth from where his assailant had come and quickly restored himself.
His target came after him naturally. Big mistake...
With a flick of the wrist a crackling orb of energy formed in Hales claws. Throwing everything he had in this one strike, all that mattered was timing.
Twin daggers pierced the sky as they came crashing down to meet his lightning fueled vengeance.

At that moment the room shook accompanied by a sound like rolling thunder. Hale's concentration slipped and his bolt missed the target.
His opponent, unfazed, rushed trough him. Struck him down without a moments doubt. The world went black.
In the darkness Hale saw his own dissatisfied reflection. His face turned to a scowl as words appeared on the screen in front op him.

BabyKillr79 has ended autumn's killing spree!

Those words... they taunted Hale.
With a flick of a button he turned off his computer. Another loud bang shook the room.
"Now what are they doing?" he murmured to himself as he got out of his chair and staggered to the door.

In general he'd have to say he was happy with his choice to live with the vampire nest near Kilo Point. They were eccentric, but at least he didn't have to keep traveling all day, or eschew technology and cooked fucking food. Still, sometimes... these 'civilized monsters'. They could be infuriating.
With an angry growl and a rough kick he threw the door of his room open.
"What the hell are you lot doing now?!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Training." Magnus told him, a rather sickening 'shlick' sound following soon after as Magnus removed his claws from the recruits stomach that was in front of him. "At this rate most of you won't make it past 5 minutes." He resumed his composure, standing up from his crouched posistion. "If training bothers you, you shouldn'tve had your room built so close to the training area, Hale."

"Oh, also, get that guy patched up before he gets more blood all over the floor." Magnus said to the other vampires in the room, hoping one of them was smart enough to do what he said. He had a meager force for now, but soon it would change. Come night fall many more would come and join him, it was only a matter of time. Magnus had done well procuring this facility of his, a sprawling underground area concealed by a cave on the surface with a hidden entrance.

Most of the vampires here were to simple minded to understand completely Magnus' reasoning for hiding underground, but then again most of them barely knew how to feed without getting caught. Which is exactly why he forced them to go underground. The facility is completely equipped with electricity and modern technology as well as security measures and cameras. It is completely undetectable from the outside, off the grid so to say.

Needless to say Hale helped fund it, but Magnus is by no way short on cash. One thing about being this old is it sure has its perks. I mean, who would stop a vampire as old as he from doing much of anything?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Fair point.
Hale shrugged his shoulders as he stared at the mess Magnus had made of the guy for a second.
"I chose this place because it's convenient." He calmly walked over to a punching bag hanging from the ceiling.
"Because sometimes," He punched the bag and a satisfying cloud of dust came off it. "video games just aren't enough," another punch that snapped the stitching of the bag.
"to vent my aggression" and with that he sent the bag flying. It snapped of it's chain and nearly hit one of the vampires dragging the bleeding guy away.

Hale took a deep breath. "... It's hard to get used to the dungeon life. I keep expecting a bunch of sword waving hero lunatics to barge in here."
Hale paused and sought eye contact with Magnus. "I've got the feeling you've got some scheme you're working on. I hear there's a whole bunch of your old friends that are going to show up soon. What's the surprise?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HikikomoriMoxy


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Alice had awoken from one of her oddly timed naps at the sound of a loud explosion. She groaned and rolled over, picking up her clock before standing up and going to her closet to get dressed. The lady vampire found herself a pale violet dress and white patent leather shoes. She braided her hair and searched the kitchen. Alice made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich before taking nope of the lack of sound in the small building itself. Seemed Hale wasn't in. At least not at the moment.

Going outside she saw a few shaken recruits dragging a body of some poor mangled soul across the training floor. Hale was chatting with Magnus. Her upper lip twitched because she knew that poor vampire's wound was Magnus' doing but she also knew that it wasn't life threatening. That vampire would recover. She just hated seeing her kind in so much pain.

To any unsuspecting person, she looked like a fifteen year-old from the fifties but she was far older than that. Alice and Hale had been traveling together for so long that the Grimm brothers wrote a book based off of them as they believed the girl and her wolf companion were beings that even Nordic tales were based off of.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Magnus grinned when he said that, "Well now, I suppose you will just have to wait and see, won't you? Let me just say...it will be big, mass chaos, destruction, the whole nine yards..."He told him, chuckling evilly. All in due time, he thought to himself. "Why hello, Alice. Enjoy your nap?" Magnus told Alice as she entered the room. He could tell she was un-happy with the display of the man getting drug away. "Don't worry Alice, it's all for training, for both my needs and for their own good. I didn't have anyone train me, my power was a slow crawl from nothingness. So, Making it easier for everyone else seems a viable option." While, it is true the training would help them in their..life so to say, he could give a damn less. All he cared for is if they were ready for war. He sighed as he walked over and sat down in a chair in the corner near the two of them. "And at this rate, they won't last long at all by themselves."
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Charles was being dragged by his hair into what seemed like a cave system, the celling was low and it was freezing. they also weren't being gental on him, they kept trying to bite him and he has to keep hitting them off "dumb animals" he still had his stinger and spray in his back pocket, they'd stolen his gun and his stingers were in the front, the dumb creeps diddnt even think of searching him before they pushed him in to the cave system.

as he walked down the many steps (they wouldnt let him use the lift for some reason) he arrived at one of the floors as a vampire was being dragged out with blood pouring out his chest. at that point he came into a room with a man and a women standing, talking, he awaited the vamps to talk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Hale nodded at Alice coming in. When she expressed her fear for their kind dying hopelessly in battle, and Magnus doing not much to reassure her, he started thinking.
"Can we get a weapon that'll protect large groups of vampires at once?" Hale thought aloud. "Maybe sabotage the opponents anti vamper equipment somehow."
Suddenly it hit him. He jumped up and looked excitedly at Magnus and Alice. "What if the opponent is expecting werewolves instead?"
He grinned as he was met with stares and silence.
"We'll put of large speakers around the woods, and we'll have them play recordings of me howling. It'll sound like they are being attacked by a massive pack of wolves rather than vampires. They'll bring silver bullets rather than stakes."
And if I get Alice to play the sounds, she can't be part of the melee and won't get hurt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HikikomoriMoxy


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Alice stayed at Hale's side. She knew Magnus would not be so brash as to outwardly express his obvious disdain, she simply did not like to be close to him. She was proud of Hale for coming up with the idea for the wolf noises to confuse the enemy. Perhaps she could draw in mountain lions with her rats. Or maybe bears. It was an interesting idea. Using the animals meant less vampire casualties.

Living a long life meant Alice had seen many wars from many angles, not to mention weaponry and she knew the best thing for wiping large amounts of people with out risking many of her own were explosions.

"Cannons. Tanks." Alice said, not looking at anything in particular. "On Rhinos." At that last part the corner of her lip quirked up. It was a humorous thought, seeing Rhinos charging into battle with cannons strapped to them. Animals like that won't go extinct for a long time. Her kind were far more important.

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charles just stood there with a knee in his back watching the now three vamps in-front of him talk about some sort of wolf and distraction, they still didn't notice him as he stood there. by the clothes they were wearing, how they held themselves and the way they were talking it was fairly clear these guys were pretty high up. "cough cough" he said to try to get their attention, "could you please tell me why im here? this is now how you treat your neighbours. not in the slightest" this gave him a punch from one of the guys behind him yet he just laughed
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HikikomoriMoxy


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Yukine blinked and turned toward the fellow who was talking. To be honest she didn't know why he was around but she figured Magnus had some purpose for him being here, though she doubted they were any good. Looking closer she saw he was just a human. Her mouth curled into a coy Mona Lisa like smile. This poor man wouldn't survive training from Magnus. Then again he could be a captured spy. If that's the case his fate would be far worse.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Hale tried to picture a row of cannons strapped to a rhino.

He laughed.
"Actually... I might steal that idea if you don't mind. My buddy's a game designer, I'll convince him to make that into a 3rd person sandbox rampage game..."
He was interrupted in his train of thought by Charles stepping forward.
"Hmmm?... Oh wait, you must be Charles right?"
"You had information on SOLDIER's tactics for sale? We spoke on the phone, I'm Hale."
Hale stuck out his hand at Charles.
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"yo must have me confused with someone else, thses guys sure did" he smiled at the men begin him "now on to business" he walked past the mans hand and started pacing "i have a few conditions on this info, and some orders i would like to see carried out before i speak. is that okay?" he diddnt wait for a response "first thing, i get my full arsenal back" with that one of the men handed his guns back, he holstered the M16 and carried on "second, i am not a tool to use to you desires, this is valuable. i could quite easy go to another party with this stuff. third i am an experienced solider, and i could kill you all in one shot... so dont annoy me and that brings me onto the next point, i don't want to be a vampire, so dont offer or i will polity decline. information WILL be expensive and i have no intention helping you carry out your plans. do we have a deal?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HikikomoriMoxy


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Alice looked at the man, bored. If he was so amazing, how'd he let himself get into the situation to begin with? How often had she heard that pompous spiel from a soldier? What difference did it make? They all died in the end anyway. "Troublesome." She mumbled, before finding a chair to sit in while she finished her sandwich. Her presence here was only because of Hale, otherwise she could think of a thousand other places she could be spending her time.
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a soft murmur was emitted from the young women (though he couldn't be sure) "im sorry madam, did you say something" he arrearage his meddles and checked his mags "pray tell what you said!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Hale smirked.
"That is a very nice gun, and you sure have a lot of demands. Perhaps you would like to speak to my supervisor?"
Hale shot a hopeful look at Magnus, as if he was expecting he'd be about to witness something hilarious.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Shortly after Magnus sat down his phone rang."Got the human that was selling intell, sir." Someone told Magnus over his phone. "Alright bring him in." He said and shut off his phone. "BOB, Override code 367, ignore the one heat signiture that is coming through. He is a...guest of ours." "Understood, Magnus."A robotic voice sounded back. Shortly after the man was drug in rather forcefully. It wasn't untill Hale responded that anyone actually cared. Magnus grinned at his paltry threats of taking this information to others and killing us all in one shot. He pushed himself off the chair, claws scraping each side as he got up. "You could TRY killing us in one shot, but truth be told all I had to do is give one simple command and you would be reduced to a puddle. I have no problems in paying you, but don't come here making cheap threats.Your main concern is not to annoy ME, Charles."Magnus told him. "Other than that, I'm sure we have more than enough funds to pay you. Also, you two. Do a better job at searching him next time. Not that that would mean much...be a cold day in hell before a single human stopped all three of us."
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Charles let out a deep laugh and put his finger to his right ear "yep, understood" he looked up at the man "WE HAVE A DEAL!!!" he let out a manic laugh "now 110 bill or broke, also update your security, tad sloppy over all", he put his hand in his pocket and touched on a GPS tracker, a airborne virus sender and a long list of formations. based on his next move will make sure this place stayed a secret, he had command in his ear canal telling him to push for more information.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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"Tad sloppy indeed." Hale spit at the floor.
"That is a direct insult to my tactical design, but perhaps you're right. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't search you at all."
Hale paused with a petty grin.
"In fact, just for good measure, You two!" He pointed at some guards that where standing around wondering if they should be leaving or not.
"Search him. I want to see what other cool toys he has."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"In regards to them searching you, yes. But, it is by my command that my turrets simply didn't mulch you the second you stepped foot in here. We are completely untrackable, they can try to trace your earpiece, it simply can't be done. I bet you are thinking 'maybe if I overload the electronics somehow.' Won't work. BOB would fix the issue rather quickly, isn't that right BOB?" "Affirmitive." BOB sounded back, echoing around the room. "So, if your information wasn't valuabe, any plan you had would fail, and you would be a puddle. So, on that note give BOB your bank account information and he can wire funds out of my account to yours." Magnus had no intentions of letting Charles leave, as soon as the information was his he would either kill him or lock him down here to be a plaything for the younger vampires
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and with that, he flicked his GPS on, and let the virus fly, this virus wasn't normal, Charles had programmed it himself using a new code only he knew. no matter how smart the computer the program wont stop fighting till he gives the command, and the system protocols change so often that no super computer can learn it. its also undetectable the only proof of it is a tiny flicker in the screen for only 1 point of a millionth every day, it shuts off all commands unless told so (so your guns will over heat, but you wont know it was me) the console also looks like a game-boy or a black berry. "now lets calm down," he took his hands out his pocket and put them up "we are all friends here, arnt we?" he let out a snigger, command was blowing up trying to pull him out. "now business," he put his finer to his ear and said into it "ill call you back my love, daddy's got some businesses to do. i love you jenny" he pulled a small flip phone out and pressed the hung up button "that was my girl, the one thing in my life that isnt screwed up" he pulled a photo of a young girl he had got from a colleges wallet when he was shot. "are we done, becese we dont need to search me"
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