Hi everyone I am BACK! I finally got a brand new PC so now I can RP a WHOLE lot easier! So I decided to come back to RP with everyone! On this thread for Blood Compact I am resetting the time line back to when everything first began, with a twist.
Reference Material: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/7789/posts/ic
1. No Power play or godmoding etc, general stuff.
2. Keep it PG-13
3. You are allowed 3 characters max, no exceptions.
Setting: A small town in Tennessee known to SOLIDER as Kilo Point, Normal time-span I.E 2014.
Plot:For years the Vampires and the Humans have lived in peace from a treaty signed thousands of years ago known as the Blood Compact. Stating as long as the Vampires didn't harm any humans and kept their species hidden they could co-exsist without threat from SOLDIER. The elite vampire hunting squadron existing for as long as anyone can remember to keep the handle on any vampire outbreaks.
Recently their have been several killings in various areas, the humans decided to ignore it until a army of vampires began ravaging the cities. The Blood Compact being broken, war has broken out between the two races. Will you fight for humanity? Or will you help with its destruction?
But, to some, it feels like all this already happened. And that one powerful Vampire known as Magnus did indeed win the war and take over the entirety of the U.S. What exactly went wrong? How exactly did time reverse itself? Was it Steins doing? Or some different force altogether? Is everyone simply asleep somewhere dreaming things aren't so bad? Only time will tell, and you don't have much of it.
Either form of intro, list or paragraph, is acceptable. Whichever you prefer.
These are the templates for SOLDIER and Vampires, it is possible to be a vampire in the ranks of SOLDIER, and a ex SOLDIER member in the vampires.
SOLDIER List Inro Template:
Vampire:(yes or no)
When you were turned:(put N/A if your not a vampire).
Weapons: ( One main, two support,and one hidden max).
Vampire template:
When you were turned:
Weapons:(IF You wish, and only something small, as vampires are already fast and strong..).
Powers:(I.E Compulsion etc. No vampires shooting fireballs please..).
Personality:( Again optional..)
Before I post my intro I should mention all the vampires are day walkers, meaning they are not affected by the sun.
My intro:
Name: Matt
Vampire: No
When you were turned: N/A
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Clothes: Armor plated leather gloves(to hold the chakram), blue jeans, A black T-Shirt that says Kill-U on the front, A leather jacket, and leather boots.
Weapons: Main: A ringblade(chakram) attached to a holster strapped to his back. Support: Dual Magnums and Brass Knuckles Hidden: A set of throwing knives attached to the inside of his jacket
Hair color/length: Silver, straight, middle of back length.
Eye color: Blue
Name: Lightning, Prefers Light.(Don't mock the name, It's fairly old CS :/)
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Vampire: No
When Turned: N/A
Clothes: Black Leather Jacket with the words SOLDIER on the back, Black T-shirt, blue jeans, Boots.
Gundam(Gun Blade)
SOLDIER issued Gun Blades known as Gundams are powerful weapons. Gundams consist of a the back part of a gun, aka the clip and trigger, mounted to a Falchion blade using a long barrel down the length of the blade and ending before the tip to maximize range and potentional damage. Gundams are useful for both close range and long range combat, able to fire a wide range of special SOLDIER munition clips. Varying from pistol bullets to shotgun ammo, this baby can do it all. It even has a slot to mount a scope for ease of aim when shooting from a distance.
Ammo Types She Has: Pistol, Shotgun, and Sniper. She also carries a scope for long range use.
Support: 5 Frag grenades that when thrown spew out wood shrapnel.
Hiddden: A crucifix with spikes on the tips on a special compartment in her jacket.
Hair: Pinkish blonde(idk how to describe very light pink blonde color not strawberry), cut short, semi spiky.
Eyes: Green
Personality: Will be Revealed.
Name: Magnus Shane
Age: 1252
When You Were Turned: 762
Clothes: A pair of makeshift pants secured with metallic strap across his chest linking to a chainmail armpiece made of titanium that descends down the entire arm and stopping directly above the wrist.
Weapons: Gloves plated with iron with claws made out of nearly indestructible Tungsten Steel beginning from the knuckles and extending a few inches from the ends of the fingers into very sharp tips.
Powers: Given Magnus's age he has grown to be incredibly strong and fast, even morso fast than he is strong. While he is still strong enough to lift incredibly heavy objects, his speed far outshines his strength. Using his speed and the weightlessness of his claws he can reach a target and kill them barely giving them enough time to react, given of course they aren't too awfully far away from him. Once a member of the clan Dresden is now in control of, he too had his heart artificially removed, giving him more of a edge in combat than most vampires.
Magnus also has a slight telepathic ability, allowing him to speak to someone by communicating directly to their mind, he mostly uses this to confuse his targets as he is only able to do this to one person at a time. And doing so greatly decreases his speed leaving him highly vulnerable, him having to stand completely still to transport memories and the like.
Personality: Magnus is truly a force to be reckoned with. Cross him and he won't think twice about cutting you in half. Not belonging to a clan himself, and only in a handful in his many years of exsistance, he prefers to hunt and live alone, unless of course there is something that interests him. Rather than using brute force to eliminate his targets like most vampires, he quickly plans his attacks to be as precise and deadly as possible.
Took me a bit but I found all three of my old characters...Yay.!
Reference Material: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/7789/posts/ic
1. No Power play or godmoding etc, general stuff.
2. Keep it PG-13
3. You are allowed 3 characters max, no exceptions.
Setting: A small town in Tennessee known to SOLIDER as Kilo Point, Normal time-span I.E 2014.
Plot:For years the Vampires and the Humans have lived in peace from a treaty signed thousands of years ago known as the Blood Compact. Stating as long as the Vampires didn't harm any humans and kept their species hidden they could co-exsist without threat from SOLDIER. The elite vampire hunting squadron existing for as long as anyone can remember to keep the handle on any vampire outbreaks.
Recently their have been several killings in various areas, the humans decided to ignore it until a army of vampires began ravaging the cities. The Blood Compact being broken, war has broken out between the two races. Will you fight for humanity? Or will you help with its destruction?
But, to some, it feels like all this already happened. And that one powerful Vampire known as Magnus did indeed win the war and take over the entirety of the U.S. What exactly went wrong? How exactly did time reverse itself? Was it Steins doing? Or some different force altogether? Is everyone simply asleep somewhere dreaming things aren't so bad? Only time will tell, and you don't have much of it.
Either form of intro, list or paragraph, is acceptable. Whichever you prefer.
These are the templates for SOLDIER and Vampires, it is possible to be a vampire in the ranks of SOLDIER, and a ex SOLDIER member in the vampires.
SOLDIER List Inro Template:
Vampire:(yes or no)
When you were turned:(put N/A if your not a vampire).
Weapons: ( One main, two support,and one hidden max).
Vampire template:
When you were turned:
Weapons:(IF You wish, and only something small, as vampires are already fast and strong..).
Powers:(I.E Compulsion etc. No vampires shooting fireballs please..).
Personality:( Again optional..)
Before I post my intro I should mention all the vampires are day walkers, meaning they are not affected by the sun.
My intro:
Name: Matt
Vampire: No
When you were turned: N/A
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Clothes: Armor plated leather gloves(to hold the chakram), blue jeans, A black T-Shirt that says Kill-U on the front, A leather jacket, and leather boots.
Weapons: Main: A ringblade(chakram) attached to a holster strapped to his back. Support: Dual Magnums and Brass Knuckles Hidden: A set of throwing knives attached to the inside of his jacket
Hair color/length: Silver, straight, middle of back length.
Eye color: Blue
Name: Lightning, Prefers Light.(Don't mock the name, It's fairly old CS :/)
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Vampire: No
When Turned: N/A
Clothes: Black Leather Jacket with the words SOLDIER on the back, Black T-shirt, blue jeans, Boots.
Gundam(Gun Blade)
SOLDIER issued Gun Blades known as Gundams are powerful weapons. Gundams consist of a the back part of a gun, aka the clip and trigger, mounted to a Falchion blade using a long barrel down the length of the blade and ending before the tip to maximize range and potentional damage. Gundams are useful for both close range and long range combat, able to fire a wide range of special SOLDIER munition clips. Varying from pistol bullets to shotgun ammo, this baby can do it all. It even has a slot to mount a scope for ease of aim when shooting from a distance.
Ammo Types She Has: Pistol, Shotgun, and Sniper. She also carries a scope for long range use.
Support: 5 Frag grenades that when thrown spew out wood shrapnel.
Hiddden: A crucifix with spikes on the tips on a special compartment in her jacket.
Hair: Pinkish blonde(idk how to describe very light pink blonde color not strawberry), cut short, semi spiky.
Eyes: Green
Personality: Will be Revealed.
Name: Magnus Shane
Age: 1252
When You Were Turned: 762
Clothes: A pair of makeshift pants secured with metallic strap across his chest linking to a chainmail armpiece made of titanium that descends down the entire arm and stopping directly above the wrist.

Weapons: Gloves plated with iron with claws made out of nearly indestructible Tungsten Steel beginning from the knuckles and extending a few inches from the ends of the fingers into very sharp tips.
Powers: Given Magnus's age he has grown to be incredibly strong and fast, even morso fast than he is strong. While he is still strong enough to lift incredibly heavy objects, his speed far outshines his strength. Using his speed and the weightlessness of his claws he can reach a target and kill them barely giving them enough time to react, given of course they aren't too awfully far away from him. Once a member of the clan Dresden is now in control of, he too had his heart artificially removed, giving him more of a edge in combat than most vampires.
Magnus also has a slight telepathic ability, allowing him to speak to someone by communicating directly to their mind, he mostly uses this to confuse his targets as he is only able to do this to one person at a time. And doing so greatly decreases his speed leaving him highly vulnerable, him having to stand completely still to transport memories and the like.
Personality: Magnus is truly a force to be reckoned with. Cross him and he won't think twice about cutting you in half. Not belonging to a clan himself, and only in a handful in his many years of exsistance, he prefers to hunt and live alone, unless of course there is something that interests him. Rather than using brute force to eliminate his targets like most vampires, he quickly plans his attacks to be as precise and deadly as possible.
Took me a bit but I found all three of my old characters...Yay.!