Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guile
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ManoftheNorth
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ManoftheNorth A Bear

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Floor 34: Mareen's Swamp

Current Location: Outside of an Old Castle Courtyard Ruin, which is known as the Boss' Lair.

Date- October Eleventh

"The guilds have gathered just outside of the Boss room, we are all sitting and standing around small campfires we have made and things are getting itchy. People are beginning to get jumpy and the tensions are high. The guilds are making us wait for some reason, some unexplainable reason. They claim to be "prepping" and they act like they are, but it seems all too lacking.

Many of the other players are beginning to lose their nerve and many others have already left the camp. It doesn't help knowing our camp is in the middle of an open dungeon and could be attacked at any moment, but that raises question as well. We entered this dungeon four days ago, have fought through wave after wave of muk-coated bog creatures, and yet there aren't any here at the camp or near the camp.

I have yet to see any signs of any form of monster that is considered hostile in the immediate or adjacent area, and frankly it is putting me on alert. I can't help it, it seems like everything in my knowledge tells me we should at least see one attack here or there, but it is completely dead, and it has been this way since we arrived.

The ruins are interesting, every few feet you can see a pile of rubble or a low-bearing wall sticking up from the muk and water, but nothing is standing too well except for the structure we are camped outside of right now. This is supposedly the Boss' Lair, but as of the word the Guilds are giving us, nothing is certain. They keep everything hush-hush inside the ladder of the Guilds and only a few people from each guild actually communicate with the other guilds. It is, as I have stated, growing annoying.

I hope to live one more day, to write my next entry..."

Rorik gently looked up from his book, the quill in his hand gently cleaned by a small piece of cloth and then placed flat in the small, red, book as a place holder. He then sat the book on a nearby rock as a figure approached him. This figure wore large plate armor that was midnight black and had navy blue ornate linings, marking, and etchings across the entirety of the armor. The figure itself was a tall male who had blonde short, cropped hair and slight stubble across his chin and a small scar just under his right cheekbone that looked much like a comma. The figure stopped a few feet from allen and bowed with his right fist tucked into his waist in a formal manner.
"Greetings, I am Knight Commander Arniil, you are Rorik, yes?" The male then stood stright and with his hands firmly at his sides with a firm, blank expression that awaited an answer.

"Yes, I am Rorik, why do you ask?" He responded with a question. Rorik then straightned his back and crossed his arms and adjusted his rear upon the stump which he sat. He groaned under his breath as a piece of wood sticking up from the stump seemed to have weaseled it's way into the space between his under thigh and armor.

"I am simply taking note of all the players here, I am to confirm each players name and then move on." Arniil answered before bowing again and ten taking his leave. He strolled straight back to his guildmates, the Knights of Cold Harbor.

Rorik was surprised by this silly action, and how it was enacted by the Knights of Cold Harbor. There was little anyone knew about the Knights, and this included Rorik's limited knowledge. He examined the guild as they stood secluded from the majority of the camping Raid party and then he began to survey the entirety of the players there, every type of player was present, male and female, young and old, defensive and offensive, guildie and solo player, every type of person possible was there to push the game further, and each of them had there own reason for moving on in the game.

Roriks reason was obscure even to him, he wasn't entirely sure what he would do once the game was over, his goal was more the fighting, the idea that he was killing the machinations of a madman, a murderer, a pyschopathic, idealistic, homicidal, maniac
Hidden 11 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 7 days ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Excuse me sir....excuse me sir......SIR!!!" The solder from the Knights of Cold Harbor yelled, tugging on Hatsu's arm. Hatsu failed to even notice the player, having entered a deep meditation state. This was normal for him, meditating and preparing himself mentally for the horrors that lied ahead. It would help him keep a cool head, even in the most dangerous situations. However, he couldn't maintain his meditation due to being pushed by a fellow player. He opened his eyes, meeting the knight that shrugged him and giving him a cold stare "What is it?" Hatsu asked, with a rather annoyed expression. The Knight was slightly intimidated "W-well you see sir, we would like to have your name. We want to know the name of all the players before we enter the raid" Hatsu raised an eyebrow "My name? Why is my name necessary? What you should be asking for is my trust, not my name" Hatsu stood up, noticing 3 large solders surrounding 1 girl. He turned to the solder "That is what will matter on the battle field" Hatsu began to walk towards the scene but stopped momentarily "But if you must know, my name is Bob Saget" He continued towards the scene. The knight felt honored, believing he had just met a celebrity.

Fortunately, the 3 solders had their attention on the girl. This made it easier for Hatsu to walk up to them without being noticed, or just not even being acknowledged. He noticed the one in the middle, whom was also wearing the more decorated armor, was clenching onto the girls arm. Hatsu swiftly and quickly grabbed a pressure point between the gaps of his armor, where his neck met his shoulder. With Hatsu's right hand, he reached under the mans arm, grabbing it and pulling it back to put the solder in an even more uncomfortable position. To finish it off, Hatsu grabbed the solders hand on another pressure point, practically immobilizing him. The solder screamed out of rage

"Who do you think you are!! Let go of me this moment!"

The other 2 were ready to draw their swords, until Hatsu pulled the leaders arm even more. If he wanted to, he could break it off

"I was wondering the same thing, I leave my party member for 1 second and only come back to see she is getting harassed by 3 men in armor. So I ask, who are you?" Hatsu asked, tightening his grip. The man gritted his teeth." I am Knight Commander Arniil, unhand me at this moment!" Hatsu released his grip, making the solder stumble forward and rubbing the points where Hatsu was tightly gripping "What are your names!?" Hatsu raised an eyebrow "Again with names, my name is Naota and her name is Haruko" The first thing that came to his mind was 2 characters of an anime he loved watching back in the real world, Fooly Cooly. The man looked Hatsu in the eyes "I won't be forgetting your face, just hope we don't meet after this raid!" He stormed off, with the 2 solders following him. Hatsu let off a sigh of relief "Finally" He said to himself. He turned to the girl that they were harassing "Are you alright?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Lucy lay on her back staring at the ceiling that she could barely see. Slowly, she brought her hand up, as if she could touch it if she tried hard enough. It was times like this that she missed home. It was times like this when she wished she could once again see the stars. A sad sigh escaped her lips before she started to sing a song quietly, hoping to distract herself.

"I miss your biscuits and your gravy
Fireflies dancing in the night
You have fed me, You have saved me
Billy Graham and Martha White."

Fireflies. Lucy had taken those stupid bugs for granted. They were like stars that you could actually touch, could even catch and keep for yourself. If only she had realized it then.

Her musings were interrupted by a rough voice. "Name?"

Lucy raised an eyebrow at him, "Huh?"

"We need your name. We're cataloging the players present here."

She didn't even feel the need to sit up at this. "That's a stupid reason, don't cha think? You know, my mama always said you gotta be nice to someone and treat 'em like you'd wanna be treated. Maybe you should chat me up a bit before you ask me my name, yeah?" Her characteristic grin spread across her face, but he was not amused.

"And maybe you should learn to speak correctly. Start with giving me your name."

Lucy winced, no longer feeling like fighting with the stupid man. If he wanted to be that way, then so be it. He could have her name as long as he left her to her thoughts. "Lucy Hall." With that, he nodded and left taking her grin with him. Finally, the young woman sat up running her fingers through her hair out of habit. If there was anything she hated, it was when people treated her like she was stupid because of her accent. So what if she talked a bit slow and had that drawl, it didn't mean she couldn't think or understand anyone. Picking up a rock, she through it as hard as she could, hoping to calm herself down. Unfortunately, it hit someone else in the process.

"Sorry!" She called over before laying back down. Why have we been out here so long, she thought. It feels like they're using us for something...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hailfire
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Hailfire Tenacious Rogue

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jogging. It was a simple process. One foot in front of the other, push, breath and repeat but right now it was serving as a mind cleanser for Jason. It kept his mind focussed and stopped it wondering onto issues that might unnerve him when the doors to the boss room finally opened and the raiding party went inside. Every now and then Jason would stop jogging and stretch, a pointless action in a world where his joints were computerised but one which made him feel a little closer to reality and it was during one of these stretching sessions he heard the girl. She sung quietly and with a slight Texan drawl but where Jason stood on the edge of the encampment, potentially five minutes from death by monster, it seemed one of the more beautiful things he had heard in his life.

"I miss your biscuits and your gravy!
Fireflies dancing in the night
You have fed me, You have saved me
Billy Graham and Martha White."

Jason smiled and took a seat on a rickety little weir over the muddy water of Mareen's Swamp, hoping to hear more of the song. He was glad someone besides him had found some form of relief from the tensions that came with a boss battle. Not far from him were a group of guildsmen who looked as though they might've let the pressure get to them. Jason had seen them surveying the camp whilst he had been doing his own laps and things had appeared pretty normal but now they'd grown frustrated and had out of no-where become physically violent against a newcomer. The issue was resolved before Jason could intervene but nonetheless it showed just how on edge people must be. Jason sighed and lay back on the weir. This was going to be a rough hunt, he concluded.

The rock appeared suddenly and without warning, clunking off Jason's resting head before slipping away off thr pier and into the water with an almost inaudible splosh. Jason sat up a little from his position on the weir to seek the person who had thrown it but the equally sudden and apologetic "sorry" called over to him with a female texan accent confirmed it before he'd even turned around. He laughed figuring this was as good a chance to get to know somebody as any and began to sing where he lay with the intent of catching her attention.

"And I have since become a drifter,
And I just can't wait to pack
'Cause I know the road I leave on
It will always bring me back."

He sung loudly with a smile on his face. His accent didn't quite match up to the song but to be frank he didn't care. He was enjoying himself.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ManoftheNorth
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ManoftheNorth A Bear

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Rorik sat there after the conversation with Arniil and watched him begin making rounds to other players, while a few other members of his guild were doing the same in other sections of the camp. It wasn't too big of a deal until Rorik watched as Arniil made a round to a lone woman, which spawned a scene and caused another male to get involved after his own little incident with a name gathering knight. As they all converged on the woman Rorik stood, he was clear across the camp, but he had intended to make an appearance of his own at the incident although his chance was canceled at the clearing of the knights. That male was brave, but silly, he could have easily died in vain.

Rorik almost sat again as his attention was caught by the sound of a woman speaking up in an apologetic nature to another male who had apparently been hit upon the head by a rock most likely. Rorik turned his body in case it grew violent, but they seemed to be able to laugh it off enough with the singing of part of a song, and Rorik felt silly in his own mind as he realized what was going on. He had grown jumpy, frustrated, edgy, and nervous. He was nervous more then anything as he turned around surveying the crowd, this massive raid party had gathered two days ago, cleared the dungeon last night, and have been forced to wait an entire day, but why... he asked himself in a pause. He began to swivel his head again, continuing to survey the mass of players, and every few seconds he would whip it back and forth, almost as if he was looking for someone. It continued on, his hair becoming a sweeping curtain behind his face as he frantically jerked his eyes from one side to the other. His breathing grew heavy and his muscles tightened while he stepped up upon the rotting piece of wood he used as a seat. His whole body now would turn as he jerked from one side of the wood to the other, his feet shifted quickly and they only grew quicker with each passing moment. His eyes dilated and he held them open wide, his lips parted and his breathing grew ever heavier as he frantically jerked back and forth scanning each and every player, his mind went blank, he couldn't think.. he wasn't thinking. Even as his pace quickened to the moment of spastic, his mind slowed and body slowed the whole scene down and his body whipped back and forth in slow motion, and then it began...

"Allen.. Allen,.. Allen..."

A voice called to him in a whisper, spawned from his own mind, but unaware to him. It was a feminine voice, and it spoke softly, the whisper was almost a seductive curl off her lips and it grew sightly louder with each parting of his name.

"Allen... Allen, can you hear me? Allen..."

The voice caused his lips to quiver, almost as if he were trying to speak but only silence could be heard, and his figure continued to turn frantically and constantly. People began to stare and wonder if he was ok, but he couldn't even make out where he truly was anymore. The surroundings blurred and people became blobs as he listened to the whispering voice.

"Allen, please... Allen.. Allen, please, please..."

The voice began to grow louder, but it was no less feminine and it stopped whispering and began pleading. It was a soft beg and it drove Allen from the wood into the crowd and he began shifting between people, following what he thought was the voice. It led him back and forth between the crowd with a twitching head that surveyed every corner of the camp.

"Allen! Allen please...! Allen..... ... Allen, please help me!!"

Allen froze to a standstill as the final words parted inside his mind. He stared blankly into the doorway of the Boss' Lair, though he didn't know where he was, all he was sure of was the voice. He listened to it scream in his ears for help, the echoing cries of a woman, the saddened plea for his name turned into a call and the begging request to live. He stood still for only a split second as the voice rang out in his head and then he instinctively called back, but aloud in the midst of the raid party without a clue of what was going on around him.


The moment he released her name the reality of the present snapped back into his mind and set him straight. His lips sat open as his tongue rested into place after her name left the air. His eyes became plastered to the ground as anyone and everyone around him stared at him with judging and ill-met glares, but his own was set upon his feet. He slowly brought his hands up into his line of sight and his legs slowly crumbled under him, this caused him to collapse onto his knees and curl up over his palms while staring an empty gaze into his empty hands. His mind had broken a small barrier and released a wave of emotions he had tried to bury. His eyes watered only slightly and his skin grew pale, while his eyes grew bloodshot. His hands shook and his face quivered before a single tear slid down each cheek and they left his face to fall and hit his hands. The small droplets hit, and splashed, out across his palms and he lifted his head to finally look around him, searching, but this time for a present item. His eyes locked with the Boss' Doorway, and the massive Knight of Cold Harbor who guarded it. Rorik stood to his feet and slowly began walking towards the doorway, the players surrounding him quickly backed from his path with judging looks and odd gestures. He stopped just a few feet away from the Guardian, he wielded a massive broadsword and a giant Tower Shield that stood directly in front of him at all time at attention.

Rorik's face was now straight, but laced in anger and rage. His eyes scanned the guardian from his feet up until he locked eyes with the brute of a man. Allen stepped up to him, practically grinding his chest-plate against the man's shield while tightening his fists together and breathing deeply to try and settle his now thumping heart.

"I think it is time we go, move." He said with his deep, low, and commanding voice, but the guardian only shook his head at Rorik and then turned his head to look at Arniil a moment and then back to Rorik.

"No, it is not time. Go back to the crowd." The guardian stated and then instructed with a directional nod to the crowd and a slight shift of his shield shoulder.

"Alright, alright..." Rorik replied as he turned and began walking back.

After about twenty-five feet, just as he was about to reach the edge of the raid party, he quickly flicked open his menu, equipped his shield and warhammer, and then spun on his heel and darted forward at full force. He raised his shield and brought his hammer behind him as he began quickly closing the distance between him and the guardian. The hammer itself began to glow with a deep forest green color and radiated with a brilliant glow that lit his path up with a small green, neon-like trail, but it lasted only a moment as Rorik side-stepped at the last second, just before running into the guardian, and he swung his hammer out and to his right side, and the hammer collided with it's target. The brilliant forest green color erupted over Rorik, and the guardian, but was also met with a brillant series of red pixel-like lights that erupted like fireworks from the guardians shield, all the while Rorik was screaming as the collision occurred.

"Move!" Rorik had screamed just as the impact happened as his body was forced forward behind the guardians body. As the lights died down everyone saw a grounded Knight of Cold Harbor with a massively damaged shield and a bruised ego. The guardian rose up with a growl in anger at Rorik, but he quickly backed down knowing it could much worse, much quicker, if he tried anything. The guardian simply backed away to the side where his guildmates were after they began to circle around the doorway. They separated Rorik from the rest of the guilds and the rest of the raid party, but he only tightened his grip and smiled in a cynical manner.

"Rorik, stand down, now!" Arniil commanded as he stood behind the line of men that wielded all manner of weapons and armor. "Cease this nonsense and we will go easy on you in the court hearing." Arniil said trying to intimidate Rorik, but Rorik only spoke back.

"No, you coward. Stop parading your soldier boys around and let's be done with this, you aren't waiting for anything, you are organizing a plan. You are trying to organize a way to get the raid party killed, but one that allows you to kill the boss, and move on without the competition of other players. You still think this a game! Goddamnit!" Rorik screamed over the hoard of players. His rage now flourishing on the surface. "This is no game! This is life or death! I am going to go through, if you don't want to fight then stand aside and let the raiders join me. You will not direct my life, and you will certainly not try and kill me!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 7 days ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 1 yr ago

A surprising sound filled Lucy's ears: singing. Actually, the most interesting part was that it was the song she'd been singing herself. So, someone had heard her, huh? Perhaps the same someone she'd accidentally thrown that rock at? Lucy winced slightly as she remembered that. If her mother ever found out... she'd be dead. Yeah, she needed to make that right real quick. So, she went ahead and stood up, brushing herself off out of habit. It was so strange, the habits that she couldn't break despite the fact that they didn't need to be done in this world. Alright, Lucy. Make a friend. You got this. It'll be nice to have an ally.

Following the melody, she began humming along, joining in with:

"I can't see the world unless I go
Outside my Southern Comfort Zone."

When the song finished, she sat next to this boy with the wrong accent and looked at him curiously. "It's strange. You're not from 'round the south. I can tell. So where ya from? Actually, I'm just curious why ya didn't just come over if you wanted to talk." At this, she grinned over at him. Lucy was about to say something else, but her gaze snapped to something going on near the boss door.

"You are trying to organize a way to get the raid party killed, but one that allows you to kill the boss, and move on without the competition of other players." Those words were Lucy's worst nightmare. In fact, she'd thought as much was going on with how long they'd been sitting outside the blasted dungeon. She quickly stood and equipped her sword, not sure exactly what she was planning on doing. She did know, however, that there was no way she was going to let anyone kill her, directly or indirectly. She was getting home to her mama and her fireflies and her southern comfort zone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hailfire
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Hailfire Tenacious Rogue

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jason sat up and sang out loud as the solo became a duet and as the pair sang he thought back on the meaning of the lyrics. The song seemed to fit to the situation they had found themselves in almost perfectly. Here they were, an impossible distance from their "Tennessee home", but still they were experiencing new joys like for example singing a spontaneous duet with a total stranger. The song was a happy memory of home and, as the final lines closed, Jason realised that as long as the people here remembered their homes and carried those memories with them they might not be so far from home after all. When the song finished Jason turned to face this stranger with a cheerful smile on his face and listened to what she had to say.

The girls initial comments made Jason chuckle and beam with delight. The comments weren't meant harshly but it was clear the girl thought him an oddball or at least felt his methods were unorthodox. Jason acknowledged this to be true. In fact it was something he took pride in. He'd always figured, perhaps because of his disability, "why be normal when there are so many better things to be". Jason aspired to be different, unique, exceptional and if the terms weird, strange or odd were synonyms to that, then so be it. He would be himself. No more no less.

Part way through the girls speech something distracted Jason momentarily. Over near the door someone had shouted "Aveline!" Jason glanced over at the man for the briefest of moments before turning his attention straight back to the girl before him. It was clear the girl had something more to say and Jason was eager to converse with what he considered to be a new friend but before she could continue the man loudly interrupted once more.

"This is no game! This is life or death! I am going to go through, if you don't want to fight then stand aside and let the raiders join me. You will not direct my life, and you will certainly not try and kill me!"

Now from what Jason had seen of the man so far he appeared crazy but he definitely seemed serious about heading into the boss room with or without backup and Jason wasn't going to sit back and watch this man commit suicide. Jason stood hastily alongside Lucy and equipped his wicked sharp Artemis Dagger and the Black Wyvern hide light Shield he had equipped. There was a difficult fight ahead.

Edit: I forgot to include the shield itself in the CS. Will add it now. Hope thats acceptable. Sorry.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Haruko? Really? Honestly I think I look more like a Yui, or a Yuuki... Maybe even a Hinata." The young girl told Hatsu, appearing to be unimpressed with the random name he gave her. He did agree, he didn't look like a Haruko, however he just blurted it out. Hatsu rubbed the back of his head, laughing a bit "Well those two names were the first that came to my head" Perhaps he should of chosen some better names but oh well, it didn't matter anymore. Atleast they were free from that corrupt guild, well for now that is. Hatsu had a feeling that wouldn't be the last they see of them. Hatsu smiled at her thanks, not really used to the such a feeling "No problem. I just noticed they were harassing a damsal in distress and I had to help" Hatsu chuckled, but then shrugged "It probably wouldn't, but those knights had it coming to them. Eventually, someone will snap and attack them-" At that moment, a loud voice boomed throughout the area. "And so it begins" Hatsu said, looking in the direction where the voice came from. He turned back to the girl, now announcing her name to be Arinda. He smiled "Nice to meet you Arinda, I'm Hatsuuu" Arinda grasped his wrist and dragged him along to the scene

The both of them arrived on the scene, witnessing a man in heavy armor revealing the guild's true plans. By this time, Hatsu had already figured that was what they planned onto doing, but decided not to speak up. There was already a large target on his back from his earlier stunt. "What's going on? Why is everyone just waiting around letting that damn guild run things? If this is what the front lines are like then everyone who actually wants to go around is screwed." Arinda had spoken to the other raiders, however none of them replied. Some of them were scared, not wanting to actually be on the front lines. It was more likely that they were there for the loot. However, she did have a point. Everybody in the game would be screwed if this was what the people could do, which wasn't a whole lot. Arinda then began to head to the front, gently tugging at Hatsu's wrist. Hatsu happily followed, well aware of the consequences that lied ahead. But if they weren't brave enough to face them, then who would? "Bloody hell... We'll come with you, wont we?" Hatsu smirked, feeling her nudge at his side "Hmm, I never remembered agreeing to this" He let out a slight chuckle, then looked up to the heavily armored man. A smile formed across his face "But I couldn't of put it any better myself. It looks like you just got yourself two new comrades." Hatsu said, putting a thumbs up to him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 7 days ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hatsu's cheeks changed to a light pink, blushing from Arinda suddenly moving her lips next to his ears and her chest pressing against his arm. Evan wasn't used to such things, being someone of an anti-social in real life. Even though it was a virtual reality game, it felt real. Then again, this was no longer a game. This was real life for the people entrapped within this realm. Arinda continued to whisper into his ear "Oh, so you'll rescue a damsel in distress... But you wont help when a girl gets you into a little bit of trouble..?" causing him to let out a smirk as he spoke to the armored man. He then turned back his attention to Arinda, retaining the smirk "Who says I don't like trouble?"
Hatsu noticed two other people, a male and a female, equipping their weapons. They didn't appear to be members of that guild. He hoped they would join them, they would need all the help they could get.

Hatsu then turned his attention back to the Arinda and the armored fellow, when Arinda spoke "How bad can this be? It's not like it takes a whole city to take down a pixelated monster." Hatsu turned to Arinda, his face quite serious "This bosses are real tough, many sacrifices have been made in the boss rooms so we can be where we are at now. When we go inside of there, all that matters is your life, and the life of your comrades." Hatsu was actually worried about her "So, are you sure you want to go inside of this boss room?" Hatsu wasn't sure of the armored man's capabilities, but he doubted that the two of them could take this boss. Regardless, he didn't want to see anymore innocent lives lost. Suddenly, her grip loosened around his arms and her hand made its way to his, their fingers locking together. The once faded blush had resurfaced, causing Hatsu to look away to prevent anyone from seeing. He raised his scarf slightly, looking at the armored man "I just noticed, but we never got your name."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ManoftheNorth
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ManoftheNorth A Bear

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Rorik watched as several souls seemed to break from the crowd and stand by his side, but he knew it was less his side, and more so their's. He understood that they were most likely protecting themselves then him, but nonetheless he acknowledged their steadfast nature. The one male even turned to speak with Rorik, in question of his name. Rorik found this irritably ironic, but answered anyway, to his nature.

"I am Rorik, and you?" He asked never turning his head, but nodding as he spoke to give a signal that he had been listening and was returning it. Rorik's hand tightened around his shield and hammer as the Knights of Cold Harbor thickened at the gate and Rorik took a step forward, almost with a slight stomp in his leading foot. The Knights felt angered, but also afraid as well, their plan a foul and their reputation was now uncertain among the people at the very least. Rorik had caused a questionable scene, and no doubt many pondered his sanity, but who wouldn't in this death game., it wasn't uncommon for many to lose their sanity in a world where you are left to fight a game's creation for the sake of your life.

The crowd behind the Knights seemed to shift slightly, like a pool of water beginning to shimmer from side to side, and swirl under the wind or the movement of something. The crowd finally let an uproar bust above the Knights like a wave against the shore. The men, women, and children of the raid party were finally fed-up with the Guild's waiting and forced their mass through the Knights' line of defense and met Rorik and the others just a few feet from the Knights. The men and woman of the guild were shocked, and while not all of the people believed Rorik's words about the plan, the few that did made sure to send the Knights a good message as they were forced through the horde of people and out of the back, now clear across the mass of players. The whole floor's raid party now stood ready, as they should have days ago, and they raised their weapons into the air for all to see, and their voices rained through the air as their signature. Rorik was no leader, and he certainly wasn't a public speaker, but he felt a word for all, at least this time intentional words for all to hear, would be wise.

"Cover the anger and ravenous rage, make it a part of your power! Pummel'em down, let your bloodlust engage! Under your force they will cower! Feelin' the fury so pure and so bright! Breaking the bonds of surrender, under the moon for our home we will fight! His words were bellowed over the horde and through the swamp as he thrusted his hammer into the air and raised his shield in honor of those around him. He began to mumble under his breath a moment with a few words."And we will defend her." Though he quickly rose his voice into a thunder once more for the people to hear.

"And my voice is my violence! Clear the Sky's frozen tears! And no more we'll be silent!" He screamed and shook his hammer in an attempt to rally the party of people and then he lowered his weapon and turned his head to each of the people that had taken his side near the gate. "If we survive, your courage was not in vain." He spoke lowly and directly to those who stood stalwart against the guild with him, and a slight grin curled in the right side of his lips. He then turned and braced his right foot to the right half of the large, double doors and forced his body weight and strength forward to kick ajar the door. The other slowly swung open as it no longer had the other half to hold it in place and Rorik stepped forward into the room.

The room had no ceiling and was an empty courtyard with little more then a few piles of rubble next to the outer walls which caged the courtyard in a square. In the center there was a massive, round pool of water settled where the was most likely a fountain in days of old, but now it was gone, replaced with green colored, miniature lake that seemed stagnant and void of life. It was too dark, and too murky, to see how deep it went, but it was at the very least as tall as any one of the players present and it was about two-hundred feet in diameter. After everyone stopped focusing on the stagnant water, their eyes were averted to the walls, piles of carved stone and swamp vines that lined the supposed lair, there was nothing but muck, grime, sweat, and the most annoying virtual insects man could have invited in the room, but somehow, Rorik knew it was not as easy as it seemed.

"Once more into the Fray...
Into the last good fight I'll ever know.
Live and Die on this day...
Live and Die on this day...

He spoke under his breath, almost as if this were his prayer, but he did this at each Boss fight, and he meant it each time as well. He was more then ready to die fighting these beasts, and he would happily accept a death here,in the game, then anywhere else.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Seoimy


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Eevee attentively took in everything as the scene unfolded before her eyes. It was all so interesting and surprising to see how quickly the atmosphere had changed from a single outburst of an impatient player. Not that she could complain; she was just was irritated with the ridiculous amount waiting as the next person and probably would’ve done the same thing if progress wasn’t made within the next twenty four hours.

She quickly hopped out the tree she was comfortably perched in and made her way into the crowd. After what seemed like ages of navigating through a sea of bodies, she finally made it to the front lines where the impatient player was accompanied with a few others who were at his side.

“Nice speech. Got room for one more?”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hailfire
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Hailfire Tenacious Rogue

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jason moved on up towards the door of the boss room where Rorik was making his scene staying close to Lucy as he did so. Lucy was the only person close to a friend Jason had on this raid and Jason didn't particularly fancy parting ways so soon after meeting. Jason had also noticed the large, deadly looking two-handed straight-sword Lucy carried. It looked as though their combat styles were very different and, if this were true, then they might make a decent partnership in combat, covering one another's weaknesses Jason thought.

Jason quickly reached the shocked looking defensive line of guildsmen blocking access to the door. The men and women of the guild were attempting to hold back the crowd as per their guilds instructions however Jason sensed they lacked resolve now, possibly torn in their loyalties by the unproven but heinous plans of their higher ups and intimidated by a large and angry raiding party. Many of the raiding party were being rough with the guild members, pushing, shunting and generally venting frustration on them as they pressed past but Jason, unkeen on acting as both judge and prosecutor in a case without evidence, let them be as he made his way to the front of the surprisingly unified crowd.

"Cover the anger and ravenous rage,
make it a part of your power!
Pummel'em down, let your bloodlust engage.
Under your force they will cower!..."

Rorik's rhyming speech came as a surprise to Jason. Crazy as this man was he certainly had a flair for the dramatic. Shortly after the speech finished the doors to the boss room opened and the raiding party entered.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 1 yr ago

As soon as she realized the boy next to her was moving to get a closer look, Lucy followed. She had no idea what kind of fighting style he used, but she knew that having someone to watch her back was better than having no one. While they may not have been friends, they were at least acquainted which was better than what she could say for everyone else present. Besides, there was no way she was going into a boss room alone. That was just crazy.

When they finally reached the ranting man, Lucy took a moment to wonder at his sanity. Everything he said made sense, and really she did understand him, but now he was rhyming? It was a little weird. In fact, everything he did was weird. First he was screaming names, then he charged the guards, then he gives this whole long speech. Lucy was pretty sure he was having a break from reality, not that she blamed him. Plenty of people had lost their minds due to the stress of possibly dying every day. Regardless, he had a point. They needed to get this raid done, and they needed to do it now while they still could.

As the two stepped into the boss room, Lucy looked over at the boy that she didn’t know the name of and held up her large sword. “You watch my back, and I’ll watch yours? I don’t really have enough speed to dodge, so if I don’t see somethin’ comin’ I’m a goner. There ain’t no way I’m dying today. Besides, I’m pretty sure this thing trumps whatever you got.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hailfire
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Hailfire Tenacious Rogue

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jason stepped warily into the boss room, his senses on high alert as he visually scanned the open-topped environment. The section appeared to be the one of the most complete structures of the swamp which was otherwise dotted with nearly superficial scraps of ruins. Jason's eyes absorbed every possible detail of the room they could, examining the floor for loose flagstones a boss could burst up from beneath, assessing the gloomy lake in the centre, checking the walls for crumbly sections or gates that evidenced a boss entrance, looking above for cues about a boss from above before finally flicking back to the lake. The lake seemed too big a detail for Jason to dismiss as a coincidence and he suspected that, of the options, that would be where the boss would appear from.

When Lucy spoke to Jason he replied with a cheeky two fingered salute of acknowledgment employing his shield hand and a snappy "Yes ma'am.". His apparently nonchalant response was in fact primarily a facade to hide a raging bundle of nerves within that had built with the now imminent boss battle. If anything the tension before the battle felt worse than the battle likely would. Jason added "I'll send you a party invite." In a more normal tone and sent a invite as swiftly as he was able.
Hidden 11 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 7 days ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hatsu noticed the look in Arinda's eyes, a look that many players had before entering the boss's dungeon. Doubt. He patiently waited, willing to accept her decision whether she would enter inside or stay outside. Besides, she was clinging to his arm so it wasn't as if Hatsu could just enter. Finally, she looked back up at him, her eyes worried however full with determination. He smiled as she spoke "I'm ready... I guess I'll see you in there... Good luck..." She let go of him, entering the dungeon with a wavering determination. It was up to fate whether she could overcome the upcoming battle. However, he wanted to let her off with a few words to help encourage her "Believe in yourself, and the people around you. With them, anything is possible, even beating the game" With that, she had entered the dungeon. Hatsu brought up his screen, equipping his arm shield on his left arm and a strange looking broad sword, gripping its hilt with his right hand. "Well, can't leave everyone waiting" Hatsu ran into the dungeon, ready for whatever mysteries lie ahead.
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