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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 6 mos ago

working on a character now. .... i may have stolen the look of BRS but.. whateva :3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 6 mos ago

My Character Sheet

“Each day death corrodes what we call living, and life feeds our desire to enter the Void.” -Olive Raine
Name: Olive Raine (Codename: Void)
Age: 15
Gender: Female

  • Basic Self Defense

  • Can use a sword if she needs to

  • Can carry a lot of weight

  • Quick on her feet

  • Powers: Black Hole Creation: Can create black holes at any time or place that will absorb anything including: light, matter, vaccum, energy, and gravity to turn them into nothing. The victim will be ripped to shreds painfully as it is stretched and compacted to a point of compression upon entering the black hole. They are then erased to nothing as body molecules, matter, energy, etc. are absorbed. Limits: Size ranges from marble to no bigger than a car, can be held open for a maximum of 10 seconds, only two at a time, 10 second resting time. She uses her gun to focus and aim her black holes, reducing the amount of collateral damage created. Her gun was made by her father who specializes in making weapons, and the gun is designed to be used only by her.
    "Do you really feel the need to speak to me? I may just feel the need to break your bones."
    Void is not the nicest of people. While not outrightly mean or nasty, she is not the most bubbly person and can be bitter and sarcastic at times. She only speaks when spoken to and is likely to scoff and point out your flaws. Despite her attitude, she is very loyal and can be trusted, though many people don't at first. She is a skilled street fighter with good agility and a sharp mind. Though she may not have a problem with you, she wont let anyone close in fear of hurting them with her powers.
    “I was told when someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure. But instead of a treasure, I feel as though it is a burden.”
    Void tells no one about her past since it is filled with mistakes and death caused by her powers. One of theses mistakes happened when she was 12 and accidently killed her mother after losing her temper over something stupid. Having come to join the Teen Titans for a new start, she hopes that protecting people will make up for what she has done in her past. She adopted the codename 'Void' not just because of her power, but because of her dark personality as well. Void has learned to always be angry, always expect to be pissed off or annoyed by someone so her anger would not hit her viciously and send her out of control. Now soon turning 16, her tactic seems to be working as she is without incident for two years. Though, who knows. Tomorrow is another day, and death will follow whichever path she takes. (More will be revealed as the story goes on.)
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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    pyroman sanwich

    Member Seen 2 yrs ago

    Konica said
    Yay, finally a superhero rp that isn't Marvel exclusive :)Will all the characters live in TItans Tower like in the show?

    Yes, we'll be living in the tower.

    Also, everyone is accepted so far.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VerifyinTr1gIDs


    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    Shadowcatcher said
    working on a character now. .... i may have stolen the look of BRS but.. whateva :3

    Oh, it's fine. One of the villains is Hatsune Miku and my character takes the look of Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor's Naoya.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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    pyroman sanwich

    Member Seen 2 yrs ago

    I really don't mind if you take the picture of your character from something else, so no worries!
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

    Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

    Member Seen 6 mos ago

    VerifyinTr1gIDs said
    Oh, it's fine. One of the villains is Hatsune Miku and my character takes the look of Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor's Naoya.

    sweet ^^ im just happy i was able to explain that big ass gun in a reasonable way :3
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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    pyroman sanwich

    Member Seen 2 yrs ago

    I'll wait until our last person gets a CS up before starting the first 'episode'
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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    Member Seen 1 yr ago

    Name: Arizona (Constantly tries to come out with a decent sounding super hero nickname at the moment)
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: This or That

    -University level of understanding of physics.
    -Beginner level guitar skills.

    -Directional Gravity Negating: While many expect this to mean that she can reduce or null gravity, this is literally making gravity go to a negative value in Gs, making everything go away from a point in space. She uses this to fly, create 'Defense force field' and propel her second power. This also seem to give her inhuman strength and endurence, but she merely by reflex use this to cushion the blows or use force to send away her opponents.
    -Antimatter: She can produce antimatter seemingly at will causing the matter it hits to transform itself in pure energy, this power however she rarely if ever use, since the smallest area of destruction she can do is level a city block, the largest not even being tested for fear of the collateral damages. Considering her history, she is reluctant to use this even in a no choice situation.

    It can be said that she wears rose tinted glasses regarding justice and life in general as she always insist on giving a chance to surrender or to change, some insisting this makes her naive. Above all, she can hardly take people blaming her for failures and especially not anything that led to the loss of life. Otherwise she's extremely friendly, overly so and seems to act like the sheltered girl who's father said 'Go there and make friends'. Her lack of understanding of how the real world, especially matter relating to money, work is almost crippling. As she's used to live with essentially a bunch of psychologists asking her to tell them immediately if something's wrong or what she is thinking about, she is also honest and prone to trust others.

    She was born in a small town called Two Bluff in Arizona. People were acutely aware of her powers as when she was born she annihilated her entire hometown, parents included. It was government officials that came there first and they at first thought she was a miracle survivor and thus sent her to an orphanage. It was there when she was 8 years old that she had her second incident and razed a city block. This time around it was the Justice League that got involved and that took her in rather than letting government officials, determined to keep her locked up for life, get her. She was trained for self control in a contained environment for the last 7 years, these years being about the number of people she spoke to in the mean time. It was decided that they couldn't protect her forever and that her lamentations about not being able to do anything were justified and she was thus with the benediction of the League allowed to join the New Teen Titans to try and make a use of her powers for greater good.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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    Member Seen 1 yr ago

    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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    pyroman sanwich

    Member Seen 2 yrs ago

    For a hero name, how about No-zone (or Nozone)?
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VerifyinTr1gIDs


    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    Other possible names:
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VerifyinTr1gIDs


    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    Konica said
    Yay, finally a superhero rp that isn't Marvel exclusive :)Will all the characters live in TItans Tower like in the show?

    Yes. At least I think so. I didn't see pyroman reply. Sorry. He said yes, by the way.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konica
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    Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    Name: Quinn Montoya - The Question
    Age: 16
    Gender: F

    -hand to hand combat
    -detective/investigative skills

    -clay puddy like substance applied to face makes a faceless mask and can be molded to make other faces. When applied it almost appears to be part of the face, and can only be removed with a specially designed aerosol.
    -aerosol designed to remove mask can also disorient and cause hallucinations when inhaled

    Personality: Obsessive, eccentric, and a borderline sociopath, Q will do anything to get the answers. Because of this she is often shunned by her peers, looked upon as an outcast and crackpot conspiracy theorist. In her world everything is connected, everything has a sinister purpose and is part of a greater conspiracy. Illuminati? Area 51? Just fronts for even bigger and darker secrets. Most people would say she's nuts, but the tinfoil she lined her hat with keeps her mind clear of mind control radiation. No, she sees the truth, she sees the true face that people are too afraid to acknowledge.

    Her sense of justice can be described as... askew. Laws, courts, cops, and judges are all just establishments created by the man. Sometimes its works, most of the time its doesn't. But she doesn't bother thinking about good and evil, justice and crime. All she's interested in is the truth, the answers.

    Backstory: (This is optional, and can be revealed during the RP if you want.)
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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    pyroman sanwich

    Member Seen 2 yrs ago

    Awesome! I'll get working on the first post!
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VerifyinTr1gIDs


    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    I know I'm probably the person who's most behind, but ... who's the alien?
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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    pyroman sanwich

    Member Seen 2 yrs ago

    The observer, on the first post.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VerifyinTr1gIDs


    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    pyroman said
    The observer, on the first post.

    I see it now, thanks. Is anything planned to happen at that pizza joint? My character might miss out if there is.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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    pyroman sanwich

    Member Seen 2 yrs ago

    Possibly, but at the moment it's undecided.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VerifyinTr1gIDs


    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    I want you guys just to see the RP description here.

    I liked it, so I joined.

    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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    Member Seen 1 yr ago

    Ah lol, joined that crap too
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