While Elric has no loving spouse or heir...
IncredibleBee said
I don't get the point of the collab.It wasn't edited for better flow; you can tell that you guys just pasted together a large series of posts made over PM, which defeats the entire purpose. Moreover, unlike a combat scene, which requires a bit of organization, this entire sequence didn't really need a collab of any kind. All it really did was make us think you'd flaked, because you spent days making this.Keep this in mind next time. If you're not doing combat in a google doc, it's better to just post one at a time, like normal.
BingTheWing said
Still here, if you need me! @Bee, I like how you took initiative. And yeah, Wyvern, exactly what Remmy would do.I actually intended this to be an RP where I set out a very basic setting and assorted plot hooks and let my players do the rest. I thought this method would significantly lessen the effort I had to make in GMing. However, my method is going slightly wonky. If I need to pay more attention,holler.