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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Berdagon said
Jormen jumped when the silver tree bursts from the fire. When he saw the fire colored flowers he became uncertain. Was it than that Haedorman created it, and not some other deity? No, it could not be. If he had to guess it would be Tavron, the gardener, who granted him the rose. Jormen chose to continue the challenge. “A beautifull work of art, Haedorman. You are indeed a generous host.”Jormen held the original rose firmly in his hand. “Is there anyone who thinks he can do better than our host? Let’s make it a challenge or a bet of beauty and amazement!” Jormens eyes grew wide when the enormous flowers sprung up around him. Not only was it a display of godly might, but also a sing of great beauty. A tear welled up in the old man’s eyes. It was quickly wiped away. There is no time to be sentimental. This is a great opportunity. Tavon’s offer was very tempting, but more could be won here. “Tavon! I thank you for your gifts and miracles! I also thank you for picking up Haedorman’s chalange. A game of miracles would be dull with only one player.”Jormen turned to Haedorman. “However, if I am not mistaken, Haedorman may now reply to your miracle, Tavon. So, deceiver, show us how you could do better than the gardener!” “I doubt he can” he whispered to Tavon, smiling broadly as he did.

Liz was walking through the festival when she felt the flowers move in a certain direction. Curious she headed in that direction. She saw a large gathering of people. All of them staring at a golden rose. Seeing the Era talking to someone she went over to see what was going on. Was he choosing a second champion? She knew some Gods and Goddesses had more then one. She wasn't sure how she felt about the idea. But she was ok with it for the most part. She smiled when Tavon made even more flowers appear around the crowd.
LordMarwain said
John saw all the chaos going on in the city as he leaped from shadow to shadow. He changed into his shadow form and looked how close he could get into a person’s personal space before being noticed. It was fun to listen to the secrets people whispered to each other. He had two freshly stolen daggers hanging on his hips in leather scabbards. He had been looking for the most beautiful and valuable, but he couldn't decide between the two. So he took them both. Maybe he could offer one of them to his Queen as a gift. "My Queen," he whispered and he smiled. John had a feeling inside of him that he couldn't place. He never felt like this before. The feeling made him feel lighter and more daring when he thought about his goddess. And so John continued moving around the festival. Exploring the boundaries of his new given power.

Roxy shook her head as she watched her champion bounce from shadow to shadow. Traveling by shadows was only the beginning of the powers she planned to give him. But it was the one John would use the most. It was the one he would need to help her brother. She smirked over her shoulder at the other gods and goddesses. They had all forgotten but she hadn't. She knew her brother was coming back. And when he did things were going to change. She caressed John with the shadows and whispered. "Be ready."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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MasterOfMetal said
Then, the sky broke open in a glorious sound.Horns of the hunt joined together with the horns of war.Lightning flashed, and in the one moment the night was lit up, a man could be seen standing above the nearby forest, his face, the skull of a stag.He pointed his spear towards the town. then he was gone.Seconds later, the ground shook with a thousand paws, claws and hooves.From the edge of the forest, Beasts in every size rushed forward, charging the dark hordes.A second flash of lightning, and next to the farmer stood the mighty hunter, clad in a thick brown fur.In one hand his spear, in the other, a great horn of bronze."Just like the times of old brother! "The God of the wild raised the horn and blew it.An ear shattering echo rang through the land.The dark hordes stopped in their tracks for a moment, for the mortals they were slaughtering stopped running and screaming.They all stood still, and listened.Than the villagers sank to the ground for one shivering moment, before rising up to face the ghouls.They were more that just men now, for their bodies pumping with strength, their hands grew to claws, their teeth were sharp."I like a fair fight" grinned the Wild Wanderer as the creatures of the woods reached the ghoul filled streets."Jade, use your strengths, do what you feel is right, your mind is sharp. Whatever you do, pure evolution is your ally, you will excel and adapt." the rave told her with empty eyes.'Your body will follow your mind' the rave whispered now with his own voice'

"Ah! This will be a good fight!" Valios said cutting down multiple of the peasants, they may have been given the powers of a beast but they wee still peasants with no combat experience prior. Valios however had and he was now the champion of Death which filled him with power no mortal could truly understand "You will know endless torment!" he yelled fiercely at the peasants scaring a few of them to another opponent
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MasterOfMetal


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Master Crim said
Ulykke watched the evening unfold for the mortals, reflecting on how long it feels for them when he looks at the elapsed time as but dot on the pages of life for him. Seeing the events winding fown he decided to show his new found champion the benefits of his calamitous abilities. Sending his bear to as a guide it stood waiting a little ways off near the wood as he cast his voice once more into Satúm's mind. "I can see you are disappointed with the gods and your self. Why don't you come and look what we can achieve together. Come find my pet west of the festival near the forest, and we will see what is to be seen."(the bear is a larger than normal brown bear with eyes that trail a translucent blue as hit moves.)

Satúm did not hesitate, anything to get away from the ghouls.
Running towards the place the god had told him, he saw hundreds of beasts charging towards him.
Satúm dropped to the ground in terror, but the beasts ignored him.
he got up and ran further towards the giant bear, now clearly visible at the edge of the woods.
"Take me great god! give me the strength to survive this horror!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A dark figure appeared near roxy. "How long has it been sister 3 to 4 hundred years." He heard his champion ready to jump in the heat of battle with the druids and all he could do is smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 1 day ago

Thantos said
A dark figure appeared near roxy. "How long has it been sister 3 to 4 hundred years." He heard his champion ready to jump in the heat of battle with the druids and all he could do is smile.

"More or less." Roxy answered looking at the being. "Too long really for those who live in the dark. Have your chosen your hero? Mine is already making me proud. He has already stolen two knives. They are pretty nice ones. I am quiet pleased with him. If you haven't chosen one. You might want to do so. You have heard the rumors. We are all going to need our champions soon."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I heard and mine is already making me proud" he gestured to Valios "spreading fear and taking live, truly the work of fear" the dark figure smiled at the carnage his champion was leaving. He raised his hands and more of the ghouls wraiths and banshees appeared behind Valios
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordMarwain


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KatherinWinter said
Liz was walking through the festival when she felt the flowers move in a certain direction. Curious she headed in that direction. She saw a large gathering of people. All of them staring at a golden rose. Seeing Tavon talking to someone she went over to see what was going on. Was he choosing a second champion? She knew some Gods and Goddesses had more then one. She wasn't sure how she felt about the idea. But she was ok with it for the most part. She smiled when Tavon made even more flowers appear around the crowd.

Vortex said
Haedorman scoffed at the sight, it was pretty to be sure but no where as gorgeous as he his own creation "You were always one to show off weren't you Tavon?" He said which was fairly ironic. Haedorman was silent for a few moments thinking of what to conjure up next for this dammed mortal, then he lazily moved his hands about and the silver tree warped and twisted once more, growing to a great height and when it stopped it was clear what shape it had took, one of a woman who was not at all modestly dressed. That would have been enough for the mortal but Haedorman knew that Tavon would beat him again and so he waved his hands once again. The lady trees leaves rustled to wind which was not there and the trunk ached as though it were falling "Hello Jormen" was the sound that left the tree ladies lips

“How much I would like to be tempted in giving a full display of my power,” Tavon spoke, when in the city the tree sized flowers started to shrink. All he created moments ago disappeared from sight. The large flowers were gone. “We got another problem.”

A ghoul came running towards the group surrounding the fire. But before he could reach them flowers grew out of his mouth. He got devoured by the plants while they used his body and life energy to grow.

All the druids wielding large scythes started to disappear as well, only the ones fighting around the temple remained. Tavon, still in the form of a farmer, started to radiate more and more energy. “such a shame,” he whispered to himself, “I really liked this disguise.”

“Haedorman I end this battle, for I need to aid the other gods in protecting the city.” Tavon then looked at Jormen, still holding the rose he had been given. “If you still wish to trade, find me and give that rose to me.”

He then walked past the killed ghoul to Liz and took her hand. “Come my little champion, we need to protect the people.” And he started to walk, still holding her hand.

And so they both stepped into the stream of ghouls and other monsters that came running towards them from the temple, and while they walked past them, every one of them turned gruesomely into bouquets of flowers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 1 day ago

Thantos said
I heard and mine is already making me proud" he gestured to Valios "spreading fear and taking live, truly the work of fear" the dark figure smiled at the carnage his champion was leaving. He raised his hands and more of the ghouls wraiths and banshees appeared behind Valios

"Well he is definitely getting noticed." Roxy shook her head. "I know your not big on subtly but you might want to talk to your champion about destroying the festival. You know the big wigs tend to frown on that. How is everyone suppose to pick their champion if you are chasing the humans around." She pointed out. She had never understood Gods that insisted in flashing their powers. It seemed like a waste of power to her.
LordMarwain said
And“How much I would like to be tempted in giving a full display of my power,” Tavon spoke, when in the city the tree sized flowers started to shrink. All he created moments ago disappeared from sight. The large flowers were gone. “We got another problem.”A ghoul came running towards the group surrounding the fire. But before he could reach them flowers grew out of his mouth. He got devoured by the plants while they used his body and life energy to grow. All the druids wielding large scythes started to disappear as well, only the ones fighting around the temple remained. Tavon, still in the form of a farmer, started to radiate more and more energy. “such a shame,” he whispered to himself, “I really liked this disguise.”“Haedorman I end this battle, for I need to aid the other gods in protecting the city.” Tavon then looked at Jormen, still holding the rose he had been given. “If you still wish to trade, find me and give that rose to me.” He then walked past the dead ghoul to Liz and took her hand. “Come my little champion, we need to protect the people.” And he started to walk, still holding her hand.And so they both stepped into the stream of ghouls and other monsters that came running towards them from the temple, and while they walked past them, every one of them turned gruesomely into bouquets of flowers.

Liz took Era's hand. She didn't know how she could help protect the city. Still she had been chosen to be a champion so she would do her best. She amazed when she saw the ghouls turn into bouquets of flowers. She didn't know they could do that. He made it seem so simple. If protecting was really as simple as turning monsters into beautiful things then she could do it. She had always been good at creating beautiful things.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Dark figure looked at his sister and nodded "very well, for you my sister i will show mercy, only this one time, but once the festival is over with, the prophecy shall begin, yet i do not know the results, alas, you knew in your heart i would return, but i know you thought i would come back changed," he turned and sighed, "we have father to thank for this, for my domain, for my powers" he looked at Valios and connected with his champions mind "Thats enough, you made presence that i have returned and that you are my champion, head to your land, and take my army too, and sit on your throne." he then looked at his sister after he gave the order "Remember, Mercy isnt my strong point, be glad that im showing this once"

The vast hordes of the undead stopped their onslaught and retreated from the lands, a Wraith, a Ghoul in armor, and a Banshee came up to Valios, each was one of the Darkos commanders for each creature and the wraith spoke in a screechy , "Where do we go from here my lord?" the ghoul then spoke in a raspy illiterate voice "place where food?" then the banshee spoke in a haunted voice "or a place where we can replenish our numbers?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Max was at the alter, he didnt bring a sacrifice, but he hopes his basket full of freshly caught fish is enough to gain a blessing or two
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Two young girls walked down the road toward the temple. They were already very late, but what got them on the road was screams coming from outside.
"Come, Elizabeth, we need to hurry." Annabel said to her sister and pushed her along. Neither were certain one of those creatures hadn't seen them, and it would hopefully be safer for Elizabeth at the temple.

"Sissy, I am going as fast as I can!" her baby sister wailed. As much as she wanted to sacrifice something to the gods, she hated Annabel pushing her around so much. Almost immediately, Annabel quieted her and took a quick glance around. They weren't being followed by any demonic monsters. Annabel relaxed, but pushed her sister forward none the less. After all, they were still late.

When they finally arrived, it was apparent that there were two gods fighting over some old guy by the pyre. Annabel scowled. Such foolishness. Off to the side there appeared to be another fight. This one was between two normal human, at least in Annabel's eyes. She looked at the tree that had grown from the fire. It would have been beautiful if there hadn't been women attached to it.
"How offensive." muttered and averted her little sisters gaze. They were there to make an offering and go. Once they reached the pyre, and Elizabeth couldn't see the giant tree women, Annabel knelt in front of her sister.
"All you need to do is make a wish to the gods and give your doll to the fire." Annabel held her sister's doll out for her to take. It was something their mother had made for Elizabeth. Now that they had no one but each other, she cherished it even more. Annabel thought that her giving up this toy meant she was finally passed their mother's death, and she couldn't have been more proud of her choice. Even if she complained the entire way there.

Annabel also had am item of their mother's to offer. A handmade blanket, ostentatiously embroidered. The only piece of cloth their father hadn't sold for booze. She looked at her baby sister and smiled lovingly as she noticed tears form in the child's eyes.
"We will do it together." She said as she held Elizabeth close. Annabel whispered, "Please give me the strength to protect my sister."

Elizabeth watched her sister. She didn't want anything the gods could give to her. So she held the doll up to her face and spoke softly to it.
"I miss you, Mommy." She looked at her big sister and they smiled at one another before allowing the fire to consume their gifts.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

the flames crackled and the dark figure appeared "children, why do you have so much sorrow?" he looked at them carefully
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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LordMarwain said
And“How much I would like to be tempted in giving a full display of my power,” Tavon spoke, when in the city the tree sized flowers started to shrink. All he created moments ago disappeared from sight. The large flowers were gone. “We got another problem.”A ghoul came running towards the group surrounding the fire. But before he could reach them flowers grew out of his mouth. He got devoured by the plants while they used his body and life energy to grow. All the druids wielding large scythes started to disappear as well, only the ones fighting around the temple remained. Tavon, still in the form of a farmer, started to radiate more and more energy. “such a shame,” he whispered to himself, “I really liked this disguise.”“Haedorman I end this battle, for I need to aid the other gods in protecting the city.” Tavon then looked at Jormen, still holding the rose he had been given. “If you still wish to trade, find me and give that rose to me.” He then walked past the killed ghoul to Liz and took her hand. “Come my little champion, we need to protect the people.” And he started to walk, still holding her hand.And so they both stepped into the stream of ghouls and other monsters that came running towards them from the temple, and while they walked past them, every one of them turned gruesomely into bouquets of flowers.

"Bah! Coward! Whenever he sees that his lose is inevitable he runs like a coward! What dishonourable creature runs from a fight refusing to finish entertaining his guests? Its those plants I tell you, spends far too much time with them he does, cant be healthy" Haedorman sighed and snapoed his fingers making all his creations wither and collapse. Helooked back to Joren "Well what is it then Skald? A life where you can have anything you wish? Or would you like to spend a eternity being a nightwatchman for some gods garden?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

C.C returned to her house, located in the outskirts of the town, ther she had some sheeps and cows that belonged to her parents before they died.
Funny enough the animals were the only ones friendly with C.C as dogs do, the sheeps ran towards her as asson as they saw her, the cows followed behind the sheeps.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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Thantos said
The Dark figure looked at his sister and nodded "very well, for you my sister i will show mercy, only this one time, but once the festival is over with, the prophecy shall begin, yet i do not know the results, alas, you knew in your heart i would return, but i know you thought i would come back changed," he turned and sighed, "we have father to thank for this, for my domain, for my powers" he looked at Valios and connected with his champions mind "Thats enough, you made presence that i have returned and that you are my champion, head to your land, and take my army too, and sit on your throne." he then looked at his sister after he gave the order "Remember, Mercy isnt my strong point, be glad that im showing this once"The vast hordes of the undead stopped their onslaught and retreated from the lands, a Wraith, a Ghoul in armor, and a Banshee came up to Valios, each was one of the Darkos commanders for each creature and the wraith spoke in a screechy , "Where do we go from here my lord?" the ghoul then spoke in a raspy illiterate voice "place where food?" then the banshee spoke in a haunted voice "or a place where we can replenish our numbers?"

Valios was startled to learn that he now had a voice inside his head but this was a god after all and he really shouldn't be surprised, but still, he was not a huge fan of the idea to say the least "Of course master, you only need to ask" he said as he pulled his sword out of a druid

He looked at his new army and what a sight they were! Hideous monsters that he would discribe as the very personification of death but he had already met their master and these creatures paled in comparison. Still, Valios found that he saw that these monsters had a strange if not disturbing beauty to them, something the living would never have. "Men, women, creatures and whatever else you beasts may call yourself. I say this village has nothing left for us, we have burnt their homes, slaughtered their beast friends as well as the pathetic hooded men and still they give us no real challenge. So it seems we have to move on. Come! I know a little fishing village to the north where the people would be more than happy to join our ranks... After we kill them of course"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheSecret
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TheSecret Kamikaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Oh sorry about last night guys..i was too drunk" C.C apologized not remembering what happened, yet she felt guilty.
She picked up a lamb whi was rubbing its head agains C.C's leg "My, you look much healtier now
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Darko smiles on his champion and his blood lust, and grants Valios another gift, A horse pale as bone came running up saddle and all, eyes blood red and mane black as night

the ghoul, wraith and banshee nodded to their commanders orders, "by your orders" the wraith floated closer to Valios, "what word from the master my lord, what does he command?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Thantos said
the flames crackled and the dark figure appeared "children, why do you have so much sorrow?" he looked at them carefully

Upon hearing a voice, Annabel looked up from her sister. When she saw a cloaked figure before them, she drew Elizabeth back and stood in front of her baby sibling.
"Who are you?" she asked, her voice taught with fear. She knew who this was. The God of Death and Fear. He truly lived up to his reputation. He seeped an aura that could make even the bravest fear for their lives. She was not one of those people, but she wasnt going to let him manipulate Elizabeth's troubled mind.

"Sissy, that is the God of Death. You know that." Elizabeth was far more fearless than Annabel and walked right up to this dark being and held her hand out to him. "This is Annabel and I am Elizabeth. Our parents are dead."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

TheSecret said
"Oh sorry about last night guys..i was too drunk" C.C apologized not remembering what happened, yet she felt guilty.She picked up a lamb whi was rubbing its head agains C.C's leg "My, you look much healtier now

She was walking off in the middle of a fight. Perhaps she was starting to sober up. Kiyovu had heard the ghouls and other monsters around but her remained motionless, watching this woman fight. There was something about her unwillingness to back down that intrigued him. Taking a deep breath, he exhaled a breeze of Summer essence that formed into a small cat.
"Follow her and be my eyes. There may be more of these creatures about." Without a single mew, the Siamese scampered off after the blonde woman.

The cat stalked the woman like prey, keeping out of sight as she walked on. Eventually she reached a farm where the animals greeted her enthusiastically. Kiyovu, seeing through the eyes of the feline, found this to be interesting. He may have found someone at last. The cat walked up to woman and spoke.
"The God of Summer greets you and asks if you will meet with him."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Shurikai said
Upon hearing a voice, Annabel looked up from her sister. When she saw a cloaked figure before them, she drew Elizabeth back and stood in front of her baby sibling."Who are you?" she asked, her voice taught with fear. She knew who this was. The God of Death and Fear. He truly lived up to his reputation. He seeped an aura that could make even the bravest fear for their lives. She was not one of those people, but she wasnt going to let him manipulate Elizabeth's troubled mind."Sissy, that is the God of Death. You know that." Elizabeth was far more fearless than Annabel and walked right up to this dark being and held her hand out to him. "This is Annabel and I am Elizabeth. Our parents are dead."

the dark figure looked at them "for you Annabel and Elizabeth, i will not take you as champions, but i will grant you one wish, only one." he held up a single clawed finger, "or if you choose, a single blessing" he watched them carefully he may be a cruel god but children held a soft spot in his heart.
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