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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Touhoure


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Members from the first thread have been carried over here and new members are welcomed.
Just make sure to make small revisions for the new version is all! If you need help or have questions, PM me and I will gladly assist you! ♡
A war has ignited between three kingdoms within a mess of executions and accusations. Many other kingdoms have chosen to avoid any contact between the three main kingdoms with the decision to remain neutral for future or sake of themselves, leaving the three at heads with each other. The war has yet to grow, though it has at least been played off on a battle field at least once. What was the case that started it all?

Well, it's said that there was an assassin from the Kingdom of Gabriel hired to take out royalty from the Kingdom of Michael. The royals of Gabriel stated that they saw evil ready to overthrow the Kingdom of Michael through the throne. The kingdom had assassinated Michael's queen and king in order to prevent this from happening. Michael's new queen and king were willing to rage a war against the Kingdom of Gabriel, but another kingdom stepped in. The Kingdom of Raphael wanted to keep a peace treaty intact between the three kingdoms, and thus the kingdom became allies with the two. However, Raphael's king was discovered with such plans and was turned away as a liar and backstabber by both kingdoms.

The tension between the kingdoms rise day by day, however there is one kingdom that still remains. One kingdom that they thought their ancestors locked up for good, but this fourth kingdom sees its opportunity to take back its lost glory and more…
In this world, the only humanoid creatures are angels, blessed humans, humans, cursed humans, and demons. Each of them varies due to their various abilities or where they come from. Below are the listings of all creatures along with their can-do’s and can’t-do’s.

The creatures admired by humans are born from either a heavenly spirit possessing a human’s body or descending from the sky. They are only on the lowest tier of the celestial hierarchy, being either angel or archangel.
They come with two abilities, one passive and another active, or two abilities which complement each other. A “passive” ability would be non-combative while an “active” ability would be the skill that can be activated, such as in combat. They can also bless humans if they see the human worthy of their blessing. When they bless a human, they give them a portion of one of their abilities. If they see their ability abused, they can revoke it. They can also bless demons, but blessing demons only hurts them. It does not leave a blessing for them. One angel can bless up to four different humans and no more than four.
Angels do not possess abilities that are destructive, but rather support, passive, or beneficial. An angel falls from grace - that is, to become a fallen angel - when they have sinned. To fall from a sin is to commit the act purely to commit it, with no intent to repent for what they have done.

Blessed Humans
When an angel blesses a human, they become a blessed human. Some blessed humans have marks, but others do not.
A blessed human is given an ability that is based off of the angel who blessed them, but it’s only one of an angel’s two abilities. This ability is like an angel’s: it is defensive, supportive, or beneficial. They are typically welcomed by their own kin but can be treated the same as any ordinary human.
If a blessed human abuses their ability, the angel who blessed them has the right to take it away, thus making them human. When a blessed human is blessed by another angel, they are given a new ability. If a demon curses a blessed human, they lose their ability and receive their new destructive ability. Abilities do not stack and the newest blessing or curse will replace the previous.
If an angel dies without spiritual or physical remains, the blessed human will lose their ability over time.

Plain and simple humans are beloved by angels and demons. They are untouched by blessing or curse and lack natural magical abilities. In a world full of magical creatures, they can be considered weak physically. They are blank slates truly, but they make up the majority of the world. Even though they do not have the benefits that blessed and cursed humans get, they are the best users for enchanted weapons because their neutral power can bend to evil or good.

Cursed Humans
When a demon curses a human, they become a cursed human. They may have a mark to show that they are cursed, but not all cursed humans have this mark.
The selected human is given an ability that is based off of the demon who cursed them. However, it can only be one of their abilities. Just like a demon’s, it is destructive or chaotic. Since cursed humans carry this sort of power, they are ousted by a number of humans. Not all humans greet them with their hostile nature.
A cursed human does not lose their curse by a demon taking it away. Demons are satisfied with the human remains cursed because it can either destroy them or others. A cursed human can receive a new curse, but the new curse will eliminate the current curse. An angel’s blessing can also take a curse away from a human while making them blessed.
If a demon dies without spiritual or physical remains, the cursed human will lose their ability over time.

Feared by all sorts of humans alike, a demon is born by being a fallen angel or ascending from the depths of the abyss. These demons are not part of the high-and-mighty club; however their strength is not to be underestimated.
They have two abilities that come as one passive and one active, but their two abilities can also be complimenting each other. A “passive” ability would be non-combative while an “active” ability would be the skill that can be activated, such as in combat. They can also curse humans, but can only curse up to four at a time.
They do not revoke or take away abilities, seeing that there’s no purpose in doing so. They assume a human will crumble or destroy everything around them with their ability. Their cursing ability can also be used on angels; however it will only hurt the angel. They are not cursed by this. A demon possesses abilities that are destructive and useful for corruption. Often, demons do not become angels, or even humans. Once they have become a demon, they never go back. It’s an unheard story, but the possibilities are endless.

In a kingdom, it is important to know your place and duty. Those who serve under the main titles of royalty are to address their superiors approximately. A warrior who refers to a king by his pure name is considered rude. It Is polite for a maid to refer to the princess with her full title such as, “Princess Annabelle,” or something along those lines. It is also necessary to know what you do in your place and the other roles that you can complement for.

King and Queen
The heads of the kingdom, they are the leaders and representatives of their kingdom. They deal with warfare and politics to keep the kingdom at ease and do their best to keep prosperity intact. However, not all rulers are kind like this. A king or queen can rule however they like, but revolution may form when the people find the proper time.
Usually, the kingdoms run by royalty and pass down from one generation to the next, though a child must be sixteen or older to take the throne. If the ruling family is no more, the kingdom’s throne is passed down by the strongest army member or the richest ruler. When a kingdom is absent of king or queen, the eldest of princes and princesses take the seat as the king or queen. This only depends on their age and not their gender.
While the roles of king and queen are politically involved and warfare-entangled, they are also highly-respected when they are great or powerful leaders. A king or queen who has combat ability can also serve as a knight, warrior, or bishop, but to enter the field gives various responses. It can be great for morale or frowned upon by many who die in their name.

Prince and Princess
The leaders of the future, these children and taken-in youths of the king and queen are trained day by day on how to be a fit ruler. They are trained in every field of the king and queen’s choice. Once they are sixteen, they are able to become king and queen, and this is the time when they are court-able by the world of the king or queen.
The eldest of either prince or princess steps up to take the throne when the king or queen is absent while the rest of the siblings await as princes and princesses. During this stage, a prince or princess can learn much from knights, warriors, and bishops when given the free-time or by the request of the king and queen. Princes and princesses can go hand in hand with one of these roles; however it is not favored by many people.

Servant and Maid
Selected as chefs, personal maids, gardeners, and so on, servants and maids can fall in any one of these categories. They are given their own quarters by the kingdom, but these areas are not as well-maintained as the rest of the kingdom. Some servants and maids are hired to personally care for a prince or a queen, while others also serve as messengers. A servant or maid that has previous skill in combat is also considered a warrior and part of the kingdom’s army, but not officially.

The leader-like figure in an army, a knight is often given his title either by his noble family or by his fighting style. Knights are welcomed as skilled fighters in traditional practices. They can also be fighters devoted to the royal family and have been acknowledged for their strength in battle.
A knight can also be a like a servant to a king, queen, prince, or princess, but no in a way of serving and dressing them. It could be more for company-use or perhaps courtship. While a king, queen, prince, or princess can also be considered a knight, it’s not looked upon as a good thing when they come into combat. However, when a prince or princess learns a form of combat, they often learn a knight’s style, but it’s possible to learn a warrior’s style too.

The figures and pawns that are not very well-known, warriors take on their own style of fighting. Sure, they use sword and shield, but they are also for fist-fighting and javelin-tossing. Warriors usually don’t come from noble families and vary from being self-trained to army-trained. Those trained when enlisted have taken on their own style of fighting or aren’t the good enough to be considered a knight.
They are considered the furthest from royalty, but are willing to train and display their skills to those who come to visit. A king, queen, prince, or princess may have a fighting style like a warrior’s, but it is uncommon.

The battle-mages of the kingdom also serve as beloved figures for their magic and religious purposes. While they tend to the churches and cathedrals, they can also appear on the battlefield when summoned. Some bishops are host in the same places as knights and warriors while others are able to stay at their own homes.
Bishops are highly respected and can also play the role of a servant towards a king, queen, prince, or princess. The four other roles can also be in place as a bishop, but this only happens when they have some form of magic. Most bishops use magic for battle, but a small number of them use simple steel.

With the world covered with non-magic users, such as humans and perhaps other angels and demons, weapons are important. Pure iron and steel can be used for battle, but nobles often have their weapons laced in gold or silver. Then, there are other weapon users who like their weapons blessed and cursed. Angels and demons can bless and curse weapons, but it counts to the amount of beings they have blessed or cursed. The weapon receives only a passive ability that is activated by sharing the same alignment. Weapons like these are purely used for angels and demons, but sometimes humans can get their hands on these items.

A blessed or cursed human can use a weapon that is also blessed or cursed. However, a cursed human who grabs hold of a blessed weapon will not be able to use the power inside the weapon. This also applies to when a blessed human has a cursed weapon. Untouched humans have the best advantage when a blessed or cursed weapon falls into their hand because they are considered unaligned to either good or evil. Though they take this advantage, they can have a hard time activating the ability within the weapon. “Natural” humans are also more resistant to blessed and cursed weapons

The passive ability in a weapon is nothing too powerful. This is because the ability in the weapon is supposed to compliment the creator’s ability. The weapon looks like any ordinary weapon, whether it’s from the nobles or commoners, and can break like any other. Most of the time, these weapons are weaker in durability than a human-crafted weapon. Once it’s broken, it can be repaired, but it loses its ability. These weapons can vary from swords, daggers, axes, or staves, but do not assume that all weapons are blessed or cursed. There are legends about many blessed and cursed weapons to make them sound mighty, but the truth is that many of them have very simple abilities that do not do extraordinary things. If a weapon has something genius to it, it is often a demon’s weapon that puts something very important at stake.

There are notable places across the map that you may or may not know about. These places are important marks of each kingdom, whether it’s a symbol of justice or a commoner’s home. Buildings and towns can be listed here if they play an important part to a kingdom or the world.

The Round Table
The meeting place and the neutral zone of all kingdoms, this is where the rulers of the kingdoms meet. It’s a rare thing when they come together to personally speak with each other. In a time long ago, this was the meeting place that sealed an old kingdom off from ruling any surface land. It’s said that the floor of the building is a magical seal that keeps this kingdom from ever coming back to power, but such words have become part of legends and rumors. Place around the mountain-area, the Round Table is a battle-free zone. No one is to vandalize it or fight upon these grounds. It has been obeyed by ancestors long before and till this day it is still used to hold conferences upon the three kingdoms: Gabriel, Michael, and Raphael.

Sheol Cathedral
Underneath the Round Table is a run-down building known as the Sheol Cathedral in the Kingdom of Lucifer. It was built as a place of religious worship, but overtime it has become abandoned and unvisited. The only beings that come in to practice are speechless shade-like creatures that walk in, do their form of prayer, and leave. Other rare visits are made by abandoned children who are dropped left at the steps of the cathedral or dying creatures who’ve come for comfort. The cathedral has a graveyard and serves as home for bishops. There are rumors that a necromancer lives here, but no one has returned to confirm this. From a distance, you can see corpses patrolling the area of the cathedral. It’s best to keep away from this area…
1. Follow the site rules.
2. This role-play is good-old fantasy. Keep that in mind.
3. Don't act like a GM when you aren't one. Leave everything to the GM and co-GM.
4. Do not fight or argue in the OOC. I really didn’t think it was necessary to make this a rule, but actions say otherwise.
5. Do not post pictures in OOC. Unless they are character pictures, they are unnecessary, but feel free to link.
6. Literacy is highly recommended. Knowledge in grammar, spelling, and punctuation usage may help you with that.
7. Even genders are not required. You may have as many role-players you can keep up with. Do not have four characters and have only have one of them active.
8. Keep the standards and rules of species, roles, and more in mind. You may not be accepted because of contradicting such. Do not be afraid to ask questions.
9. Try to keep the theme of the role-play in mind. We won’t be having any Eastern weapons or names, and nor will there be boom-boxes and torpedoes.
10. If an accepted player feels like your character is too over-powered or has a quirk that is questionable, they have the right to question it and it will be looked over again despite being accepted by the GM. Don’t throw a hissy fit about it.
11. Within IC, do not god-mod. No controlling other people’s characters without their permission, no genocidal combo moves, and all that good stuff.
12. Keep things moderated. Nothing too gruesome and nothing too sexual. If there is a request by any of the players to have a scene modified from that context, modify it.
13. If a romantic scene occurs and starts to get carried away, take it away. Keep it away from IC and carry it over to PC/PMs or let it dissipate.
14. Creating chaos is fun! Just make sure to go over things with the GM and co-GM before playing it out if it puts a major impact in the role-play.
15. Please cooperate and have fun.

Role and Kingdom
Small biography

*Use a quote that others would say about your character. Do not use a character's catchphrase.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wisp
Avatar of Wisp

Wisp uptown funk u up

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kingdom of Gabriel
Princes: Arthur
Princesses: Aninesse
Servants and maids: Ash
Knights, warriors, and bishops: Baron, Prize, and Lance

Kingdom of Michael
Queen: Kyalia
Princesses: Adeline
Servants and maids: Ezra
Knights, warriors, and bishops:

Kingdom of Raphael
King: Valentine
Servants and maids:
Knights, warriors, and bishops: Isaac, Eve, Joshua, and Sarah

Kingdom of Lucifer
Queen: Furnia
Servants and maids: Rueben and Celeste
Knights, warriors, and bishops: Macbeth and Lenore
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Touhoure


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✥ ᴘʀᴏғɪʟᴇs ✥
"He's such a handsome king! But has he not found a suitable queen yet?"
Valentine Raphael Regnier
He is twenty-five years old.
He is a simplistic human.
Currently the king of Raphael.
The only skill he has for battle is his swordsmanship.
Son of a legendary king, Valentine was destined by the people to become one of the greatest kings of Raphael. Such high expectations were placed upon him at a young age, when he was taught how to fight and make peace. He excelled in his speech skills and diplomacy, however his combative skills were inquired. It was very clear that he preferred peace above all other things. His attendance to many parties made him a beloved figure in the kingdom, talkative and intelligent to the men while charming to the women. His bright times of fun and youth would come to an end when his father passed, giving Valentine title to the throne. It's been many years since he took the chair and has prospered into a loved leader, though others insist that he is not assertive enough. That can be true due to his preference of peace over war, talking things out rather than going straight into battle. However, he is defensive and caring about the kingdom, unable to bear the suffering of his people. Though he holds a certain charm to him and enjoys bringing himself into the presence of ladies, he never keeps only permanently and for the most of three hours. Perhaps it's due to his sister or his lack of interest in an actual relationship, but the people can only speculate until time shows. Valentine enjoys taking care of his kingdom and making improvements while priding himself on his ability to keep things intact and holding peace meetings and parties. A charming and benevolent man, what he lacks with a blade he makes up with words.
The benevolent leader of Raphael comes off as a figure to adore, however he suffers from his own complications, especially for being a human. He doesn't see his own strength or power, especially when his sister surpasses him in a fencing quarrel, and hides himself among the people of his community. He enjoys talking to many people and discovering their stories. With a small smile and a hair-flip, he can be an instant hit among women -- or so he thinks. Though he remains strong with his charm, he knows that his sister often drives the ladies away, which he doesn't mind considering the fact that he wasn't committed anyways. While he enjoys the party life with socializing and flirting, he also enjoys the peace and serenity of his kingdom. As long as he feels at ease and balance he has nothing to complain about. He takes upon the duty of diplomacy and yet he can be found as very impatient, barely holding on to his formality through the need to carry a grand reputation. It is also best to keep him away from a battlefield, for he shows distress and can become very rash when being placed into battle. Enabled to make many missteps at front, it is very wise to keep him in the back. Other qualities to mention is that he is a very determined person when it comes to peace. He also seems to nickname anything close to him as for the while he attempts to keep the atmosphere light or neutral as oppose to tense and dismal.
"He's been searching for someone that doesn't exist..."
Lance Desmond Nystrom
He's through twenty-one years of his life.
He is a blessed human.
A warrior to the kingdom of Gabriel.
Not only is he skilled with using pole-arms but he is blessed with eidetic memory.
Lance was destined to live the life of an average human, being raised within the small village in the Kingdom of Gabriel. He grew up with decent-waged parents and was the eldest among his siblings, naturally being protective over his younger brother and sister. All he ever trained in was his strength and will to fight, determined to make himself room in the army of Gabriel. He would describe his childhood as normal until he was eleven, when his family discovered a shocking truth: his younger sister was cursed by a demon. At first, he avoided her at all cost, but he soon acknowledge and discovered the cruelty she was receiving by the middle brother and parents. She was being beaten for something that wasn't her fault, though Lance was late to learn about this and even regrets taking part in hurting her. Even though the curse was upon her, it brought burden to Lance also, for he lost the majority of his friends due to the fear of him being cursed as well. This gave him a chance to practice his abilities within solidarity on a daily basis. Overtime, he would start sleeping on the streets as a way to disappear from the arguments in his household. One day at the age of thirteen however, he came back home to a destroyed home and signed ground. His father, now scarred with burns marks upon his arms, informs Lance that his sister was kidnapped and is bound not to return, though it was clear that his brother nor father wanted her back. He also discovered that his mother passed away, and the last thing they exchanged was a small argument about walking off by himself. Such things have sulked in Nystrom's mind for years as his father seemed to disapprove him. It soon came to Lance's attention that he had to escape this sort of situation, and with that, he escaped the the village in exchange for another at the age of fifteen with the small amount of money he received as a blacksmith. On his journey though, he encountered many strangers, one which happened to be an angel. When she allowed him to open up about his past, he ended up collapsing into her arms and crying upon her shoulder. The gentle angel, mother-like and kind, blessed the boy after hearing his story and his want to make up for his actions. She then traveled with him until they reached the closest town to the heart of Gabriel, where she gave him a silver bracelet with his sister's name engraved inside of it. Lance then travel to nearby towns, yet slowly turned to the military of Gabriel and enlisted as a lowly warrior. This would give him the chance to fulfill a lifelong dream, but do not think he's selfish that easily. He plans on using the constant moving as an advantage towards finding his sister, wherever she may be... However, his plans might change due to the declaration of war and recent events. He's afraid of being stuck stationed at home, which is the last thing he wants. Unsure on whether to give up on his search or his dream, Lance tries to remain confident that he will be able to explore and become closer to his sister, somewhere and somehow...
The boy's blue eyes can give a chilling, intimidating glare. There's no intention in doing this however, for it was something he picked up from his father. He does his best to carry himself as strong with a sense of formality, but reckless friends can easily pull him out of that state. He doesn't mind war or the sight of blood, but when it comes to children, he can't bring himself into harming them. Instead, he can be found caring for them and helping them find their parents, no matter who they are. Well, unless they attack -- but that's another story. This nature can also be stretched out to his friends, but he doesn't have many since he keeps such to and for himself and children. Lance also acknowledges his devoted quest towards his sister as something dangerous and unlikely to happen. He still keeps it as one of his long term goals because, well, he went this far! So why not further? This does split his loyalty between two parties and can make him an unreliable source to run to or depend upon. He can also become easily distracted from a simple task if it means of getting something more from it, such as finding his sister or jewelry to see in a shop.Many may ask why he still searches for his sister and over and over and over he repeats himself, bored by his own repetition. If someone tries to convince him to stop wasting his time, Lance becomes offended and stubborn, constantly defending himself.
"If you've ever met her, she's very kind! But I wonder if there's something under that mask..."
Adeline Michaela Zaphiris
She is nineteen years of age.
She's an angel in disguise.
The youngest princess of Michael.
She has inhuman strength and strong will, or rather resistance.
Born as the stronger twin, Adeline still struggled to stay alive. Her body was frail at the time, but she improved faster than her brother. Still, her parents worried about every leap and jump she made around the gardens and the courtyard. As a child, she was very active, running around the hallways as her maids attempted to dress her properly. However, the scoldings she received about her lack of lady-likeness tamed that nature. It didn't help that she felt a cold shoulder by her twin overtime, who was the closest playmate she could ever have. Since she couldn't become attached to him, she leaned towards her mother and father, admiring their traits of strength and intelligence. Her parents devoted their themselves to teaching her and her siblings, though Adeline display large amounts of interest in reading books. This is why she was often left with a pile of books all day and she would read on, and on, and on. This also kept Adeline in a chair and kept her from bouncing off the walls. Even though the books by day kept her busy, the bed-time stories read to her were her favorites. They were the fairy-tale stories, the ones about the damsel in distress being saved by prince charming or how the underling climbed up to the top of the world. These dreams and stories filled up her childish mind and continued to infest them through her adolescence. Even to this day, she still dreams about the perfect lover for her glass slipper. As she grew older through her childhood, she sheltered herself in the castle's library or her chambers reading, analyzing, and focusing upon her books. During this time, many of her servants were being pulled away from her, finding herself surrounded by maids at her hands and feet. She was sent to more parties too, often getting herself caught up around barons, princes, and rich men. Though she dressed her best and seemed charming enough with her angelic appearance, there wasn't a suitor at her disposal. Whether it was because she was picky, too caught up with fictional men, or simply didn't catch a man's eye is unknown to this day. She does her best not to be bothered with it. Besides, she captured the eyes of many people due to her kindness and gentleness. As she has gotten older, the fantasies of being a beloved, beautiful lady enchanted her everyday. Her chance of day-dreaming would come to an end however on the day of the assassination, that which left Adeline frightened for her siblings and own life. Despite not being queen, she still worries about her brother and elder sister's safety due to the assassination, and is scared of what to do. With the feeling of uneasiness, she attempts to live day by day in her own mental fantasy; a little tea and cake can always coverup the need to stand up and do something...
The childish and playful Adeline could be best known for her spirit. She is considered a joy to be around and likes a good talk no matter who you are. Some may criticize her for being spoiled, but she can't help her love for sweets and dresses. She often daydreams about being saved or having her true love's first kiss -- but, putting the fluffy things aside... Though she may have her head in the clouds, she adores the people of her kingdom. If she has to fight for anything, she will fight for what is fair and morally right. Her emotions can get the best of her though, causing her to act up and break her posture. Even though Adeline has siblings she tends to and cares for she has adapted to being by herself. Thus, she doesn't seek their help often or even think about what they could do for her. With the obvious hobby of reading, she also enjoys strolling through gardens and being active in any form possible. She also has a signature color to her clothes; the majority of her wardrobe is white. Most of her dresses are pure white, with a few exceptions of some having hints of pinks, yellows, or blues, and this isn't including her nightgowns. As much as she enjoys reading fairy-tales, myths, and legends, she also enjoys being pampered because... well, who doesn't like the feeling of being a princess?
"Just do what she says and you'll be safe and sound."
She's is seventeen years old.
She is a cursed human thanks to the demon Aislinn.
The head bishop for Lucifer.
She is able generate blue-fire, but has a hard time controlling it.
Lenore remembers her name being whispered into her ear as a young girl. She heard screaming, she heard chaos, but she felt warmth and comfort, then those eyes that welcomed her. That was all she needed from her past life to begin her new life. She doesn't like to remember that, but it's the furthest memory she can recall. Since then, she has evolved from an easily frightened child to a young lady who isn't amused by your tactics. Surrounded in a world full of demons, she honestly thought that she was like these many monsters. As she continued to grow though, she discovered that she couldn't summon any beast from her body, but from her spirit. The one of her spirit isn't a real demon though, it's simply another side of her that thinks darker than usual. She wish she could call herself completely human, but being able to disintegrate anything that stands in her path is a more favorable thing to have than simplicity. Even though she is just a human, she has become a respected figure among the demon society. Whether it's because of her deathly cold glare or her immediate power that she sets off without warning, she personally enjoys it. She wouldn't get to where she was without her ability and curse that has helped her climbed in being a bishop. Her attitude is just the cherry on the top of a sundae. She doesn't wander Lucifer alone, for that would be a stupid idea, specially for a girl. She looks up to Ichabod, the man who rescued her when she was a child. Since they have met, she always looked up to him as a father-figure, but as she has gotten older, she tucks away feelings that are deeper than that. It's wrong, sure, but if she's going to live her chaotic life either way, she's going to fulfill it by what she wants and what's going to keep her alive. Though, at most times, she wants things going her way. Now, with the kingdom of Lucifer awaiting in the back ground, Lenore just does what she is told: blessing them this way, tell the men to do it that way, watch them pass by, and all the fun stuff. However, she knows where her loyalty lies, and it's within herself and Ichabod. Being a bishop will save her for the moment, but when it's time to run, she's not afraid to be by herself. Yet, that is in the future, and for now she carries on with her daily life of being summoned with duties and remaining close to her savior, Ichabod.
Free from a past to be tortured by, Lenore can be considered a little bit detached from the normal human. If she's spat on, she doesn't cry about it; she'll wipe it all over your face or blast you in the face. She won't regret it either, but don't think her hard-template of an attitude is purely cold and settled. Lenore can take many things to heart, but she's simply used to repressing them and turning away with a cold shoulder. Often times, those things don't bother her simply because she believes she is better. In a way, she is stuck up, but it's like a second layer of defense. She enjoys studying and learning about other abilities of the world along with angels and demons, creatures which fascinate her. She also likes poetry with tons of imagery and rhyme. Such things are easing to her hear, which is why nonessential sound can easily irritate her. Perhaps she can be considered rash for reacting instantly through her uncontrollable fire, but she's content with that part of herself. Do not think she has a weak side though, for she can be found broken down and crying. It's just not very often though; you would have to be someone close to her if you want a tear from her. Living among the demons, she tries to look away from the punishment that can be received by many of the beings. She tries not to recount the times when she finds all creatures alike beaten and dying at the church's door, and in those silent times she shows mercy, comforting them until their body turns cold.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wisp
Avatar of Wisp

Wisp uptown funk u up

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

fixing them up please hold ❤
❝wʜaᴛ ᴅ'ʏa recᴋon ever ʜaᴘᴘeneᴅ ᴛo ᴛʜe ᴘrincess?❞ . . . ❝we ʜave a ᴘrincess?❞ . . . ❝maʏʙe?❞
name : : Cordelia Raphaella Regnier ( aᴋa Cordie )
aɢe : : Twenty-Three
race : : Blessed Human ( courᴛesʏ oғ ᴛʙa )
roʟe anᴅ ᴋinɢᴅom : : Princess of Raphael
aʙiʟiᴛʏ anᴅ sᴋiʟʟ : : Rapid Self-Healing and Swordsmanship
ғun ғacᴛ : : ❤ mother dies shortly after giving birth to Cordie due to blood loss ❤
ʙioɢraᴘʜʏ : : typing this in word document because wow I don't want to lose anything
❝ᴋinɢ auɢusᴛine never ʟeaves ʜis room!❞ . . . ❝isn'ᴛ ʜe ᴋinɢ auʙeron?❞ . . . ❝see wʜaᴛ i mean?!❞
name : : Auberon Michael Zaphiris (̶ ̶a̶ᴋ̶a̶ ̶A̶u̶g̶u̶s̶t̶i̶n̶e̶ ̶)̶
aɢe : : Nineteen
race : : Angel
roʟe anᴅ ᴋinɢᴅom : : King of Michael
acᴛive anᴅ ᴘassive : : Water Manipulation and Water Breathing
ғun ғacᴛ : : ❤ being revised due to recent changes ❤
ʙioɢraᴘʜʏ : : typing this in word document because wow I don't want to lose anything
❝anᴅ ʜow oʟᴅ is ʜe aɢain?❞ . . . ❝anᴅ ʜe's an aᴅvisor?❞
name : : Picard ( ᴅeᴛaiʟs unᴋnown )
aɢe : : Twenty-Four
race : : Human
roʟe anᴅ ᴋinɢᴅom : : Servant of Michael
sᴋiʟʟ : : Swordsmanship
ғun ғacᴛ : : ❤ advisor to Auberon and Adeline ❤
ʙioɢraᴘʜʏ : : typing this in word document because wow I don't want to lose anything
❝aʜ sʜiᴛ.❞
name : : Ichabod Tolbert Aldritt ( aᴋa Necromancer Aldritt )
aɢe : : Twenty-Seven
race : : Demon
roʟe anᴅ ᴋinɢᴅom : : Bishop of Lucifer
acᴛive anᴅ ᴘassive : : Necromancy and ? ? ?
ғun ғacᴛ : : ❤ Aislinn Eckert is fiancee ❤
ʙioɢraᴘʜʏ : : typing this in word document because wow I don't want to lose anything

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'm posting all of my previous CSs, including my third one. Feedback is appreciated, and I'll update the older characters in case updates are really needed.
"The coldest heart and an unpredictable path of cruelty... What more would you want from that cold bastard?"


Age: Unknown

Species: Demon

Role and Kingdom: Demon Warrior, Lucifer's Kingdom

Demon Abilities**: Cold Flux - Macbeth affects temperature and blood pressure around him at a small radius. The more he sticks around a human being or an angel, the colder his body becomes. The cold around him can drop anyone's blood pressure (regardless of species, including demons).

Witch Hunt (Secondary Ability) - If there are three or more people within his Cold Flux radius, Macbeth will have slightly increased resistance against magic spells. Note that his Cold Flux radius is deceivingly large and small. Demons cannot fulfill the requirements of this secondary ability.

Backstory/Biography: Deep within hell were the more isolated and unknown lands. While many of Lucifer's demons were found within the kingdom, Macbeth was found trapped within an eternally cold prison in a vast underworld far away from the mainland. Two of the underworld's soldiers spotted his frozen form behind a broken pillar of ice, where his body was taken to the kingdom. Even when his frozen tomb was within the kingdom's reach, it refused to melt without the use of excessive heat. He was quickly, and primitively, nicknamed the "Ice Man."

The Ice Man was equipped with heavy armor, and a sword pierced through his face beneath his lifeless helmet. Even before the tomb was brought to the kingdom, the sword glowed and oozed of demonic energy, though it was rare magic even among demonkind. The very existence of the unknown victim disturbed many who witnessed its presence. Claimed to be a far too dangerous for its mystic background, the Ice Man and his malevolent sword were buried under one of the most isolated and empty prison cells. His underground cell was placed slightly near the kingdom.

For centuries, rumors spread amongst demons that the Ice Man may be brought to subject from the kingdom's royal officials. He, however, was never mentioned. Time allowed the corrupted denizens of Lucifer's kingdom to forget about the once fearful Ice Man.

But not everything was meant to be frozen forever.

One fateful day, like any other malicious day a demon would enjoy, the sword began to pour out massive waves of energy out of itself. It was quite the hungry cannibal, for it did not thirst for any kind of blood; it demanded the blood of demons. With an enraged impatience, the cold, yet hot-blooded weapon called upon the Ice Man, who was coincidentally its final victim. It was time for the demonic weapon to finally take over a host's body. Using up the last of its energy, the Sacrificial Rite managed to awaken the frozen man beneath the ice.

A substantial amount of time was given to the Ice Man to break out of his frozen tomb. He no longer wore a simple battle helmet, but a more royal, yet broken helmet of a hardened warrior. Wielding the Sacrificial Rite in his hands, the Ice Man crawled and found his way out of the prison his own kind placed him in. He was terrifyingly angered by the demons' refusal to help him, their own kind, in getting out of his dreadfully cold grave. While he was angry, however, he also noticed that he knew nothing of what he was doing, who he worked for, or where he even was. It was then, while on the way to Lucifer's Kingdom, that the sword answered his questions.

"You are special," it told him with a soothingly sinful voice. "Nothing can bind you in any sorts of chains, for I am here to guide you."

The Ice Man wondered what the malevolent weapon wanted to help him with.

"Your answers will be given when the time calls for it," the sword claimed with its energy continuing to preserve the Ice Man's newfound strength and will. "But for now, I crave for what is rightfully mine. You, Macbeth, will serve me."

"Submit yourself as a loyal servant of Lucifer, Macbeth. Serve him, but definitely not with all of your heart. Trust him to make him trust you, but you must remember that he is not gullible."

"Kill him, but that will be for later."

Still confused by his creator's words, the now cold-hearted shell and servant of the Sacrificial Rite proceeded on to enter the kingdom of Lucifer. There, he will become known as Macbeth, the servant who spread agony through the cold.

Personality: Macbeth's sword does some of the talking and cutting, while Macbeth carries the sword. While the two of them do synchronize well in terms of power and authority, the weapon tends to stay asleep for long periods of time. Macbeth learns through what he does and what others tell him, and he never draws his sword on others first. He cannot bring himself to strike down royal figures (such as kings and princesses) without his sword's permission.

Macbeth's weapon is slowly losing control of itself, which is the reason why it wants to bask itself in the blood of demons, return back to its original form, and kill Macbeth before things go completely out of hand.

Macbeth rarely talks.

Additional Information: None.
"Sir" Prize said "A lass with a code of honor! A woman with, uh, style! Too bad she finds my neck astonishing to cut through with her sandal-phony."

Artemis Idrian

Age: 20

Species: Blessed Human

Role and Kingdom: Human Warrior, Kingdom of Michael

Abilities: Pantheon - Artemis calls upon the power of the legendary angelic figure, Metatron, and temporarily empowers any weapon she carries. The empowered item puts more pressure against cursed and blessed weapons, making it more powerful in breaking defensive stances, but it does not deal any extra damage to humans and angels themselves. Increased damage against demons is rare, but could occasionally occur.

Biography: Artemis devoted her life to giving her parents the love they needed in her childhood. She lived the normal life of a civilized denizen in the kingdom of Michael, for her mother and father made sure that she was uninformed of the disasters occurring outside of the house she stayed in. The girl never went outside because her parents took care of her every day. When they went out to work, she would roll around and pretend that she was her mother, cooking up small plants and water as a poor, but amusing imitation.

When Michael's king and queen were assassinated, Artemis' parents mourned and grieved over the loss of their rulers, for they were heavily devoted to them. It was one of the few times where the blonde saw her parents being sad. But all of their sorrow quickly vanished when she came up to them with open arms, a wide smile across her face. She would love them to cure even the strongest of sadness, and her parents got over the downfall of Michael relatively quickly.

One day, her father died.

He was apparently killed in a riot that occurred within the kingdom. While the rioters were apprehended, he lost his life when a man unintentionally slashed at his head with a cursed weapon. The man who killed her father was executed on spot, and his weapon was confiscated and stored hidden from the public. Artemis and her mother, who was going to have a baby boy, held a funeral by themselves, the ashes of his burned body stored within a small container the blonde made. She was very sad, for now she only had her mother left. She was also scared of what lied outside of the small house within the mountain nearby a city that killed one of her parents.

When she became 19 years old, Artemis then had a little brother, who died a year afterward. In fact, her mother also died at the same date. That day, a rogue warrior burst into the family's house with a demonic sword in hand. It was a hellish, fiery warrior that belonged to none other than the kingdom of Lucifer. Her mother was no weak woman, however. She beheaded the demon with a single slash of a rusty sword.

The demon was not the thing that killed her. No, it was the other demon that immediately stabbed her that ironically came from the heavens.

Frightened as she saw her mother die as well, Artemis quickly took her brother and ran out of the house, which had begun to burn violently. The blonde girl continued to run, unaware of what lied ahead of her, unknowing of what roamed even the smallest of forests around her tiny house. She never ran before, but her legs carried her as quick as the wind.

But the demon was not the wind, but rather, a haunting tornado. He stretched his ragged wings and flung himself toward the children. The monster reached out and managed to snatch Artemis' brother, who was a year old at this time. She cried, blood and dust flowing down her face, as she hopelessly attempted to reclaim what was left of her family.

The last of her family died within the demon's stomach.

It was no ordinary demon, that was for sure. But some demons would not just eat a newborn child like a snack after dinner. Artemis felt absolute rage within her; but yet, she was scared. She did not want to die; her parents told her that dying was a terrible thing to experience. Unlike them, she was not prepared to face the consequences of death.

But miraculously, a single beam of light flew by, piercing the demon by its stomach. It howled and attempted to take the light out of its body. And the demon did, but at the price of letting it vertically slash upward like butter. His body partially sliced in half, the monster fell, his body dissolving into particles of light, before it turned into nothingness.

Tired and depressed, Artemis' body finally gave in. As her eyes closed, however, she saw the figure of an archangel. He hovered his right hand over her as he quietly chanted,

"I, Metatron, shall bless you. I, Metatron, shall bless you..."

"I shall deliver you from the hands of evil, and I shall make sure that you leave this corrupted place for good. I, Metatron, shall bless you..."

"Believe in me..."

Artemis did. For an entire year, she remained unconscious, yet alive, under a protection spell made by the archangel. As time continued to march on, a knight who had finally begun to serve the kingdom of Gabriel surprisingly found her body in a wasteland. Seeing that she was no threat at all, and rather quite an innocent-looking woman, the warrior decided that doing her justice would be the best option; and this justice was to send her to the nearest shelter.

"I, Sir Prize," he yelled incoherently as he began to run toward the middle of nowhere, "shall help this lady out! Wait, where the hell am I?"

The lost warrior, who was stupendously separated from his patrol group back at the kingdom of Gabriel, brought Artemis to a nearby inn. She woke up, only to find that someone left his or her belongings gathered on a table. For some reason, Artemis felt curiosity. Metatron had blessed her, granting her not only the wisdom she would need soon, but also the mindset of an analytic fighter. She knew what to do, for he guided her path with utmost success.

Step-by-step, Artemis grew up and, eventually, became a royal knight of Michael. While she lost her innocence and familiar love she always shared with her parents, she gained the ability to fight and protect. She would protect her king and queen with her heart, and she would treasure the life she was given for the people who paid the ultimate sacrifice.

She was no longer lost.
"The first time I saw him, he ran toward a cliff with his pants off while screaming 'PRAISE THE SUN!!!'"

Name: "Sir" Prize Batt

Age: 25

Species: Human

Role and Kingdom: Warrior, Gabriel's Kingdom

Ability: Inverse Law of Perception - Sir Prize has a surprisingly flexible body, allowing him to make maneuvers impossible for an ordinary armored knight to make.

Short Biography: When he was a young boy, Prize always dreamed of being a farmer.

Well, look how easy that was.

Jokes aside, he loved being a farmer. The boy always loved poking at the scarecrow that looked so similar to his father, and his angelic mother (though she wasn't really an angel) gave him the motherly love he constantly needed. He was a happy boy, and he remained happy. His father would cook up some weird stuff he did not care about at all, and they would all spend time being regular old farmers.

But were they regular farmers?

In fact, they were far from regular farmers. His father was actually not a farmer, but a warrior that served the kingdom of Gabriel. While his father was a man primarily against some of the kingdom's motives, his mother was actually a healer who tended wounded warriors from battles.

Then, Prize realized that he was not a farmer at all, but rather, the son of a warrior and a healer! In fact, he actually learned what a farmer was when he hit puberty! "An idiot I am!" Prize exclaimed like the doofus he was.

His naivety continued to stay with his ever-growing maturity, which winded him up in having a funny condition. He was eventually trained to become a warrior like his father, and he liked it. But whenever his mother patched him up after a sparring session, he felt pathetic in terms of strength. It was not that he disliked her motherly love; he just hated having no pride of his own. So what did he do?

Well, he decided to make himself more flexible to prevent further injuries, and he broke his back twice by putting ten iron bars on his back at once.

Up to this day, no one knew why the baffoon decided to hurt himself to become flexible. But what was more surprising was the fact that Prize grew up to be a dark horse within the army of Gabriel. He was a valiant warrior; a man who cared for his allies! Though his name is small and overshadowed by the more famed knights and warriors, he finally learned that humility was far harder to achieve than such selfish desires as pride. And as much pride as he might have within, there is far more humility in the warrior of Gabriel that now goes by "Sir Prize Batt."

And he is ready to learn so much more.

Personality: He is a loyal servant to nearly anyone that is not his enemy. In fact, if he is tricked even by what could be the dumbest of lies, he might start helping everyone in the world. Prize tends to pop out of nowhere, attack people from nowhere, and start talking with people from nowhere. He also tends to tear apart a woopie cushion whenever he gets extremely angry, and he has some dense sense. Prize is efficient when it comes to defending others, and he is surprisingly willing to do tasks that no one else would be willing to do. He is prideful about his "virgin lifestyle," or at least, that's how he likes to call it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Deathmaker


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Fudge cakes :)) I only saw the post at the old OOC just now XD Dang me and my lurking skills. Anyway, transferring my CS. I shall be working up a post tomorrow :)) I promiseeeeeee
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Men and Princess Ani seem to have a love/hate relationship. As in the Princess hates male approaches and men love to approach her!"
Aninesse "Ani" Fedall
24|| human
Princess of Gabriel
Princess Ani was always a feisty child. She was forced (by her parents) to study things that ladies should know. Ani hated the lessons and so, after them, she would run outside and play swords with the children of the servants. Ani, although a princess, always was a troublemaker. She would pull pranks on the mean servants that mistreated the younger servants. Her parents, when she was 10, died of illness. Soon, her unbecoming and evil uncle and aunt took the throne. They couldn't have children, so they kept Ani as a means to have some sort of an heir. They forced Ani into her studies and neglected her for most of her life. When Ani turned 16, they brought suitor after suitor for her and she rejected them all. As she grew older, they grew anxious for her to gain a husband and produce an heir for the kingdom. Ani, being the feisty girl she is, stood for herself and continued to refuse them, saying "I will only give my hand and heir to the one I give my heart!" Now, she has been forced to do the work of the kingdom instead of the "king and queen". She is now nicknamed the "Princess of Challenge".

"She's the angellic slave of Lucifer, right?"
Maid of Lucifer
(ability is undiscovered but) She is a healer. She can only heal if she uses her own life source.
Celeste was kidnapped when she was 6, so she has no recollection of her past life. All she remembers is becoming a slave to the people of the Kingdom of Lucifer. She can't say for sure if she was the daughter of a general, but she remembers that she was part of the Kingdom of Micheal. She always wanted to know what happened there. All she knows are the rumors that there is a new queen and king.

"The Queen of Lucifer? She's not what people would think. She's really kind and it's quite humorous to see her and the king together."
Queen Furnia
Age~ 23
Species~ Cursed human
Role and Kingdom~ Queen of Lucifer
Ability~ She is able to send her soul out and travel without her body. If her soul is hit, she develops the bruise on her body. She can bring her soul back by opening her eyes, but her soul is otherwise invisible. Like a ghost.
Small biography
Furnia doesn't seem like one of those girls who would fall for such an evil man. She is kind and feisty and incredibly smart. She has a feirce temper and she likes things to be great for everyone. One day, when the king was still a prince, he found her and cursed her. She was forced to stay with him and they ended up falling in love. When Furnia met the former king, she was instantly well liked because Furnia forced her lover to behave appropriately. She was accepted into the family as the soon-to-be Queen. When the prince became king, Furnia was coronated into her Queen-dom. Though young, Furnia has helped lead the kingdom.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Touhoure


Member Offline since relaunch

I wonder where everyone else went... Aye u_u~
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I think Pyramid Head found them all.

On another note, I think they all ran away to Brazil or something, I dunno (don't ask me).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Touhoure said
I wonder where everyone else went... Aye u_u~

Nowhere, you never told us the new thread was up. I only found out about it because Savi made a post telling us about it in the old thread

That's Dame Abel's kid? He looks like a monster

Baron Abel


Cursed Human

Role and Kingdom
Knight of Gabriel

Power of Blood-lust: Baron has more physical strength then normal humans, however this comes at a cost; he runs the risk of losing himself to blood-lust. The more strength he has, the closer he is to losing control

Small biography
The son of a Knight, young Baron grew up wanting to follow in his mother's footsteps. While his mother was very doting, she could also be a merciless task master when training him. While he and his mother weren't rich by any means, they were still very well off. However, Baron's carefree childhood came to and end one day when the demon Kazan attacked his home. During it's rampage, it slaughtered most of the villagers before it came across young Baron. But before it could touch him, his mother arrived and slew the demon. With his last dying breath, it sent it's soul out to Baron in an attempt to posses him. However he failed and instead left the young boy cursed. Unable to control his new powers, Baron lashed in a frenzy against the nearest living thing his mother. Unwilling to attack her own child, Roxanne "Roxy" Abel fell at the hands of her own son. When reinforcements arrived, all they found was young Baron crying into his mother's chest. Since that day, Baron has worked to get control of his powers as a Knight of the realm, with his mother's sword in hand...


Look, it's the young prince, isn't he just adorable

Arthur Fedall


Blessed Human

Role and Kingdom
Princes of Gabriel

Myriad Truths: Arthur's eyes have been blessed with the power to pierce through lies and see the truth. However, since this can conflict with his other senses, he has a hard time using this ability

Small biography
When he was born, little Arthur was deathly ill and wasn't expected to make it. However, A dying angel came to the palace to warn them of a powerful demon called Kazan. The angel's name was Merlin, and he had been gravely wounded by the demon. When he saw the also dying baby, he used what little life he had left to save him, granting the child a fragment of his power. However, something went wrong; whether it was the illness or the angel's life force no one knew, but after a lengthy series of tests, they found Arthur would be unable to sire any children. As such, his older sister remained the heir of the kingdom


Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Card Captor said
Nowhere, you never told us the new thread was up. I only found out about it because Savi made a post telling us about it in the old thread

1. Touhoure updated the first post with the new info and a "revised roleplay."

2. Touhoure's last post mentioned a "New OOC."

EDIT: Savi did do a good thing, though- everyone who didn't check that small message in the first post might've completely missed out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kaalee
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Kaalee That Single Moment Between Clarity / and Insanity

Member Seen 1 yr ago

You want to go talk to her with a knife in her hand? Are you wanting to part with a finger or are you just that stupid

Name: Kyalia Zaphiris
Age: 23
Species: Angel
Role and Kingdom: Queen of the Michael Kingdom
Abilities: She's wicked with a dagger and she can blend in with most anything
Small biography: Princess Kyalia was always someone who just didn't...fit. Instead of being the regal, sophisticated, Queen she was supposed to be, she was reserved and didn't talk to anybody really and if she did she had a humor that not a lot of people could really understand nor relate too, not to mention it's rumored she cut a man's finger off once. She was closest to her father though and after his death...she tried. She really did. She went to all the functions she was required to attend without to much prodding and threats, she was remotely social but she quickly fell back into her shadow. But of course she was named Queen, instead of her younger sister, no matter how much she protested. So now she spends her day trying to avoid the nobles while still not giving them real reason to complain.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Touhoure


Member Offline since relaunch

I also did mention a revision a few times -- but I understand if that wasn't exactly clear, or if a post I made ever mentioned this. Do forgive me about such.

Now to read these posts...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Um... Kaalee, the kingdom of Lucifer is not supposed to be known yet. And Ash is supposed to be a servant of the Kingdom of Gabriel.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kaalee
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Kaalee That Single Moment Between Clarity / and Insanity

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Shoot, sorry I misread that completely and wouldn't they still be tales? She's slightly paranoid and superstitious.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Then it would be rumored, but Lucifer isn't supposed to be known. It has been BURIED for thousands of years by their anscestors. It wouldn't be a thought to even the most suspicious of them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Touhoure


Member Offline since relaunch

So, I just got my ice cream, and ready to do this.
I'd like to give thanks to Savi for mentioning these small things, but I shall carry this off with...

Wisp said
>> There are so many ellipses, it's hard to focus. And run-on sentences. And parentheses.
>> Raphael's King called, not Gabriel's King - two totally different people
>> Kingdom of Gabriel killed her parents - they have the assassins and are the threat to the Kingdom of Michael.
>> Kingdom of Raphael wishes for peace, and has not harmed anyone.
>> Kingdom of Lucifer is naught but a bedtime story to frighten children into behaving - definitely not common knowledge or well-known.
>> There is no option, no choice, in the eldest rising to the throne. Adeline was never an option, since she has an elder sister.
>> To wish for death and leave with the intent is essentially treason - if she does not die from her little "mission", she will likely be hung.
>> Ash is not in the Kingdom of Michael, much less your character. Ash is Princess Ani's personal servant in the Kingdom of Gabriel.

So me and Wisp observed pretty much the same things, and these are pretty much it -- though I didn't recognize the sixth bullet's info until now. Even though Savi already mentioned such, I would still like to point out the second bullet along with bullets one, three, four, five, and the last one. Those are just my main burdens and the rest of the stuff is something I can suck up after an experience in... Free Role-play.

Yes, there are many ellipses, which makes it odd to read. I understand there are only two parentheses, and if that is part of your writing style then I cannot really deny you from such. There are also some run-on sentences, but maybe it's just the ellipses driving me crazy. Suppose this is just your writing style and maybe I am not one to judge. I too have a rather annoying writing style, or so I would assume... I seek no flattery however, and I will carry on with my points.
Yet, I am much caring for the information being presented in the role-play. You will have to revise and acknowledge that Raphael was calling for this meeting. A messenger would have come for her anyways, but I suppose whichever way or thing works for you is fine... I also cannot really tell where your character is, which completely threw me off when she was found behind Ash since he was in Ani's room and I was like -- what? I would assume naturally by knowing your character that she was in the Kingdom of Michael, but maybe, for some reason, I am wrong. While that, I suppose your character believing in myths and superstitions could be some form of justice towards thinking the Kingdom of Lucifer is real, but for the majority of the people the kingdom has been put to rest so long ago that there is no chance it's coming back ( or perhaps some other reason as to why they wouldn't believe it's active or existing, either or ). Another point I should make is that during the text...
Kaalee said Although...that hadn't worked out too well in the recent past...since she was having to make this decision in the first place although she knew her sister wouldn't have been a good Queen...

The word decision changes much about what is going on. I would understand if she felt cornered, like she couldn't trust her sister with having the throne, however the seat goes to the eldest in the royal family line. Maybe this is just your diction, but it does change the meaning of the sentence or how she was given a choice. If you cannot comply with the above, then you are free to leave. However, I trust that if you intend to stay you will change your post to the correct order or you will have to be removed. Forgive me for this post early in time -- it was necessary.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kaalee
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Kaalee That Single Moment Between Clarity / and Insanity

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I am so, so, sorry, it is a little passed midnight here and I really should have waited until morning to reply to this but I can't fall asleep and I wanted to reply

First of all, I did edit to exclude Ash, that was just foolish on my part and I will edit for my blunder on the King of Raphael, and what I meant by decision is that she had contemplated suicide and she still is. Like I said, she has severe depression and other mental health issues.

Second, sorry about the ellipses, my writing is her thinking and I think in speech patterns(so I will usually talk to myself while writing these posts out) so I have a lot of pauses in it. I always use ellipses to show that. I will work on that, though. Sorry if I annoyed you with that.

Again, I am sorry, it's much to late for me to really be posting and I simply didn't double check. I will make the edits asap
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kaalee
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Kaalee That Single Moment Between Clarity / and Insanity

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Okay, I did edit. I'm afraid you haven't seen me in the best light with how much I've blundered with you but I assure you, I don't mean to. I simply have been rushing and I need to slow down and start paying attention. Again I apologize for my mistakes, hopefully after this first post they won't happen nearly as grievously or as much, if ever again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Thank God for custom avatars.

By the way, is there going to be a king of Lucifer at all? I'm curious as to whether there will be a king for Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer, actually.
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