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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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The sun shone brightly, a cool breeze blew across the island and water lapped at the sandy beaches. All in all, it was a normal summer day on Isla Tranquila. A number of the island's guests were relaxing on the beach or playing in the water, others made their way through the island's forested areas or caves, and some...well, some were still at the hotel; resting despite the fact it was almost noon, having a late breakfast or seeking refuge from the tropical region's unfamiliar warmth.
Rachel wasn't quite a member of this last group. While she was putting off going out, the weather was far from unfamiliar to her. She wasn't exactly a beach person, and there'd be plenty of time to check out the caves and forest when it was cooler. The brunette eyed a vending machine in the hotel's lobby, wondering what drink to buy. She glanced around and took a step back in case anyone wanted to use the machine and actually knew what they wanted.

...Maybe I should just see if there's somewhere I can get a coffee...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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The victory tune played as her foe's Rattata fell. The early game was rather slow sometimes. So many people thinking their Rattata were the best Rattata. Ever. But it wouldn't be long until she got past the people who thought having two Rattata and nothing else was the best possible Pokemon team. It was really quite absurd. Ai walked onward, clicking through the victory messages. She'd started another game for old times sake, really. It had been a while since she last played Pokemon, she'd been so busy with basically every other game she owned for a bit. But it was always fun to come back to Pokemon. Even when she was on vacation. Not raising her eyes from the handheld, she simply strolled through the lobby.

The tiny girl was not particularly sure where she was actually going. Somewhere. She just felt like walking for now, really, even though she was playing a game at the same time. She did that rather often. Why bother paying attention to her surroundings? Someone would have to be stupid to walk into her and therefore would deserve any insults she threw their way and any guilt they would feel for bumping into her.

Of course, Ai didn't realize that this meant she could bump into others. Which she did, in fact, do, walking directly into a girl standing near a vending machine in the middle of navigating her character around tall grass.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

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Nicholas 'lightly tapped' the side of a vending machine next to the drinks machine. The machine was old, to the point where the silver spiral containing his favorite chocolate just stopped halfway through. Nicholas wasn't going to stand for this machine holding it hostage for more money. He tried tapping into his inner Fonzie once again, this time with an actual light tap. The chocolate jostled a bit and fell down into the bin below.

"SUCCESS!" He said. He reached into the bin and pulled out a Caramilk bar. He turned to the girls behind him and bowed. "Sorry about that!" He lightly chuckled. "I swear, in the future, all food will be served in vending machines and that's when Skynet will strike!" Nicholas said. He unwrapped the bar and ate the caramel filled chocolate bar. It'd been twelve hours since he arrived on Isla Tranquila and as he ate, he tried to figure out where to go on the island.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lost Cause
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Lost Cause

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Jon sighed as he tried to get comfortable on the tree branch he was laying on. In some ways, he wasn't sure what he was doing here, since he'd started travelling to "find himself", whatever the hell that meant, not sit up in a tree on some south pacific island reading manga all day. Well, when he wasn't working the reception desk in one of the hotels so that he actually had money to live off.

Either way, this island was certainly a hell of a lot better than what he'd left behind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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"Hooooooy! Guy up inna tree! D'you know where um...civilization is? I'm supposed to go there! Hoooooooooy!"

The source of this voice was a young looking boy leaning casually on a crutch with a dark green jacket tied around him like a cape. He was either naturally somewhat dark or very heavily tanned and his hair was a mass of unruly black spikes. The jacket-cape and long pants seemed more than unnatural given the tropical heat, but the fact that he seemed covered in dirt with torn up clothing was probably slightly more concerning at the moment.

The boy paused for a moment, concerned. He supposed it really wasn't wise to go yelling out at any random stranger sitting in a tree in the middle of a jungle. They could be some kind of tree demon after all. Or a cannibal, though having already met a few cannibals in his life the boy found them to be generally nice people, dietary preferences aside. Still, this was the first person he'd come across so far and he figured it wouldn't hurt to ask for directions. If nothing else the cannibal-demon would probably have to get down from the tree first.

"Hmm...maybe I should try again in Spanish?"
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