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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kira started to move out of the center of attention, having drawn all the gazes of the group, but was suddenly hugged. She was confused until she saw Nadia. "Hey! It's great to see you too! Everyone back home's doing great, though they're complaining about their lack of a cafe." she smiled and laughed, but quietly worried. Does this mean that Nadia has a keyblade too? I thought that I was the only one... then again, true randomness does repeat every once in a while... "I dunno, I kinda don't want it. Now I've got responsibilities... which means that I'm gonna have to fight these monster things."

Then one of the group, the Chinese girl, started screaming and ran out of the room on the verge of tears. She looked around for a moment before saying, "not it."

Then the black and white girl, Spades as Kira learned she was called, started introducing people, but stopped halfway through a name. She then dashed off to help the Chinese girl along with -was that a half-DRAGON?- another to comfort the girl. Then a kitsune -oh the randomness that she'd stepped into- introduced herself as Sashia. "No thanks on the shake. Frankly, I'm kinda superstitious when it comes to people who are half-things. Sorry, I've just had bad experiences. Also, weren't you sitting next to the Chinese girl who freaked out?"

Why do things have to get weirder than they already are? First, a giant key, now a half-dragon and a freaking kitsune. Let's just have a big old tea party full of dragons and lions next, why don't we?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Damian Strath
---Mysterious Tower---

Damian smiled and nodded in agreement with the mention of Riku and Sora, although it seemed that Riku had his own issues that he had to fight through before becoming a hero. I might not be able to relate to him, but I think I could understand where he was coming from. When he went to comment on it, the Chinese girl that he'd noted as cute had a freak out of some kind and ran from the room. He looked at the fox girl with a raised eyebrow, but didn't really push the matter, preferring to keep out of it himself. He didn't want to come across as desperate or a pervert after all.

"So someone gonna volunteer or am I going again?" Damian remained quiet, not even knowing the girl's name yet would make any attempt at conversation, calming or otherwise. After a couple moments of silence, the loud girl, Spades, if he remembered correctly, made her way to the portal.

"Pardon me, ya'll keep doing introductions and stuffs, I expect everyone to know everyone names by the time I get back or there will consequences of a potential dire verity." This drew a chuckle from the young sailor-in-training as he liked to call himself. He doubted she understood their abilities any better than Damian did. He instead returned his attention to Rai.

"So, what do you think of this whole thing?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

(Sorry, I'm really tired right now)
Sashia nodded and said "Indeed I was, turns out being a Kitsune is actually worse then I thought. Still though, I'm surrounded by beautiful and sexy girls, plus some handsome men so I'm quite happy". She then took into account what Kira had said regarding half things before she said "Actually, Me and Mike are as human as we can be. It's just that because we landed on an uncharted world we found weapons with bonded us to the half forms you see us in now, though you have no idea how much grooming I have to do now". She then took out a comb and began to comb one of her untidy tails.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Merlin had slipped into one of his books in front of him studying up on something or at least that is what Leo thought. Leo had watched what had happen with the fox girl and saw the dragon boy take off after the other girl who had gone to help the other one. He sighed. This was just great. This mission had begun with creeping someone out and fox girl did seem like she was going to be able to keep it in her pants. "Seriously. I don't know what you were bonded with..." He said as he walked up to the fox girl brushing her tail. "...but it seems to have heightened a state of mind that you were always in. Please refrain from scaring or creeping our comrades away. I would rather not how to involve Merlin in this." Leo smiled a kind but stern smile before walking over to the desk where Merlin was sitting. "Sir please give me the details of the mission and I will relay it to the others." Merlin absent mindedly grabbed Leo's arm and Leo seized up for a moment as he did. Words and images flashed before him. "Whoa old man you gotta warn me!" Merlin didn't even answer just kept reading. Leo saw for a split second that the words on the page where righting themselves...Merlin then got up and left the room leaving Leo to sort out the mess before him. "Great...just great."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Rai was quiet, now leaning against the wall nearest to Damian. It looked like others had already gone to help out the chinese girl. He figured he'd best stay behind since he didn't ever know her name. He was lost in thought for a while before Damian spoke again. "Um... By this whole thing do you mean our situation as a whole or the whole thing with the chinese girl and the fox chick?" He asked thinking over it. He didn't have too much to say on either subject. But he did have his own thoughts. "Regardless of what you meant... I think things are definitely going to get crazy. This could all turn into one hell of an adventure. And while we kick some ass and have some fun we might just save all our words and get everything we know and love back." He said with a smile.

"And if you meant the thing with the fox chick..." He wasn't sure how to put it really. But after some thought he shrugged. "I think that it was pretty natural for the chinese girl to react the way she did. I mean i don't think I know anyone who could end up in this situation and not be a little... Well... You know." He paused for a moment. He himself had been angry and felt sad up until he'd actually gotten some answers, even if it wasn't very noticeable now. "Still, just because she's fine doesn't mean fox girl had the right to talk down on the mental state the chinese girl was in. I mean freaking out doesn't mean she has a frail mind. And even if she does it's understandable." He finished and then sighed. "Sorry... I'm rambling aren't I?" He finally asked Damian. He might have even said way more than he needed to and could have missed the point of Damian's question entirely. Hopefully that wasn't the case.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redwing


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----Mysterious Tower----

Nadia was really glad to see Kira though speaking of home made her a little sad. If felt nice to have people who missed her, but she really wanted to be back with them. "I'm kind of in the same boat. I love the fact that I can help people. But I'd rather be helping them alongside Leon and the others." It was no secret that she had a crush on Leon, pretty much everybody in Radiant Garden but Leon knew. Even Sora had picked up on it a little bit, and he was about as dense as they came. A small sigh escaped her lips when she thought about that.

Another girl walked up to the them, the half-fox one and introduced herself as Sashia. She was the one who had been sitting next to the Chinese girl when she had freaked out. Obviously there was something going on there, but she wasn't going to go after her like the others had. Sometimes people just needed their space. She was silent as Kira and Sashia talked, but then spoke up after Sashia started brushing her tails. "Full or half human, it doesn't matter to me as long as you have a Keyblade. By the way, your tails are super pretty." Nadia was completely straight, but that didn't mean she couldn't compliment another girl. She tended to find herself doing that a lot. Calling other girls beautiful, or pretty, or whatever. It was just how her mind worked.


----Mysterious Tower----

Yue looked at her door when it opened, she flinched, thinking it was the fox girl until she saw it was a girl with multi colored hair. Yet another thing she had never been before, unless it was an older person who's hair was turning gray. The girl introduced herself as Spades and asked if she could get anything for Yue. The Chinese girl rubbed the tears away from her eyes. "I'm Yue Wudao, it means dance of the moon in my language. I think I'm okay, this is all just a little much for me." She would have been fine if things had been introduced more slowly, but all this was a huge culture shock for the girl. And while she wasn't weak minded at all, in fact she was very strong willed, things had just chipped away at her mind until they finally caused her to snap.

The half-dragon boy was outside her door too. She thought it was nice of both of them to come see if she way okay, instead of ignoring it and letting her sulk on her own. She rubbed the last traces of tears out of her eyes. "Thank you both for coming to check on me. I think I'm okay now. It was just a lot to take in at once, especially with the fox girl harassing me." Besides, she had her own weapon now, and even though she didn't know how to use it, she could still fight. And she would fight. There was no way she was going back to a life of being a perfect, submissive, little girl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kira listened to Sashia's explanation. "Yeah, no. Still half kitsune at the moment, and I don't like magic or whatever it is that you did to that girl." Kira tried to suppress her urge to yell at Sashia for brushing her tails out in front of Kira. Clearly, she's incompetent and possibly insane. I've never met anyone who seemed less human...

Thankfully, Nadia broke her away from her awkward hate and fuming. She mentioned Leon and she giggled. "You totally mean just Leon. I mean honestly, you have seriously bad taste in guys. Then again, who am I to judge?" Kira shrugged. She had no taste in guys whatsoever. She found herself looking at the similar gender. Not to say that she was obvious about it, she had to be careful.

"But, I really don't wanna wield keyblade. It's not about helping people so much as it is that now I have responsibilities. And the Heartless are relentless too. I miss the lazy days when I could just watch the sun set on the castle..." Kira confided to Nadia. "I don't even want to be a hero. I just know that it's morally right to fight with you guys." she shook her head, as though it would clear away all the heavy thoughts in it. She then pointed at Leo, "and what's going on over there? That guy is talking to himself!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KiltmanBagz
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KiltmanBagz Should have figured out gender before my handle

Member Seen 27 days ago

"I can understand that, most worlds are apparently very different than mine." Spades responded with a gentle smile. "Take all the time you need, and if anyone gives you trouble let me know and I'll put the hurt on them like you wouldn't believe. " her smile widened into something proudly fierce, if not a little manic in its own right, as she struck a pose meant to be reminiscent of a strong man. Alas, Spades had put a little to much enthusiasm into the pose and shortly after making it lost her balance in shoes that she now realized were new and unlike the ones she had been wearing when she had been brought here causing her to be unfamiliar with how sturdy their grip on the ground was. She quite simple fell on her side with a yelp of surprise. She blinked for a second before letting out a giggle that only sounded a shad embarrassed. "I promise, Yue, I am far more capable than that probable made me seem." she said lifting herself back up and brushing her dress back out into shape.

"I can walk you back to the group if you like, or if you still want some time to yourself I understand. If so I can take any notes of important information for you. There seems to be a lot going on and the more we learn the old fashion way and not from screwing magic info balls the better if you ask me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sashia sighed somewhat as her tails dropped even though she like the compliment Nadia gave her about her tails being super pretty, one of her tails flickered in happiness, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath before she regain control over herself and walked up to Kira and Nadia as she said "Look, I'm sorry if I'm acting out of tune of everything. It's just ever since I became half kitsune I feel like my mind is not my own. I'm a lot better then this I swear, when Yui returns I'm going to apologise at a good distance so I don't do anything stupid again and hurt her mental state. We are all from different worlds and beliefs but if we are to return this world back to normal, we need to be a team. Even I will learn this lesson in time". One of Sashia tails would brush Kira arm while she gave Nadia a friendly kiss on the cheek as she said "Thank you for the compliment". She then left the two of them and stood to attention to wait for the next order of business.

"That fox girl, I'm afraid to say is my little sister Sashia. Please don't freak out and hear me out. She and I came from Enchanted Domain which is a world of a lot of magic and is quite old as well. Like you, I'm struggling to adapt to this world and the many other worlds that we've seen in this orbs" Mike said as he showed the two girls his uncrushed orb which glowed in his hand. Mike then spoke in Yui in Chinese as he said "Sashia, always had a tendency to go for the same gender as here or to be simple. She fancies girls more then boys, part of the reason she kept disturbing you was because she fancied you. I also know of Kitsune reputation for being tricksters and demon in Chinese Culture, I can promise you she's not normally like that. Ever since she became bonded to a Kitsune, her entire personality has shifted and she struggles to keep her normal self there". Mike then took a deep breath as he return to English and said "Nice to meet you Yui and you too Spades, my name is Michael Fertar but just call me Mike"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Leo took a book that was in front of him and slammed it on the table. "Alright listen up!" He yelled in inside the smallish room and waited for them to turn their attention to him. "I have been a knight and a make-shift king. I know that all of you are confused and probably either angry or depressed on what is happening to your worlds. Some of the worlds have completely disappeared into the darkness that seems to be over running everywhere. Some other worlds have been erased as well as the people. Sora and Riku are gone." He looked out over them again seeing each of their faces. "But there is one thing we have right now that they might not have; the power to fight back. Somehow our memories aren't affected by what ever is taking the other worlds as well as Sora and Riku. Even the great Yen-Sid and Merlin are having trouble holding on to their memories. We must venture forth and discover what is causing these worlds and people to never have existed. We must reverse what has transpired to make sure that the darkness is drove back!" Finally he sat on the edge of the desk. "We each have a keyblade for a reason and I know some of you don't want to fight or maybe just don't know how, but you should know even to defend yourself against heartless. Our first mission is to retrieve another keyblade wielder from Hollow Garden. The world used to be called Radiant Garden but has begun a transformation back into a world of darkness. Our objective is to retrieve the person and gather intel. If we can fix the world then we will do so but at our current experience I sadly don't think we will be able to. Now we need to get going. The two that are from the world we are going to need to lead us there through the corridor of light. Also someone needs to go fetch the others. I know she maybe upset but we need to get a move on." Leo didn't want to be harsh but with this rag tag group of new keybladers he had to put his foot down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

After speaking to Damian Rai had gone quiet again. He wasn't really sure what to day as he awaited the young white haired teens response. It was slightly maddening how long he was taking. Maybe he wanted to phrase things carefully? Perhaps he'd spaced out. It seemed as though this little corner of the room was frozen in time while the rest of the room moved on. He didn't mind it. He wasn't even sure he could freely join the other conversations. Still regardless of anything he might have thought the little bubble frozen in time was soon brought back to reality as Leo took charge. Looks like we've already got ourselves a leader. He thought as listened to the young man. From the looks and sound of it the leader would be a damn good one too. "Well everyone. It looks like we'll be moving out soon. I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to get this show on the road." He spoke up as he pounded his right fist into his left palm. "And if we've got a guy like this as our leader I'm thinking things'll go a bit smoother. He seems pretty reliable." He added as he stretched a bit. He felt that way for a reason after all. Sure he had a pretty good amount of strength, but technique... strategy... Other things that might factor into fighting now... Oh whatever... He just had to power on through. And right about now that phrase was quite literal in his head. His strength... His... Power... Was what he was gonna be relying on for a while.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Damian Strath
---Mysterious Tower---

Damian had been about to reply to Rai when Leo had turned, called for everyone's attention and declared himself leader. And despite everything going on, he wasn't about to follow someone just because they called themselves a leader. "Mate, you're a bleeding fool if you think I'm going to be following orders from some land lubber who claims to have grand merits. That's simply not what I learned during my time with solar ship crews." Standing, he dismisses the keyblade that had been sitting in his lap the entire time that he and Rai had been talking.

"Now I've no problem with goin' and savin' this other wielder, it's not hard to figure out we're important, but until I see proof of your claim at being a knight and king, don't aim to call yourself captain of this vessel." Turning for the portal, Damian walks towards it to get the others. "I'll be retrieving the others from the crews quarters. Suppose then we'll get ready to." He didn't volunteer to try and lead himself, the highest position he'd ever held was emergency first mate, and that was only for the rest of the journey back to Monstressor Spaceport for about an hour. But he wasn't about to follow a man who, like the captain of the ship he'd emergency first mated on, only claimed to have done these things. Passing through the portal, he begins looking for the other three wielders.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redwing


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----Mysterious Tower----

Nadia blushed when Kira mentioned that she really only meant Leon. Which was kind of true. She was worried about the others too. But she was twice as worried about the beautiful, awkward, adorable, brunette. "I-I do not. I just didn't want to waste time by saying all of their names. I could have just as easily said Yuffie and the others. His name just came out first." Well way to dig yourself into a deeper hole Nadia. It did seem that her and Kira had different opinions on the subject, but they had one thing in common. They both wanted to go home. Even if just for a little longer. Nadia wanted to make sure they got back to safety. She didn't know what she would do if they were lost to the darkness. Sashia then apologized for acting to strangely and admitted that she wasn't entirely herself after becoming a half kitsune. Nadia was proud of her for admitting that. It must have been hard to do. She couldn't help but giggle when she got a kiss on the cheek. Though couldn't help but wish a certain somebody else had given it to her.

She turned her attention to a very knight looking boy as he began to speak. Apparently he knew what was going on a little more than they did. After being to close to them during the last few years, she found herself upset when the boy, mentioned them losing their memories. And got sick to her stomach when he called her beloved home Hollow Garden. It would always be Radiant Garden, the Restoration Committee had agreed to always call it that, even if the darkness ever returned. They wouldn't forget its name ever again. When he was finished speaking, Nadia felt herself getting angry. "Don't you DARE refer to my home by the stupid name. It will always be Radiant Garden, no matter what happens. And I don't care how new we are at this. I won't let my home and everybody in it get swallowed by the darkness, not again. There are at least six people there who would agree with me and fight with everything they have. We did before and we would do it again in a heartbeat!" She took an instant disliking to the knight boy, trying to put them down before it even started. They wouldn't know if they could save the world until they tried. And Nadia sure as hell was going to. Even if she had to fight alone.


----Mysterious Tower----

Yue did her best to smile back as Spades said she would defend the Chinese girl. And then laughed when she promptly struck a pose and fell over. "Oh I understand that. Trust me. My world underestimates women all the time." She said when Spades got back up. Then the fun seeming girl offered to take her back to the room they had been in before. "Sure, lets go back together." The the dragon boy spoke again. He said that the fox girl was his sister. A fox girl related to a dragon boy? That was a new one. Her eyes went huge again when the dragon boy spoke to her in Chinese. Mentioning that Sashia likes girls more than she likes boys. That was completely unheard of in her land. It was one new thing after another.

The dragon boy introduced himself and said her own name and Spades'. She frowned then. "My name isn't Yui (Pronounced you-ee)." She said, a little disappointed. It was really short, and not that hard to pronounce. "Its Yue (Pronounced you-eh)." She wasn't even sure what language the other name was in. It didn't sound familiar other than being close to her own name.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

(|Fuck I made spelling mistakes, it was meant to be spoke to Yue in Chinese)

Mike though on it and sighed as he said "Sorry Yue, I think I remember one of the fae of my land being called Yui", he then bowed to her and directed the two girls back to the main room to catch the end of Leo speech and Nadia outburst at him. "I remember Radiant Garden, the fae spoke of it being a beautiful world of modern magic and people. Sashia gave Nadia a friendly hug as she said "shh I know, you can kick his ass for it later". When she saw Yue returned she stay where she was before she said "Yue, I'm sorry for freaking you out. I forget Kitsune or fox demons are well known as tricksters in Chinese culture and I feel really bad for freaking you out like I did. I don't always know how to control my Kitsune powers"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Leo turned his head to the girl as he saw her temper in her come out at him. "Now I have something else to say. Anger is no good to you on this mission or any others we may take. I am sorry for my harshness but we needed to get out heads out of the clouds for a second and get the show on the road. I know everyone of you..." He stepped closer to her "...have a reason the keyblade chose you so I don't by any means think that any of you in this room are useless, but anger and other negative feelings among other things will draw the heartless in. I don't want to see any of you fall. Also I know as much as I do because of Merlin. He has given me the information so that I can convey it to you and one of those things was the name of what the world is turning into so that it can tell you how urgent these things are. I do not mean disrespect I only speak what was put into my head. On my home world I am a knight, I was instructed to do lead and take charge and if you or anyone doesn't want me to do so I will gladly take a back seat and let you take over. Now I would like to politely ask you to lead us to your world." He went over to look out the window. He hated that this was getting off to a bad start...He had to level out because he didn't want these people here to become more of a beacon for the enemy than what they already are. "Everyone I do apologize. Like all you I am loosing my home. I want to change everything as soon as we can, but to do that we must act like a team. So what does everyone say? Truce?" He said as he turned back around and walked over to the girl and held out his hand for her. "Please miss accept my apology and lead the way to Radiant Garden."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kira shuddered when Sashia rubbed one of her tails against her arm as the strange girl left. "Good riddance..." Kira mumbled under her breath. She knew she had to work in a team, but half-animal things were just too strange... not to mention that she looked eerily like heartless to Kira. Heartless had this.... cartoonish look to them, and she'd seen a few Nobodies too. She didn't like their looks either.

As she agonized over the idea of having to work with a kitsune, the guy she'd pointed at started yelling. Apparently he was a knight and held some sort of self-importance. He then stated the reason they were there. Again. "I know, and I was late..." Kira rolled her eyes and listened to his rant. She raised her eyebrow at Radiant Garden being called Hollow Bastion. She suppressed a smile as Nadia went on her rant about the name and some pirate talked about solar ships. Cool. I'll have to ask about that later. she thought.

Kira always thought of it as home. Nothing more or less, it had always been home. Whether it was called Hollow Bastion or Radiant Garden meant little to her. Home was where she could relax and put her feet up. Names were kinda silly to get mad over. Then Leo, the knight, told them that anger was no good. Kira closed her eyes and tried to keep calm, but she couldn't stay her tongue any longer. She stepped close to the knight, quietly speaking into his ear. Her face was blank and emotionless as she spoke, "my anger or emotions are none of your business. The only reason I'm here isn't duty or altruism. It's that I hate monsters for hurting those that I love, and that I have no intention of losing my home." Kira took a breath and stepped back. "Besides, you forget. The rest of us aren't as skilled as you at making corridors of light or whatever. Some of us got here by the skin of our teeth."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Turning to the girl that had come to whisper to him he smiled. I am sorry for also leading you on about that. Though I am a semi-skilled knight I am just beginning my magic training and well a keyblade is just as foreign to me as it is to the rest of you so I am afraid that I am lost as well. I thought one of your orbs might have held the key to the corridor of light that we are suppose to travel through. Merlin it seems has forgotten to give my the ability or know how to be able to produce a corridor. So if no one knows how to I guess we are at a stand still. Unless the fairies know anything. Both of you misses would you please excuse me I must go converse with them." He nodded politely to both of them and walked back into the room where the fairies were. They were sitting at a table looking rather glum about something. "Excuse me good fairies I was wondering how one produces a corridor of light?" Each fairy looked over to him and the looks on their faces seemed to be transparent.

"We are sorry." The green fairy replied.

"But it seems that we are beginning to fade away just like our world is." said the blue fairy.

"Quickly find Merlin he will know what to do! I don't have much energy left but take this." The pink fairy handed him a star looking stone that she produced from her pocket. "This will guide...your...way." She said as they all finally faded away.

Leo had stood their in horror seeing their faces and bodies disappear right before his eyes.....which were now welling with tears for them. The tears dropped onto the stone and it flared to life. Suddenly he was standing in front of Merlin who was with Yen-Sid in his chambers.

"Goodness Gracious boy you scared the living daylights out of me!" Merlin exclaimed. Yen-Sid was laying in a bed with his hat off on the table next to him. "It seems our greatest ally has fallen ill thanks to this new threat. I am still unsure why I have been yet to be affected. I guess I shouldn't look a gifted horse in the mouth ehh? Now my boy what do you have there?" He asked and Leo explained what happened. "Well it seems you have been granted a wishing stone my boy. Only the purest wishes can be granted. Your wish to find me when your tear hit the stone triggered your wish. It looks like there is still some magic in it so keep it. Also as for the corridor of light lets return to the others and we will get things squared away.

Merlin and Leo zapped into the room with everyone in it again and Merlin again sat down in the chair again. Merlin cleared his throat to quieten everyone down and looked at everyone. "Now I am sorry for the absence and I have to say that it seems that things are off to a ruff start. All that aside the fairies have disappeared from this world I assume because their world has now winked out and into the darkness. There are many things I do not understand but you must all trust your instincts. Use your keyblades wisely and please try and keep a level head out there. Last thing we all need is a super powered heartless made from a keybearer or for that matter a the nobody that will be left behind as well. Now to create a corridor of light you must focus your locations desire into energy and then direct that energy and will it to make you a corridor to step through to the other side. These corridors make it so you may travel between worlds with out the use of a gummi ship. Now I believe you all have been briefed on the mission so lets get to it everyone. I will inform the others that are in the room about you leaving. We need to get things moving, because this person may not have much time left." He said as he crossed his fingers hoping that the new keybladewielder had enough time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

As the conversation unfolded it became painfully obvious to Rai that things would not get off to as easy a start as he had hoped. Everyone seemed so on edge. So much so that despite the fact that Leo obviously knew more than the rest of them about most of this, along with Merlin and Yen Sid,they still argued and would refuse to follow him. He understood that it would be foolish to simply trust someone they didn't know anything about. However, it was also foolish not to listen to him and take his words with a grain of salt. Maybe he was the only one who thought that it would be better to simply follow his lead while remaining cautious. Maybe that would have been too much to ask. That's probably why he remained silent. Especially since his previous outburst in approval of Leo had been so easily dismissed. Rather, it was ignored entirely.

"Right." The young man whispered to himself simply as he closed his eyes and waited for a decision to be made. It was the best option. He really didn't have the skills to make a plan or anything like that. He was just the muscle. He should really have focused as much on training his mind as he did his body. And even the training of his body was half assed really. Brawn with no way of properly directing it. No particular skills other than those you would find in a common street brawl. Granted this street brawl would pit a group against one, but still it wasn't much when compared to someone who'd trained in martial arts or swordplay or some other discipline. All of this factored into him remaining quiet. It wasn't like he was stupid, but it was likely he'd be thought of as such, so why not just let it all play out.

He continued on without a word until finally the commotion was ended and a single voice filled the room, prompting him to open his eyes. Merlin had returned along with... Leo? Had he left? A guy closes his eyes for one minute... He mentally facepalmed. Merlin spoke of the fairies disappearing. Crap how long had his eyes actually been closed?! He went on about how to make a corridor of light, and how they should be off already. Rai had no problems there. "Alright... So we're going to this Hollow... Er... Radiant... We're going to the Garden place right?" He managed to ask after a moment of obvious confusion over the name after Nadia's little outburst on the actual name of the place. Why couldn't things be a bit more simple? This whole thing was honestly making him miss math a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Damian Strath
--Mysterious Tower--

Damian had followed the others back into the room where they'd all met up with and could only frown when he heard the fairies were gone. How long has the darkness been spreading? How long have... Stopping his train of thought, he instead steps up to the front and nods to Leo before turning to the others. "Look, so far as I be concerned, you're all a bunch of land lubbers, and this gummi ship is preferable to the corridors of light for me personally, but if things are as bad as they sound, we don't need a leader. We need a team." With a flourish, he summons his keyblade and holds it out in the middle for a moment before lowering it to his side. "We're only so many against a seemingly endless amount of enemies, heartless and nobodies and who knows what else. But we have the power to put a stop to it and I'll be damned if I ignore that power."

As he spoke, Damian's mind filled with memories of his parents, of the shipmates who'd taught him so much about not just brawling and manning a ship, but about life. He owed this to them. "I've too many people back home counting on me to save them and I'm sure you all do too." Grinning, with the keyblade back in front of him, the light glinting off of it. "So, lads and lasses, what say ye?"
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