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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Well, tell me when you've fixed that all up.

Also Cap'n in my experience with this amount of people collabs aren't always the best. As then everyone gets caught up waiting. Unless there is going to be fast paced dialogue I'd say just keep it in the thread.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Captain Jordan
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Sep said
Well, tell me when you've fixed that all up.Also Cap'n in my experience with this amount of people collabs aren't always the best. As then everyone gets caught up waiting. Unless there is going to be fast paced dialogue I'd say just keep it in the thread.

That's the opposite of my experience, to be honest. Is everyone so afraid to try?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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Captain Jordan said
That's the opposite of my experience, to be honest. Is everyone so afraid to try?

He wants us to try something new *lights torch and grabs pitchfork* WE MUST BURN THE WITCH!!!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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I do collabs quite often actually for Alliances, when I was doing collabs in exile it always seemed to slow things down to non-existence.

However if people want to go, we can.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Captain Jordan
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mattmanganon said
He wants us to try something new *lights torch and grabs pitchfork* WE MUST BURN THE WITCH!!!

I don't float, your plan is foiled!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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Alright, I fixed it, boss. Toned down Renny's skills and fixed Inuels history.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Can you maybe, add a bit to Innuel? I mean he's 4000 years old +

He seems to have had a pretty boring life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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That's because, If I really sat down and pumped out his life story, i could publish it into a book. So, that's the abridged version with all of the relevant information.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Can you add at least more on his recent history? Not a lot is necessary just a little bit to give me peace of mind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Captain Jordan
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Your move, Jake.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Captain Jordan
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Captain Jordan My other rocket is a car

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Uhh, yeah, Matt? It was Jake's turn in the posting order. Or Sep's, perhaps, and then Jake's. This is kind of why we need a collab.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Jakeozzy Laziest Poster

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Would've preferred that...
But sure, I'll post a little later on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darkmarshall


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I was wondering if there would be space for a non-jedi to join? :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Captain Jordan
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Darkmarshall said
I was wondering if there would be space for a non-jedi to join? :)

Yep! Balkk is our resident non-Jedi, a bounty hunter. You can pick up something like that, or suggest something else. Sep can answer any questions you have about it, too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darkmarshall


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Ahha, I was maybe thinking about a bounty hunter…. hmmm…. well maybe a friendly rivalry will arise. I'll post a character soon, see if it gets accepted :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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First: Yes, bounty hunters are good. Will be introducing the first main Antagonist soon (Yay).
Second: I will do what the general consensus wants, just for some scenes I prefer not to do collabs. Besides it makes sense for Matt to talk first anyway since everything (from how I read it) passed so quickly so he would respond to Jerek first. Just my opinion.
Third: Vor'loch will stay quite fulfilling the bodyguard role. He's letting the kids take point on this one, they do need to learn :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ColonelCaboose
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ColonelCaboose Vengeful Paladin

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Name: Beskad Maximus

Age: 36

Gender: Male

Species: Concordian (Human)


Skills: Outstanding survivalist, excellent in close-combat, skilled Swordsman, Marksman, Strategist, Pilot, Slicer, Demolitionist

Weapons: Two WESTAR-34 blaster pistols, BlasTech Dur-24 wrist laser, Czerka ZX miniature flame projector, Velocity-7 dart shooter, Kelvarex Consolidated Arms MM9 mini concussion rocket, Type-12A anti-personnel rockets, Type-12B gas capsules, 1126 rockets
Other Equipment: Durasteel temperature controlled Mandalorian armor, Mandalorian Iron crush gauntlets & helmet, Field security overloader, wristband blades, wrist mounted grappling hook, boot spikes, electromagnetic devices in his crush gauntlets, Merr-Sonn JT-12 jetpack. Two mini respirator ( 30 minutes of air each)

History: Beskad was born in 55 BBY, five years after the Mandalorian Civil War began. His clan sided with the True Mandalorians under Jaster Mereel and fought the splinter sect, Death Watch that wished to bring Mandalore back to its barbaric ways. He spent most of his young life travelling with his father, older siblings, and other clan members as they took jobs as professional mercs for hire and continued to fight the Death Watch. During this time he learned much about his culture and clans specialty as the best survivalists of all the clans of Mandalore.

However in 34 BBY a majority of his clan and all of the True Mandalorians died in a trap set up by the Death Watch. The Mandalorians made their last stand against the Jedi and died with honor. He was not present at the battle, aboard their ship doing maintenance shift after losing a bet with a fellow comrade. He was too late to help and all he found were the remains all of the True Mandalorians. He spent the next three days and nights digging each of his fallen brothers and sisters a grave. He did not stop until all of them were done and almost died from dehydration and exhaustion. He collected their armor and sent them to the clans of his fallen comrades, but he personally took home the most. From that day he harbored a strong hate for the Jedi and robbing him of his friends and family. He returned to Mandalore and built a memorial to his kin. He placed each of the their armor in cases with their weapons. His father’s was at the end of the long hall, his father had been chieftain, but now the duty fell to him, only there wasn’t much of a clan left. He took the Sith lightsaber that had been handed down in their clan since the Great Hunt of the Great Galactic War nearly 4,000 years ago.

His hate for the Jedi and the fact he was too late to do anything while his brethren were slain gave him an ungodly amount of determination to become the best he could be. He went into exile and travelled to some of the harshest planets, such as Hoth, Mustufar, Kashyyyk, and perfected his survival skills. His father had been the master survivalist, but with him gone he had to learn all he could from firsthand experience. He nearly died over a dozen times over the years, but Death was too afraid to ever touch him.

Four years later in 30 BBY, Jango Fett found tracked him to the deserts of the Wastelands on Tatootine, he had been hunting Krayt Dragons there for the last several months. Jango Fett had survived the battle and was once again rounding up Mandalorians for something, honor called him to follow Jango Fett’s orders because of Jaster Mereel’s last wishes and the fact he held the title of Manda’lor. He way only 25 at the time, but his skill set was too valuable to pass up when training the future Clone Commandos of the Grand Army of the Republic. He travelled to Kamino and received 100 clone cadets to train. There he met old friends of his father like Kal Skirata and Walon Vau, both great warriors who he shared many views with despite the fact that both their views were polar opposites of each other on almost every issue.

As the years rolled by and he trained his commandos, he grew a close attachment to all of them. He shared Mandalorian culture and values with them and named the all accordingly. By the time their training was complete and they had grown up, he had come to call them sons and considered them all a part of his clan. He had pushed them hard, harder the nearly all of the other 99 training sergeants, he had beaten them, sent to the emergency room, had pushed them to their limits and then beyond. They were the roughest, toughest, bunch of commandos out of the other 10,000 commandos.

However even with this knowledge he was worried sick when they were deployed to Geonosis as part of a mass scale invasion with the rest of the Grand Army of the Republic. His hate for the Jedi grew when the stupidly used the commandos for front line assault when they were designed for operative missions. He was relieved when he saw that all 100 of his commandos had survived, only a handful of other training sergeants had that score, he however still felt for the other sergeants and gave them his sincere apologizes for their losses. None of them had gotten to say goodbye to their commandos, the deployment had happened all so suddenly.

The pain of being away from his commandos was too much to bear on him and as a result he enlisted in the Grand Army of the Republic. He was to be a part of a cross training program that took regular clones who demonstrated higher than average skills and trained them as commandos to cover the need for commandos after losing so many in the first battle of the Clone Wars. He was attached to the 04 Commando Battalion on Coruscant and spent two years there working his way up the chain of command. For the last year of the war he was deployed to the front lines to help lead assaults that needed a heavy supply of commando units for coordinated attacks to take critical targets. It was during these battles that he made his name known throughout the Republic Army, with his guidance, attacks would go flawlessly with only minor casualties. He was a hero among clones, because he always had their best interest at heart and did his best to save as many of their lives as he could.

Eventually this behavior led him into a conflict with a Cathar Jedi General known for his bravery and his victory streak, as well as the fact that he always had the highest casualty report. During the battle of Chule he fought the Jedi in the Command Center after refusing to follow through with an order that would sacrifice half their troops because the Jedi was too stubborn to resist a trap. The fight was long and none of the commandos present dared interfere, Beskad was victorious. He had hated the Jedi for a long time, but he was finally starting to get over it, or at least warm up to them slightly, but the Cathar General reassured his previous feelings for them. He assumed command and led the Republic to victory over yet another pointless planet. He kept the secret to himself that he deeply regretted killing the Jedi, because the Cathar was the father to someone dear to him.

The Jedi tried investigating what had happened, but for some reason Palpatine interfered and made halted it through his trickery. None of his commandos said anything, it merely became a rumor as he returned to Coruscant and assumed command of the entire 05 Commando Battalion. Before Order 66 was given, a longtime friend Kal Skirata tipped him off something big was about to happen. Through rigorous planning with him and several other Mandalorians who stayed around, they set up a desertion plan for any clones that wanted to. When the Order was given, his squads with him fled to Mandalore undetected. Know the ex-general works to help clones desert and to keep them safe in his clan’s Estate in the northern forests of Mandalore.

He however has been tasked by his daughter-in-law to travel to Nar Shadda, because she got some feeling in the force. He was opposed to the idea, but she had proven herself one of them and he trusted her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Remember and get in touch with Arachnid as his Jedi will be part of your new little Enclave so he'd likely be travelling with you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darkmarshall


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Okay I'm kinda struggling of where I'm going to put/introduce my character, any suggestions?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bounce
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Well, Krayten (Caboose) and Zak are in the warehouse district if your PC might have cause to be snooping around there. A human adult male, Cathar female, a human looking kid and a Naotolan youngling... So they don't stick out much!
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