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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Captain Jordan
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Darkmarshall said
Okay I'm kinda struggling of where I'm going to put/introduce my character, any suggestions?

It might be easier to help you if we knew who your character was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darkmarshall


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I'm so sorry, I've just been busy today (revising for exams :/) but my character will be up probably in the next hour or two
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Captain Jordan
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Captain Jordan My other rocket is a car

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Darkmarshall said
I'm so sorry, I've just been busy today (revising for exams :/) but my character will be up probably in the next hour or two

School > RP. Take your time, we'll still be here when you get back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDoctor
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TheDoctor Wandering

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Hello, is this still open?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Captain Jordan
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Captain Jordan My other rocket is a car

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TheDoctor said
Hello, is this still open?

It is indeed. If you want to play Jedi, there's a 1:1 Jedi Knight:Jedi Padawan ratio right now for newcomers in the Enclave, but I think non-Jedi is pretty much wide open. Sep is the guy to ask if you have more detailed questions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darkmarshall


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Name: Harasho Mundi (Human)

Age: 27

Gender: Male


Skills: Accuracy /w pistols, Very skilful with Electro-staff, good at diplomacy, good with fists, good with electronics.

Weapons: Two Sd-77 Sonic Pistols, Electro-staff, Integrated flame gauntlets, MM9 Wrist Rocket.

Other Equipment: Z-6 Jetpack, Electrobinoculars, CS-Mark 12 Holoprojector, Integrated Wrist Datapad, Electronic Lock Breaker, Integrated sound system.

A Brief History:

Harasho grew up on Naboo and was taught many things from politics to art. What his parents weren't expecting though, was what Harasho wanted to actually do. From a young age he yearned for adventure and excitement and, plainly, awesome gear. They explained many times that he was to be a great diplomat or something similar, thought Harasho, with simple points, argued against it.

Following his dreams he became a galactic vigilante, becoming quite well known quickly, as someone helping others for free was unheard of. In all honesty he would have expected pay but his parents were rich, so he lived off of them.

With his parents money bought his own decent sized ship with a crew of friends he had gathered over the years, including one of his best mates 'Jacarni' the Jawa. He also became friends with many Jedi, due to him coming across them time and again, helping them if necessary, especially in the times of the clone wars. One of his most remembered and revered moments is helping at the Battle of Kashyyyk.

Because of this though, he saw with his very own eyes, order 66 being executed. He also viewed Master Yoda being almost being assassinated, though was far away so could not help. He was relieved to see that no harm came to him. Soon after he escaped, but only just.

Hearing from some of his friends, it came to his knowledge that the Jedi were being attacked, so Harasho wondered if any Jedi were in need of assistance.

Harasho is very eccentric and loves music, sometimes playing music in the heat of battle, just for fun. His light-hearted take on things and constant joking can sometimes annoy people though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDoctor
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TheDoctor Wandering

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Captain Jordan said
It is indeed. If you want to play Jedi, there's a 1:1 Jedi Knight:Jedi Padawan ratio right now for newcomers in the Enclave, but I think non-Jedi is pretty much wide open. Sep is the guy to ask if you have more detailed questions.

Awesome, just made one character minus the history! If I want to make a Jedi Knight do I need to have someone make a padawan to keep up the ratio? Or, since there's no active masters can I just make one of those?

Name: Conrad Thrain
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Species: Human (Born on Wayland)

Skills: Piloting, hand-to-hand combat, interrogation, and climbing.
Weapons: Blaster pistol and sniper rifle
Other Equipment: Datapad, slicer, comms device, and grappling hook.

Conrad Thrain was born on the isolated far rim planet Wayland from workers of the Republic who were workers for maintenance of the storage that were placed on the planet. Obviously the planet was not meant for raising a child so Conrad's parents had themselves relocated within a few years and eventually found a good home on Fondor. Unfortunately the family was always struggling and eventually went into debt. Wanting to help his parents, Conrad as a 14 year old started doing work for underground organizations and quickly learned how dangerous the galaxy really was. The boy nearly lost his life several times and figured he should start learning how to survive this cruel world. He eventually learned all he could through others who would give him tips. By the age of 18 Conrad had learned a lot and was even considering to take up bounty hunting as a profession. The consideration ended quickly though as his family's debt went too far and his mother was kidnapped one night. Determined to find her, Conrad searched through all the underground networks on Fondor, but all his leads went dry. Finally, after his father's constant begging, Conrad gave up searching and the two moved off the planet, constantly travelling and working together.

When the Clone Wars began by the time Conrad was 23, him and his father decided that their time would be best spent away from the war. Because of this decision they traveled throughout outer rim planets and picked up work when they could. Determined that the war would someday catch up to them though Conrad still practiced on his fighting skills and kept his weapons up to date. Conrad's beliefs proved correct two years later when the station they were on was boarded by separatists who were out to locate a Jedi onboard the station. After a day went by with no results, the separatists became more angry and searched more aggressively. Conrad thought they went too far when they started threatening his father on suspicious items, and when two battle droids aimed their weapons Conrad knew they crossed the line and pulled out his own pistol. His father yelled "NO" as Conrad shot both droids. Alarms blared and they began running. Determined to get off the station Conrad headed for a hangar with his father. When they were almost there, the droids surrounded them and things weren't looking good. At that moment the Jedi revealed himself and destroyed the droids surrounding Conrad and his dad. The three ran to the hangar as more droids came and fired. Conrad's father was hit and fell to the ground right as they reached a ship. Unable to go back for him, Conrad was forced to leave with the Jedi. Heartbroken, Conrad sobbed for hours, blaming himself for his father's loss.

As Conrad finally spoke with the Jedi he learned more about the Republic and the Jedi order which interested him. He became great friends with the Jedi for the next six months and assisted him on several missions. Finally, when the war seemed over Conrad was going to meet up with his Jedi friend when he suddenly heard shots nearby. Running to the scene Conrad saw several clones standing over his friend's body. Outraged, Conrad fired upon the clones and was almost killed but barely got away. Conrad escaped to his ship and took off, quickly leaving the system and looking for other survivors.

Jedi Knight

Name: Mordin Nollock
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Species: Kel Dor

Skills(Include Force abilities/Form if applicable):

Jedi Consular
Forms; Form I Shii-Cho, Form III Soresu, Form VI Niman. Usually holds his lightsaber in reverse grip for easier ranged blocking and to focus more on force powers.
Force Powers: Core abilities. Advanced mind trick. Force deflection (without a lightsaber). Malacia (Induce dizziness and nausea). Force barrier. Force blind.

Non-jedi skills: Piloting (standard training, not great), medicine, environmental survival, and battle strategy.

Weapons: Single-bladed green lightsaber (shown in picture).
Other Equipment: Handheld holoprojector and small first aid kit.
History: As where many Kel Dors are born Mordin was born on the planet Dorin. From a very early age he was seen as one who could use and control the force. As what happens to many force-sensitive Kel Dor, Mordin was taken by the Jedi to learn and develop the force at the Jedi Temple. There Mordin was taught as a youngling and grew in his power little by little. While his force powers seemed to be better than most his lightsaber skills weren't quite up to that level, and in effect Mordin even considered never using a lightsaber and relying on the force. By that time Mordin was chosen to be a padawan to a human Jedi named Namen Clark.

For a very lengthy time Namen led Mordin on adventures throughout the galaxy on mostly peaceful negotiations, but several times there were incidents that required fighting. Finding one specific battle as an example of almost losing his life, Mordin pressed hard into studying with a lightsaber to defend himself more effectively. Here he learned the sixth form of lightsaber styles Niman and delved deeply into it. When he felt like he was adequate for the form Mordin went into Soresu to assist with his defensive side.

After the Clone War broke out Mordin was 29 and was already a Jedi Knight. Mordin already knew with his lightsaber abilities that he wouldn't be best on the front lines and in effect became a strategist who spent long hours on meditating on various plans. He worked very closely with his clone officer Sev and became fairly good friends with the clone. While Mordin wasn't in constant battles he did spend time in several where he mostly was in the back using his force powers to assist with the battle. When times called for him to wield his lightsaber Mordin was prepared and fought to his greatest to succeed.

Fighting and battle strategy were not Mordin's only use in the war. The Jedi Knight was also called on several diplomacy missions to help the war. Many times he went with his former master Namen and the two were an effective team. As one who studied more into human structure and weaknesses in the force Mordin was able to use his force powers to assist them, one time using Malacia on the guard blocking their path to become sick and start puking in order to continue. Mordin felt successful in these missions and worked hard to contribute in the war. He was one who greatly dreaded what happened next.

When on the way back from a diplomacy mission, Mordin and Namen were attacked by Separatists forces and Mordin's Jedi ship crash landed on a desolate planet below. Fortunately his ship was mostly intact along with several of the other clone's ships who were also shot down. The survivors spent the night watching the battle rage on in the sky and watched in fear as their acclamator was torn into pieces. Knowing Namen was onboard Mordin was heartbroken, but held strong to try and get off the planet. For a long time the men were stranded from communication and hid for long nights from Separatists forces searching the planet for survivors from the battle. Finally after almost a month, Mordin and the clones were able to combine parts an repair two ships, Mordin's personal Jedi Starfighter and one of the clone's ARC-170 Starfighters. Mordin and the three clones accompanying bade farewell to the rest of the survivors promising to send back help once they got into communication. Up in space Mordin traveled to a remote planet that had a small town in it. Touching down Mordin and the clones got into communication. Mordin received two strange messages from the Jedi Temple, and the clones got a certain deadly message from the Chancellor. Mordin sensed the imminent danger and pulled out his lightsaber and engaged them. The fight was over quickly and the clones were dead. Saddened by the messages and the fight, Mordin traded the two ships for a small civilian ship and left the planet, eventually finding information on Mandalore and began his journey there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 37 min ago

TheDoctor said
Awesome, just made one character minus the history! If I want to make a Jedi Knight do I need to have someone make a padawan to keep up the ratio? Or, since there's no active masters can I just make one of those?Name: Conrad ThrainAge: 26Gender: MaleSpecies: Human (Born on Wayland)Appearance:Skills: Piloting, hand-to-hand combat, interrogation, and climbing.Weapons: Blaster pistol and Sniper rifleOther Equipment: Datapad, slicer, comms device, and grappling hook.History: To be created, don't have time right now.

No the ratio is more along the lines to not create an influx of Padawans. I'll clarify that one up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Member Seen 37 min ago

Darkmarshall said
Name: Harasho Mundi (Human)Age: 27Gender: MaleAppearance: Skills: Accuracy /w pistols, Very skilful with Electro-staff, good at diplomacy, good with fists, good with electronics. Weapons: Two Sd-77 Sonic Pistols, Electro-staff, Integrated flame gauntlets, MM9 Wrist Rocket.Other Equipment: Z-6 Jetpack, Electrobinoculars, CS-Mark 12 Holoprojector, Integrated Wrist Datapad, Electronic Lock Breaker, Integrated sound system.A Brief History: Harasho grew up on Naboo and was taught many things from politics to art. What his parents weren't expecting though, was what Harasho wanted to actually do. From a young age he yearned for adventure and excitement and, plainly, awesome gear. They explained many times that he was to be a great diplomat or something similar, thought Harasho, with simple points, argued against it. Following his dreams he became a galactic vigilante, becoming quite well known quickly, as someone helping others for free was unheard of. In all honesty he would have expected pay but his parents were rich, so he lived off of them. With his parents money bought his own decent sized ship with a crew of friends he had gathered over the years, including one of his best mates 'Jacarni' the Jawa. He also became friends with many Jedi, due to him coming across them time and again, helping them if necessary, especially in the times of the clone wars. One of his most remembered and revered moments is helping at the Battle of Kashyyyk.Because of this though, he saw with his very own eyes, order 66 being executed. He also viewed Master Yoda being almost being assassinated, though was far away so could not help. He was relieved to see that no harm came to him. Soon after he escaped, but only just. Hearing from some of his friends, it came to his knowledge that the Jedi were being attacked, so Harasho wondered if any Jedi were in need of assistance. Harasho is very eccentric and loves music, sometimes playing music in the heat of battle, just for fun. His light-hearted take on things and constant joking can sometimes annoy people though.


-Flame Gaunlets AND Wrist Rockets. Who are you, a Fett? One or the Tother please. Besides with the look of the armour in the image it isn't locked together, firing a wrist rocket from it would likely break your bones.
-CSMark 12 Holoprojector is a big ass piece of kit meant for inside starships. How would you be lugging it around?
-Just remember the Lockbreaker won't always work.
-How did he learn to become a vigilante without getting killed? Who trained him?
-Where did he pick up these friends? How?
-If he saw Yoda being attacked why didn't he go with Yoda?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 37 min ago

Yoshi/Joshi no straight jump out. That alley would be at least 4+Stories high. Jumping up before you used ledges.

Also no Force Wave down the alleyway.

You can't have just happened to learn a new skill in the heat of battle. People who don't know Force Wave while being able to throw a couple of objects can't fling a whole alleyway at people and the people at the end of the alley at the same time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 27 min ago

Oi vae, I'm just fucked then
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 37 min ago

You can jump from ledge to ledge, blast open the conveniently damaged wall.

A 101 things you can do. I mean I thought of ways for you to escape before I posted that don't worry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Captain Jordan
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Captain Jordan My other rocket is a car

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Joshua Tamashii said
Oi vae, I'm just fucked then

Rule #6.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 27 min ago

Dude, it's pretty damn bad. You got a virtual wall of blasters on one end of the alley, a literal wall on the other apparently, little to no cover, jumping up the building is outa the question cause on stray bolt would likely result in Joshua's death (just cause you have the force does not mean you can dodge everything after all), and even then I still have a Trandoshan BH on my ass.

I would use Force Lighting in his scenario but A) Joshua is still not used to using it and B) I can't just have him being able to conveniently use it whenever I feel the need to.

There's no way in hell Joshua is getting outa this unscathed. Also, I'm more then willing to bet Sep has another firing squad on the other end of that damaged wall
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 37 min ago

Joshua said
There's no way in hell Joshua is getting outa this unscathed. Also, I'm more then willing to bet Sep has another firing squad on the other end of that damaged wall

I am not that cruel. I damaged the wall to let you escape. That was the whole purpose in the wall.

Also the Trandoshan is one injured guy, who is just wanting to escape this as much as you are.

You are the one who chose the playing field of an Alleyway. I couldn't have the GoodGuy win the first round, so send him running. To be fair I haven't even decided what is at the other side of the wall. I was going to leave that up to you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDoctor
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TheDoctor Wandering

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Sep said
No the ratio is more along the lines to not create an influx of Padawans. I'll clarify that one up.

Ah OK, so I can create a jedi for whichever is lowest/needed so which one is that? Also finished history for Conrad.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 27 min ago

The only thing I'd have on the other side of the wall is a WAY OUT OF THERE. Nothing else matters at this point really.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 37 min ago

I'd like some more knights, or likely we won't survive.

Writing some stuff up will check your history in a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 27 min ago

Is it possible to take a section of the wall out and use it as a shield while also making a hole in the wall to escape through?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 37 min ago

You could but it is pretty weak already, as I had said the idea was for you and Chapa to retreat through that and have to find out what to do from there :P

There will be dumpsters and such in the alley as well which could act as reasonable cover.
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