Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Also Hex at some point your char will need to meet up with mine for GM reasons, if for nothing else than pure co-incidence.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sep said
Also Hex at some point your char will need to meet up with mine for GM reasons, if for nothing else than pure co-incidence.

Okay, I can do that. I'm going to wait for some of the others to post first. Mostly to see how we are all planning for this to go down.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gat


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

well im working on a post now so i should have that up inside an hour or two
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Just remember this is a SURPRISE attack. My guy is a combat instructor, he could easily take two squads of clones. Though he was caught off balance and off guard. Follow a simple rule of thumb, the more you kill the more likely you are to get hurt, take your skill into consideration. I mean while you trump me in the force Hex combat wise we're probably equal, Padawans OFC are below that so you have to be careful.

If I see anyone surviving incidents they shouldn't, prepare to be GM killed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hmm, how to do this...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Typical, people want the IC then can't think what to put :P.

Bear in mind that it is a SURPRISE attack, and you've just went through the shock of the Masters being killed. You aren't completely on your game.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ColonelCaboose
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ColonelCaboose Vengeful Paladin

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Kraytan Solaris

Age: 32

Gender: male

Species: Human

Appearance(Text and/or Image):

Level: Knight

Class: Sentinel

Force Abilities:
Core: Force Speed, Telekenesis, Force Sense, Basic Mind Trick
Force Stun
Force Valor

Non-Force Related Skills: Hand to Hand Combat, negotiator, Technican

Lightsaber Forms:
Form III - Soresu
Form V - Ataru
Form VI - Niman
Form VII - Juyo
Jar'Kai (Not really a form)

Lightsaber(s) hilt(s) and colour(s): Kraytan carries a Lightsaber Pike like all Jedi Temple Guards. However while the appearance of the Temple Guards are to be identical, his lightsaber can be split in the center to be dual wielded which gives him an advantage when in small areas where the full length of the pike would restrict the user. Like all Lightsaber Pikes, the blades are shorter and thicker, making them more powerful at slicing. The handle or staff is made of Kashyyyk wood and phrik alloy, but where the blades come out the metal is painted gold with a tiny gold gemstone towards the emitter to match the Temple Guards ceremonial look. The standard blade color for all Temple Guards is yellow, a rare color among Lightsabers, but a tradition that all Temple Guards follow and his lightsaber is none the different.
Yellow Lightsaber Pike that splits into dual lightsabers.

Other Equipment: Datapad, Slicer, Communicator, Family Crescent Pendant,

History: Kraytan was born to a pair of Jedi who decided to that rules were meant to be broken. His father A Guardian Master and his mother a Consular Knight. He was kept hidden from the eyes of the Jedi Council who were of the relationship between his parents, suspecting is was more than just mutual... Time went on and eventually the Jedi were given a "tip" as to where to find a strong force sensitive child on Naboo. Kraytan had been placed in the care of some of his mothers very close friends to hide him until the time was right for him to be recruited into the Jedi Order. Kraytan was an excellent student, he learned fast, studied hard, and practiced to the point of exhaustion. He was a true go getter like his father, but a hard worker like his mother. Soon he was "selected" to be his mothers padawan unbeknownst that his mother was his master. She talk him much in the ways of the force, teaching him to be slow to use force, that the road of patience was one with many doors held open. He learned to master very unique force abilities while under her tutelage, however he never left Coruscant with her. She was an excellent master, but she had no taste for adventure other than the assignments the Council tasked her with. At a young age where adventure is all one seeks, Kraytan became restless in his constant time spent in studying, practicing, and honing his skills of the force. Now was the time he put those skills to the test.

Seeing her son's restless desire for freedom and to see the galaxy, she employed the help of his father to give Kraytan what he sought most. His father agreed to take the reigns as his son's master and took him on a series of trips to the Outer Rim. They faced assassins, mercenaries, bounty hunters, armies, overlords, anything that stood in the way of peace on the multitude of worlds they travelled across. along this journeys Kraytan began to learn the other side of being a Jedi, lightsaber forms and combat. He had spent much time cooped up in the Temple that he had rarely been given the chance to really use his lightsaber skills. Just as how he had inherited his mother's skills for elegance, he very well inherited his father's bashfulness. He had gone from the lifestyle of a Consular to that of a Guardian and was well enjoying it. However his years as a Padawan were coming to an end. His mother and father had passed on as much knowledge as they could to their son and he had absorbed every last lesson. His father contacted the Council and requested he take the Trials of Knighthood.

Kraytan was deemed a true Jedi Knight after the passing of all the trials, which he had been more than capable of doing. However his hardest decision came when choosing whether to follow the path of Consular of Guardian, both of which he had great love for. Patience was a virtue, but action spoke louder. Kraytan was caught in a conflict that he couldn't resolve and so allowed the Force to guide him to where he would found peace between the two; he became a Jedi Sentinel and walked both roads evenly. It was clear that he couldn't choose one over the other for certain situations required certain skills. Sometimes he would simply have to knock on a door to open it, others he would have to bash it down, and other times he would have to hack into the security system and open it that way. There was no more right way over the other. This choice pleased his parents deeply, feeling that their son had made a wise decision, too wise for someone his age. His father gave him a pedant that he had said belonged to his father. He promised the man he would give it to his son when he passed his trials. IT was a simple pendant of his family's symbol and on the back it contained an ancient prophecy that said "When Three siblings meet from three different families of the same family, the fate of the Galaxy will be chosen." Kraytan pondered over the words, but in the end did not give it too much thought as it was no doubt a simple fable of some sort.

As a new knight he travelled the Galaxy on assignments from the Council and accomplished many a great deeds. Saving planets from war, stopping assassins, and helping little old ladies across the hyper lanes all in a day's work. As he completed more and more missions, he became more and more weary. He had many sleepless nights, being bombarded with horrible Force Visions of burning towers and pillars of smoke. He could hear the screams of many and the sound of thousands of marching feet and the blank faces of what looked like Mandalorians. The visions became to great for him to bear and he sought the guidance of one of his former masters, his mother. Travelling back to Coruscant he consulted with her, but sadly she had no answers other than the Force will reveal more to his vision when the time comes. Kraytan agreed, but for some reason was already beginning to feel better. He decided that he would extend his stay at the Jedi Temple, figuring perhaps his visions were so strenuous on him because he was perhaps home sick.

His extended stay soon turn into a permanent one as his Force Visions abandoned him all together and he enlisted into the Jedi Temple Guard service. He dawned the blank mask of the Temple Guards to show that he had disconnected his emotions from the world around him and stood to protect the innocent and make judgment on those who threatened the peace. It was a simple job, but come the start of the Clone Wars it became more tedious as protestors organized outside the Temple, various intruders sought to sabotage the Temple, and even Jedi succumbing to the Dark Side. If things weren't bad enough his visions returned and he still could not make any sense of them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Accepted, however you'd have standard Guard armour (Sorry) so instead can you post an image of what you'd look like outside of the armour?

You can start in the IC, also would you mind being mah CO-GEHM again?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ColonelCaboose
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ColonelCaboose Vengeful Paladin

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I would be honored to resume the role of Co-GM, but all things with have to wait till tomorrow morning. At which point I will edit my CS with out of armor pic, and will post up Heroic Duo for us to continue.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Most pleasing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Greatmar2
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Greatmar2 Gamer, roleplayer, writer, coder and dragon lover.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Araltrid Zenian

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: S'kytri


Obviously he looks younger and wears the standard Jedi robes, with holes in the back for his wings.

Level: Padawan

Class: Consular

Force Abilities: Advanced Force speed; Doppelganger; Force heal;

Non-Force Related Skills: Flight, Stealth

Lightsaber Forms: Form IV: Ataru

Lightsaber hilt and colour: Blue,

Other Equipment: Commlink; Datapad; Necklace with pendant bearing the family symbol

History: Araltrid grew up with the Jedi as heros, as they are to all the S'kytri after Anakin, Obi-wan and Halagad saved the species from a genetic terrorist. It was Araltrid's great joy when he was chosen to join the Jedi.

He trained under Master Knorlan for 5 of his padawan years, until one fateful mission. Knorlan, Vor'loch and Araltrid were assigned to scout some seperatist activity that had been reported in a system. When scouting, they encountered Ventress and many of her droid guards. In the ensuing battle, Araltrid's master, Knorlan was slain by Ventress. After he drove Ventress away, Vor'loch went to the grieving padawan and comforted him.

Once they arrived back on coruscant, before the council, Vor'loch offered to take Araltrid as his padawan. Araltrid has been training with the weapons master since. Two years have passed since then, and now the temple is under attack from Araltrid's fallen childhood hero.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Feel free to post. Will update the OP tomorrow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bounce
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Apologies for the heavy use of NPCs, but I thought it the best way to set up my youngling's introduction to the story.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago

It is okay, but be warned. They are Jimmys. Now you won't get this reference, someone before the GuildFall NAMED a NPC, now this is bad because all these NPCS are sentenced to death. This NPC was called Jimmy, thus every NPC henceforth was a Jimmy. Created solely to die.

You don't have to post their Deaths, other players can kill 'em off too.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bounce
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

I assumed that to be the case, but I figure it's always best for storytelling if you know something about Jimmy and thus why the protagonist, or the reader, should care that Jimmy is dead.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Indeed. Vor'loch isn't a social creature so really has no jimmies (lol).

I'll have him turn up around you first, as Alatrid goes to where I told him to, then I just need to get Hex to bring everyone together...

However Bounce, that is the best youngling post I've seen, people last time I set this up always just acted like Jedi, you are acting like a youngling. I gotta say, we're off to a better start than we were last time. I loved Gats post as well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bounce
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Many thanks.

I thought your posts gave us a good set up and enjoyed Gat's post as well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Yeah but its the GMs JOB to set up good posts :P.

Don't worry, I got lost of nasty things for you guys down the line. You may like me now, but not forever.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Jakeozzy Laziest Poster

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Is it too late to dive into this? x3

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Of course not, I forgot you hadn't applied get, get to posting.
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