Welcome to this interest check for my small-big medieval fantasy adventure!

So I just recently got back into roleplaying, and I am loaded with content and creative writing ready to spill forth. The idea I've been having recently is that I'd love to get an RP in a fantasy setting underway again that is meaningfully deep in plot, overseeable in numbers and moves at a decent yet not hectic pace. Now, what do I mean by that?
I was thinking that 4 characters is a good number to play with (not-so-arbitrary personal preference^_^''). The general plot would be set out by me for you, but I love input and I'm always open for taking up ideas and integrating them into the RP =3 By decent pace I mean to be able to post at the very least once a week, possibly more.
Now, to the meat on the bone!

Background information
Our story takes place in the kingdom of Leyland. It is a fairly commonplace medieval fantasy kingdom, with a monarch and royal court situated in castle city, and as many as 12 holds throughout the land, each centrally governed by a lord commander and their vassals. The twelve lords thus hold the most direct power in the kingdom. The inhabitants of the kingdom are humans, as I’m planning on having the big chunk of sentient races be human. There is a possibility for lesser races such as goblins or imps, which could serve as merchants or bandits, but for the beginning and for our characters I’d prefer to stick to human. As far as culture goes, think UK in the middle ages, with some lingering influence of an ancient, once highly advanced race that left behind ruins and portals that speak of their former glory. Some of the contemporary cities are built upon these ruins and some of the still intact buildings were refitted for their new inhabitants. The ruins and remains have a certain science-fantasy vibe in my mind, but we don’t have to go that far in the actual story. Scholars who research the Ancients possess a limited amount of knowledge about them, and know them to having possessed powerful arcane construct that could move mountains and dry out lakes. We may or may not use the plot device of the ancients for our story. I have some ideas and you’re very welcome to join in with your own thoughts on this =3
Geographically Leyland covers a range from the highlands in the north based on Scotland and Ireland, over wide grass fields and dense forests in the western and eastern parts of the country that resemble southern England, down to the more Mediterranean climate in the south, that borders the ocean and would be the Leylandian equivalent of Italy. There are many cities that rival the Castle City in size and population, with the largest city being located in the south (think Rome-ish)
So far so good, a rough outline of what I have in mind. We can expand on that, since there are lots of possibilities to do so, but I’d also love to discover our world hands on, directly while playing in it. We can always build more into it while we’re walking around in the world we’ve created, that’s fun as well I believe! And it leaves room for mystery and wonder we can discover together. Any input is appreciated of course =)
Our story takes place in the kingdom of Leyland. It is a fairly commonplace medieval fantasy kingdom, with a monarch and royal court situated in castle city, and as many as 12 holds throughout the land, each centrally governed by a lord commander and their vassals. The twelve lords thus hold the most direct power in the kingdom. The inhabitants of the kingdom are humans, as I’m planning on having the big chunk of sentient races be human. There is a possibility for lesser races such as goblins or imps, which could serve as merchants or bandits, but for the beginning and for our characters I’d prefer to stick to human. As far as culture goes, think UK in the middle ages, with some lingering influence of an ancient, once highly advanced race that left behind ruins and portals that speak of their former glory. Some of the contemporary cities are built upon these ruins and some of the still intact buildings were refitted for their new inhabitants. The ruins and remains have a certain science-fantasy vibe in my mind, but we don’t have to go that far in the actual story. Scholars who research the Ancients possess a limited amount of knowledge about them, and know them to having possessed powerful arcane construct that could move mountains and dry out lakes. We may or may not use the plot device of the ancients for our story. I have some ideas and you’re very welcome to join in with your own thoughts on this =3
Geographically Leyland covers a range from the highlands in the north based on Scotland and Ireland, over wide grass fields and dense forests in the western and eastern parts of the country that resemble southern England, down to the more Mediterranean climate in the south, that borders the ocean and would be the Leylandian equivalent of Italy. There are many cities that rival the Castle City in size and population, with the largest city being located in the south (think Rome-ish)
So far so good, a rough outline of what I have in mind. We can expand on that, since there are lots of possibilities to do so, but I’d also love to discover our world hands on, directly while playing in it. We can always build more into it while we’re walking around in the world we’ve created, that’s fun as well I believe! And it leaves room for mystery and wonder we can discover together. Any input is appreciated of course =)
Plot Layout
About six years ago, people all over the kingdom started going missing in small numbers. No one knows why, no one knows where they go, but it is happening. The majority of the common folk don’t notice, since a merchant falling into a gorge on a trip and his body disappearing, or a lumberjack falling into a river and being washed are things that just happen. People die, it’s life. But this is different. The events that are occurring are unnatural and the people who are taking notice are concerned.
Until a few years ago, Liam lived peacefully in a neither particularly important nor particularly backwater part of the kingdom. He grew up in the main city that was the seat of the regent of these parts, who was a comparably kind lord. Growing up here, he was taught by his parents, who were a bard and a scholar, and his childhood was only overshadowed by the fact that his younger sister was taking most of the attention of his mother. At some point in his late teens Liam fell in love with a girl. The girl happened to be the cousin of the lord's son, and thus of noble blood, but this was less of a problem than one might assume at first. He and the lord's son were friends, and things were a lot more relaxed there than in other parts. Since the lord's family was comparably laid back, love between Liam and his crush was able to blossom nearly unhindered. However, four years ago, a few weeks after Liam’s 22nd birthday, his lover disappeared from the face of the earth. No one seemed to know where she had gone, and people treated her disappearance like she had died: there even was even a funeral and a small feast in her honor. But he didn't buy it and neither did the lord's son. Doing some research, they discovered that she wasn't the first one to disappear, and the two of them started out on a journey to find out more about what was going on. However, due to personal differences, they parted ways very soon, and have been traveling separately ever since. Four years later, Liam finds himself in an inn near Huronsbury, no closer to finding out the truth to what had happened to his loved one.
About six years ago, people all over the kingdom started going missing in small numbers. No one knows why, no one knows where they go, but it is happening. The majority of the common folk don’t notice, since a merchant falling into a gorge on a trip and his body disappearing, or a lumberjack falling into a river and being washed are things that just happen. People die, it’s life. But this is different. The events that are occurring are unnatural and the people who are taking notice are concerned.
Until a few years ago, Liam lived peacefully in a neither particularly important nor particularly backwater part of the kingdom. He grew up in the main city that was the seat of the regent of these parts, who was a comparably kind lord. Growing up here, he was taught by his parents, who were a bard and a scholar, and his childhood was only overshadowed by the fact that his younger sister was taking most of the attention of his mother. At some point in his late teens Liam fell in love with a girl. The girl happened to be the cousin of the lord's son, and thus of noble blood, but this was less of a problem than one might assume at first. He and the lord's son were friends, and things were a lot more relaxed there than in other parts. Since the lord's family was comparably laid back, love between Liam and his crush was able to blossom nearly unhindered. However, four years ago, a few weeks after Liam’s 22nd birthday, his lover disappeared from the face of the earth. No one seemed to know where she had gone, and people treated her disappearance like she had died: there even was even a funeral and a small feast in her honor. But he didn't buy it and neither did the lord's son. Doing some research, they discovered that she wasn't the first one to disappear, and the two of them started out on a journey to find out more about what was going on. However, due to personal differences, they parted ways very soon, and have been traveling separately ever since. Four years later, Liam finds himself in an inn near Huronsbury, no closer to finding out the truth to what had happened to his loved one.
Our Characters & CS
So that’s the basic idea for an overall plot, I hope you like it-^_^- Now, as far as characters are concerned, the only requirement I have is that they should have any kind of motivation that would drive them to start traveling together with my character. This can be anything from having lost someone as well, over being all about the money and seeing Liam as an easily exploitable source, to falling face down in love with him and wanting to travel with him forever. Be creative, keep it in context and have fun building your character! =D
Name [Feel free to do anything you like as far as names are concerned^^ It’s only roughly based on medieval Britain, so I’m not going to insist on “typically” british names :P]
Gender [Note: I’d prefer the gender dispersion of this to be roughly 50:50. And, well, since we’re only 4 character, roughly 50:50 means exactly 50:50^^’ So please try to take that into consideration, so we don’t have a sausage fest over here :) I'm willing to go 3/1, or make it 5 characters if the CS dispersion turns out that way =)]
Age [Liam is about 26, so I wouldn’t mind him having companions his own age=^_^= But do feel free to have you old drunkard or your loose cannon of a teenager! =D]
Physical Appearance [Feel free to post a picture or write a wall of text, whatever you prefer. Do keep the setting in mind though if you post a picture^^]
Skills [What is your character good at? What can he/she do? Not necessarily just fighting, skills in general :)]
Biography [Where are they from, what did they do in the past, what’s their motivation.. be creative =)]
A thought about the development of our story I had is this: While traveling, the four of our characters accept a lot of "side quests" if you will; things they do that might give them a clue as to what happened to the missing people, but sometimes these leads ultimately prove to be dead ends, but they still end up doing some good/having smaller, episode-like adventures, all while furthering the main plot and unraveling the big secret. That way we can sort the adventure into “episodes”, with interesting subplots while still having an overarching plot that can lead to a final conclusion.
So that’s the basic idea for an overall plot, I hope you like it-^_^- Now, as far as characters are concerned, the only requirement I have is that they should have any kind of motivation that would drive them to start traveling together with my character. This can be anything from having lost someone as well, over being all about the money and seeing Liam as an easily exploitable source, to falling face down in love with him and wanting to travel with him forever. Be creative, keep it in context and have fun building your character! =D
Name [Feel free to do anything you like as far as names are concerned^^ It’s only roughly based on medieval Britain, so I’m not going to insist on “typically” british names :P]
Gender [Note: I’d prefer the gender dispersion of this to be roughly 50:50. And, well, since we’re only 4 character, roughly 50:50 means exactly 50:50^^’ So please try to take that into consideration, so we don’t have a sausage fest over here :) I'm willing to go 3/1, or make it 5 characters if the CS dispersion turns out that way =)]
Age [Liam is about 26, so I wouldn’t mind him having companions his own age=^_^= But do feel free to have you old drunkard or your loose cannon of a teenager! =D]
Physical Appearance [Feel free to post a picture or write a wall of text, whatever you prefer. Do keep the setting in mind though if you post a picture^^]
Skills [What is your character good at? What can he/she do? Not necessarily just fighting, skills in general :)]
Biography [Where are they from, what did they do in the past, what’s their motivation.. be creative =)]
A thought about the development of our story I had is this: While traveling, the four of our characters accept a lot of "side quests" if you will; things they do that might give them a clue as to what happened to the missing people, but sometimes these leads ultimately prove to be dead ends, but they still end up doing some good/having smaller, episode-like adventures, all while furthering the main plot and unraveling the big secret. That way we can sort the adventure into “episodes”, with interesting subplots while still having an overarching plot that can lead to a final conclusion.
General Disclaimer
Whenever I start an RP, the general rule for me is this: “ *NO* first come first serve” :) If there is a surplus of CS, I will choose the ones I like best and of which I think fit best together and into the story. This is of course, totally biased and I apologize if it comes to that and you are not one of the ones selected (*bow, bow*) This doesn’t mean that your CS wasn’t good or not even that I didn’t like it, it just means that it didn’t hit my sweet spot for this RP. So no hard feelings and let’s just hope it doesn’t come to that : )
Whenever I start an RP, the general rule for me is this: “ *NO* first come first serve” :) If there is a surplus of CS, I will choose the ones I like best and of which I think fit best together and into the story. This is of course, totally biased and I apologize if it comes to that and you are not one of the ones selected (*bow, bow*) This doesn’t mean that your CS wasn’t good or not even that I didn’t like it, it just means that it didn’t hit my sweet spot for this RP. So no hard feelings and let’s just hope it doesn’t come to that : )
Ade Marconi (m) by aegyolk
Harvey Redwhold (m) by nostrebor68
Liam O'Neill (m) by Enigma
Sandra Kraft (f) by Midori
Ashti Cicone (f) by Ink-berry