☢ Genre : Apocalyptic / War / Action
☢ Literacy : High Cas. - Adv. Lit.
☢ Inspiration: Resistance: Fall Of Man PS3 game franchise
☢ GMs: LetsFly - GM .:. Halo - CoGM
☢ Currently : Open and Accepting!
December 1938: Cities are found completely abandoned
No evidence of survivors...
December 1949: All of Europe is overrun.
July 11, 1951: Operation: Morningstar begins.
The chimeran threat began in Russia. The origin of the virus is unknown. But its effects were devastating and swift. In the 1930s, reports of biological experiments began leaking out from Russia. Then reports of villages destroyed overnight. Then, entire cities. We feared the Russians had developed a weapon of unparalleled power. The truth was much worse.
The Chimera stayed sealed within Russia for over a decade. Then, in 1949, they launched an attack that overwhelmed all of Europe in a matter of weeks. For several months, we thought England was safe. But in October of 1950 the Chimera burrowed under the channel. We had prepared for them, but in three months time the war was lost.
We abandoned the cities to the Chimera and retreated to scattered military bases and outposts. The Chimera had won.
On July the 11th, 1951, the Americans launched on assault on the Eastern coast of England.
The story begins with a task force assembled of troops from the US and British army, banding together and sharing supplies and weapons in hopes of having a better chance of eliminating the Chimeran threat. However, shortly after landing in York, the forces are ambushed by the Chimera and the remnants are quickly wiped out by a Chimeran spire attack, which unleashes insect-like creatures that quickly infect all of the soldiers.
Those who are not brought back to the Chimeran base flee, and continue their mission. The goal of Operation: Morningstar is to capture the most powerful of the Chimeran creatures, known as an "Angel." Investigators and scientists believe that, if captured, the Angel's power over the rest of the Chimera can be harnessed in order to control them. However things can go terribly wrong, plot twists, etc. etc.
The Chimera are an alien species hailing from an unknown star system. Originally, it was believed that gruesome Russian experiments resulted in the creation of the Chimera, due to their invasion starting out of that country. However, some claimed that the Chimera were the original inhabitants of Earth and to be "the evolution of man". Whether or not this is true has yet to be seen but they could simply be stating that the Chimera are superior to the Human race. It is known that the Chimera invaded Earth seemingly for the sole purpose of eradicating humankind and claiming Earth for themselves.

**Note: NOT the Hybrid mentioned in the Int. Check that was the human that resisted the full effects of infection. This is a pure Chimera, it's just the name of the particular species**
Created from human hosts, the Hybrid is the most common enemy seen in the battlefield. They are several inches taller than the average human being, are highly agile, and possess remarkable strength. Overall they are a savage enemy, but are also keen and tenacious. Hybrids quickly learn the methods of their adversaries. They had already displayed expertise in British Army tactics by the time of Operation: Morningstar. Beyond their adaptive nature, the most obvious attribute of Hybrids is their sheer numbers. Hybrids have overwhelmed humans on every battlefield since the Chimeran invasion first reached the United Kingdom.
TL;DR Hybrids are the foot soldiers of the Chimeran army, and are the most commonly encountered enemy throughout the war.
Gray Jacks

These Chimera are unarmed and appear to be frail, however, they possess a long reach and wicked claws, giving them a deadly attack. Intel states that those wounded by a strike from a Gray Jack suffer injuries that are very difficult to clean and highly prone to infection, resulting in a high mortality rate. Gray Jacks are never seen on the front line of combat, implying the Chimera do not regard them favorably as military units. Gray Jacks are decrepit Hybrids that have have almost outgrown their bodies. They are not an individual strain of Chimera, since they are simply elderly Hybrids.

Creepy fuckers that look like a mix of a lizard and a scorpion. These things are everywhere and they travel in swarms.

Crawlers are insect-like creatures that serve as vectors that transmit the Chimeran Virus. The strain is capable of limited flight, but they are often deployed by spire missiles, though they are kept in conversion centers and sent into holding pens where uninfected prisoners are kept. Upon locating their target, the Crawlers begin to penetrate the victim's body, usually through the airway passages of the mouth or the nose. Once this has been accomplished, they begin to inject the Chimeran virus throughout the body; after this process is completed, the Crawlers decompose into the host's body and complete the infection stage.

Angels are the highest ranking strain of Chimera. The strain assumes command roles over the other strains of the Chimeran virus, giving them a great deal of influence among the species as a whole. The extent of this connection is unclear.
If you'd like to bring other Chimeran species into the RP, see The Wiki for more descriptions.

The Bullseye is one of the most versatile and useful weapons of the Chimera. It is the main firearm used by Chimeran Hybrid foot soldiers and therefore one of the most commonly seen weapon throughout the war. Quick to fire, while providing reasonable damage, the Bullseye is very good at close quarters. Using the secondary fire, enemies can be "tagged". The tag acts as a tracking beacon for the primary fire bullets and unless something physical is in the way, the bullets will not miss.
Auger Rifle

The Auger fires salvos of transient radiation that will tunnel through solid matter and increase in power with each object they burrow through without causing damage to matter itself. Hard surfaces are unaffected, but organic tissue will be severely burned. The Auger does have a relatively small ammunition capacity, but the salvos ignore cover so they are all potentially lethal. The Auger's secondary fire deploys a small rectangular force barrier that is impervious to all weapon fire except from other Auger rounds. Enemies will suffer damage if they move through the barrier.
Hedgehog Grenade

The Hedgehog Grenade is the standard Chimeran hand-held explosive.
The hedgehog grenade when thrown will hover upwards into the sky at about man's height then fire all it's needles in every direction impaling nearby enemies to the ground and walls. More effective than fragmentation grenades as it will explode in mid-air instead of on the ground.
More Chimeran Weapons
M5A2 Folsom Carbine

The M5A2 Folsom Carbine is the standard-issue rifle of the US Army Rangers. The Folsom is nicknamed "the paddle" for its wide wooden stock and ability to "spank" an enemy. The M5A2 uses the same .303 round as the British rifle, No. 6 Mk 6.
HE .44 Magnum

The High Explosive (HE) .44 Magnum is a handgun. The Magnum appears as an ordinary pistol, but it fires remote-detonated lithium bullets with the weapon's alternate fire. As a result, this weapon has commonly been described as "overpowered".
Fragmentation Grenade

The Frag Grenade is exceedingly powerful and can easily kill Hybrids and other low order Chimeran forces. It can be thrown extremely far, but also has a set detonation time. Hence, if thrown too far, the Grenade will explode mid-air and most likely cause minimal damage to an enemy.
More Human Weapons
Note: The characters that are humans who have resisted the Chimeran infection and have heightened abilities will be known as Cloven rather than Hybrids, to avoid confusion between those individuals, and the Chimeran foot soldiers. For those who played the game, The Cloven were the zombie things in Retribution. That is not the case in this RP. Nathan Hale would be considered Cloven.

The Cloven are a faction of Human/Chimera hybrids who were formerly human beings. They suffer from from delusions, panic attacks, and strange visions. As humans, they were infected with the chimeran virus, but resisted its full effects, not going into the coma typically associated with the beginning stages of infection-- instead possessing increased strength, health regeneration, gold-coloured irises, and the ability to use Chimeran weaponry.
Later in the RP, complications arise as these "strange visions" are revealed to be mental communications from the Angel-- picked up by Cloven due to the Chimeran virus in their blood. This complication is utilized in order to find the Angel and ultimately capture it-- The closer the troops are to the Angel, the more frequent and more vivid the visions become.
Alignment: ((Good, Bad, Neutral, etc. Can change later in the RP if you want

Appearance: ((Pictures or descriptions are welcome))
Weaknesses: ((Optional, you of course have them but you don't have to explicitly state them))
Personality: ((Same as above))
Background: ((Same as above))
-As always, please follow the rules of the Guild.
-No god modding
-Drama, rivalries, and romance are encouraged! (PG-13)
-Please be active, notify me via PM or OOC post if you will be absent for more than two days.
-No god modding
-Drama, rivalries, and romance are encouraged! (PG-13)
-Please be active, notify me via PM or OOC post if you will be absent for more than two days.
-Wait your turn! Unless someone is absent, allow everyone to cycle through posting before you post again.
-Minimum of two good quality paragraphs, no defined maximum but keep it reasonable for a High Casual RP.
-If you are joining, I am going to assume you are committed. Please do not vanish without writing a death for your character and notifying me.
-If you do not post within three or four days (without notifying me of an absence) I will PM you. If you do not respond to the PM, you will be removed. If unannounced absences are a recurring issue, you will also be removed.
-Grammar and spelling are important. If you know that you have trouble with spelling, please run your posts through a spell checker before posting. If your grammar is bad enough that your post can not clearly be understood, I will ask you to edit it. If this is a recurring issue, depending on its severity, you may be removed.
-Minimum of two good quality paragraphs, no defined maximum but keep it reasonable for a High Casual RP.
-If you are joining, I am going to assume you are committed. Please do not vanish without writing a death for your character and notifying me.
-If you do not post within three or four days (without notifying me of an absence) I will PM you. If you do not respond to the PM, you will be removed. If unannounced absences are a recurring issue, you will also be removed.
-Grammar and spelling are important. If you know that you have trouble with spelling, please run your posts through a spell checker before posting. If your grammar is bad enough that your post can not clearly be understood, I will ask you to edit it. If this is a recurring issue, depending on its severity, you may be removed.
LetsFly : Frances Hale
Fat Boy Kyle : Charles Morgan
Halo : James Shrew
Andae : Marcus Dean
rocketrobie2 : Johnny Hale
Seravee : Molly Parker
The Nexerus : Andrew Jasper
Mr_Wiki_96-- Oleg Petrovskii
Welcome to the OOC :)