Kidd said Exactly. But that doesn't make them difference races. Just like an African-American isn't a different race than you.
This is honestly just me being a Grammar Nazi right now, but if your argument is that there is no such thing as race you probably shouldn't say things like "They aren't a different race". Because that implies there are cases where people can be of a different race, it's just that the case in question isn't one of them.
Kidd said Yes, you did. However, if something is this flawed, then it doesn't work on a scientific level. People, on average, cannot guess a person's race correctly over 80% of the time. That's a 20% if this was a test--a test that would quickly fail. To further this point, I recommend checking this quiz out. It asks you to sort people into races and I can almost guarantee that you'll fail.
I gave it a shot, and yes I did end up scoring pretty low, point proven.
Kidd said No, but heterosexuals like the opposite gender.
There's a difference between Sex and Gender.
Sex = Biological Body (Basically, what genitalia you posses)
Gender = How to feel, relate and identify as. This where cases of stuff like "A man trapped in a womans body" comes from.
This does actually expand even further into Identity & Expression, but I don't think there's a need to go into a long winded explanation/lecture here. All I needed to address was the sex/gender difference.
Kidd said Bisexuals like both men and women. And asexuals are just not interested in anyone sexually. This is a given. You cannot do that with race. There is not a single universal trait or gene that applies to a single race. Not all African-Americans have dark skin (refer to the twins for example--the white one is still descended from a black parent). Not all Caucasians have narrow noses.
You're absolutely right that your sexuality doesn't define who you are but it isn't comparable to race. Labels with human sexuality work very, very well. Labels with human diversity do not.
The point I was making was that the existent of these labels (however flawed/broken they may be) doesn't suddenly take away the rest of us, or turn us into 1-Dimensional people/personalities.
Are the race labels severally flawed? Definitely, you've more than proven that here. But we are not removings one individuality by using it, at best we're just making a gross generalization when it comes to one physical aspect about them.
Kidd said Though I'm cautious about doing so via the internet because people are quick to dismiss it as bull shit or trying to "win points."
Most of those people would of done it regardless because you bothered to bring up your education at all.
So if you're going to use it, at least make it clear from the start.
+Using it later on usually indicates that they're doing it because they feel cornered/back to a wall, are simply being desperate for victory.