Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 8 mos ago

It was mid evening of the last day of a bountiful harvest season, and as the season came to a close the people of the land came together to give offerings, and as it came to pass it was also a time appointed by the deities to choose who will be their champions. People came from far and wide to give offerings of thanks and to try and please enough to become a champion. All this happened as the deities watched and lobbied with each other maybe discussing the offerings maybe laughing at them, but one thing was for sure, they were deciding who would represent them among mortals and what tests they would give for their champions to prove themselves.

The town was crowded with all sorts of people, booths and games would be passed as followers made their way through to the citadel where priests and sages were blessing people and offerings. In the courtyard there were several burning Pires at the feet of a great carving of one man's vision of the ethereal realm in which the gods dwelt. This is were the burnt offerings were to be given.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Valios rode his white horse along the road trampling down children and hitting the slow and elderly with his sword when they got close to him begging for a coin or two. Valios was curious however that so much activity had picked up on the road for the past few days and they all seemed to be going in the same direction, Valios was so curious he even had half a mind to stop ask a peasant what was happening but he knew talking to "those people" was below him. So instead Valios continued along the road preparing himself for whatever savage festival the peasants were holding and the foul sights and smells it would hold.

Valios was pleasantly surprised for once when he saw the temple, a fine piece of architecture that was! Perhaps he would be able to make a offering to the gods, perhaps they would look favourably on him for once and give him a way to seize back his kingdom. Valios was not getting his hopes up however as the Gods had never helped him once before, in fact it seemed to Valios they were all against him, even Jimunu the supposed "Law father" did nothing to stop his homeland being seized.

Valios entered the temple, leaving his steed outside, and studied the fine carving along the walls.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Valios was entering the temple. Three hooded figures was walking out and bumped into Valios. They looked unfazed. Their robes red as blood but their language, unknown, they kept walking down the steps of the temple oblivious to Valios being there. One of them wearing a strange amulet on his neck. With only daggers on their side, they posed little threat to the fallen Prince, but still extremely rude.

On the Edge of the nearby forest standing on a branch over looking the festival stood a man in leather lightweight armor with fur on the trim of the armor, his hair flowing in the wind, a sword and dagger fastened to his sides and a bow and quiver of arrows on his back, a scar under his eye and his hair black as crow feathers. Slowly he glanced up, Draven, once Druid, now banished, carefully looked outside the forest, a Raven, he named Misery landed on his shoulder. "Mother, I know your watching, but look, look as they forget that the darkness is soon to come. Shall I bring you their Sorrow, or should i let them be." he glanced up at the sky "What should i do mother, the forest is where i have been all this time, sometimes found to take out a life, for little coin." he looked down from his perch on the edge of the forest and saw a farmer with his wife and kids, and sighed, "it would be to easy to make this family grieve, i like challenges."

Disguised like a Grave digger, a dark presence watched as the festival took place, Darko, the Fallen Dark God of Death and Fear, had returned, he smelled the fear in the air, tasted the bitterness of Death in the soil, he knew this was the perfect spot and thought quietly to himself 'This ground is to familiar' he looked around 'Yes, this was where i fell' he grinned picturing the Great War of the Gods and seeing The God of Champion with a sword to The Dark Hooded Figure, Darko's throat, 'You are Beaten Darko! You've lost. I hereby banish you to the Underworld, may you spend the rest of your days there knowing that you have lost this War.' the Hooded figure knew when he was beaten, 'So Be it Fool, but know this, I will Return. And when I do, these mortals will suffer. And Banishing me to my home will solve nothing...' The Champion of the God of Champions Rode up to congratulate his God on his victory and to tell him that the Armies of darkness are retreating '...and to have your remember this day...' the earth tore open and the Champions horse reared and knocked its rider off and he fell and grasped the edge, the endless screams escaping the earth '...I'll take your Champion, with me, and cause him so much pain and sorrow that you will hear his screams for centuries.' Darko fell into the torn earth and grabbed onto the Champion who cried out for his God and as the God of champions reached for his Champion, the champion slipped his grip and Darko laughed as his dragged the screaming Champion into the Realm of Fear and the earth Sealing shut as the screams echoed out of the sealed earth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 15 min ago

Jade walked through the festive. It was loud and crowded. The crowed was a good thing. The more people more money she could make. She need to make enough money to retire. She wanted out of the business. She was getting too old to attract many customers. The older she got the less customers that she was going to attract. This festive was a good way for her to put some money aside.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Forests did not rank amongst Lucretia's favourite locations. They were too distant from civilisation, too far disconnected from human advancement that death -- and by extension grief -- rarely happened to natural causes. Nevertheless, she would persevere and show up wherever her son preferred it.

Mostly in attempt to stop a bloodthirsty and distinctly unsubtle attack. With a wistful sigh, she moved closer to him in a flash. Though he looked like his father, a devout druid devoted to the oldest of rituals, it was only his biological connection to her that held him back from blasphemy. She doubted that Draven would ever truly be a suitable Champion, though he was loyal to her to his very core.

Breath like an icy caress on the back of her son's neck, Lucretia whispered, "You may be my child, Draven, but your particular form of violence is of no use to me. I should have nipped it in the bud earlier, my love." Her satin slippers brushed against the foliage littering the ground, barely audible, as she turned and walked in front of him. "We are not savages, nor are we a part of my brother's 'forces of darkness'. Neutral." A tiny smile twitched at the corner of her lips. "My sister would be upset if I supported the murder of innocents."

Lucretia hoisted up her dress, mud staining the white lace hem, and stalked over to a nearby tree branch. She had never been willingly called upon at a festival, save by her already-pious followers; therefore, she had time to kill.
Eida Craig

Eida Craig watched with disinterest as a disgustingly regal looking man on his white horse rode in, brutally knocking the festival-goers out of the way. A rude fellow that was, she noted as she tore strips of flesh from a roasted leg of chicken (or was it turkey?) and fiddling with the hilt of her ax. If she were to guess, he would be some sort of lord, or worse -- a prince. A part of her reasoned it was just fantasy, that no prince would go to a lowborn event like this.

Another part of her wanted to find out why the man was in such a hurry, and maybe intimidate him a little for looking so strange and acting so nastily on his way in. Leaving a few coins for the vendor, the last of her money, she moved swiftly away before anyone realised that it wasn't enough to pay for her meal. It couldn't be too hard to find such a pure white beast as the lord's horse was. Eida wondered rather morbidly if it was bloodstained for all the peasants he'd trampled over on the way.

A few minutes of hunting and pushing through the crowds and she'd found it. Of course he was in the temple, of all places, she grumbled to herself, seeming out of place while surrounded by those who actually wanted to take part in the worship and ceremonies. Feeling blasphemous, Eida steeled her nerves and wandered inside. Her large, heavy boots made it somewhat difficult to be stealthy as she discreetly searched for her target. It wasn't spying.

She hoped no God would smite her down for extortion. Eida was a mercenary -- and work trickled in far too slowly for her liking. If she wanted money and purpose in her life, she would have to grab an opportunity (like this fancy-schmancy rich man) with both hands and beat its head in until it paid her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Draven nodded as he looked to his mother, "Yes mother, i know were neutral, thats why i live here in the forest, so i can remain just that" he then looked back to the festival "But, what should i do mother, i help when i can and kill when i have no choice." he sat on the branch and looked at his Raven, "Neth brid vaul dra" the raven cawed and flew off and perched somewhere in the festival getting a closer look at things for its owner


Darko stood straight as he felt a familiar presence, even though he was disguised as a grave digger, he could still feel the presence of other divine figures and this one he knew very well 'Well dear Lucretia,' he thought to himself 'you are still around after all' he smiled and walked over to the edge of the festival and looked to the forest, he smiled as he saw two figures conversing, one he didnt know, but the other, he knew all to well, and he couldnt help but grin, then he felt another presence, he vanished in the wind and walked out in his actual form from the shadows, 'Could it be' he looked at Eida then when she looked in his direction he knew, 'it is, Eida, my daughter' he couldnt help but smile under the darkness of his cowl, he saw Thessia, the ax he left her, but he has yet to unlock its true power, but still 'She is ready, tonight as she sleeps, i will send out my Night Mares, and send her visions, hopefully, she will take on the quest'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago


A response to Draven had been forming on her pale lips when a shudder ran down her spine. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end as if charged by static and her eyes darted around nervously.

Could it be..?

Looking distractedly out to the festival, her fingers picked at her dress in a disgustingly mortal characteristic of anxiety. “Draven,” she warned, not even looking at her son. “Be careful– very careful.” With a low whistle, she called up on her companion, the ghostly pale starling, to circle the druid from above protectively. “My brother's here.”

Folding her arms, she faded into the wind. She had to hide her presence. Though Darko was admittedly an ally – family, even – she had no intention of talking to him. Not unless she was truly desperate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

McHaggis said
A response to Draven had been forming on her pale lips when a shudder ran down her spine. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end as if charged by static and her eyes darted around nervously. Could it be..?Looking distractedly out to the festival, her fingers picked at her dress in a disgustingly mortal characteristic of anxiety. “Draven,” she warned, not even looking at her son. “Be careful– very careful.” With a low whistle, she called up on her companion, the ghostly pale starling, to circle the druid from above protectively. “My brother's here.”Folding her arms, she faded into the wind. She had to hide her presence. Though Darko was admittedly an ally – family, even – she had no intention of talking to him. Not unless she was truly desperate.

Darko felt that presence fade, he smiled, 'So, sister, your still avoiding me, after all these years, who knew i would be able to send chills still down your spine.' in his true form he could do much, even remain hidden from mortal view, he opened the book on his side and read aloud "Draka Bralosta Mosde Franto" He smiled as clouds began to form thundering and a set of clouds formed his symbol, he smiled and looked at the reaction the mortals gave as they looked up in the sky in fear, the symbol seen before.

The cultists that bumped Valios froze and looked up and raised their hands to praise their God, and they began to speak in that strange language again, like they were chanting.

Draven looked at his mother in curious on why she was scared. He looked at her creature as it flew above and when he turned to look at her again, she was gone, "Mother?" then thunder crashed and he looked up to the sky and saw the symbol in the clouds. "What the..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Hal-Reftar breathed deep the aromas that came for the offerings, given to them all by their followers, of thanks for another bountiful year for growth, harvest and safety. 'These are a truly amazing race of people.' he thought to himself. 'Even with war and death upon them every year from other tribes and nations they still find time for peace, joy and love.' Hal looked over the festival in the town and all that was going on and was pleased to see so many people fulled with feelings of happiness. "My brothers and sisters what do you think of the endurance of our people's faith, is it not amazing to see such a fragile aspect of their lives lead them to such prosper?" Hal asked the company of other gods. This was an thing that he commonly was amazed at. Even with the tough trials they are put through they still bring good will offerings to them, the gods whom send the trials.
A raven flew high in the sky over the town as the festivities went on below. The raven was marked about it's wings and shoulders with blue, but they were not paint it was his natural feather coloring. As it came close to the temple it stopped circling and and swooped in to land quite abruptly in the saddle of a white horse tied up outside the great structure. The horse did seem to mind the raven and the raven seemed to act as though the horse didn't exist. It crowed a few times as people got close and startled them away, but what made people so curious was the message tube fastened to the bird's leg.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 15 min ago

Katherin chose to walk through the festival. She wished the weather was colder, but she understood why they chose a mild time of year. She hoped that some here preferred the colder weather. She needed a chamber and her champion needed to be able to handle the cold. She was the goddess of winter. Which meant that she couldn't have a heat living champion. Her champion needed to be able to survive her realm. She carefully considered the individuals as she walked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Master Crim said
Hal-Reftar breathed deep the aromas that came for the offerings, given to them all by their followers, of thanks for another bountiful year for growth, harvest and safety. 'These are a truly amazing race of people.' he thought to himself. 'Even with war and death upon them every year from other tribes and nations they still find time for peace, joy and love.' Hal looked over the festival in the town and all that was going on and was pleased to see so many people fulled with feelings of happiness. "My brothers and sisters what do you think of the endurance of our people's faith, is it not amazing to see such a fragile aspect of their lives lead them to such prosper?" Hal asked the company of other gods. This was an thing that he commonly was amazed at. Even with the tough trials they are put through they still bring good will offerings to them, the gods whom send the trials.

Jimunu stood next to Hal-Reftar, one of the few gods he did not have to come into conflict often, he looked at him and then to the mortals and gave no indication as to what he thought of them, but at last he spoke and sighed as if he had explained this many times "They have great endurance yes, and they have achieved much despite what our some of our lesser brethren insist on doing to them, however they are also violent, blood thirsty creatures that are prone to lashing out at anyone, even their kin, at the slightest provocation. But at the same time it does not surprise me, after all they are modelled after us and so they will naturally act in a similar fashion to us. Unfortunately they have less of our good traits and more of the less favourable ones, trust me, I know" Which was no lie, after all he had originally been created for the management of the mortals, a task which he failed and a cloud that has hung over him since

Jimunu watched the sign form in the sky, he knew the sign well and once it appeared bad things usually happened. Jimunu turned to look at Hal-Reftar "Best get ready"

--- Valios ---

One after another three men in shrouded clothing bumped into Valios as if they did not even see him. Valios did not like being "attacked" outside of the battlefield, where there was a general code of conduct that each side agreed too, unless of course if they were raging barbarians, and he liked it even less when they didn't apologise by grovelling at his feet for forgiveness and even less when they ignored him completely "Hey! You three! What do you think you are doing walking into my side like that?! I will have you know I am royal blood! Now you will bow to me! You WILL beg my pardon!" He said angrily, almost at a shout.

The men ignored him and instead focused their attention to a dark, brooding cloud overhead which took the highly unnatural shape of a skull. For once in his life Valios had very little to say about the situation as he had no idea what was happening or rather what was about to happen, which he found as a shocking revelation since in his opinion he knew everything there was to know. Instead he backed away from the men and turned around to see if he wasn't going crazy and everyone else could see what he was seeing. He then saw a woman who seemed to be watching him, what was even stranger was that she, a woman was wearing armour and was carrying a axe.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Darko smiled as he looked up at his mark and raised his armored claws and laughed as souls of the most recent dead were sucked into the cloud jaws like water through a straw, and replacing them in their soulless bodies, Dark evil souls, falling from the eyes of the skull shaped cloud like tears, filling in the place of the pure fresh souls, in turn it created, Ghouls, only the most wicked and evil of souls were used to create these evil corpses back to into the world of the living. "Arise my Creatures of the dead and head toward the Plague forest, head there and protect my boarders from intruding adventurers." Dead claws and hands burst from the ground followed by the maggot ridden bodies, as the undead monsters limped their way into the forest, moaning and groaning as they marched to the plagued forest. Darko smiled as they marched, truly gruesome, and he looked back up at the cloud as its jaws shut on the final soul and vanished, bringing back the sun, 'There, now that i have collected more souls and made more for my army, plus...' he looked to the sky, 'I hope you were watching God of Champions, that was a message for you, I've returned, and i am stronger than ever' he chuckled and he looked to the temple steps and floated over, it seemed like it was in slow motion, he floated through his cultists and over to Valios, he looked at him 'So strange this mortal, like a quest to complete, a journey, truly able to be my champion, or, at least a general to my champion, he looked to his daughter and floated over to her, he brushed her hair a bit out of her face to get a good look at her, he and he peered into her eyes, he knew she had his eyes, so she could see the souls of the dead and the souls trapped within the living. when he brushed her hair out her eyes though, it was like a gentle cool breeze. He then Looked up at the sun setting in the distance and he smiled, 'time to deliver' he floated into the air and raised his hands and the shadows seem to move with glowing red eyes and manes and tails like a grey mist, Night Mares are now on the run running to every dreamer needed for a Bad Dream, Darko stopped one, and brushed its coat, "Follow this young lady," he gestured to his daughter, "and deliver to her this dream." he placed a hand on the mares head and power surged into the Night Mares body.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Eida Craig

Eida rubbed at the green warpaint on her bare arms as she carefully (if not subtly) listened in to her target's complaints. The robed nuts who'd bumped into him, at first glance, seemed like complete religious crazies -- cultists, possibly, though she couldn't be sure. She didn't have any intention of staring at them further, just in case they walked up and sacrificed her to one of their gods. Ew.

However, she swore she heard the clinking of gold coins the moment the man had said royal blood. If there was one thing she was sure of it was that princes and kings were loaded with money and it was merely a matter of convincing them to give her some. Then again, she didn't like to be handed out coin like some sort of charity case; she would fight for him.

As well as wealth, kings tended to bring a whole lot of war with them, and that was her life.

When the clouds started to coalesce into a skull formation, Eida scoffed -- probably prompting the wrath of some god out there who now wanted to smite her down with heavenly glory. It wasn't any of her business, that worship stuff, so long as it wasn't forced down her throat like her tribe's shamanic leaders once had. Her eyes lingered on the skies for a few seconds, the wind touching her face with a particularly frozen embrace, but when she looked down to observe the prince-king-thing, she found him looking back at her.

Oh, he had noticed. Eida purposefully strode closer to him, stealth be damned, and pulled her fringe out of her eyes to stare even more intimidatingly at the man. All of it done wordlessly.

The silent tactic usually worked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The woman strode closer to him sweeping her fringe out of her eyes. She was not a beautiful woman, Valios observed, she was built as a man and from a distance could certainly be mistaken for one, especially since she was wearing armour and carrying a weapon, and after all what kind of foolish woman done such things? Everybody knew War is for men not the womenfolk who really ought to stay at home and care for the children. As the woman continued to walk closer, he also strode towards her "You! Yes, you! Are you from these parts?" He said not giving her time to answer he continued "Who are these men? And what of that cloud?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

one of the cultists looked at Valios and one of the others looked at Eida, "FOR OUR GOD, WE SEND YOU AS SACRIFICE!!!" they drew their knives, each was laced with a poison, and two of them rushed Eida, the other charged Valios, dropping bags of gold and a also a map, they knew they might die but for their god, it was worth the risk to charge two well armed opponents.


Darko looked at the cultists and he scoffed and whispered in Eida's ear, "they wish to kill you for me, we both know thats not possible with the weapon on your back, draw thessia and swing with all your might, the blade will do the rest" with that said he touched the blade and it began to emit a soul like glow, craving the taste of blood, Darko smiled and looked at Valios, and whispered in his ear, "he wishes to send me your soul, slay him, pay the barbarian to follow you to the destination on the map with the gold they dropped, your efforts will be rewarded, King Valios" he smiled and vanished from the world to the underworld
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Eida Craig

Eida had been mid-shrug in response to the lord-prince-king, an equally rude response on her lips, but all that came out was a 'woosh' of air in surprise and a flat, "What." If she hadn't already believed that religion made fools of men, she would have had all the evidence she needed in its support. Cultists, she complained internally, raising an eyebrow in complete exasperation at the royal beside her. "I hate gods -- but their followers are even worse."

The barbarian had been about to grab the hilt of Thessia and twirl it around as usual (to murder the idiots) when the cold chill of an icy breath touched her skin, whispering to her. "Like I'm going to do what you say..." she muttered under her breath, loosening her grip on her ax and instead cracking her knuckles. A good thing, too, since it began to glow. Clearly the god hadn't got the memo that she was a heathen, not some gullible fool -- none of them gave without wanting something in return.

And this one seemed to want her to make a scene in the middle of a festival. Nope.

Eida decided that she could win a fight against some dress-wearing pansy no problem without any weapons, and so she went into doing just that. One arm grabbed a wrist and twisted, blocking the dagger from going anywhere but into thin air. A gauntleted fist flew straight into the man's unprotected face, dropping him to his knees. With a spare moment, she peered over at her momentary ally in the lord (or whatever he was).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As the cloaked priests drew their daggers Valios's instinct reaction was to draw his own sword which was a good idea since they began to attack him as well as the Armoured-Woman who, in a twist of events, had become his ally, presuming this was not some farce Valios thought. But the something odd happened, a cold chill went up Valios's spine and he froze where he stood, for a whisper was spoken into his ear "W-What trickery is this?!" Valios shouted angrily not paying attention to the message itself "You dammed priests and your dammed god! I will not be deceived with your magic!" He said as he flew in a rage cutting down the remaining priests and stabbing one of them through the back of the neck who had been brought to his knees by his female friend
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

once the cultist laid dead at their feet, one, still alive gurgled blood as he laughed, "fools, my god wanted me to die, so i can serve him in the afterlife as one of his soldiers of the dead. he laughed as he fell to the ground dead. the gold and the map at Valios' feet


"Damned am i mortal" he smiled as he entered valios' mind, "lets see what you fear" he looked and looked and finally found the perfect thing to act upon, his father laid slain at the foot of the throne of his kingdom, by the false king "You fear your kindom in ashes, your fathers legacy brought down" he left Valios' mind and waved his hand in front of Valios' eyes and forced a flashback of his father lying dead as Valios looked at the cultist lying dead and he whispered in his ear again, "Valios, i know what happened to your kingdom, dont you wish for your fathers throne, i can grant you this, just do as i asked, take the Gold and pay the barbarian, to take you to the destination on the map, their i will grant you the power to reclaim your kingdom"

He looked at Eida, he knew she could see the tormented souls leave the dead bodies of the cultists, how ever the cultist was right and wrong, he wanted him to die, but he wasnt gonna be part of the army, just another soul sent down into eternal torment. he Floated over to Eida, "I knew you would make me proud Eida," he whispered in her ear "I know your mother is proud of you too, lead this prince to the Destination on the map, and more shall be revealed to you." He smiled as the glow surrounding the ax faded then the ax looked normal again, it was but a taste of power he had granted.

The map was a layout of the land, with a destination marked and a trail to follow, the first stop was the Plagued Forest

the plagued forest, only the truly brave go there, and if their lucky to survive it, and come back with riches from with the forest, they were to be given a audience with nobles and/or king. But, none have returned from the forest, the forest is cursed by nature, every tree in the forest is dead or dying, the forest lays quiet with out a single animal sound, not even a cricket is heard. Rumors say that it is filled with walking corpses guarding a forbidden trail leading to the Reapers Teeth mountains. Some say that something dark dwells within those mountains, but what are adventures for, who knows whats in the mountain, could be riches, could be a youth fountain, could be dragons, who's scales make light but strong armor, or it could be nothing but unexplored
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Hal looked to the sky as Jimunu said to prepare and a his expression of amazement for the mortals turned to frustration when he saw the sign in the clouds and the souls go to and from it. "Drako, why now. Do you have no respect?" he then turned his gaze and watched as the ghouls made their way into the infested forest. "you chose to do this today, of all days." Hal turned to the others with him. "With Drako building his forces, again, we should be on guard, and gather forces of our own." Hal considered himself and Jimunu the military leaders of the group, but never saw himself above Jimunu or the others. He always was open to whatever plans they had as well, he just never liked or trusted Drako at all.
The raven sat on top of Valios' white horse and watched all the events unfold of the clouds and priests. It then crowed loudly as it saw the map fall to the ground as if it recognized the maps contents. Spreading it's wings it flew to the map landing on it and stared at Valios moving it's head in fast quick movements as the silver tube was glinting in the sun light on it's leg.
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