
Darko heard the raven and looked at it as it landed on the map, 'could it be?' he squated and took a closer look at it and he reached for the silver tube on its leg, "What do you have hear my feathered friend" he took the silver tube and read its contents carefully, trying to figure out what it was hiding, but his investigation was cut off by a familiar feeling and he couldnt help but smile and laugh as he looked up to the sky. "So, you have noticed Hal, maybe i should personally pay each of you a visit" grins evilly as he raised his hands and a dark skeleton horse appeared with flaming sockets and a main and tail of souls, he laughed as he rode His undead steed to the heavens. Once there he sent his steed away and started walking up to the palace doors only to be stopped by the guards, "Halt, state your business, before we run you through." Darko smiled through his dark cowl "Don't you recognize my face fool" the guard stared and pondered and once he realized it he readied his spear with his fellow guard only to be cut down with one swing with the Reapers scythe "foolish move." the guards vanished in their death and he walked right on in toward the council chamber, he heard everything Hal said and couldnt help himself "Oh and do you believe after all these years, your forces would stand a single chance against the armies of the damned, come now Hal, we both know the consequences of the living fighting the damned, remember your little Hero?" with that said he held up a glass orb with the fallen heroes soul trapped on the inside, still screaming in torment and agony, Darko couldnt help but chuckle, "i Vowed i would return Hal. here i am, back, and stronger than ever" The Dark Hooded Figure laughed and was surrounded by other Guards of the forces of light weapons drawn and ready "In competent fools, do your really think your match for me," he raised his clawed hand and a scythe that Hal was familiar with formed in the palm of this fearsome foe, the same scythe that has claimed many of the old order of light, a extremely dreadful weapon, "Drak Vortas, Nexva, Darlesova..." the Scythe seemed to glow an unholy glow "...Grenstro Mal, Dreni..." the glow began to ripple with the souls of the lives its claimed "...Forcani Sa..."The Cloaked figure gripped the scythe with both hands and got ready to swing the Dreadful weapon, the guards braced themselves unknown what was about to happen once that blade swings "...FORSAKA!!!" and with the final word he swung the scythe with all his might and the fearsome weapon that was glowing and rippling with power, glided threw the air and sliced through each of the well armored holy guards like a knife through butter, the blade of the weapon looked like it was put in fire and heated to forging temperatures, the guards all lit up and burst into flames after the blade past through them, sending their souls into the blade and letting their bodies turn to ash. Darko couldnt help but laugh as the lifeless bodies crumbled to ash before him and everyone in the chamber. The Enchantment spoken was in the forbidden language of the light gods to few knew how translate it during the war, all but one was slain, most claimed by that very weapon. "Know this Hal, and other gods and goddesses of light..." his scythe vanished and with a clawed finger pointed at each of the gods and goddesses, "...Darkness is coming, and there is nothing you can do to stop this blight that follows." and with that said with the ashes he vanished to his domain like a a spectre in the light