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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Hilda Maristela, Library

"Um... It's n-nice to meet you, R-ran, um..." Well, at least she seemed friendly. That was a little reassuring, really. As she was offered Ran's jacket, Hilda shook her head. "I, um... I don't r-really need it... It's just kind of... Embarrassing, ahah..."

Even as she rejected Ran's offer, though, another person had offered their coat, this time a man. Most definitely a man. He seemed to be built entirely out of muscle, something that was made even more apparent by the fact that without his coat he was currently shirtless. Now, Hilda did rather prefer more... Streamlined men, being more a fan of prettyboys than manly types, but she couldn't help but turn bright red at the sight of such a well defined chest.

You could grind meat on those abs! she thought, as she squeaked out an incoherent rejection. After all, he probably needed it more seeing his shirtless state... Even if the coat would go well with her new hat.

Thankfully, the awkward moment was soon broken.

Unfortunately, it was broken by a rather irate gorilla with an utterly fabulous fashion sense. And someone had just loudly challenged it to a dance battle. And really, Hilda could only handle so much weirdness in a short span of time before she freaked out.

"...W-w-wah!" In shock, Hilda quickly hid behind Ran... Or at least tried to. In her haste, her foot ended up caught on some rubble. Losing her balance, the poor girl ended up faceplanting into the floor beside her new friend, the force of the impact sending something rolling out of her bag. Desperately scrambling to grab whatever it was before she lost it, she took one look at the item and for the briefest moment almost forgot about the gorilla dance battle. It was... A Fruit. A rather large, golden peach, the skin covered in a swirling pattern...

"...Th-this is all too weird..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zero Hex
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Zero Hex

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Chuck was caught rather unprepared by the blow. After all, he was still busy taking stock of the situation. A giant gorilla in funny clothes wasn't exactly something one saw every day and he just had to stop and stare while his mind tried to process its dynamic entrance. It was a good thing he was staring, since he could see the blow coming and managed to raise his arms to protect himself on instinct, even if he couldn't brace himself or anything. He was knocked straight off his feet, a first, and as his jacket flew off his hand he rolled around the floor and smacked his back against a stone wall. A trickle of blood emerged from his broken lip.

It'd take him some time to realize that he should have, by all rights, died right there or at least suffered severe injuries, but the shirtless teen was busy being pissed to notice at the moment. Hell, he was so pissed that the pain, while noticeable, was metaphorically put in the back burner. He'd had about all he could take, and the straw that broke the camel's back was getting smacked around for no reason by a goddamn ape. While that other guy was still going on about dancing Chuck charged full speed at the ape, screaming "MEN FIGHT!" at the top of his lungs as he launched himself at the back of the creature's knee shoulder-first. Wasn't too hard, considering the size of it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shisa
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Shisa Rival Character

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Junko was not aware of the fact that other people were all over this mysterious library, nor was she currently privy to the funky monkey fight going on. Her attention was on something far more important; the blank books. As far as she knew, she had been thrown into some strange new world like in every anime ever. The first thing she saw was thousands of blank books, so she knew they must be important. They must mean something. They must hold clues about the world she was now in or tell her about how she got there.

But they were all blank, which likely meant that she was supposed to write something. Thus, she began drawing copious amounts of BL in every book she could get her hands on.

"If this world does not yet know the beautiful, pure love of two boys than I will teach it." She thought, resolutely. Well, until the sounds of battle permeated her thick head.

'MEN FIGHT' was all she really needed to hear to look up from her art and bear witness to the battle currently going on. Men fighting each other was one of her favorite things ever, but sadly the opponent was just a badly-dressed ape instead of a brooding, misunderstood bishonen who was trying to cope with his strange feelings for the shirtless boy who was obviously the main character.

"Look at those muscles, OH MY GOD. B-but now is not the time to be admiring. Besides, 3DPD. That monkey is obviously the bad guy, and I need to help!"

Her arm trembling, Junko took one of the yaoi-filled books and chucked it directly at the ape's head- hoping to cover the muscley guy's assault.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Of course Nate was watching the battle between the ape and some overly muscular guy, but it seemed that despite some of the others helping out by throwing books the weirdly dressed animal had the advantage. Wondering if and how he should help, he eventually thought of his "new" right hand. "If those nails are as sharp as they look, I might be able to use them to cut that gorilla."

Rather than charge at his opponent Nate decided to use the still standing book cases to sneak up behind the ape. At the same time he unwrapped the bandages from his hand.When he hopefully unnoticed ended up behind the creature, he just had to wait for the right moment.. When the shirtless muscular guy seemed to launch himself at its knee, Nate knew the time had come. Hoping the frontal attack would disorient the gorilla, he was planning to jump on its back and then using his nails leave it with some nasty cuts.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"..." The situation was completely and utterly going FUBAR as a giant psychedelic gorilla showed swinging and knocked away some of the boys in the congregating group. And then her new friend was so frightened by the thing that she got hurt! "...You..." This was a sufficient enough spark to ignite the "fight" part of "fight or flight" response to the gorilla, her concern for the girl overriding the fear that such a large animal was supposed to generate. "Why the hell would you even do that?! Coming out of nowhere and attack... k... k..." The ape's appearance also proved enough to send a bit of dust scattering about, which the worked up girl ignored up to the point it was tickling her nose. "Choo!" With a petite sneeze, SOMETHING flowed out from her. It was like a powerful gust of wind that blew towards the beast, and had she not been so out of it, she'd have realized she pulled off the trademark Negi Springfield clothes destroying sneeze that completely shreds any nonmagical protective covering into bits and pieces.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scio
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Words were obviously not getting through to the well-dressed ape as it continued to stand its ground, howling and pounding its chest. It was as if it was trying to intimidate its guests who were clearly not welcomed. However, the young trespassers were just as stubborn as their host as they decided to retaliate. One would think their efforts would have been considered quite useless considering the size of their opponent. This would have been an accurate guess, but for some reason, this wasn't as true as one would have wanted to believe.

As the two books slowly soared across the air, the purple gorilla that was establishing its dominance, was profusely sweating. Its primal demeanor soon turned to that of a panic as it rushed towards the pieces of literature, attempting to catch both in its hands. Fortunately for the ape, albeit a few ruffled pages, he had safely received the books without damaging them. Unfortunately for the beast, things were about to get bad.

From out of nowhere, a sudden body of weight and force had collided against its back knee. Although not doing any visible damage, it made the gorilla fall on its knees. In the process, it had accidentally dropped the books it held dear in its palms. To make matters worse, tattered pieces of its clothes fell to the ground as another one of the youngsters made his move, assaulting the massive ape from behind it. However, what followed was considered the icing on the cake. A gust of wind had appeared out of nowhere, blowing against the behemoth of a monkey. The winds were not strong enough to knock the gorilla off its feet, but it did manage to tear and strip it of its clothes and destroy the two books that were previously laying on the ground.

No longer with its glasses, the group of teenagers could clearly see the look of surprise and disbelief that were projected from the ape’s eyes. This did not last long though. Getting back up its feet, the gorilla began brooding as its entire body began to vanish, leaving behind an incredibly large pile of purple-red fur.

Unsure of what had just happened, the young trespassers simply stood in silence and waited for something to happen. Coincidentally, something did.

A burst of movement erupted from the mass of fur as several smaller sized gorillas, similar to the size of the original one, appeared. Rage-filled and unbelievably agile, all of them went for the attack.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Damn they are charging like Proud Americans for the California Gold Rush!" Katsuo spun around to dance, "You guys wanna da-" That was when he was treated to more screeching by the rambunctious monkeys. "Well okay then." He said.

Jumping up to his skateboard, he prepared for a quick and agile battle, and instead... Got smacked down by a Purple Chimp Gorilla Monkey-thing, who was flailing his upper limbs at him, specifically the head. The monkey quickly drew blood as they battered his face, which for sure was going to bruise his delicate skin. At least he thought it looked delicate and porcelain. "That isn't groovy baby!" Katsuo noticed that his skateboard, it was in a reachable range! He quickly grabbed it with his right hand and swung it at the monkey. "YIPPIE KAY YAY, YANKEE SKATEBOARD SMACK!" He yelled out as he knocked the creature off.

Breathing heavily he dramatically pointed at monkey, as he held up his skateboard. "D-Don't.." he wheezed as he continued "Rock the Boat." He said coughing up a bit of blood, as the same monkey lunged at him. As Katsuo began to shuffle out of the way, not wanting to be caught off guard again, he noticed his shuffle slid him further than usual. "Woah! That was AWESOME!" Keeping balance, which he found oddly more difficult than usual as if he was on a much more slippery surface, he quickly placed the skateboard down as he removed the jacket tied down around his waist and moved it onto his shoulders to use it as a makeshift cape/cloak of sorts. Which maybe wasn't as cool over his backpack, but Katsuo felt the groove to do it. "Now then! Fee-" It was at that moment he noticed another monkey taking his skateboard to use as a tool for battle.

"YOU CAN'T JUST STEAL MY SKATEBOARD DESPERADO!" He slammed his right foot down as he lost a bit of balance and was slipping on the floor. After a few attempts of shifting weight he regained his balance and... The monkey just smacked him in the chest with his own skateboard knocking him down.

While taking a paddling, well a beating to his torso, from his own skateboard, he swung his legs to kick the monkey away, which he did successfully do. The skateboard fell as he held out his arms and caught it. He slowly got up, slipping a bit in the process. He began breathing in and out as he coughed a bit more blood and leaned on his skateboard.

"Okay, okay... Could we stop hitting me for a moment? Time out, time out!" He asked of the monkeys. And Lo, the monkeys didn't listen as another charged at him screeching while baring its fangs.

Katsuo breathed in and out before shouting out, "I LIKED IT BETTER WHEN IT WAS JUST A GORILLA! " He paused as he swung his skateboard at the creature, "Before it was only a gorilla... not a mob of chimps." He said wheezing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The fact that the gorilla went down that easy honestly surprised Nate, however the explosion of monkeys came just as a shock. Upon seeing the monkeys attack some kid with a skateboard he realized that they were just as opposed to the presence of the humans as their "parent". While Nate wanted to help the skateboarder, one of the monkey's attacked him from behind. Possibly remembering what had happened to the gorilla, the smaller simian began scratching at Nate's back.While he was trying to get the monkey of his back, two more joined the fight.

By attacking Nate's legs the newcomers managed to force him down, and before long Nate was being dog piled by three monkeys." "A little help ple...ugh ase anyone," By jumping on back and knocking the air out of him, the chimps interrupted Nate mid sentence. Right now the only thing he was glad about was that his attackers were nowhere as heavy as the gorilla must have been.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zero Hex
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Zero Hex

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Well the day was officially too wierd for him. It was weird before but he thought he could handle it. He now had an awesome body and they were handling the gorilla fairly well, playing the numbers game and whatnot, it was just a matter of keeping him off footing. Sumo was full of matches where a smaller and weaker rikishi had earned a victory by not letting their opponent use the full extent of their strength. And then the gorilla was naked, then he wasn't there anymore and they were getting swarmed by a ridiculous number of smaller but still tough gorillas. The gorilla'd been big but not several dozen monkeys big.

Well, whatever, his situation hadn't changed much. People were getting beaten down and he was not about to run off in some random direction with nothing to go by and no clue where the hell he was going or supposed to go. So, he did the only thing he could. He grit his teeth, steadied himself and went at the apes, arms swinging. He got one, maybe two, right on the face before he himself was overpowered, dragged down by the sheer amount of critters going, heh, apeshit on him. He kept trying to stand, pawing at the clinging, smacking, biting gorillas in an effort to grab one and maybe toss him around or something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shisa
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Shisa Rival Character

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Junko squeaked in surprise as the large gorilla became a bunch of smaller monkeys. This was crazy, but the continued assault of the primates prompted her to continue doing what she could to assist the others. Thus, she began throwing more books in hopes of distracting the monkeys in the same was she had distracted the ape.

An errant monkey, however, blew past the others and managed to reach her. It jumped at Junko and attempted to attack, as the girl crouched down and cowered- hoping that it would be over quick.

But it wasn't.


Junko heard a muffled battlecry and looked up to see a large pink egg standing beside her, protecting her from the assault. Like some sort of... some sort of beyolked protector. She had even less idea what was happening, but she felt safer. The monkey that assaulted her didn't seem incredibly injured, but at least Junko was alright. She began throwing more books around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Jimmy was a little further than the rest, and so there was a second, maybe two, before the onrush of purple, possibly people eaters, hit him like a bunch of rapid toddlers on supped up tricycles. The only thing was, not that he'd complain, even if there was a break in the action and someone was willing to sit down and listen to him, it didn't feel like it should have. Sure, it hurt, and the air left him like rats abandoning ship, but as far as he could tell, there was no breaking. Not that he's ever experienced a break, but he was still sure nothing broke. He wasn't a fighter, and didn't do well with pain, mostly the physical kind, and was more certain that he'd be immobilized by pain of a bone snapping than he was that the apes were just idiots that didn't know how to do a hug right.

The wave of bodies was enough to send him rolling backwards. Claws scratched at his skin, and fangs bit down, but he was certain nothing was breaking skin, or causing him too much injury, if any. Panic pulled at his mind like a kid with a favorite blanky that got stuck under a car's tire. It was difficult to hold on to his thinking self, but somehow he managed to get a firmer grip on things before the momentum from the initial impact was done away with. Doing what he could, Jimmy managed to add another couple of feet of rolling before he came to a stop. He'd been hoping that would've separated him from the purples, but they were still on him, putting some more oomph into gauging out his eyes.

Trying to get to his feet was pointless, he knew that, after six unsuccessful tries which resulted in him gaining a few inches back, closer to the book shelf. He knew it was there, right behind him like his father who wouldn't let him run away from a fight and stood, arms folded, until he either won against one of his many bullies(which never happened) or came back, covered in bruises with a new limp for the night. No, he didn't have some kind of special awareness that allowed for him to keep track of his location through closed eyes. His head banged against a shelf, and a few books flopped onto the floor with that heavy thud leather books were so good at. The book! Something clicked in his mind, and a connection was mad. Before the closed lids of his eyes, he saw the giant purple gorilla, reacting to a book being tossed. There was fear in the creature's eyes. It moved to stop them from falling. Something about a book caused it to change. He had to do something with the books, but first he had to get one in his hands, which was going to be harder than diamond spade, encased in titanium, even though the closes book was only half a hand's length(No idea how much that was in inches) from his finger tips.

Another bell rang in his head, and this one was only partially a result of his head hitting against something a lot harder than the wood used for the book shelves. With a surge of strength, many people would consider under average for someone his size, he pushed himself against the monkey on his right, and probably got it by surprise, because that was only thing that could account for the amount of distance he got before the little ape pushed him back, harder enough slam his back into the ground, and cover the last of the distance from the nearest book.

With a desperation that would make a wolverine against a pack of wolves seem at ease, he grab a hold of the book, by a few of the first pages, and screamed. "Get off of me you damn dirty apes, or I swear I'm going to tear it. "
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

When one of the two guys who got smacked by the gorilla decided to threaten a book unless the monkeys left him alone, Nate got the idea to imitate him. Still being dog-piled, he reached around for the nearest book lying on the ground figuring it probably landed there after the brown haired girl threw it. With some effort he reached it and dragged it closer.

When he got it close enough, he opened it and placed the claws of his right hand on the first blank page."Alright similar deal as the other guy made, either leave me alone or find out how many pages I can shred at the same time."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scio
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

With the situation escalating from being weirdly far fetched to dangerously strange in a heartbeat, the young group of individuals were left to fend for themselves in a den of screeching yet abnormally organized oddly colored chimpanzees. However, instead of simply serving as some sort of poorly prepared meal for the wild primates, the band of confused teenagers were putting up a decent fight. Not only were they able to protect themselves from the primal savagery of the legion of monkeys that were assaulting them, they were also capable of subduing several of the purple beasts. It was probably due to the strange abilities they were manifesting as they gradually became more adept to the type of situation they were currently trying to tackle.

Unfortunately for them, this did not last; despite their drastic improvement in handling such circumstances, they couldn't overcome the disadvantage of simply being outnumbered. Beaten, scratched, battered, bitten, bruised, and dog piled, they were left at the mercy of their simian opponents. The scenario they were left with was an unfavorable one. It was obvious who the victors were. Strangely enough, none of the young individuals understood this as they decided to willed themselves on and continued to fight. However, instead of using their new found abilities, they made use of their abilities of observation and uncanny disrespect for a good old-fashioned hardbound piece of literature.

Not only did they resort to disorganizing the neatly arranged, categorized by genre, and alphabetized books, but also threatened to destroy a few in an attempt to coerce the purple chimps to stand down. Although dubious and downright cruel, their actions lead to fruitful results. From screaming chimpanzees, they were forced into silence and reduced to groveling and cringing apes as they immediately distanced themselves from the group of teenagers as soon as they realized that the books they spent so much time looking after were being jeopardized. Withdrawing their forces, they simply reformed into one massive gorilla once again, but instead of the howling behemoth of a mammal they had faced against a few minutes before, they were now presented with a giant on its knees. Completely dressed and with its head bowed down, it was practically cowering and begging for mercy.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Battered and bruised, and huffing out, Katsuo leaned on his skateboard after he finished swinging it at a few more monkeys. "C-co-" He started to say before he coughed out. He glanced as the chimpanzees fled and ran off. Before his very eyes, they turned back into a gorilla who was... grovelling. Katsuo immediately got off from his skateboard leaning, as he stood up in a heroic pose, holding his skateboard in his right hand.

Pointing at the Gorilla he chortled out, looking down from his nose upon the gorilla. "That is what you get when you mess with Mizushima Katsuo, PROUD YANKEE AND DISCIPLE OF DISCO!" He beamed a smile, which wasn't a heroic white grin, because it was stained in blood. "In MY VERY VEINS THE SPIRIT OF AMERICA PUMPS THROUGH ME! LIKE THE MANIFEST DESTINY, MY AIM IS TRUE AND PURE! UNDER THE TEACHINGS OF, THE..." Katsuo paused in this bold declaration, as he took a moment of solace, and spoke the name with such reverence it assured Hero Worship, and most likely things beyond it "JAMES K. POLK, THE GREATEST AMERICAN PRESIDENT TO EVER LIVE! I strive to accomplish the greatest things! But you didn't recognize such GLORIOUS SPIRIT! But, let me tell you, you have just seen a mere fragment of the American Spirit and its great power! MUCH LIKE WHEN THE HERO COMMODORE PERRY LANDED UPON ON THE SHORES OF JAPAN!" Katsuo stuck his left thumb out and pointed at his chest.

"Now, you have seen only a small fragment of AMERICA! But I assure you, you can strive to be an American as well." Katsuo said to the Gorilla, feeling sympathetic. Katsuo tapped his right heel to the ground as he did a spin, and pointed his left hand to the sky. Coughing up blood, which fell to the ground, he smirked again. "Now then... I'd dance but..." He returned his skateboard back to lean on it. "I wanna catch a quick breather first, to reflect on the Heroic Speech." Katsuo smiled with a content grin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zero Hex
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Zero Hex

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Chuck kept struggling long after the chimpanzees came off of him. He was badly battered, bruised all over and covered in scratches and even bitemarks, it was kind of nasty to look at and most people would've called an ambulance right then and there. Chuck, however, was fine. Not fine-fine, he'd just been beaten on by a horde (he'd call it a horde) of angry primates but the damage wasn't as bad as it should've been. As soon as he realized that he was swatting at air he stopped and looked around, spotting the large gorilla. It was once again clothed and was now...grovelling? It was a bit hard to tell, one of his eyes was swelling up. Chuck's, not the gorilla's. Chuck, still lying on the floor, only had one thing to say regarding the entire situation.

"...the fuck?".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

"Hey." Jimmy blinked, and pushed himself up, on his feet. He wobbled a little, because he didn't want to risk leaning on the bookcase behind him. Spinoza's god knew what would happen if he accidentally brought about harm to any of them. "Did we win?" His strange eyes settled on the massive primate before him, and then darted from side to side, making sure there weren't any of the smaller ones, slinking around, looking for an opportunity to jump them like a kid that was looking for a way to get back at a little sibling right after a long parental scolding. As far as he could tell, there wasn't any, and the Gorilla was on the level. Somehow though, the lack of other apes didn't make him feel any better. In fact, he was starting to get nervous again

No. Don't panic. With a deep breath, he turned and arched an eyebrow at the guy with the skateboard. He didn't look worst for the wear, but he wasn't talking so that might have said more than what his appearance indicated. "One of these days I'm really going to have to look up the things your talking about." He grounded his teeth shortly. "I hate being the one not to be in on the joke." His mouth was dry, but he swallowed hard anyways; doing so always helped him think clearly, and if it failed at that, at least it was something to do while he waited for something to pop into his head like a warmed pop tart popped into the waiting hand of a child with only seconds before the bus arrived.

"OK." He cleared his throat. "So, what can I figure from this?" He closed the book in his hand and patted it gently. "First, these are important, right? I love books too, don't get me wrong, but isn't starting a fight with a bunch of random strangers kind of a bad Idea? Who knows what we would've done!" He raised his hands over his head in exasperation. "Come on! One of us could've had a flame thrower, or been a top tier arsonist." He shook his head, and sighed. "Second thing. I can't get off track. Well, I can, pretty easily; actually its a specially of mine. " A finger scratched absently at his chin. Jimmy hadn't realized it was him, at first, so he jerked a little, and laughed nervously at his absent mildness. "But yeah. You can understand me, right?"

The bi-eye colored young man took a tentative step forward, and raised the book. "If you didn't, you would've have stopped, right? So would you mind telling me what's going on, or where are we, or what's so special about these books?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Even after the monkeys that were attacking disappeared Nate played it safe and stayed down, hoping to surprise the Gorilla again if necessary. However he abandoned that idea when he got a closer look at the animal. He actually felt a bit sorry for the Gorilla seeing it all defeated like that. After all even though it was clearly no normal animal, it was probably acting on instinct and trying to scare off intruders in it's territory. Apparently he wasn't the only one who felt that way seeing as how the kid with the skateboard as well as the short guy were talking to it calmly. To show that he meant no further harm he decided to hand over the book he threatened to shred earlier.

After getting up and taking the book with him Nate quickly joined in on the conversation. " Personally I think that he attacked us because he saw as invaders or something."He said looking the guy who was talking last in the duo colored eyes. Afterwards he turned to face the Gorilla and handed the book over using his right hand, which after the confusion he had forgotten to wrap up again. "Anyway, this is to show there is no hard feelings on my part."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shisa
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Shisa Rival Character

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Junko breathed a sigh of relief when the assault stopped. It seemed as if the power of the love that only two men could have finally brought the monkey to his feet, and Junko smiled slightly knowing that she was already teaching another world about the purest, most beautiful love in existence. As she joined with the rest of the group, she heard snippets of the other's conversations. Most of them were discussing the situation at hand, and Junko kind of wanted to join in, but she had such a tough time talking to people.

Her ears perked up, however, when the boy that reminded her of TK from Angel Beats! (Who she often shipped with Matsushita) began going on and on about the west. She kind of thought that the west was cool too, after all; mainly gay cowboys like in Brokeback Mountain, but she liked other foreign media as well.

Junko quickly took out a notebook and began sketching a picture of James K. Polk (Which she had actually done a book on), but in a more realistic style and less homosexual than she usually drew. She shifted quietly over to Katsuo, and showed him the portrait.

"L-like this?" she mumbled, her eyes to the ground and her hand trembling.

Speaking of TK and Matsushita, though, she bet that this yankee kid would pair really well with the foreigner. She'd have to draw some pictures later of this new pairing to see if it worked, but it seemed pretty solid.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Katsuo leaned on his skateboard, wheezing a bit, as he coughed out some blood and inadvertently sent it towards the Gorilla. He took of his fairly dinky heroic red jacket cape, and wiped his mouth with it, and placed it on his shoulder. "OW that hurt. S-sorry, know it wasn't groovy, but..." He glanced over as he heard a mumbling from some lady. Katsuo glanced at the portrait of James K. Polk, and his eyes began twinkling with joy.

"Oh no way!" Katsuo eagerly declared, "Look at those strong pronounced cheekbones! Like the majestic mountains of the Wyoming landscape! His visage, stern and serious understanding the importance of Manifest Destiny, as he started the Mexican-American War! Those flowing locks of a man of such stature, truly manly!" He gushed out, as he drooled a bit with blood, absorbing every piece of the image that reconstructed his greatest hero and idol. "That. IS. GROOVY! Amaterasu smiles upon this, like her smiles extending her light to shine upon the American Shores." Katsuo paused as he coughed again, "Babe, you have given Polk a magnificent portrait that will be forever treasured in the annals of American History." He blinked as he glanced at her, "Ah, oh, yeah! Mizushima Katsuo." He said as he moved his skateboard back to lean on.
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