maybe he has advanced pickaxes
but yeah they do
but yeah they do
manapool1 said
maybe he has advanced pickaxesbut yeah they do
TheSecret said
steel pickaxes?
OppositionJ said
Mandisan Exports:Vegetable OilSnake OilSilkMandisan Imports:Bronze For WeaponsFresh FoodLumber
TheSecret said
b-but...only two unique exportations dear
manapool1 said
anyone against me becoming the main villain over all?
OppositionJ said
A rivalry of the two most powerful militaries.
manapool1 said
maybe, but how I have been thinking it over, I plan on sending spies around in order to learn how people do things in other regions so that they can do them on there own and become a powerhouse,
Slendy said
Ok great Solstice Exports: Pick axes( Material or gem could be request like a diamond or a golden pick axe) , Herbs, Fish and Historical Books.Solstice Imports: Sand stone , glass and compressed materials.:D Now that I look at this I might need to be allies with a country who has blacksmiths.
booksmusicanime said
When Aurora gets back to her country could her parents be dead?