Okay! Now here comes the last decision, do you guys want to jump into this tear and go straight into Rapture, or do you want this one to close and one more open so that the characters can tie up loose ends? Regardless, we will be going to Rapture with either this tear or the next. Because of Val kickin some ass, it could give Sam, the prisoner, time to get away far enough to open one last tear in a more convenient location for our characters, that is, not the middle of the prison.
Also, feel free to take control of some things, such as the tears (closing) for your character's bit. Just don't do anything too drastic. And as far as Raptures notorious bad guys go... (Cohen, Steinman, etc.) if any of you would like to take them on in an NPC role (kinda like how I am with the prisoner) and you have an idea as for how our characters could get mixed up with them, then go for it. Obviously this would be a very short roleplay if we rescued all the people too soon and tada! Saved the day.
Let me know guys, I enjoy full interaction from you :3