Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 26 days ago

Episode 1: VP Territory

The small engine motorcycle hummed more than roared, with the well shielded air intake and exhaust. It could still attract them but it moved fast enough to leave them well behind, and Charlotte made a point to make camp a solid distance from her vehicle. She was on the empty side of the highway, it was Northbound, but she traveled South, as the Southbound side was full of long forgotten gridlocked cars.

The sound of another engine prompted her to check her mirrors, and she caught sight of a sizable pickup truck roaring down the road, right on her tail. There was nowhere to pull off and she didn't want to abandon her bike, so she hit the throttle as hard as she could and shifted into her fifth and final gear. The little two-fifty was no match for a V8 Hemi, and the truck was gaining too fast. She had no choice but to hope that they drove right on by; not everyone would harass you if you traveled alone, just most of them.

As the truck approached, a bullhorn came across to her loud and clear.

"Pull over immediately, or we will open fire."

She cursed, and checked her mirror. Sure enough, there were three men standing in the truck bed, and aiming assault rifles over the top of the cab as they both sped down I95. She started to reduce her speed and eventually came to a stop on the side of the road, her mind working as fast as it could. Even now, she could hear the moans, attracted by the even louder truck. She turned to look at it as the three men in the back got out and faced opposite directions. They each raised their rifles and fired with deadly precision at any mob in sight. Meanwhile, the driver got down from the cab and approached her. All of them were in full riot gear, and armed with assault rifles and visible side arms. The man from the cab pointed at her head as he looked at a cell phone, swiping the screen with his thumb.

"No helmet?"

"Gonna give me a ticket?" she asked dryly, her voice just barely higher than normal.

The man barked a laugh and pointed his rifle at her. "Hands on head, don't move," he called over his shoulder to the others, "She's not logged."

She did as she was asked, cursing under her breath and praying that they only robbed her. A fifth man, who had been in the passenger seat came forward, his rifle hanging by the single-point strap and frisked her where she sat on her bike. Everywhere he felt an object in her pockets he reached in and took it. She took only a moment to be surprised at the lack of groping.

The man stepped back with her cigarette case, pistol, lighter and flashlight in his hands. He dumped the flashlight, tossed the pistol to the lead man(who took the support hand off of his rifle to catch it) and opened the cigarette case. "Filth," he muttered, taking out each coffin nail and dumping them into a pile on the ground. When he got to the joints he paused to sniff them, "Cannabis," he announced, and dropped them with the others. He came forward, ignoring Charlie's glare, and ripped the bag off of her tank unceremoniously. He took it over to the back of the truck and started rifling through the contents. She didn't dare turn around to watch him, but she could hear him toss some items into the truck and eventually drop the bag carelessly to the ground.

"We need that?" the passenger asked, Charlotte couldn't see what he indicated at.

"No. What do you think of the bike?"

There was a pause, and the passenger answered, "Honda. Good engine, probably. Real quiet, did you hear?"

"I did. Off the bike, ma'am."

She swung a leg over, and let the bike fall hard to the ground without the kickstand. The driver whistled and two of the other men stopped shooting to come forward and lift it off the ground and wheel it toward the truck. Charlie was turned now and could see as they, with the help of the passenger, lifted it into the bed. She gritted her teeth, but said nothing as the driver snapped his gloved fingers in her face to get her attention.

When she looked at him, he lifted a cell phone and took a picture of her face. He tapped on the screen with one hand as he started what sounded like a rote speech, "You have been logged by the Vice Patrol as a Class B addict, found in possession two separate substances that have been determined to be detrimental to the continuing culture of mankind."

"What?" She finally cut in, incredulous.

"Do not interrupt me again," he chided without malice or, apparently, even much interest. He put his phone away now and pulled her pistol out of his pocket. He dropped the cylinder, and emptied the bullets into his hand. As he slowly dropped three bullets onto the ground, the passenger came back with her bottle of lighter fluid, and poured it onto the pile of cigarettes.

"You will not receive another warning to give up such vices. If you are caught again with drugs, alcohol, pornography, or any other subversive material you will be executed on site. I hope that you understand because you will not be told again. Have a nice day," he dropped her pistol on the ground and put the other three bullets in his pocket as he walked back to the truck. The passenger flicked Charlie's lighter and tossed it in the puddle, which went up in flame immediately, before turning without a word and following his leader back to the truck. The truck started with a roar and pulled a two point turn to rip down the highway the other direction.

Charlie took a shocked step after the truck and screamed at them, "What the fuck?!" She said again, quietly, "What the actual fuck?" but didn't have time to wonder, as she could hear more moans approaching, attracted by the light of the fire and all of the sounds from her encounter.

Charlotte scooped up the three bullets the man had so graciously gifted her, along with her pistol, and jogged up the street to pick up her bag and whatever the bastards had left. She saw her bat was still attached to the side, so she shoved her gun and bullets into her jacket pocket and picked it up. She held the bag under her arm, and the baseball bat in her right hand as she started walking down the road. A mob got too close ans she swung her bat at it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Michelle was currently on the second floor of an abandoned building, watching the scene with the biker girl and the truck full of soldiers through the scope on her rifle. She was in a more reclusive area, until she was chased out of her camping spot by a group of zombies. Fortunately, she had left everything in one little pile, so she was able to escape from the group with all of her possessions, and was able to hide from the zombies by going up to the second floor of the building.

Now, though, she had to ask whether the girl who was just robbed was worth saving. Normally she would help someone without hesitation, but ammo was hard to find these days, and she needed every bullet she could get her hands on. She decided to keep watching for now, and maybe help if the biker girl's demise was imminent. For now, it seemed like she was capable of fending them off long enough to escape. Now that Michelle thought about it, though, she would have to escape too, and the noise from the event here would bring a lot of zombies to the area. Michelle then decided to follow the girl when she got the chance, but for now she would watch.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RedDusk
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RedDusk Likes cheese and slacking

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

It was not a good time to be sane, Jagred had found. Not with all these madness surrounding him at the moment. For the last few months, his life had been turned completely inside out, and somehow, he still thought the worst had yet to come. Maybe it was just his pessimistic mind working in overdrive mode these days, but recent turns of events had given more than enough reasons to leave town. The most obvious one of them all was the fact that his supply was running low. He tried to hoard as much food as he could, but ever since he lost his pickup truck to some raiders in the previous town, things had been going downhill fast. Supply was scare down here on the Southern sides, with many competitions from various factions. He should know, the memories of a few last encounters still fresh in his mind. Most people here were desperate, with the strange Vice Patrol going around and taking all their things for minor flaws like the possession of alcohol, cigarettes, or any other substances that was deemed ‘detrimental to the continuing culture of mankind’. Even after weeks of observation, he still wasn’t sure what was up with those people. What was their purpose, besides from robbing their fellow survivor blind, or did they even have one? However, from what he had gathered so far, they were oddly organized, quite different from the unruly he had come across so far. That certainly wouldn’t do much good for what he currently had in mind.

The plan seemed quite simple, at least in his head it was. Find crazy gang’s truck, steal crazy gang’s truck, then escape with crazy gang’s truck. Seriously, how hard could it be? More than he had expected, apparently. For days he stalked their men from the rooftops, eyes pressed to the scope of his crossbow. He had remembered most of the cleared roads through the town, and more importantly, ones that led out to the highway. And still, he had yet to seen an opening. It was not the right time, he kept telling himself, but it didn’t take a genius to see that the situation was getting worse. Few supplies turned up, and the corpses had been even more agitated than usual. Jagred hadn’t dared to leave the safety of the rooftops for days.

Smoke rose in the distance, snapping Jagred out of his thoughts. He slowly got to his feet, squinting his eyes to make out the shapes below. It appeared to be a VP’s truck. Some poor sod must have been caught again. He pressed his lips together, contemplating his options. If there was an execution, there might still be some worthwhile loot, provided that he made it there on time. Wasting no more time, he quickly made his way across the rooftops, heading toward the commotion. Once he arrived, Jagred noticed some corpses below, which halted his steps. Maybe this was not a good time. Yet. That was then he saw someone that might not have been dead. The corpses didn’t use weapons, else he would have been shot ages ago. Which meant this one was a human…

Jagred watched the young woman swung a bat at one of the dead from the top of a rusty container, his finger twitchy on the trigger. In the end, he gave in, lifted the crossbow and fired a single bolt, attempting to hit one of the mob near the girl to get her attention. If it worked, he would beckon her over to his spot, not intending to get near any of those corpses anytime soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Jagred Dice Roll result for the crossbow: 3+2 for Steady and +1 for Bow. Total: 6.

The bolt, surprisingly, managed to miss every single walking dead, going completely unnoticed by everyone. The sound of the bolt hitting the ground was masked by the moaning of the dead, so no one managed to hear it either. A few of the walking dead that were right next to the place where the bolt hit the ground paused to turn toward the noise, but quickly lost interest and resumed to head towards Charlene.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 4 mos ago

“Tsk.” Alex couldn’t help but scowl as his scavenging resulted in nothing… again. Whoever had been around this area, they certainly had picked the damn places clean. Four buildings so far, and nothing useful to be found. With a sigh, he let his irritation vanish before looking on the bright side; at least there hadn’t been any Walkers around. It seemed that whoever had cleaned these buildings out had taken more than just the loot, but also any Walkers in the area. With yet another bust, he took the momentary lull to take a quick drink. The water was a bit warm and Alex couldn’t help but grimace, but hydration was hydration. Before he could move onto the next building over in hopes of finding some loot, some unmistakable sounds filled the air outside. The truck’s engine was impossible for him to miss, and it seemed to be in hot pursuit of something given its acceleration. “Damn…” he muttered as he considered his options. Part of him wanted to investigate what was happening, but another wanted nothing more than to bunker down for now. That sound would, without a doubt, draw whatever Walkers that were still around like moths to a flame. ‘What to do...’

He stepped out onto the street when the distant rumbling died down, the chase evidently over. He was tempted to duck right back in when the sharp cracks of gunfire replaced it. It’d be easy for him to just turn around, walk away, and wait for the situation to die down. Smart of him too. So that’s exactly what Alex did. Stepping back into the building, he kept his wits about him as the shots continued to ring out. Though he wasn’t in sight of the windows, Alex could hear the occasional moan or groan as a Walker shuffled by towards the sounds’ source. Thankfully, there weren’t many that passed by the street outside despite nearly a minute of gunfire. The engine roared to life once more before it faded into the distance, and Alex figured it was time to act. If he wasn’t mistaken, the commotion seemed to have been down by the I95 which wasn’t too far. Hell, he might even be able to check out the scene from the building’s rooftop.

It turned out that the I95 was only a couple hundred meters or so from the next intersection up ahead. He only needed to follow the general direction the Walkers were moving in before he noticed her, just in time to see her bash a Walker with her bat. It didn’t seem like she was in too much trouble really, though the amount of Walkers converging was enough that things could quickly turn badly if she made a mistake. The question was, should he bother risking himself to help someone who might not even need or appreciate it? Decisions, decisions, decisions...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 11 days ago

"Shit" Lee yelled as he ran away from the horde if monsters. Lee was not they type that would curse in this type of situation, but times had changed, and Lee just about cursed for everything. Lee ran down an empty neighborhood street, hoping to find away to out run the pack of infected on his butt. Lee turned back only to that they were gaining on him. Lee made a sharp turn to the right, making a break for a large 2 story home. With all the force he could muster as he ran, he smashed open the door the house and immediately without hesitation pushes the door shut, holding it in place as the infected howled and pounded of it. "Come on, come on " Lee mumbled as he looked around the room for something the barricade it. Lee smiled when he saw the table just an arms length away from him. He grabbed the table and pushed it against the door. Walking back slowly as the infected tried to get the door opened Lee laughed" How do you feel suckers, can't catch me know" Lee yelled. That all ended when Lee heard moaning behind him. He turned around slowly and looked down the hall, standing there was a tall infected man breathing hard. The only thing Lee could say before the man attacked him was "You got to be kidding me".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 26 days ago


The walker facing him down was just the tip of the iceburg. There was another coming through a hall door at the other side of the room, one trapped under an overturned couch, and still more moaning upstairs. All were attracted by his victorious shouting.

By a stroke of luck, his rush to grab the table displaced a woodcutting axe that had been leaning against the wall, and it fell by his foot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RedDusk
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RedDusk Likes cheese and slacking

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

His aim wasn’t exactly that bad, most of the time. Now didn’t seem to be one of those. After a brief pause to mourn the loss of a perfectly good bolt, Jagred loaded another one and took another shoot. He could back later for the bolts. One of the many things he loved about the crossbow was that they made little to no noise. Either way, the dead were less likely to notice him, and even if they did, he was ready to run. He might want to help the girl out a little bit, but no one was really worth dying for. She seemed to be capable of handling those corpses fine so far, still, she would be sitting duck on ground level. However, he didn’t try to get her attention by calling out whatsoever. Not with all these shambling corpses about. The risk was simply too high. The dead weren’t very good climber, with the rotting limbs and all, but he wouldn’t take the chance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 11 days ago

"You got to be kidding me." Lee mumbled once again as more of the infected revealed them selves to him. There was only 3 that Lee could account for, but there was still moaning from up the stairs. On if the infected was shambling his way to him from his left, and one from down the hall in front of him. He needed a weapon quick, he was not going to get away from this just by running, Lee looked around him, for just about anything, even a butter knife would suffice, but Lee's luck struck again. "Well I'll be" Lee mumbled to himself as hour grabbed an Axe that was by his feet. He held it like a bat, but with one hand about mid way up the hilt, poised above his right shoulder. "Come on you little buggers, come get a little from uncle Lee" he shouted as he ran and attached the infected to his left.

Lee slashed the infected monster with a wide ark to the left, smashing the blade into its neck, making it fall to the floor. He used his boot to unhook the blade from the man's neck, and then went for the infected who was not to far behind him, the same one from down the hall. He swing the blade in a wide under hand arc into the monsters stomach, pulled it out of the beast, raking the blade across the monsters chest as he did, and smashed the blade into its head. He pulled the blade out of its head and smashed it into the infected under the coach. Lee was breathing hard, "3 down, who knows how many more to go."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 26 days ago

Jagred - Roll of 7 + 2 +1 = 10. Success!

Charlotte was about to swing her bat at the nearest walker, her arms growing tired from the fight to get off the street, when an arrow came out of the blue from the East, piercing it through the skull. She looked in the general direction it had come from, but couldn't see the exact source. All she saw was a short stretch of tress, and a stretch of suburban street on the other side. Whatever was over there, they were willing to help. She fled in that direction, hopping the freeway barrier, and thankful she didn't have to cross the Southbound as well.

Lee - Roll of 6 +1 Hard +1 Melee = 8. Partial success!

The swing was a little short, and the axe hacked a gouge through the front of the ghoul's neck, and the force of it knocked to the left. It's head was now flopping on a thin bit of remaining neck.

Lee - Roll of 7 +1 Hard +1 Melee = 9. Partial success!

Lee kicked out at the walker's head to free his axe, and his foot finished the job, knocking its head across the room.

Lee - Roll of 8 +1 Hard +1 Melee = 10. Success!

The blow to the second walker's stomach broke it's spine, and it collapsed heavily in front of Lee, who ripped his axe free and brought it down on the creature's head, splitting it satisfyingly.

Lee - Roll of 7 +1 Hard +1 Melee = 9. Partial success!

Lee brought the axe down, but the trapped corpse's scrabbling arms got in the way. The blade severed one of the arms just below the elbow, splintering bone and spraying putrid blood down into the mob's face. A second swing got passed the walker's now diminished defenses and smashed its skull.

The mobs from the first floor were dispatched, but the moans from upstairs had intensified from the sounds, and scrabbling could be heard at the stairs.


Most of the deadies were flocking toward where the gunshots had only recently stopped echoing, which was already almost a sixty meters North of her, and the woods were basically deserted as Charlotte passed through. She came out the other side to see the back end of a cul-de-sac. She still couldn't see where the shot had come from, but she could see walkers roaming the street on the other side of the house. They were all converging on the front door of one of them, and she could hear them banging to get in. That often meant people, she reasoned as she stopped dead. The one who rescued her? She looked behind her and though the woods still appeared clear, she knew how many were on the highway now.

It was possible that the house was secured by her rescuer, so she took a chance and ran for the back door, swinging it open and barging in, her bat held in front of her. She came into a dark room, and as her eyes adjusted she saw a man standing in the middle of the room, a bloody dripping axe in his hands, a dispatched walker trapped under the sofa at his feet. Her mouth opened, but could manage no words.

It didn't matter, at that moment a scrabbling to her left alerted her of more ghouls coming down the stair well. She dropped her bag to the ground and took her bat in both hands, swinging at the first one as it reached the ground floor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 11 days ago

Lee stood there hating is life. Before all this Lee was still in collage, learning how to make and build things, to innovate, know that was all gone because of this dammed infection. Lee was thrown out of his thoughts when the feral screams and scrambling down the stairs of more infected could be heard. Lee raised his axe ready for whatever that would come his way.

But Lee was not ready for the random woman to burst in the home with a base ball bat and stare at him. Lee could not speak, nor did he wish to speak, there was just to much to deal with at the moment, he hoped he was here to help because if not, Lee would not hesitate to hurt her. The first infected beast shambled down the steps, but was quickly dispatched by the intruder with her bat. With that Lee decided to trust her for this time being, a second one shambled down the steps toward Lee, he held the axe above his shoulder and brought it down in a brutal diagonal arc into is neck. Another on was close behind it, but Lee's axe was still in stuck inside the other infected neck, Lee backed away quickly, motioning for the intruder to attack the infected from behind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Michelle was watching the girl when she looked like she was tiring. She was about to shoot the walker closest to her, but it looked like someone had beaten her to it. A crossbow bolt stuck out of the fallen walker's head, and the girl ran off in the direction the bolt came from. Michelle then sneaked downstairs, trying not to make too much noise. She always tried to make as little noise as possible when hunting, and she figured this was no different.

Moving to the back of the building, she stuck her head through the open door to check for any walkers. Fortunately, they all seemed to have been attracted by the noise, so her path was clear. She continued sneaking, making little noise, but also moving slowly. Now she looked around for a path to a rooftop or something, maybe a ladder.

Dice Roll for Michelle's Sharp skill: 11+2=13. Success! Stress pool: 1

Lucky for her, there was a ladder right next to her that led up to a rooftop. Slowly climbing it, she peeked over the edge, always cautious, checking for the walkers. It seemed like the only path up to the roof was the ladder she had just climbed, so there were no walkers in sight.

Michelle moved over to the edge of the rooftop and looked through her scope on her rifle, looking for something to spot. There was a house not too far away that was having its front door being surrounded by a horde of walkers. There were too many for her to shoot, and she wondered what she should do. Then she remembered the crossbow bolt, and she wondered if the shooter was still around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 26 days ago

Charlotte - Roll of 9 +3 Hard +1 Melee = 13 Success!

The base ball bat's spike caused an almost instantaneous collapse of the mob, the spike slid out and freed the bat from the skull.

Lee - Roll of 7 +1 Hard +1 Melee = 9. Partial success!

The axe came down on the walker's shoulders, and its knees buckled as it fell the rest of the way down the stairs in a heap with the first one. It scrabbled on the ground, tangled with the first as the third came down the stairs and stepped on both of them. It tripped and fell, and both Lee and Charlotte swung their weapons at the creatures on the ground.

Charlotte - Roll of 10 +3 Hard +1 Melee = 14 Success!
Lee - Roll of 5 +1 Hard +1 Melee = 7. Partial success!

The inside of the house was suddenly deafeningly quiet as the two strangers were left alone with a pile of bodies. It was a moment before either reacted, but then Charlotte took a step away from Lee and took a look at him. She raised an eyebrow and asked, "Where's the bow?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 11 days ago

Both Lee and the Intruder had successfully killed all the known infected inside the home. Lee sat on the floor surrounded by the now dead infected breathing hard. It was almost silent except for the constant banging and moaning coming from the rest if the infected out side the barricaded door. After the silence the woman spoke up and asked Lee a question, "Where's the bow?" the woman asked taking a step away from Lee. Usually Lee would ignore that and walk away, but that was so random it made Lee laugh. "Hahaha what, does it look like I have a bow, you must have me mistaken for some other man or woman." Lee said, wiping a tear from his eye. "Any way my name is Lee, nice to met ya, thanks for the help." Lee said as he got up and started to drag the dead bodies out side, he would make camp in this house for know, but there was some work to do before it was could be safe to sleep in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RedDusk
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RedDusk Likes cheese and slacking

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

His next shoot hit home though, returning a corpse to its rightful place. The girl got away then, and he watched through the scope of his weapon as she ran off into one of the abandoned houses in the area. She might have glanced in his directions for a few times, but he doubted she had seen him. People rarely looked up, and he could see now that even the apocalypse wasn’t going to change that. He loaded another bolt just in case, but lowered the crossbow and strapped it onto his backpack. From where he was, he could see the house with the help of his scope. However, the distance and the number of corpses made it less than ideal to take out one dead at a time. Therefore, Jagred thought he would try to lure them away from the house. He had gone this far to help the woman after all, might as well do it all the way.

One of his long-forgotten memories surfaced as Jagred was attempting to get from the container onto a bacony jutting out from the nearby house. There was a car not far from here where he used to stash food in. Its owner was executed by the VP long ago, leaving the poor thing stranded just North of here, flat-tired with the gas in the tank. The alarm still worked though, so he figured if he could fire a bolt on any part of the car, and soon enough, corpses would be all over it. But first, he would have to get there on foot, find a safe vantage point then successfully make the shoot from there. Hopefully he was up to the task. Afterward, if the plan was successful, he would return.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 26 days ago

"It wasn't you, just now?" She asked, but one look at him gave her the answer. "Got into some trouble on the street," she explained, "Arrow came from this direction, saved me. And if that wasn't you, then you owe me for helping you clear these goons."

It was a strange world they lived in. She was wary of the man automatically, but they were suddenly allies against a greater threat. She put the bat on the ground, leaning it against her leg, and dug into her pocket for the gun and three remaining bullets. Now she had a spare moment, she loaded them into the cylinder and put the pistol into her empty holster.

"Charlotte," she said by way of introduction, "How many are out there?" she pointed at the front door where the walkers banged and groaned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 26 days ago

Dead in the house: 0
Dead on the streets: 17

Jagred - Roll of 6 +3 Swift = 9. Partial Success!

Jagred was quick, and the street was mostly clear, but ten yards from the car, a walker charged out of an alley at him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 11 days ago

Lee looked at the woman as she told him her story, after she finished Lee replied "Well I'm not the man you are looking for, I guess I do owe you, but as you see I'm poor, the only thing I could share with you is some food, but your gonna have to help me make this place safe to live in for the time being." Lee continued to take the dead bodies and through them out the back door, he had just thrown 2 of the 6 out when he looked up at the girl as she reloaded he gun and told him her name. " Nice name, I can't tell you the exact amount there is out there but you could check, go upstairs and look through in of the windows that face the front of the house, that should give you a good vantage point to do whatever you want to do."

Lee was glad that he has company, but he did not show it. He planed to give her some food after she helped him and the next day leave for another home. Lee really did not have a purpose in this life but to just survive. Lee continued to drag the bodies out the door.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RedDusk
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RedDusk Likes cheese and slacking

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The plan was progressing just fine, right until the end, when Jagred got sloppy and screwed it up. He was just travelling down the empty streets, his steps light on the cracked sidewalk. The car he looking for was just about 10 yards ahead, if his memory served him right, which meant he could start looking for a vantage point right away. It was then, while his eyes were just too busy scanning the buildings above, a corpse took him by surprise. Acting purely out of his survival instincts, he leapt back and just fired the loaded crossbow, hoping for a hit. His reflexes had saved him many time before, hopefully it would one more time. In case that wasn't enough, once the bolt was gone, he reached for the ice axe at his belt, ready for the next round. His forte might not be fighting with meele weapons, but a man would do anything to survive. He would know.

If he remained unharmed by the end of the encounter, Jagred would proceed with the plan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Well Gisk got it now, no need for this to be here.
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