Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaelRavenheart
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In the kingdom of Pantos, the king has secretly called together a group of magic users to a secret meeting at his castle. There have been rumors of dark happenings throughout the land and the king has grown worried it may portend something evil brewing in his fair kingdom. He has decided to form a group of magic users that will investigate these rumors and tales of darkness and find out what is at the root of them. The fate of the land may rest in their hands.
Okay, this is a roleplay that will have spots available for only one of each of the following types of magic user.

Wizard (Uses arcane lore and knowledge to cast spells) - Molach
Sorcerer (Uses innate willpower and energy to cast spells) - harinezumikouken
Air Mage (controlls air element) - NPC
Fire Mage ( controls fire element) - Kirah
Water Mage (controls water element) - Whirlwind
Earth Mage (controls earth element) - WanderingSpirit
Druid (controls/mimics plants and animals) - Monochromatic
Necromancer (controls/creates undead) - Zombehs
Summoner (controls/summons demons and ethereal beings) - ThornyRose
Enchanter (creates enchantments and illusions) - NPC
Seer (uses various forms of divination) - Kirah
Warlock (uses hexes, curses and reality manipulation) - NPC

Beyond what is in the intro, the plot is going to remain secret until I reveal it bit by bit. Also, I've decided that characters CAN DIE in this RP, so you'll have to be careful about how flashy you are in combat, as you might regret it. I will be playing an NPC character in the group, the antagonist, and any and all minions of his, as well as any encounters I throw at you throughout the RP. This is not going to be one huge group of people, I'll be separating you into smaller groups after your characters meet with the king. As always, there will be no godmodding and no taking control of another player's character. You ARE allowed to kill one another however, provided that you do so in a way that is not god modding. However, bear in mind that slaying your fellow PC's will not likely gain you any friends, and your character may be killed for it. I will be the judge of what is god modding in a player death, but it should be rather obvious. \

Here is the character skeleton I'd like you to use. Characters not using this format will not be accepted, unless permission is given to change format.

Magic User Type:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaelRavenheart
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KaelRavenheart Dragon Rider

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Here is a full list of detailed explanations for the powers and abilities of each type of magic user.

Wizard- These magic users have the broadest range of effects they can produce, as their power comes from arcane knowledge and lore. The effects they can produce vary greatly. It is easier to simply state that they can possibly duplicate many of the effects of other types of magics, with certain exceptions, and never to the degree of the actual type. For example, a wizard may be able to create a fireball or a flaming wall, but they cannot wield fire like a fire mage does. These are the types of magic that cannot be duplicated by a wizard. Necromancy, Enchanting objects, Divination, Summoning, Druidry. Also, Wizards and Sorcerers are the only magic users that can wield lightning.

Sorcerer- A sorcerer draws his power from his own inner life force and willpower. He can copy the effects of Mages to the letter, as well as wielding lightning, and can also use raw invisible force to various effects. However, unlike a wizard or a mage, his capacity for casting magic is limited. Since the power comes from his own life force and will, he can only sustain the effects for a certain amount of time and can only cast so many spells in a short amount of time before he begins to physically wear himself out. It is possible for a sorcerer to kill themselves by using too much energy, though most of the time they would simply pass out before that happened. After resting an amount of time equal to the energy spent, he recovers his energy. However, passing out does not count as resting.

Fire Mage- A fire mage is able to both produce and control all manner of fire and heat, though he cannot wield lightning. When producing fire from himself, it takes an amount of energy equal to the amount produced, similar to a sorcerer. When controlling existing flame, he expends no energy. The limits of what he can do with the flame are only as limited as his imagination, though he cannot create living fire beings.

Water Mage- A water mage is able to both produce and control all manner of water and cold, even including ice. When producing water from himself, it takes an amount of energy equal to the amount produced, similar to a sorcerer. When controlling existing water, he expends no energy. The limits of what he can do with the water are only as limited as his imagination, though he cannot create living water beings.

Earth Mage- An earth mage is able to control all manner of earth and stone, but not metal. He cannot produce earth or stone. The limits of what he can do with the earth or stone are only as limited as his imagination, though he cannot create living earth or stone beings. Most non metallic minerals count as stones. For example, jewels and gems count as stone and can be manipulated by the earth mage.

Air Mage- An air mage is able to control all manner of air and sound. He cannot produce air, but he can produce sound. The limits of what he can do with the air or sound are only as limited as his imagination, though he cannot create living air or sound beings. An air mage can control wind, but cannot create weather patterns. For example, he could create a tornado by whipping the air around quickly, but it would have to be sustained by his power, since he cannot control clouds.

Warlock- This type of magic user specializes in hexes, curses and reality manipulation. A hex is controlling another person's luck by means of a specific trigger. (If such and such is the case, such and such bad luck will happen). A curse is a broad spectrum negative effect that can debilitate a person. (Causing blindness, weakness, disease, clumsiness, etc.) Reality manipulation is the ability to change the laws of the universe temporarily. (Reversing gravity, regenerating, enhancing physical characteristics, etc.)

Druid- The druid has the ability to bend the will of animals and plants to his own. He can communicate with all kinds of plant and animal life, draw on their characteristics to enhance himself, or even transform himself into them. Some examples of non traditional druidism that is possible, tree walking(teleporting from tree to tree by walking through them), shooting large thorns from the palms, exuding poisonous from the skin, blending in with surroundings, etc.

Necromancer- The necromancer specializes in creating and controlling all manner of undead. He creates undead by infusing his will into dead matter, then infusing also whatever components are required for that sort of undead. For example, if he simply pours his will into a dead body, he gets a generic shuffling zombie. If he pours his will into a body along with vampire blood, he creates a vampire, and so on. He can automatically control any undead he creates, though these kinds of undead are limited. he can communicate with and enslave many kinds of undead spirits. He does this by contesting the will of the spirit with his own will and if he wins they are forever enslaved. Bear in mind that not all spirits are undead. Here is a list of undead that can be created. Zombies, ghouls, revenants, vampires, lichs, skeletons. Here is a list of spirits that can be enslaved. Ghosts, banshees, wraiths, spectres, phantoms. The Necromancer can also draw life and strength from his creations, extending his own life and infusing his will to be able to create more undead. The more creations he controls, the more powerful he becomes.

Summoner- The summoner specializes in summoning and enslaving demons, devils, and other ethereal beings. These beings are controlled by the will of the summoner, though they have minds of their own. Once enslaved, they cannot escape unless the summoner dies or they are released by the summoner. No enslaved entity is capable of disobeying the summoner, nor causing him any sort of harm, either directly or indirectly. Every task that is set to them must be completed to the best of their abilities. Examples of ethereal beings that can be bound, djinn, faeries, elves, spriggans, dryads, naiads, etc.

Seer- The seer uses many different forms of divination to see the future, the present, and the past both specifically and in broad terms. There are many sorts of divination, most seers can do many of them. Tarot cards are focused on one person besides the seer, only seeing the future. Runes are focused on broad spectrum questions. Scrying is seeing afar through a calm pool of water, a flame, a mirror, or a crystal. Visions are flashes of present or future events while awake. Dreams are visions while asleep. Stargazing gives a broad sense of the future that is held for the caster or the world in general. Clairvoyance is focused on an object or person by touch, and can read their past and the emotions associated with them. Tea leaves focus on a specific person, seeing past, spiritual state, and future.

Enchanter- The enchanter specializes in enchanting and illusion. Enchanting is only ever focused on objects, instilling them with magical abilities, powers and effects. The enchantment is always more powerful if applied during creation. (What constitutes creation time depends on whether the object was permanently changed, as well as the nature of the object. For example, weapons or armor's creation time is always when it was first forged or put together. However, a written work's creation time is when the words were written, now when the paper was made.) The enchanter infuses the desired effect through emotion and willpower. The stronger the emotion and will of the caster, the stronger the enchantment. Illusions are images that are cast on the minds of human beings that can affect what they hear, see, smell, taste or even, in case of the strongest illusions, feel. The more powerful the will of the enchanter, the more believable the illusion. Illusions will only ever work on those who do not know it is an illusion. To that effect, illusions that would cause active harm if they were real will actually cause harm if the subject believes it to be real. For example, if an illusory tiger slashes at someone who believes it is real, they will actually feel the pain and even gain the wounds. Illusions are just as useful for covering up actual threats as for creating false ones. These are much harder to disprove, and since the danger is real, cannot be avoided by disbelieving. For example, if someone believes the road is clear but the enchanter has covered a ledge that drops off the mountain, it doesn't matter whether you know the illusion is there or not, you will not be able to cross.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

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Name: Elzbeth Moran

Gender: Female

Age: 26

Magic User Type: Fire mage

Appearance: Elzbeth has dark brown hair that was once upon a time long, but now there are scars along the back of her neck making it impossible for it to grow too much. She lets the top part grow down long enough to cover the worst of the scaring. She has bright blue eyes and looks to be in her mid-30's instead of 20s.

Personality: Elzbeth is fairly quite and keeps to herself. She doesn't talk about her past, but if you earn her respect you can trust her to back you up. The only time Elzbeth is larger than life is when she is on stage.

Powers: Manipulate/Create fire

Skills/Talents: Elzbeth is extremely talented at Fire Poi. She often finds a place to preform the art. Making a show of it all. She intentionally uses flint and tinder to light her poi. She has been known to travel with a thief that takes advantage of the distraction, but she hasn't in some time.

Equipment/Weapons: Her poi, a dagger and a staff. She also carries a flint and tinder kit

Bio: When Elzbeth was in her teens and still discovering her power she accidentally set the house on fire. She was the only one to make it out alive. Since then she's been on the move refusing to stay in one place too long, or to return to her home land.

The scared teen found sanctuary with a group of traveling gypsy-esque people. While traveling with them she learned poi and how to manipulate fire. She got into an altercation with one of the guys her age and burned him severely. She's been basically on her own since then, except for when she travels with one or two people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaelRavenheart
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KaelRavenheart Dragon Rider

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Elzbeth Moran is accepted. I am unfamiliar with Fire poi. Purely out of curiosity, could you explain what that is?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Have you ever seen a luau? It's a Polynesian form of dance. You should youtube some videos of it because words cannot do it justice.

True story I know how to do poi, just not fire poi. I'm honestly terrified to do Fire Poi.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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Name: Lyssa Weaver (though her birth name is actually Alice Mirage)

Gender: Female

Age: 25

Magic User Type: Enchanter


Personality: Above all other things, Lyssa believes honesty is the most important quality for someone to have. She is very honest, perhaps brutally so, giving her opinions on things whether people want to hear them or not, and never sugar-coating the truth. She'll be the first to object or support something when making decisions, aiming to do the right thing at all times. She is very stubborn and, at the worst of times, very argumentative if she feels someone is doing something wrong. However, she really does care about people, even though she has a tendency to criticise, and wants the best for people she cares about. She especially has a soft spot for children, who she acts softer and more gentle with, though no less honest.

Powers: Enchanting objects, usually with protective spells. Very weak illusion abilities.

Skills/Talents: Lyssa is very skilled at knitting and sewing, and uses these talents to make toy animals and dolls for, all of which she imbues with her enchantments, usually good luck and protection charms to keep the children who buy them safe. Protection and good luck charms seem to be her specialty, with her protection charms able to defend against any physical threat as long as the charmed object is held, and her good luck charms allowing events of good fortune to occur. These can be combatted by stronger magic, however. Lyssa can also make very weak and small illusions. She's able to create illusions of animals or objects up to the size of a small dog. Anything bigger or more intricate, the image will look ghostly and faded, with it looking more faded out the bigger it is.

Equipment/Weapons: A needle and several spools of thread. She also keeps a small charm bracelet that she made when she was really young and first practicing protection spells. As such, the spell itself is very weak and can only defend against blunt force. Sharp objects can easily go through the charm.

Bio: Lyssa is originally from a family of enchanters known as the Mirage clan, a group of travelling magicians who used their power of illusions to steal from and trick people, and was born under the name Alice Mirage. Alice was taught by others to "always look out for number 1" and take from others in order to survive, and lived by this code, though at times with a nagging doubt that something was wrong. Then, when Alice was 17, she witnessed her mother, Rosa Mirage, tricking a man into giving them money so she could bring his dead wife back to life. Rosa created an illusion of his wife who went home with him until the next day, where the illusion faded. The man was devastated, and Alice saw him become very upset, showing Alice that what her family were doing was actually hurting people. Disgusted, she took off in the middle of the night and travelled far away until she came to a small town in the kingdom of Pantos. Here, she met another enchanter, a woman known as Delilah Weaver, who worked at making good luck charms. She took Alice under her wing, somewhat adopting her and giving her name Lyssa Weaver, and taught her how to create toys and other objects which would be charmed with enchantments. Lyssa has enjoyed her time working as a toymaker and bringing joy to people instead of hurting them, and made it her duty to be an honest person. She rarely uses her illusion abilities for this reason, and has never sought any lessons to improve her making of illusions. Instead, she simply works with her enchantments.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by bittersweetsymphonia
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Name: Lux Pyreash

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Magic User Type: Seer

Lux stands at about five foot five with a slender built. Her hair is as white as pure snow, while her eyes are the color of a crimson rose. She's pale and fragile. Her clothing usually consists of a white sleeveless high collar shirt and light grey shorts underneath a long red robe. She often wears a red blindfold and a pair of red gloves. Underneath her robes is a small bag of trinkets that she uses to see the future.

Lux is quiet, reserved, and is a woman of few words. She's someone that is a true neutral person, and often acts only for herself. She's a lover of knowledge and nature, and can often space out just thinking about them. Lux is honest, to the point of being tactless and insensitive. Her bravery varies on the situation at hand. She can be cocky because of her ability.

Lux can receive short visions of the future that vary in range and subject when she's awake. Oftentimes her visions are about her, and they greatly help in keeping her safe, but she cannot control when she sees them. She also cannot see visions about actions made spontaneously. Lux can also see a person or an object's past by touching them. This ability of her is still uncontrollable, and she often suffers from headaches because of the influx in information. One ability she has mastered is using runes for guidance and help. They provide her with answers to riddles, pathways, and the like.

» Fairly good at the dagger
» Can read almost any language
» Is a bit experienced with herbs and medicine for healing
» Quick-learner

» Enchanted blindfold - The blindfold helps in restricting her visions, but its effect is limited. She only uses it when she needs to concentrate and not be distracted by a random vision.
» Enchanted Gloves - When wearing her gloves, she can touch a person or object and not have their entire history thrown into her brain. She almost never takes them off.
» Small bag of trinkets - Contains typical divination material. She can't use most of them yet, but it never hurts to be prepared.
» A dagger - She carries it around for protection. She's not a master at it, but she can hold her own amongst normal thieves.
» Small knives - Back-up weapons. She can throw them at her opponents. Her mark isn't all that great, but she's practicing.

Lux was born to two Fire Mages who expected their daughter to be a mage just like them, but what they had was a child the stark opposite of themselves. They had tan skin, flaming red hair, eyes the color of blue flame, and strong bodies. Their daughter had pale skin, silver hair, red eyes, and a fragile form. To say that her parents were disappointed was an understatement. What Lux's father didn't know was that his wife had cheated on him with a nomad, a person who hid his status as a seer. Lux's mother had been intoxicated and tricked by the nomad, and freed of the memories of her night with the nomad the morning after. She never doubted that her daughter was her husband's.

They thought she was a normal human, free of the wonders of magic. How wrong they were. They discovered fairly quickly that their daughter was a seer. They wanted Lux to excel, so they sent her away to be under the tutelage of a powerful seer.

Lux grew up under the old seer's wing. He raised her as his own, but never thought of her as his student. As such, Lux's studies had been at her leisure, and she would rather read about the world than further her abilities to see the future. As a kid, Lux was more of a "now" person, and had little care about the future.

All that changed when Lux was twelve and she saw a vision of her parents' death. The couple's murderer had been a maniac, crazed and shouting about a child that was rightfully his. Not knowing who they were, she asked Karsen, her tutor, to help them. She wanted to stop their deaths. That was when she discovered that some things in the future were inevitable. She feared her own demise, and never wanted to receive a vision of it if it was going to be as brutal as her parents' had been.

When Karsen passed away, an event Lux had received a vision to as well, Lux made her living by providing a peek into the future of people. She was generally liked in the cities she visited. Despite hating what she did, Lux continued as she had no other means to sustain herself. That was until she met a woman named Briar whose entire family had been cursed by a necromancer. They asked Lux for help in exchange for a roof over her head and food in her stomach. She accepted, and offered her abilities to keep alert for the necromancer's sneak attacks. She then worked with one of Briar's brothers, who was an inexperienced Water Mage, to defeat the necromancer. When they did, Briar's family rejoiced and allowed Lux into their home for as long as she wanted. -
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaelRavenheart
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KaelRavenheart Dragon Rider

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lyssa Weaver is accepted

I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I think your character is almost not strong enough. Lol I like where you are going, but I'm going to encourage you to beef her up a bit. After all, if she's to survive through this adventure she'll have to have some sort of fighting skills and her magic should be a bit stronger as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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KaelRavenheart said
Lyssa Weaver is acceptedI can't believe I'm going to say this, but I think your character is almost not strong enough. Lol I like where you are going, but I'm going to encourage you to beef her up a bit. After all, if she's to survive through this adventure she'll have to have some sort of fighting skills and her magic should be a bit stronger as well.

Hmm... I get where you're coming from... but I'm not sure what to do. How you described the enchanter class made them sound veeeery powerful, so I was kind of being careful with what I gave her. Hmmm... I'll have to think about how I should tweak her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaelRavenheart
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KaelRavenheart Dragon Rider

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lux Pyreash is accepted. I like your character quite a lot, but there is one small detail I should address. Unless she has an ancestor fairly close to her generationally that was a seer, there is no way that she can be the daughter of two fire mages and be a seer. Please add an explanation, or tweak her parents. Also, I feel I should inform you that your picture is broken. I'd like to see a picture of her if you want, but it's not mandatory.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaelRavenheart
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KaelRavenheart Dragon Rider

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XxFellsingxX said
Hmm... I get where you're coming from... but I'm not sure what to do. How you described the enchanter class made them sound veeeery powerful, so I was kind of being careful with what I gave her. Hmmm... I'll have to think about how I should tweak her.

That's fine, take your time. Just let me know when you tweak her and what you tweaked. Like I said, my descriptions are broad spectrum. If I thought someone was too powerful because they made their characters able to do EVERYTHING I put into the descriptions, I would have to dumb them down anyway, so I 'm glad you were cautious. ^_^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by bittersweetsymphonia
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bittersweetsymphonia awesomesauce

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

KaelRavenheart said
Lux Pyreash is accepted. I like your character quite a lot, but there is one small detail I should address. Unless she has an ancestor fairly close to her generationally that was a seer, there is no way that she can be the daughter of two fire mages and be a seer. Please add an explanation, or tweak her parents. Also, I feel I should inform you that your picture is broken. I'd like to see a picture of her if you want, but it's not mandatory.

Oh ok. I'll fix up her parents tomorrow, cus it's super late(or rather, super early) here. As for the pic, not sure why it was broken but I removed it. The pic itself wasn;t really all that good though. Maybe I'll add a new one if I can find a fit for her. Thanks for the accept.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

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Do matches exist?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaelRavenheart
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KaelRavenheart Dragon Rider

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

That's a good question, and now that you bring it up I don't think they do. However, she could use flint and steel or a lantern as a prop.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Okay cool. Can I argue she has made a rudimentary lighter? The concept is an easy one. She mostly needs the spark.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

How about I beef up Lyssa's powers so that she can create illusions the size of small dog instead but no bigger? It gives her more to work with that before while not making her too overpowered.

Also, what other kind of enchantments could Lyssa be able to use?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Monochromatic
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaelRavenheart
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KaelRavenheart Dragon Rider

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kirah- Yes, I'll allow the lighter.

Fellsing- That's all right, but she should also have some sort of combat prowess. As for other enchantments, I'm afraid you're going to have to decide which sorts of enchantments work for your character. Remember, an enchantment can be defensive or offensive, or merely game changing.

Monochromatic- Rai'adin is accepted. I have to say, his appearance is quite strange, even for what I was thinking, but I suppose I'll let it pass. Your character is going to get stared at a lot though. Lol
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Molach
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Erm.. I just got home from a very long day. but first come first serve.. ouch.

Anyway, ill try to throw up something really quick, with some of the ideas I already had. It won't be complete, but hopefully it will do to claim my spot, so I can finish it tomorrow.

also.. erm.. *clears throat* Any wizards in the works? you'd better hurry up, cause I am coming fro you!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Monochromatic
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@KaelRavenheart; Yeah... I tried my best to write something up, but I couldn't get it to fit what was in my head. And I kind of like the picture, anyhow. He can live with all the stares!

EDIT; Though I am kind of curious, what were you imagining for it? o_o
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