Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaelRavenheart
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KaelRavenheart Dragon Rider

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

King Warren Ainos sat in the rather modest seat that had been built for him at the head of the table in the castle council meeting room. His bearded chin rested between his thumb and forefingers, which absently would slide down his beard as he stared intently at the map before him. The map was of the entire kingdom of Pantos, and across it had been set several black markers that represented the troubles that had spread throughout his kingdom. This meeting was a secret one, one his wife and his two most trusted officials were in attendance. His wife, Queen Aria, was an accomplished diplomat and knew the ins and outs of every kind of political situation, as well as the repercussions any actions taken in his kindgom might have. She was a wise and noble woman. The Lord General Feyne was also there, a strongly built man with graying hair that had one been a burning red. He was in full steel plate armor, excluding his helmet. Lord Feyne was the King's closest friend and a master tactician. His war and battle experience were invaluable, and his opinion was highly regarded by the king. Finally, there was Lady Ophelia, one of the most powerful wizards in the land. She had a knowledge of arcane lore and magical influence that was unmatched anywhere in the kingdom, or at least, she claimed as much. She was by far the youngest of those gathered, being only in her mid thirties, but her mind was supremely sharp and attentive, accompanied by a no nonsense attitude and a fierce loyalty to Queen Aria, who had appointed her as advisor to the king.

The King stared for a moment longer at the large map. Two months before, when they'd first began keeping track of the strange happenings and dark dealings that had begun to plague his kingdom, there had only be a few scattered marks here and there. Now, only two months later, the map was completely peppered with black marks. Of course, they had been keeping track of the rumors and tales through the use of Ophelia's magic and discernment of what could be discounted combined with the Queen's intelligence network and the Lord General's knowledge of the land. It was quite possible that many of the black markers represented troubles that had begun as a side effect of another mark, ones that were deeper than the rest. Still, it was impossible to keep track of everyone one of them, or to tell which ones were likely to be the most important. That was part of the reason they'd decided to assemble this group of magic users.

At first, the King had been suspicious of the idea of giving the fate of the land into the hands of magic wielding strangers. However, Ophelia had proposed the idea and stood by it fervently and the Lord General had pointed out that the king's men could not take care of all of the problems either, firstly because they would not have the discernment needed to solve the problems and secondly because such a large number of the king's men roaming the countryside literally looking for trouble would cause panic, or worse, resistance or rebellion. The Queen had supported the Lord General's points and so the King had given in, giving the order for the most powerful magic users that lived close enough to the palace in the capitol of Hiran to be summoned to the castle.

Now, only hours from the time of the meeting with the magic users, King Warren looked up at his General, his gaze shifting from him to the Queen and he said, "So then, when should we expect the first of these magic users to arrive?" The Queen smiled gently and put her hand on her husband's arm. "Patience, my lord. Of the 12 letters that were sent, 7 replied by letter and two by other means. Ophelia has assured me that those who did not reply are likely to show up anyway, simply because of the nature of the summons." She looked up at Ophelia, seeking confirmation as a slight worry in her eyes, but it vanished when Ophelia nodded stoically and the Queen turned back to her husband. "The first of them should be arriving any minute, my King. When we sent the letters with the summons, Ophelia included a small rune that would serve as a token to be shown to the guards. I've instructed the guards at the gate that anyone who comes to the gates bearing one of these runes should be allowed inside and escorted here." The King nodded thoughtfully at his wife, then turned back to the map, his eyebrows drawn together into a worried frown. "Let's only hope that they are able to carry out this task we shall ask of them."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WanderingSpirit
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WanderingSpirit Wish Cloud 9 existed...

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Fiona nervously entered the castle through... stealthy means as she had walked out from a dark hallway. It had taken her some time and some researching but the Castle had a wall, the one that she had traveled through that wasn't guarded by any means, but it was the thickest of them all. She had managed to warp a tunnel through it just for her a small one that made her crouch to get through. She of course covered her tracks and rewarped the stone back to its original state. This obviously took some time, but she had gotten through in time. However she wandered how long it had taken for her to get through... She sighed as she silently looked around every corner of the castle and continued wandering the halls to find either the king or queen.

Along her search she glanced at herself making sure she was ready, she indeed had her ballet which she was holding around 3 in length. Her clothing was fairly basic something that wouldnt attach to much attention. Oh her waist she had a Ultility belt on her that she always had. Along with her regular clothes she had a hood which she had put on that helped hide her face when someone saw her, giving her a opportunity to escape without being recognized if she needed to. On her hands she had her encahnted gloves which kepted the warmth in and helped her grab her mallet easier, not allowing it to slip through her palm.

After a while of wandering about she eventually found the room. It had took a while but she managed to find her way, and she had indeed checked the room out through the key hole. Inside the room he saw the king and queen along with two other people who she didnt know, but she cautiously entered hoping it wasnt a trap of any sorts. She also hoped that they wouldnt be surprised by her presence not being announced as she didnt ask a guard to escourt her to the meeting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 4 mos ago

He wasn’t quite sure how King Warren had learned of his existence. While Damien was by no means modest, neither did he go about declaring his skill in his chosen discipline. He supposed someone could have noticed his two creations and deduced his skill from there, choosing to then inform the king that a Necromancer of no small skill was wandering in his lands. It wasn’t too unlikely, but given that perspective he didn’t quite imagine a summon from the highness himself for a royal task.

As the capital came into sight, Damien pushed the thoughts that had occupied him for most of the way here aside. He’d get his chance to ask questions and get answers soon enough, but for now there was royalty to meet. Cracking the reins in his hand lightly, his mount bolted into a full gallop. Death and Knight followed closely behind and the trio raised a small cloud of dust in their wake.

The three slowed to a halt as the gate and its guards came into view, one of them raising a hand for them to stop. Before the guard could say anything, Damien had already fished out the letter that had been delivered to him those few weeks ago. A few moments passed before he realized that the guards’ attentions were focused not on him, but his two “companions”. Sighing, he flicked the letter a few times, causing a sharp noise that broke the head guard’s focus. Clearing his throat to hold the man’s attention, which was already slipping back to Death and Knight, he asked, “So, is there a problem or are we clear to go through?” The man glanced between the rune, no doubt remembering their orders, and Damien’s companions, no doubt wishing to trust his instincts. Death Knights, as with higher ranked Undead, always did have this sort of effect on the living. While it wasn’t too much of an annoyance during his travels, it made venturing into more populated areas a bit troublesome, while staying in them was simply out of the question. Normally he would have just left them outside the walls, but he supposed the King would want some proof that this “young man” wasn’t just made of rumors, so the two had to come along.

After a few moments, at which Damien had taken to tapping his feet in the stirrups, the guard finally gestured to those behind him. The gate slowly began to open and Damien refolded the letter and nodded in thanks. He only got a suspicious glare from the man and his comrades, though it didn’t bother the Necromancer and he simply shrugged it off. After leaving their mounts at a nearby stable, the trio marched up towards the castle.

“Sheesh, talk about overkill would you?” The dozen guards “escorting” him didn’t so much as give Damien a response as the door to the meeting room was opened. They surrounded him and his two “companions” and frankly it was a bit suffocating. He could see five others in the room, one of which didn’t seem to fit in so he assumed that was another mage that had been invited. When they were finally in the room, the four at the front stepped aside so he could actually see without looking over their heads. Addressing the four, which he didn’t particularly care too much about, Damien asked, “Can you call your guards off now? I know these two,” gesturing towards Death and Knight, “give them the willies, but come on.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaelRavenheart
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KaelRavenheart Dragon Rider

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The King and Queen were both surprised when the young girl entered the room alone, a large mallet in her hand. The Lord General was more than startled, his hand going to the large sword at his hip, but Lady Ophelia addressed him quickly. "Lord General Feyne, stay your hand! This is one of those who have been invited." Her attention then turned to the young woman who'd entered. Lady Ophelia had a striking countenance, dressing in pure white and having her long light blue hair tied up in in an elegant ponytail style. She spoke to the girl, her blue eyes boring into her and her voice gentle, but firm. "You know, you should have had a guard escort you. I gave you that rune for a purpose, not simply to be fancy." Her attention turned back to the King and Queen. "This is Fiona Solrock. She is an earth mage, and rumored to be quite skilled," she said, gesturing to the young girl.

She had hardly finished speaking when there came the sound of marching feet from down the hallway and in a few moments a large number of guards entered the room, apparently escorting three people. One was a young man, and the other two were rather dark looking figures clad in full armor. The Lord General's hand clenched on his sword, his teeth gritted at the appearance of the two knights. He knew what they were, and by association, who the young man was likely to be. He turned his furious gaze onto Lady Ophelia and practically shouted at her, "You never told me that you'd invited a Necromancer here! You know that their kind are dangerous criminals of the highest order! Why would you invite him here, where he could cause the most damage!" Lady Ophelia's eyes locked onto the Lord General's burning gaze, steely and unflinching, her voice cold and hard. "Do you think me a fool, General Feyne? I would never sanction his being here if I though this man would harm anyone after being summoned here. I would never put our King and Queen in danger. I've had my spies watching him in every town he's been to in the last month, making sure he was trustworthy. While I can't say I like the idea of a Necromancer being here any more than you do, he could be of great use to us. Now, call off the guards." The Lord General's gaze stayed locked on hers for a long moment, then he turned to the guards and waved them off, shooting a look of disgust and contempt at the Necromancer. Lady Ophelia turned to the young man, looking at him for the first time, her gaze just as cold and hard as it had been when she looked at the Lord General. "Your two cronies will have to leave as well, you may have them wait outside. I trust that my judgement of you is not false, because believe me, if you try anything while in this room, the Lord General will not be the only one willing to destroy you in the blink of an eye."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Mia turned the letter and rune over and over in her palm. She walked closer to the castle, then turned and walked back closer to the comfort of the tree line. She’d re-convince herself to go ahead, walking closer again, then turning and walking back. Really, what crime had she committed? Okay, so a few stolen goods. Just to survive though! Surely the letter was not a trap to lure her in for such minute, petty things. Perhaps it was sincere. Or they wanted to get her information about the attack on her home. Yes that was more than likely it. Maybe they could even have her family waiting inside for her. So could always take the chance right?

A soft sigh left her lips as she gripped the piece and letter a bit tightly before walking up to the guards at the front. She was intimidated straight off, being a short girl and only 18. Her large brown eyes looked them up and down, as if waiting for them to state their business instead of the other way around. ”Well?” one finally said, startling the girl into smiling and fumbling with the rune in her hand til she dropped it. ”Oh sorry,” she mumbled, though it wasn’t clear if it was to the guard or the rune. She picked it up though and showed it to the guard, and unsure look on her visage. ”I… I think I’m supposed to see the king?” she asked, hoping the guard knew more than she did.

Unamused seeming, the man nodded and turned, heading towards the interior of the castle with Mia taking two steps for every one he did. She stuffed the letter back into her bag, holding it and her flask of water closely to her body. She had taken a bath that morning, but her clothes were not exactly what she’d always pictured meeting royalty in. And her long dark hair was tied in a rather sloppy bun to keep her face clear, which she thought was more presentable.

Mia entered upon a rather intimidating scene. There was the king and queen, as well as a very pretty woman and a large, scary man who looked quite angry. Several guards, a girl with a big hammer, and three men, one very tall with red hair who stood out, too. She suddenly felt very average and just cleared her throat to announce her presence rather than interrupt whatever was going on, as the guard who escorted her bowed towards the king and queen before leaving, Mia fiddling with her bag and smiling nervously. "So... this is the castle?" she grinned, hoping to ease whatever tension permeated the room currently.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ThornyRose
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The young man dragged his feet on the pavement, his eyes were seemingly boring into the guards' when he stood in front of them. It took a good few minutes before the staring contest had come to a standstill. The young man, Khor, reached out his hand, and touched the face of one of the guards, alarming the duo quite greatly. "Oh good... I thought you were pillars. I was afraid that I was talking to concrete." Khor chuckled while the guards backed away, angrily asking what Khor's purpose was.

Khor shrugged his shoulders. "Beats me. The man sitting on the chair sent a messenger into my forest. Imagine that--- I was hunting a rabbit when suddenly-- I know you're waving your hand in front of my face, you moron." the blind mage sighed as he facepalmed himself. "Just because someone is blind doesn't mean they can't be aware of their surroundings. I thought you'd learn that by now. I guess that large pike is only used to make up for a smaller sword." Khor smiled, sighing in the process.

"Anyway... The so called crown-man wanted to see me. I doubt that I'm the only one there, but I think you already know my purpose." Khor tilted his head in inquiry. The guards looked at each other as they agreed to escort him to the throne room. Khor was infuriatingly curious, touching and commenting on everything he could reach with his hands.

"COOL! This is sooooo smooooth! There's a pattern! It's... like 4 sides, but it connects to another pattern! What sorcery is this?! Hmmmm... I KNOW! This could be a weapon of mass destruction!" Khor nodded as if he won an argument, gliding his bandaged hand on the unknown object.

"That's... the wall." one of the guards sighed.

"Oh... I knew that." Khor replied in a whisper-like voice. "Well, carry on, young chap! Don't dilly-dolly now!"

The guards gritted their teeth in annoyance. This blind bastard was beginning to get on their nerves. The trio marched up the stairs with Khor disrupting the procession with his incessant curiosity. "That's a painting--- that's a vase--- NO! That's the maid!" was one of the most common conversations that happened during the pilgrimage towards the throne. Muffled voices could be heard outside of the throne room. "No, that is the carpet-- no, no, those are the windows, please... don't touch anything!"

The voices grew nearer. "NO! THAT'S THE THRONE DOOR! DON'T ENTER YET--". The throne door opened as Khor tumbled in, not realizing the function of doors in the first place.

"So that's what a door is for..." Khor snickered as he stood up while brushing his robes. "I have to say... the last time I was with humanity, people just waltzed in." the mage stretched his arms as he suddenly stopped in place. "Wait a minute... Is this-- Oh, no." Khor trembled as his hands clasped his face. "Oh! Good. I thought I forgot to wore my bandages. Clumsy me." Khor suddenly stopped talking as he turned to the small group of people who were in the room already; he could sense them. "So, you must be the guy-who-sits-on-the-chair. I have to say, sending a messenger in my forest really surprised me. Although, if I didn't know he was human... I would have eaten him for breakfast. Just sayin'." Khor shrugged his shoulders while shaking his head. "And I have to complement your place on the luxurious objects that I've touched. It piqued my interest, ya know?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"A hero is but a fickle opinion"

Ribbons of wind swirled around Gilgamesh's hooves as he sprinted down from the sky, his boisterous neighing alerting the guards as he rode down. From within the eye holes of his helm, Silas peered out with forethought, his hand wrapped firmly around the body of his lance in case of attack. His actions over the past few months had warranted this summons; he had deliberately foiled several skirmishes and attacks made by the knights of Pantos, and likewise took down a few of their enemies, but he wondered in which light had the King saw him in.

Dismounting from Gilgamesh, he placed his forehead against his muzzle, feeling the steed's breath on his face. "I shall return shortly," He whispered, his stoic voice only as loud as it ever needed to be. "Go and wait for me nearby." A shaking neigh was all he received in response, but it was enough to reassure him. He turned to watch Gilgamesh disappear in the distant, his armor clanking with a weary sound.

If this is a trap than I'm a fool for coming here. All the signs are pointing towards disaster and I'm ignoring them.

After going through the tediousness of showcasing the token, he was allowed entrance into the castle. With a armed guard leading him, Silas was brought to a room, the words and voices of others slipping from the entrance. Already he could feel the shadows of a plan enclosing around him, however, it was far too late for him to turn around now; lest he look like a coward. The guard stepped to the side as Silas walked in, his devilish helm revealing but a glimmer of his brown eyes inside of them. Instead of speaking right a way, he moved to the side of the entrance and leaned his six-foot-one height against the wall, his armor clanking as his arms folded over his chest.

A gathering of sorts... Just what is going on here? He asked himself, taking note of the war-mapped parchment on the table and of course the many moguls in the room. He hadn't taken the time to learn more about other mages, but the important figures of the kingdom was a different story. If... it is necessary, I will have to kill Ophella first. Let's hope it isn't.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WanderingSpirit
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WanderingSpirit Wish Cloud 9 existed...

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Fiona bowed before looking at the King and Queen along with there 2 other advisers; whoms name were Ophelia and Feyne. She said to them silently to them before she sat near the far end of the table.

"Sorry about that..." She said as she pulled out a chair for herself and seating herself. She silently waited for the other people to come and join in. While she laid down on the table and she recalled a earlier memory of why she wasn't escorted to the room... A bit embarrassing but it indeed happen...

And then there she was now, in this meeting. She was awfully sorry that she was unexpected but the guards wouldnt let her in so she had to find her way in right? She thought to herself quietly before she noticed that several other mages had entered the room, and wondered how long she was dazing off? She hopefully hoped that she didnt miss anything important... She sighed miserably now before she took her time studying each of the other mages in the room, taking note of their features to memorize them if she needed to in the future to recall them. And mainly she was surprised that so many magicians were actually alive, she had never seen more than at least 3 group of before in such a.... 'positive' scenario...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by bittersweetsymphonia
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bittersweetsymphonia awesomesauce

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

When the King's messenger arrived at her house, Lux was already walking out with all her equipment. She'd held out a hand, awaiting the King's summons, which surprised the messenger. He was smart enough not to comment on it, though, nor dkd he comment about the young seer's abode. It was a small, rundown cottage, looking as if the forest had claimed it as its own. Lux had never really cared much for the look of her house. What was important for her was that she had four walls and a roof.

Lux motioned for the messenger to jump down from his horse to accomodate for her short stature. He did so, and that was a fatal mistake. Lux had already seen his action and had maneuvered to jump on his horse the moment he left the saddle. She ignored the man's protests and instead urged the horse on, riding in the direction of the King's palace. She'd only seen the King calling for her and some others, but his intentions were still unknown to her. Was there a threat looming in the distance? Had Lux missed it when she had her blindfold on? Did that fatal mistake cost the entire kingdom everything? She was determined to find out.

The castle was magnificent, but Lux didn't care much for it. She'd approached the gate where two guards had their spears and swords drawn. It was to be expected. She was an unidentified person riding on the back of a palace horse. She'd forsaken their messenger, and that meant she was a threat. Or at least, that was how the guards perceived her to be. She jumped off the horse and took off the hood of her red cloak, allowing her silver hair to flow freely in the wind. "Lux Pyreash," she announced as she held up the letter, showing the guards the rune held within. The guards immediately backed down, but asked where their messenger was. Lux simply smirked and pushed her way through, ignoring their further questioning. She stalked through the castle halls, using her ability to determine which path to take. She knew there would already be a few people in the King's throne room.

She joined them, entering the room with a small bow. "Greetings."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Plugging his ears as the red-haired veteran basically roared his displeasure about Damien’s presence, the man in question just sighed quietly. It was always quaint when people broke out into argument once his school of practice was revealed, though it had gotten quite old by now. The fact that they had spies observing him wasn’t too much of a surprise, given they had known his location, but it was a bit dissatisfying to know he hadn’t noticed any of them.

Grinning at the general’s glare and waving the guards goodbye as they marched off, he shrugged dismissively at the lady’s whittling stare. “I don’t think they will. I prefer to not have my two “guards” outside when one of the men who summoned me,” gesturing at the general as he spoke, “evidently wants me dead as my “kind” deserves. And while I’m sure someone of your caliber could make good on your threat, I’m also sure that’s a great way to get your plan started off. “Oh, I’m sorry your highness, we just had to waste your good resources to bring someone into your council room so we could kill them off here.”” He finished in a slightly mocking tone as he crossed his arms and waited for their response, uncaring for the tense atmosphere. If they couldn’t stomach his presence, then he’d walk and he would just love to see them try and stop him. Though given this was the palace, he wouldn’t have been surprised if they were able to. It’d be an interesting bid to escape for him at the least though.

Though his attention was still mostly focused on the general and lady, he noticed others entering the room, skirting around his two “knights”. One, a younger girl, evidently quite nervous, another, a boy, who was rambling, one clad in armor, a man given its shape, and another young lady that followed last. Though he was the picture of ease, feet tapping randomly against the stone floor, Death and Knight were deathly still at his side, ready to move at an instant if need be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Elzbeth had been in the capital city for a few days. She had purposefully made her way there sooner. Elzbeth had wanted to understand the atmosphere in the city before entering the castle. Now she had watched a handful of other obviously powerful people all showing the guards the same rune she had. They had been summoned for the same meeting Elzbeth assumed. She tucked her lighter carefully under her left hand sleeve. People shook hands with their right for a reason. If need be the lighter was easily accessible. She hoped she wouldn't have to light anything on fire inside the castle.

With a sigh of trepidation Elzbeth walked up to the guards. She wore her travel clothes instead of her stage clothes. The difference was in the amount of material covering her body. It was best to keep clothes to a minim on the stage. Added to the realism of the danger. Fire was indeed very dangerous to most people. To Elzbeth it hadn't been dangerous in many years.

"State your business." The guard gruffly spoke to Elzbeth.

"I've been summoned." She held up the rune for the guard to see. He seemed unimpressed at this point. Enough people had proceeded Elzebth that her rune was of little note. She didn't care, she just wished to answer the summons. Hopefully it wasn't for traveling with Glair and that strange girl. Elzbeth was fairly certain Glair's sketch had been on the walls calling for his arrest. Dumb man had been caught again at his thievery.

The guard led Elzbeth into the throne room. It was currently being used as a war room. The map caught her attention first, what was that one gentleman's name, he had been quite fond of maps. That had been a short arrangement. Elzbeth's eyes drifted over each individual in the room. The King, his wife (more powerful in Elzbeth's opinion), the guard (high ranking obviously), the strong wizard Ophelia, then the other summoned. She tried to figure out what each of them were. When she had made a short assessment of each present she bowed slightly toward the King and Queen. She was not native to their county, but she'd give them their due respect.

The tingle of so much magic in one room was disconcerting. Not even the powerful seer of the gypsies had given off so much energy. Her hands tingled slightly under the leather gloves.

"Good day." Elzbeth spoke to the whole room. She then took a spot that gave her a clear view of the door and the as many of the people in the room as possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hooves of her steed trotting against the stone of the road below, Marianne sat tall with a bright smile as she made her way towards Castle Pantos' front gate. As she neared, she pulled on the leather reins in her hands. Her horse slowing to an eventual stop. With grace she swung a leg over and dismounted, her heels clacking as she landed. Gently patting its body, she took the reins and led it to the nearby stable. Securing her equine companion, she caressed its head and mane. Whispering kind words softly under her breath of her return. Waving goodbye, she then walked towards the guards at the front entrance with her summons in hand.

As she approached the front gate with her summons in hand, the guards immediately recognized her and straightened up in a salute. With a warm smile, she stepped in front of them and produced the letter sent to her from the King, the rune that was to be her authorization clearly visible. The guardsmen quickly looking over the letter and nodding as they confirmed its authenticity, they opened the front gates and let her pass without a word. Granted, they would've liked to have shared a few kind greetings. But, they knew better than to engage a Delacroix in conversation. Instead, they retained their professionalism and offered a simple respectful bow of the head as she rolled up the summons and entered.

Having visited the King a few times before in the past, Marianne was already familiar with the layout of the castle and knew exactly where to go. Briskly walking towards the council meeting room, her heels clicked as she walked. Her long, black hair trailing behind her as she moved with a purpose. As she made her path towards the meeting room, she offered a kind smile and wave of the hand to all she passed. She was dressed in her usual garb, sans her equipment. It would've rude to see the King armed and clad in full armor. Locating the meeting room, she politely knocked a few times before pushing the door open a bit too enthusiastically and theatrically. Upon laying eyes on the King and Queen, her expression lit up. Her bright radiance practically lighting the entire room. Stepping into the room, she first gave a polite curtsy.

After curtsying, she smiled and with a cheery voice greeted them all in her native tongue first.
"Bonjour, tout le monde! Comment-allez vous?"
Her musical voice echoed throughout the room.
"Allo, everyone! 'Ow are all of you? I trust you are all in good 'ealth? Marianne Delacroix is reporting as ordered!"
Her throaty accent affecting her enunciation of certain letters and words.

Placing a hand on her chest, she turned to look at all of the current occupants of the meeting room. Giving each person a bright smile and polite nod of the head before walking up to the table at the room's center and taking her seat. Her choice of seat being directly across from the King's line of sight. Seated, addressed the more notable political authority figures in the room, not concerned with the other mages just yet.

Facing the Lord General..
"Lord Gen-er-al Feyne."
Facing Lady Ophelia..
"Lady Ophelia."
The Queen, herself.
"Queen Aria."
Finally, the King.
"King Ainos.""
Giving an additional polite and respectful nod to the each of them as she spoke their title and names.

Looking at the large, marked map on the table, she was curious as to the purpose for this summons. The King had apparently invited other powerful mages, creating an odd cast of characters in the room. Not wishing to be rude however, she stayed her tongue and neatly folded her hands in her lap. Patiently waiting for some explanation as to why they were all here and called upon by the King, no less.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaelRavenheart
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KaelRavenheart Dragon Rider

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lady Ophelia's eyes did not leave the Necromancer, though a small humorless grin graced her lips as she addressed him once more, ignoring the others who had entered for a moment. "Unfortunately, I'm going to have to insist that they wait outside. Their presence in this room will only cause disturbance among our other guests, and I'm sure that if you needed them the door would prove little resistance. Besides, you have my word that while you are here in the castle, no one working under the banner of King Ainos and Queen Aria will harm you." With that, she turned her attention to the others who had entered and she introduced them to the King and Queen, gesturing towards each of them in turn. "This is Mia Lane, a gifted water mage, Elzbeth Moran, a talented fire mage who has been seen working with Poi, Lux Pyreash, a Seeress of no small skill, Silas Greer, an air mage with a fearsome reputation(She frowned slightly as she introduced him, but continued),Rai, a strange druid who lives in the forests, Khor, a reported summoner who seems to have been born without the use of his eyes, and finally Marianne Delacroix, with whom we are all familiar." The King and Queen nodded pleasantly as each of them were introduced, the Queen pausing worriedly when Silas was introduced, off put by his grisly helmet. Lord General Feyne looked stoically at them, showing little interest until Marianne was introduced, when he allowed himself a small smile. Marianne was one of the few magic users he both knew and respected. The King and Queen also smiled at her and the Queen said pleasantly, "It's an honor to have you with us again, Lady Delacroix." She had been to the castle only a few times, but she had demonstrated an attitude of chivalry and pleasant kindness that was rare, even among their own guards. She had made quite an impression on them all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Elzbeth watched the exchange between the necromancer and Lady Ophelia. The necromancer reminded her of yet another traveling companion she had for a short period. The strange girl. Had the girl been a necromancer? Elzbeth wouldn't have placed money on it, but there was something familiar of the magic this man exuded.

Elzbeth nodded when her name was mentioned. She kept her thoughts to herself though. She had been about half right with the gathered group. Only wrong about the blind druid, and the air mage. He had seemed...different. Elzbeth wasn't quite sure how though. She rested her eyes on the seeress the longest. Elzbeth had only met one before, and it had been nearly ten years since she had seen those people. This woman was nothing like those she had traveled with for years.

Lady Ophelia only mentioned her work with Poi, not who she had previously traveled with, or the misdeeds that those groups had gotten into. Elzbeth found that comforting. She was not here to be put on trial. She glanced at the map again. That was why they were all gathered here. Such a strange assortment of people. All with their strengths, weaknesses, and more importantly contacts and knowledge sources.

She held her tongue though and waited. Waited for an explanation, waited for someone else to take the first step. For now Elzbeth evaluated the situation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 1 yr ago

From behind his iron helm, Silas' lips twitched downwards at Ophella's expression. She had known his name and of him. But of course she did, he was a lone knight that had made it his business to write the wrongs in the world, no matter the shadows that were cast upon his image. Remaining leaned up against the wall, he took the time to actually look upon the rest of the mages. They all seemed just a bit too carefree from his liking, speaking freely and openly, as if attending a seasonal outing instead of an anonymous gathering.

Brown eyes fell onto the king next, his countenance, though feigning reassurance, hid the lines of worry and stress. Silas kept himself composed throughout the conversations around him, familiar with being alone, it was rather easy. The magic in the air was dense and thick, a mixture of different tastes seeping through the minuscule kinks in his armor. They all held some specific form of magic, something that they excelled in more than anyone else it seemed. His attention refocused solely on the main cast, the King, the Queen, their general, and more than anyone else: Ophella. He considered her a threat for reasons that he couldn't quite understand, she seemed to permeate with power. And he hated it.

I feel beneath her... he realized, his fist clenching behind the metal of his gauntlets. She's the true danger here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Mia watched as a man with bandages on waltzed in rather loudly and with an overly casual manner. She didn’t know whether to blush or laugh, so just reserved her reaction to a smirk. Then a man dressed in intimidating armor who casually leaned against a wall. A girl about her height with white hair and another girl who looked quite a few years older than her. Another almost regal feeling woman entered and addressed the royals by name. She had a lovely accent and Mia was quite impressed.

Her gaze drifted up to the one referred to as Lady Ophelia, the woman seeming to have a bit of an argument with one of those gathered. Mia chewed her lip, wondering exactly what the situation was, but alas, she’d arrived too late to understand the gravity of the cause of conflict.

When she was introduced, she smiled a bit, surprised they knew her abilities. But as the list grew, and each person was pointed out and their oddities and specialties listed, Mia realized just what kind of gathering this was. They were all to be used somehow. Why else would magic users like them be called here? There must be something of importance that the king or his soldiers couldn’t handle themselves. That or, they were just gathering them in one place to arrest them all for some obscure law against magic that she had no idea about. Though such a plan would be rather stupid. No. It had to be the first.

Mia went back over the names, appearances, and abilities of each that stood among her in the room, memorizing the information rather easily. She had to say, the one with the helmet intrigued her the most. She felt like he was a statue she could go push over and he’d tumble into bits. Was he scarred terribly, or just compensating for something by wearing such armor within the castle? It was fascinating. But, for the moment she turned and looked back towards those that had called them to this meeting, waiting for them to explain in more detail.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by bittersweetsymphonia
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bittersweetsymphonia awesomesauce

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lady Ophelia introduced each and everyone of the magi in the room. Lux let her eyes wander. She'd seen some of them in her visions, but there were others who'd surprised her with their arrival. She didn't think it was folly in her part that she didn't see them beforehand. Perhaps she had just been busy with other things. It didn't matter now. The King had gathered them for a reason, and Lux wanted to find out why. The people gathered in the room obviously held great power, each one excelling in their respective fields. Lux tried not to let it go to her head, but as usual, she'd failed. Lady Ophelia was right, she was a seeress of no small skill and she reserved the right to be proud about it. Years of studying allowed her that right, or at least, that was what she believed.

Lux was about to open her mouth to speak, to ask the question she knew they were all dying to, but before she was able to, a vision suddenly assaulted her. It took her to a mountainside with the sun returning to its slumber behind the mountains. There was a small cottage with a man working the fields. The woman he lived with was beautiful and carried a young lad of about three years as she went about to watch the man toil. They were the picture of happiness, but something was wrong. In the next second, the utopian lifestyle shattered. There was fire devouring all in its path and horse's hooves that sounded like death marching towards them. The image Lux saw before she returned to the castle was the bloodied bodies of the family.

Lux sighed. Another dead family unrelated to her. She raised a hand to apologize for suddenly zoning out as she dug inside her cloak for her blindfold. She put it on and finally, as impatient as she was, stepped up to ask the question. "Lady Ophelia. Lord Feyne. My King, my Queen." She bowed low to each of them. "You didn't call us for a friendly visit. If you don't mind, we-" she paused, knowing she didn't speak for the rest of them. "If you don't mind, I would like to learn of the identity of our mission."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ThornyRose
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Khor was busy adoring the carpeted floor, however, his ears were focused on the conversation. Never in all his years of practicing magic did he experience being trapped in a room which was teeming and oozing with magical energies. When he thought that there would be others, he didn't think it would be some powerful mages. However, the tone that these bastards were using was starting to annoy him. My lady? My king? Pfft. These were the words that made the head of any bastard to inflate; this made their pride swell even more. Back in the forest, there were no Kings or Queens; the ones who ruled were the strongest. This should how the world be... No rulers, just strength. Khor didn't like the idea of a monarchy, mainly because when he experienced the sufferings of others, where were the monarchs? Drinking wine, and having lustful sessions within the secured palace walls? While the people were dying and suffering, where were the monarchs? Sooner or later, Anarchy would be the only cure for this kingdom; Anarchy IS the cure to the world. Khor sighed deeply as he stood up, and turned his eyes to the monarchs as if he could actually see.

"Ya know... I'm quite surprised that ya, Chair-Sitter, would actually know little 'ol me. I guess the forest ain't doin' no secret keeping." Khor chuckled while he clenched his stomach. "Still, 'dis big 'ol hoot nanny gatherin'. Sendin' a friggin' letter to a blind guy... The nerve ye have, Chair-sitter." Khor mumbled as he redirected his attention to the monarchs. "Then again... Ye invitin' such awesome 'n almighty flame throwin', jack spittin', lightning throttlin' bumpkins would be meanin' that ya need some o'dirty deed done." Khor continued as he shrugged his shoulders. "Then again... For you to be placin' yer trust on some random big'o'jack group of fairy-dust wieldin' mages, be meanin' that you've gone desperate, Chair-Man."

Khor nodded his head while he dragged his feet to a nearby wall where he leaned on. "Well. I'm all ears, Chair-boy. Just be sure you ain't plannin' nothin' that might be destroyin' the land further than it already is."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Sighing dramatically as the lady refused to budge an inch on the issue, Damien shrugged his shoulders in acquiescence. Tapping his two ‘companions’ on the shoulder, the two turned and left the room with only the harsh sound of metal against stone, their eyes glowing an ominous blue after Damien’s touch. For one reason or another, he suspected that the individuals that had spied on him for the lady, and others like them, didn’t quite fall under the “banner of King Ainos and Queen Aria”, but he made no comment about it and instead turned his attention away from the four that had called for him and the others.

While he hadn’t paid the others much attention thanks to his little impromptu staring match with the lady, he took a few moments to study them now. Not that there was much for him to make observations about in all honesty. His first impressions were pretty much still standing firm, although he had made a few more given the new arrivals. Frankly, he was a bit surprised by how young most of the gathered mages were, honestly expecting to be one of the younger looking individuals thanks to what he was. On the contrary though, it seemed like he was one of the eldest here, both in appearance and actual age. It wasn’t necessarily bad, but Damien did find it somewhat disconcerting. Youth wasn’t in itself bad, but talent could only reach its peaks when tempered with experience and time, he knew that all too well. Having considered them, he brushed his concerns aside for now and waited. Others seemed to be asking the questions he would have, so there wasn’t really a point to say them once more. It wasn’t like his voice would cause them to answer any faster than they would have, even if he probably had the hatred, or dislike at the very least, of all four individuals.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Monochromatic
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Monochromatic Manic Episode Full Blast

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Instead of saying a greeting after his name was called, Rai merely bowed his head lightly before finding an unoccupied place on one of the walls to lean against. He found one rather quickly and settled right in, as if he had been there from the very start. He crossed one of his heavily feathered arms over his chest and with his other free hand began to carefully pick small bits of dirt, foliage, and what appeared to be small chunks of skin from between the feathers. It didn't seem like it hurt, even as he yanked out a feather with a slight frown. While he dropped the dirt and foliage onto the ground by his tightly bound and confined clawed feet, he instead tucked the feather into one of the pockets of his overly large-sleeved shirt. A shirt which was actually specially made to accommodate to the mass of feathers he had upon both arms and all along his spine, not that any of the other people within this room would know that.

But, picking at the feathers on one of his arm was only a temporary relief. He really had not wanted to come, but it was rare, if not completely unheard of, for such a recluse like him to have been summoned to such a place. It could not have been easy to find him, even with magic. But with so many other magic users of varying talent already here, what was someone like him needed for? Shaking his head lightly, Rai dropped his one arm from across his chest and then crossed the other and began to pick at it. But this time, he was focusing more on the spiked pieces of skin that looked as if something was trying to break through. Carefully with his clawed fingertips he jabbed at the pieces of spiked skin without flinching. And though blood rose as the skin began to rip, he continued. Within a few moments, the skin peeled itself all the way back as several newer, smaller feathers protruded from the broken skin.

Unlike his other transformation abilities, this one was something slightly out of his control. While yes, he could make the feathers disappear, make his feet normal, even remove the ferns and flowers that grew in his unruly mass of brown-black hair... it didn't last long. It always returned, no matter how long he focused or tried to keep himself appearing human. One thing he had come to accept, only recently, was that much despite wanting a different look, his body would keep the shape he found most comfortable and that it was practically pointless to fight against it. And though he had long accepted that he would always look different, it still bothered him to no end that he had to deal with other humans... Not that all of them were judgmental, greedy folk. Animals were preferable company, why had he not brought a mouse or something with him to better help ease his anxiety? It would have been far better than picking apart the skin on his wrists to allow new feathers to grow in easier!

Being inside such a place was not something Rai was even remotely alright with. He couldn't just jump through a window or leave, not now that he was here already. He truly did not understand most of the social customs these people had probably been raised with, he had never been taught how to greet royalty, either. It didn't 'exist' in his world.

A rather soft, quiet sigh escaped Rai as he merely continued to pick at the fresh feathers that had just sprouted from the skin on his arm, ignoring the small bit of blood that now coated the tips of one hand and the small bit of blood that was being smeared about while he kept picking at his skin with his claws on the other. His gaze was set firmly downwards towards his feet while he waited, trying his damnedest to ignore everyone else there while his mind tried to calm itself a bit more. They seemed like decent people, maybe they wouldn't stare and just leave him be until it was time to leave.
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