The world has changed. No longer are countries dependent on oil, and no longer are there debates between the validity of religion or science. Pollution has all but disappeared, due to the arrival of a new source of energy: Essence, a gas that has been discovered in the past decade, heralding an age where religion and science could properly compromise, where children served as the mediums of the Divine Spirits.
These children, marked and blessed with a piece of a Divine Spirit’s power, are labelled as ‘Aspects’, one who is contracted with that Spirit. In exchange for becoming the eyes, ears, and occasional confidant, they have free reign over the usage of a power that cannot be taken away by force or law. As more and more Aspects popped up, however, crime and casualties began to rise, the danger that the powers provided becoming akin to placing a lighter in the hands of a child. For that reason, Risen Academy was created, a self-sustaining, man-made island funded by the Global Essence Coalition. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it is secluded from the world, used to contain, educate, and study these individuals that had been given the power of Gods.
☾ ☽ The Rules of the Island-School ☾ ☽
Younger children, from the ages of 6 to 10, are kept in a separate facility from the others, due to the instability of their gifts. Any others who are older than that live in the main part of the island, in which they are subject to a special, unwritten rule.
Nothing is theirs forever.

Each individual student has a daily allowance that allows them to purchase the basic necessities of food, and water, as well as rent any luxuries such as shelter, vehicles, video games, or anything else they have the money for. These allowances can be increased or decreased through fighting other players in a duel in which all parties consent. With battles supervised via a special wristband wrapped around their wrist and drones that constantly fly over the skies of Risen Academy, these battles strictly adhere to the concept that the one who draws blood first is the winner. Any rulebreakers will be punished not by the school administration, but by their peers, for this particular rule is one that harms the majority if it is not enforced.
After a battle is concluded, the system will calculate the earnings of that fight based off the disparity between the combatants allowances, which simultaneously serve as a ranking system. While there has been nothing life-threatening in past battles, due to the inherent danger of fighting with powers that they don’t truly understand, it isn’t uncommon for students to form alliances, pooling their allowances together in order to get enough food and shelter for the night. While many of these alliances are between friends, there are three major ‘cabals’ within Risen Academy, with almost all of its members consisting of Aspects who have been contracted by the three major Divine Spirits: Athena, Xerxes, and Vlad the Impaler.
These groups hold the greatest number of members within Risen Academy, while their own actions are monitored and occasionally interfered with by the Aspects contracted with the Knights of the Round.
While skipping classes isn’t punishable by any means, it could be said that school is the only completely neutral part of the school, and thus, provides a safe zone from a world of battles and competition every day, from 9 AM to 3PM. And, of course, cafeteria food is remarkably free, even though it’s only one portion, with no seconds allowed.
☾ ☽ Divine Spirits and Aspects ☾ ☽

Divine Spirits are entities of fame and legend, embodiments of figures that are well-known, worshipped, or both. While the majority of them bear the names of human ‘heroes’, such as Lancelot or William Wallace or Mulan, there have been a few who possess a more ‘divine’ nature, belonging to a pantheon of gods and goddesses. Though it is unknown HOW Divine Spirits form a contract, or WHY they choose children only, it is known that they pass down only a portion of their power, which can manifest in front of the newly-blessed in one of three forms.

The first form is known as the Sentient Form, a doll-like child who holds full control of the power, and must be given permission to use it. Though they start with no personality, a mere shell of a human with none of the requirements of living beings, they will slowly develop it as they continue to live with their Aspect. Interestingly enough, they do not age at all, and do not have genitals.

The second form that a power can manifest as is the Weapon Form, an object that may or may not be physically impossible to produce a model of. Indestructible outside of being broken by another Aspect’s Weapon, they have the unique quality of possessing two abilities: one that the Aspect can use, and one that is used in conjunction with the weapon. Though they generally grow to suit the size of the Aspect in question, there have been a few cases where children were granted Weapons so impractically large that they couldn’t even swing it. These Weapons, thankfully, can be stored inside the Aspect’s body for easy transportation.

The third, and rarest form is the Conceptual Form, which gives the Aspect free reign over the part of the Divine Spirit’s power that has been granted to them. Though they have no ‘ally’ or ‘weapon’, their body is noticeably stronger than their counterparts, allowing them to run faster, push harder, and endure more than others. These Conceptual Forms manifest themselves as a tattoo on their body, and will shine when their power is used.There are no explanations on their powers when an Aspect is first contracted, and thus, it is up to them to figure out the extent of their powers by themselves. This is the primary reason why they are sent to Risen Academy until they have been deemed to understand the responsibilities that come along with possessing such powers.
☾ ☽ OOC Stuff ☾ ☽
(•) Looking to have a roster of 4-5 characters.
(•) Read through the thread, this 'school' roleplay will be more than it seems.
(•) While collab posting will not be mandatory, the characters here will have all been acquainted. So be prepared to set up appropriately and work with your fellow members before we even start.
(•) This Roleplay is targeting a High-Casual to Advanced audience, posts will need to hold to this standard.
Character Sheet
"RIP BBCode, QQ indeed QQCode."