Thank you for reminding me, Loki. I've found a bunch of basic equipment that the crew will have, I'm separating them into two categories, personal and Group.
Flamethrowers (for Cleansers and Hunters):
Swords (one per person):
Masks (for the non-immune):
RK 62s (one per person):
Sleeping Bags (one per person):
A.R.E.A.T.V (Amphibious Rescue & Exploration All-Terrain Vehicle):
Toothbrushes and Toiletries
Sweaters, pants, spare underwear
Blankets and Pillows
Deck of Cards
Med kits
Cat food
This doesn't include, of course, what ever supplies your character may pack. And the Unknown don't get none of this.
As for the questions on bunking and running water, the tank has several cots in it where you can have your sleeping bags, and there is a high-pressure furnace which melts snow into water, purifies it, freezes it again and stores it until it needs to be used. So, yes, you can shower in the tank. You may need to, after a long tiring day of fighting trolls leaves you sweaty and covered in guts.
The bottom entrance to the tank also has a disinfecting room, so that disease and possible radiation are not brought into the tank. There is also a state-of-the art air filter, so the air inside the tank is safe as well.
To make things even better, there's a tiny collapsible kitchen inside, for whichever unlucky guy/gal has to do the cooking. A.R.E.A.T.V. goes inside the tank, has it's own little place in the back. It can hold four-five people at once, go underwater, float like a boat, and climb over pretty much everything. It's gun on top is controlled from the inside, and it is not heavily armored. Be careful while using it.
@Damiann47 Aweome, that works much better! I'll go and put him in, and it till officially be done!