Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Aaron heard the others talking about forming a team but kept his pace as he began to exit the room. He wanted to join them but something was stopping him from doing so, something was telling him to just go on his way. Before he could he overheard a junior talking to them. Something about a familiar? Interesting, against whatever was telling him to leave he stayed and observed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nookzer
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"Familliars this sounds good so how do we get our familiars then and how does it work exactly" asked Ryu.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Yeah i'll join too, i want to be one of the strongest" she said as she started circling the group taking note of the other members then sat down next to toby waiting for the demonstration of a familiar.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sakura holds her hand out as if wanting an item to appear from the ground. "Alright dont blink" Sakura holds her arm as she closes her eyes. A gust of wind starts up around Sakura as cherry blossom petals appear floating around her. "Beings of the realm of Makou hear my words.." a bright light begins to shine around Sakura "...Using my magic I call thee to use my magic and turn it into a physical being. Spirit of Flames come forth! Scarlet!!" The bright light begins to focus on the ground underneath Sakura's hand as a little bright red cat with fire on its ears appears. Scarlet(the cat) jumps on top of Sakura's head. "Meet Scarlet she is my familiar who is also one of the Spirits of Flame." Sakura said "Amazing Sakura!" Shinji said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arcalept
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Mitsuko watched in awe as Sakura summoned her familiar. It was the most amazing thing she had seen thus far in her life, and it excited her. Now, she was set on being able to do the same thing. "That was awesome! Can you really help us learn to do that?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Aaron's eyes widened in astonishment after seeing Sakura summon her familiar. Yeah I'd like to have something like that, he thought before getting up to stand with the group. "Is it too late to join you guys? I won't I like the idea of being a master mage", he said before the voice from before spoke again to him You don't need them, it said once more. Man I must be losing my mind or something, Aaron thought. He shook his head slightly and focused back on the group.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JohnnyBoi

JohnnyBoi ...

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tyler was was watching and his eyes widen as he saw how she had summoned a familiar. It was in the form of a cat and appeared to be made out of fire which is pretty cool, "Amazing," he said out loud. He then asked Sakura, "So when do we learn how to this cause I want to try it right away." Then anther person came and asked about joining the group so he said to him, "Sure, oh did you see how Sakura just summoned her familiar it was sick."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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"Oh Oh i want to try it to" lisana said as she stared at scarlet almost shaking about the prospect of having her own buddy like that "I can't wait till we learn to do that and see what my familiar looks like"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

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"Yeah that was pretty cool, I wish I could do something like that!", Aaron replied. The voice that plagued him returned once again. Imagine what you could do with more power...you could crush any of them!, the voice was becoming an annoyance as Aaron tried hard to block it out. The hell is going on with me?, he thought, is this my familiar? I really hope not
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Oh Oh i want to try it to" lisana said as she stared at scarlet almost shaking about the prospect of having her own buddy like that "I can't wait till we learn to do that and see what my familiar looks like"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sakura smirks a bit "If you wanna start learning there's a special cafe that allows students to practice you can rent out a room for as long as you want and go to town." Sakura said "But what about your classes Sakura?" Shinji asked "Helping first years is part of my day for the next 2 days." Sakura replied as Shinji gave an excited look. "Alright then what are we standing around here for let's go team!" Shinji announced "Alright follow me guys." Sakura said walking out of the classroom with Shinji.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JohnnyBoi

JohnnyBoi ...

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tyler quickly got up and followed Shinji and Sakura to a place that lets them practice summoning familiar. He couldn't wait to see what his familiar would look like so as he followed Shinji and Sakura he said to the others excitedly, "come on guys lets summon our familiars."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"You guys go on ahead, I'm going to run home and bring my skateboard. I'll meet you all at the cafe!", Aaron headed the opposite way. Exiting campus he walked towards home, all the while thinking about what was going through his head, What was all that about? I must be losing my mind...or worse. What if that's my familiar talking to me?! Sakura's didn't seem to speak but she said they are actual beings. Could mine be that voice I heard? Or what if it's not my familiar? What if it's actually a demon!..Wait demons don't exist..or do they? Best not to think about it I guess, before he knew it Aaron was in front his house. He quickly opened the door and bolted upstairs to his room. His mother had heard his footsteps up the stairs and called for him, "Aaron? It that you? You're home early aren't you?" Aaron grabbed his skateboard and came back downstairs to find his mother standing by the front door. "Are you trying to skip school?", she asked sternly, she shot him a look that could freeze anyone in fear.

"No mom, we have 2 days free to explore campus. I figured I'd grab my board so I can have some fun while I get to know the school better...Wait aren't you supposed to be at work?"

"I took the day off today, just in case you tried to skip school. Anyway you should get back to school, I bet you've already made friends that your ditching already. Am I right?", his mother was too smart for him. He let out a nervous laugh before sliding past his mom, "Yeah I should get back, well have a good day mom!" As soon as he was out the door he got onto his skateboard and rode as fast as he could back to campus.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Toby followed Shinji, Sakura and Ty and thought about a few things on his way to the café. Like what would his familiar be like. Would it be nice or mean or dangerous to his fellow classmates. He just hoped he liked it himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Lisana skated backwards infront of the group "so how far is this cafe from here anyway?" she asked excited to get this started as soon as possible "also do you have any choice in your familiar or is it like luck of the draw?" as she said this she started thinking about what she would have to say to summon her's 'ah forget it I'll come up with one later' she thought to herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nookzer
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Ryu followed Sakura, Shinji, and Ty to summon his familiar "this is going to be good" then his mind wandered of as to what kind of familiar he would get.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"The cafe is just a few minutes away from the school but we'll be there quicker than usual" Sakura said with a smirk. Shinji looked at her confused at what she meant. Just then Sakura pulled out what seemed to be a ticket for a bus she then took here other hand and pointed at it and shot a tiny hole threw it. Shinji looked really confused when all of a sudden a giant gust of wind shot past the group. "What was that gust of wind Sakura?" Shinji asked. "You'll see." Sakura replied as something began to materialize in front of them. "Everyone say hello to the Minute Bus" Sakura said happily as a blue bus appeared before them. "What would usually take us 5 minutes or an hour will be reduced to 1 minute while riding this bus." Sakura explained as Shinji's mouth dropped at the sight. "Amazing" Shinji said "Come on we have it all to ourselves." Sakura called out as she got on but then quickly poked her head out. "Nevermind someone else is on here already." Sakura said as she went back to the bus. Shinji hoped on the bus and waited for everyone else.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FluffFluff
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Lulia was still in a bit of a huff still over the challenge shinji had made since she just saw it as immature. she decided to go to the Library, 'A good book would probably help calm my nerves.' She thought to herself and sighed. she had collected a map of the school when she had arrived earlier that morning so she wouldn't get lost and soon enough was able to get herself to the library. Pushing the doors open she was surprised by home many books there was, the sight of it actually made her feel pleasure. Lulia loved reading it was one of her favorite things to do as a child and even now that she was older. walking inside and going down one Aisle she began looking at the books that were available for her to read and soon came across a book that was about familiars. she pulled it out of its place on the self and went over to one of the tables that she could have sat at. she knew about familiars since she had been told about them when she was young by a mage that her family knew. Now sitting down Lulia opened the book and began through the contents before looking at page one and reading through, as she read through a tall male seemed to notice her. he was sat on a table a bit away and had seen what aisle she had taken the book from, which had caught his attention, He had sort of realized she was new, since he had seen many people and he had never seen her face before. Rising from his seat he went over, Lulia was unaware of him since she was intensely reading the book. "Hello there" He said as he took a seat opposite her. Lulia didn't look up straight away but when she did, she try to say something but could. The male in front of her smiled gently "So what are you reading there?" He asked her. Lulia looked back down at the book then up at him "Er...Something about familiars, It looks like something interesting" She said. "oh? Im pretty surprised you'd want to read something like that, after all your new right?" He said. she gave a nod "er...Yeah..I'm L-Lulia Winterbloom I'm a first year, its nice to meet you." Lulia said. "Like wise, Miss Winterbloom. I'm Satoshi Yamato." he replied with another smile. Lulia looked back at the book for a moment. just as she looked back up and was about to say something. Satoshi was getting up from his seat "well ill leave you to it, Ive actually got some errands I;'ve got to run now from the looks of it" he said, now looking at his phone and then sighed. "it was very nice to meet you. I hope i see you around more" He said before leaving. Before he did Lulia replied "It was nice meeting you to" she said. Lulia looked at the book after that, she had never felt that nervous before especially around a boy, she was angry at herself for losing her composure again. "Am I a idiot or something" she muttered to herself annoyed and sighed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Orca98


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Shiro sat stupidly for a moment or two, the conversations that had transpired around her seemingly leaving her in a stupor. She frowned. 'Familiars' and the quest to become the best mage sounded so... outlandish and childish to her ears, but the fire-cat that had suddenly appeared and the determination of Shinji could not easily be dismissed as fairy tales.
She looked around after attempting to digest the information that had assailed her thinking, only to find the room empty. Nobody was around, not even the teacher, and there was no sound at all emenating from the corridor outside. Snapping herself upright she grabbed her bag, the sudden change in height causing black and red spots to float in front of her vision. As Shiro made her way to the door, her eyes fell to the window just in time to see a big, red bus appear in front of her classmates. Who were outside and beginning to board it. Without her. Now was the time of reckoning - did she really want to join a group that was full of eletists? Cursing, she ran to the classroom door, yanked it open and sprinted down the hallway, praying she'd make it in time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

(Sorry for controlling the others characters I just want to make this moment the best so as of now everyone Shinji was with aside from Shiro is on the bus just a heads up)

The bus horn was heard as everyone was on it as it started to move Shinji noticed Shiro running towards the bus with determination. Shinji smirked "I can sense her determination so why not help out a bit." Shinji thought to himself as he vanished in an instant his speed was suddenly enhanced using a spell he learned as a kid. He slowed down near Shiro as he picked her up. They then both vanished and were back on the bus. Shinji back to his normal seat he looked over at Shiro and smiled "Welcome Shiro." Shinji said happily.
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