Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skyrte
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Skyrte ゴゴゴゴ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Current Status
Under Siege // +7 Hours

Current Intel
Skyeye here.

Allied Forces consist of the 4th, 9th and 13th Fleets. Gaia Command, consisting of Gaia Defense Station and the Earth Defense Fleet has been hit hard. The 2nd, 12th, 19th and the 32nd Fleets are on their way. Scattered groups of ships in the single digits are coming in, it seems that the ships we put on patrol a while ago are saying 'damn my orders, Earth is under attack', and are jumping in to help. The Thresh Armada is numbering in the thousands, but we haven't seen any of their big hitters yet, right now they seem content with grinding our defenses down slowly with their smaller sized ships.

The Thresh attacked the best position we have at the time it would be the strongest. The Moon and Gaia Station are in spitting distance of each other, which is where they're attacking, and they seem hell bent on just fighting right through us to get to Earth. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Marines are currently stuck on the Moon, we can't lose those Marines, they're the only ones we have right now. The last transmission we have concerning them is that the 9th Fleet couldn't evacuate all the civilians in time before the Thresh armada attacked, so the Marines stayed to defend the remaining civilians. From up here, we can see that the Thresh ground forces have already landed and they're engaging our boys down there.

Your objectives are to kill those damned Thresh and free up the gridlock they have on Gaia Station so she can use her long range guns and repair stations. Assuming the Marines are under pressure, we also need to break their hold over the Moon, re-establish contact and send down any kind of support we can give them. Lastly, which shouldn't be too hard to understand, we have to fight them out of Earth space.

Today's my birthday, a victory would sure be nice.

>Defend Gaia Station
>Re-establish contact with the Moon.
>Rescue Marines and trapped civilians.
>Fight back the Thresh Armada

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Sir, we are picking up heavy concentrations of Tresh, roughly all around us. They have not spotted us yet, but that's only a matter of time." The radar operator stated with her usual calm. "The really bad news are that our jump brought us within spitting distance of the enemy - if our stealth breaks we'll be done for." There was a noticeable amount of nervousness in her tone as she waited for the captain's orders.

The ANS Fenris was in a bit of a predicament, they had indeed overshot their jump. Not by much, but just enough to be dangerously more closer to the enemy than their own fleet. Still, they had the element of surprise on their side. With luck the enemy would concentrate their firepower on much heavier and larger ships even after the Fenris would be forced to reveal itself.

Captain Calter ran his fingers through his hair and closed his eyes. "We are closer to Gaia Station than other friendly targets, so we should provide them with what support we can and hope the others can hold their own." He took a deep breath, opened his eyes and straightened up. "Engage thrusters and take us closer to the station. Keep all weapons on full readiness and wait for my signal to open fire, prioritize on high value targets."

The Fenris changed it's course and began closing in on the Gaia Station, the turret mounted rail gun was locked to it's first target - a Tresh ship roughly three times the size of it's assailant. "Sir, we are within optimal firing range of the enemy ship." The turret's operator informed.

Cogs were turning in the captain's head, he wasn't quite sure of the enemy ship's possible weak spots - a fact that made the next part of his plan rather risky. "Navigator, change our approach vector by 60 degrees. Get us under the ship." The Fenris tilted forwards and dove. Minutes passed and the enemy had not opened fire on them. The 'Wolf' allowed himself a little smile as the rail gun began targeting the enemy ships underside. "Open fire, then give us full thrust. We are not going to trade too many shots with that thing if the first shot doesn't disable it."

The rail gun was fired and the Fenris began moving again. The enemy ship suffered heavy damage - the shot ripped through the underside of the Tresh craft and came out from the top from a spot close to what Calter assumed to be the engines. "They are out of the fight." The captain stated triumphantly - his joy was cut short however as two similarly sized ships broke from formation and began closing in on the position of the Fenris. "Well, there goes our surprise... Full power to forward thrusters! Heat up the lances and harass them with the smaller rail guns as the big one is preparing for another shot!"

Captain Maximilien Calter would never quite admit that he bit more than he could chew - he'd admit that he made a minor miscalculation on the size of the enemy though. He'd have to buy time for the turret to be ready again. "Engage jamming! Get us away from their firing range and stay calm." The Fenris began retreating slightly further away from Gaia Station. "ANS Fenris calling available ships, need support, over." Though the smaller rail guns could damage the enemy ships they were not quite effective enough to neutralize the threat. The lances on the other hand would surely give away the position of the Fenris even if they would disable one of the enemy the other one could then strike with impunity until the turret was ready for another shot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

Member Seen 4 mos ago

ANS Tiamat

The thousand yard long tri-blade arrowhead designed warship sat floating in the blackness of space. Captain LeFores sat in the command chair, studying the tactical displays and the occasional blossom of light as a ship was destroyed. It was so fast you'd miss it if you blinked, with most of the oxygen being consumed or dispersed. "SARA, any word from Command," she asked quietly, knowing the ship's AI would hear her. "No. Our objectives are still the same," replied a pleasant feminine voice, one that was familiar to Alex as her own. Sighing, some she shook her hands out. "Tactical, please hook into our satellites and probes, realtime, passive scans. SARA, show me the board."

Ahead of them was the array of the fleet near Gaia station. They'd made a micro-jump from deeper in the system, down the bottom of the well toward the sun, near Venus. The EM radiation had hidden their signature for the most part. A green blip appeared nearby as well, and began moving into an aggressive attack posture. The tag ANS Fenris appeared over it, as a holographic display of the battle began to be overlayed on the display table she had approached while making her orders. "Distance to the two cruisers targeting the Fenris," she asked. "Two mkm." the tactical officer reported. Well within range of their heavy lance. Someone once compared the design to a dragon breathing fire, which inspired the battleship's name.

"Soon as the Frenris is below the firing arc, I want the main cannon to put a shot through those ships. SARA begin acquiring a firing solution please," she ordered. "Wit pleasure, Captain," the AI responded. "Angel and Bolt squadrons need to be ready for launch. Prepare them for a CAS loadout, but make sure they can ACM if they need to," she relayed to her tactical officer. She received a quick "Aye, ma'am."

A small display from SARA indicated that a solution had been reached. "Navigation, plot a course to put us between the Fenris and any shooters. We'll get their attention in a minute. We won't have long before we get their attention. I want to make our first shot in this fight be a double knockout."

Glancing up she noted the firing solution and then glanced at the ships' systems. "Alright, bring the magnetic constrictors up. Charge all weapons, raise shields. Set Condition One throughout the ship." An alarm blared and red emergency lights popped on, but the alarms went quiet after a few moments. "All sections reporting ready for combat, ma'am," her tactical officer reported. "Burn them to ash," she ordered.

At the end of the great cannon a light began to blossom, seeming to gather and grow, pressing against an invisible force, building and brightening, until it was brighter than the sun,. Golden lightning began to crawl along the tines of the ship and arc along the scaffolding, before the front seemed to explode. A lance of tightly compressed photons, muon particles, and energy erupted forward shooting across the distance as close to instantly as they could register. The closer ship was hit amidships. A gout of fire erupted out the side with a ripple of secondary explosions. Engines flared out while the beam continued on, nicking the second ship's accelerator cones. Lightning skittered and crawled over the hull with a few secondary explosions as some systems overloaded. The second ship lurched drunkenly, veering to the side, heading for the first, now stricken ship.

"Close enough," Alex muttered. "Your move."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitchblades
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Stitchblades Never Fear Stitch is here

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

ANS YellowStone~

Sitting just on the edge of the Sol system the Large ship in the fleet and almost the largest in the Alliance was waiting for their deep space scanner to reboot after it failed mid jump.
"Captain, Scanner should be online in 30 seconds the scanner is aligned and the picture should be clear as day" a synthetic voice crackled over the comms.
Derrick was pacing up and down waiting for the scanner to come back online, for a ship the size of the yellowstone to fall out of warp was never a good thing ~ due to the fact that the sudden shift in velocity could cause serious damage to external systems such as docked ships and turrets, luckily this time there was no docked ships other than the smaller ships sitting in the yellowstones hanger.

After a few more seconds the Scanner flickered to life and the captain could see all of the sol system and beyond. at first there was no readings as to be expected but one by one Blue and red markers started pinging all around Earth. the signatures suggested that the Thresh had indeed invaded the system~ This also explained why comms where down with earth and the moon ~

"Battle stations" the captain yelled "this is not a Drill, this is the Black march people ~ now get your arses into gear. I want a micro jump to mars baring 240 at elevation 2998, from there i want you to loop left using mars gravity to sing us behind earth"
With that the yellow stones jump drive rumbled into action the synthetic voice counted down to the jump which would only take 3 minutes"
The crew hustled into place - navigators took their seats radar operators and comes powered up their stations and the Captain stood at his overwatch of the bridge.
"Fighter and bomber pilots get to your ships~ get ready for Protection parten delta 5, volley attacks as soon as we come into position"

The Yellowstone jolted out of the micro jump following the ordered movements around mars swing the long hull around Mars looping around to the left side of Earth
"Comms officer open the alliance short range network" with a few clicks the comms was open " Calling all alliance Ship around earth and in the Sol system The yellowstone is ready to receive any ships in need of repairs and rearming i repeat Yellowstone is on station for your convenience.

The fighters and Bombers launched as soon as the order was given With the fighters patrolling the length of the ship taking out any small targets that with the 12 Rail guns taking out the larger targets.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brink_
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Aboard the ANS Orpheus, Captain Natshuk T'Zakiel sat gallantly at the center of the bridge, surrounded by a ring of computers, screens and crewmen. Wires, lights and cables all hung overhead in a somewhat orderly fashion, swaying with each barrage of Thresh missiles. A large screen display, acting as a window and crowded with holographic charts, seemed like a door to another dimension, especially when compared to the dark, drab gray interior of the Orpheus. Immense battleships floated by, firing volley after volley of particle beams, while comparatively tiny interceptors whizzed past.

As officers and crewmen alike ran back and forth between the bridge and their respective stations, all the while shouting orders and readying their equipment, Lieutenant Fel Roals approached the command chair, tablet in hand. "Sir, we're approaching a number of medium-sized Thresh spacecraft. If my men's calculations are correct, the nearest Alliance ships won't stand a chance. We recommend you circle back."

T'Zakiel contemplated the recommendation, curiously shifting in his seat, but soon came up with a rebuttal. "Lieutenant, do you not understand that we are headed for the moon? We have Alliance men stranded out there, and I will not let a few Thresh stand in my way. You now damn well the capabilities of this ship, and though I respect the decisions of your department, it seems as though the failed to take into account the sheer strength of our vessel. Continue moving forwards, and have our astrogation officers plan the easiest landing."

"Yes, sir."

However, just as Roals was leaving the bridge, an unprecedented volley of Thresh bolts violently rocked the ship, severely damaging its hull. All of the vessel's emergency lights turned a bright red, and an alarm resounded throughout the ship: "This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill. Report to your appropriate stations and prepare to engage. This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill." A number of officers hastily rushed to T'Zakiel, all waving their navigational tablets, vying for attention.

"Calm down, men," the captain ordered, the green tendrils poking out of his head shaking with every word. "It seems as though we've come into contact with what I presume to be medium-class Thresh craft. As part of Alliance regulation, I want you all to get to your stations, ready the point-defense lasers, and charge the turbo-lasers. Do you understand?"

Each and everyone of the surrounding men quickly nodded and rushed down the nearest corridors. As the nearby Alliance battleships exploded, bright yellow light filled the room every few seconds, signifying heavy losses at that end of the battlefield. T'Zakiel grew worried, and brought the intercom-linked bracelet he wore up to his lips.

"This is your captain speaking. Prepare to fire once the Thresh are less than a kilometer away. Have the ion cannons at the ready, and if we are to take more damage, swerve the ship so as to charge them head-on and reduce any further damage to our hull." With that, the captain adjusted himself, crossed his legs, and brought his right arm up to his chin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AngelNoire
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AngelNoire Lovecraft Divine

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Captain Valorian! You are needed in the comm relay center!"
Null wakes up from his meager quarters a little more abruptly than he would have liked, something that had been happening more and more since the alliance made him captain.
Standing up and grabbing his uniform jacket, he presses the comm with his thumb, "Who the hell is it this time?"
The intercom rang back with his deck officers bell-like voice, "It seems like everyone. You've got messages and briefings waiting from half a dozen battalion admirals asking for assistance. But I knew you wouldn't want to be woken up for anything that wasn't marked time-sensitive."
"Well then why in God's Good name did you wake me up girl!"
"Sir... The investor is currently on the line..."
"Fierfek..." Exclaimed Null, using a madrossi swear word meaning poison. He quickly slipped into his jacket and began buttoning it on his way to the comm center.
"Patch it in!" He shouts upon reaching the room.
A holoscreen powers up in front of him, displaying the static ridden image of a silhouette. Null rolls his eyes. He never could understand the dramatic flair of the galactic underworld. "Valorian... I assume you have heard the recent news?"
"What recent news? I'm on my way back from a mission!"
"Ah yes, so I've heard. That Traxxin terrorist cell seems to have disappeared from my list of competitors... Good thing the alliance stumbled upon a holodisc detailing their location. I can't help but wonder how they got ahold of it though."
"Are you through gloating? Or are you going to tell me what the hell is going on?"
"Then you really don't know? Gaia and Luna are under attack."
Null sits down in the comm chair, slightly taken aback by the news..."Who would dare..."
"Our reports have most humans calling them thresh, not sure why yet, might have something to do with the ship appearances being similar to Thresher Maw's"
Null raises an eyebrow at the ancient video game reference.
"At any rate, I'm sure the alliance has asked you to handle any number of things, given your recent reputation. But I'm going to need you to give our people the priority."
"You've never asked me to do that before..."
"I know, but this time we have to protect a greater investment than our species military. I'm not going to prevent you from doing as you are ordered, but we need you doing our work first."
"What's this investment I'm supposed to be protecting now?"
"Alot of our Board Members have expressed an interest in reviving our superweapon defense programs, given recent events this is to be expected. The specific project, which I wont divulge any unneccessary information to you about, is called project Icarus. Unfortunately our head scientist is currently on Luna, under the protection of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd marines."
"If he's under military protection, then what's the issue?"
"The alliance cannot find out about project Icarus. You know how they don't like the private sector keeping military secrets. This man is not only the single man capable of making project Icarus a reality, but he also has in his custody the data chips that detail the machines construction requirements. We need him to get out of that damn station. The alliance cannot stick their noses into our resources searching for their saving grace. If they found out we had this kind of weapon, it would be used for the defense of Human Lives over the defense of the resources that would keep the rest of human civilization running. We can't allow that to happen. There's too much at stake. Can you handle this?"
"Yes sir. I'll get your man to the normal drop point at 06-32-6-2-122-2144"
"That's a good enough time for us. Get to it. Investor Board Representative, out."

"Coming up on our destination captain."
"Navigator. Alter our warp to be a little bit outside of ship attack range at 10,000 kilometers from the lunar space station."
"Yes Sir!"
As the FTL drive activates the second particle accelerator, the entire ship hums with a new energy. But it is short-lived as the ship is within moments breaking out of warp space. The large cockpit window revealing the devastation before them. Calmly, knowing he is out of effective range, Null studies the battlescape before him.
"Mila, those look like plasma bolt weapons? Am I right?"
The deck officer stands up and walks next to her captain, "Yessir, the so-called thresh all seem to be using these weapons."
"How many of them between us and the Lunar station?"
"Only one that we cant sneak past sir."
"Alright, you! Gunnerman with the weirdly flat hair-cut! I want you on the EMP cannon. Have them load one round into the canister."
"One round sir??"
"Yes one! I dont need you wasting ammunition! Now get on the damn gun!"
The gunnerman runs to the cannon control, and preps it for use.
Mila takes a step forward tentatively."Sir... That thing is almost equivalent to a cruiser class if our sensors are correct... and it's sheilds are strong, we don't even know what the likely hood is that our EMP's can actually affect it. Certainly not with a single round!"
Null turns in his captains chair with a wickedly happy smile. "Just you watch... NAVIGATOR GUY!"
Mila steps forward again, this time in incredulance, "SIR??!?!"
Ignoring her, Null continues screaming orders at his crew with his insane smile, "NANO-CONTROL!"
Fearfully, a young crewwoman answers him in a high squeak, "sir?"
Mila grabs the captains sleeve in desperation to make him understand his own insanity, shouting out to him as though it might reach his senses easier that way, "Captain!!! Those are HEAVY plasma cannons! The nano-drones will provide us with SECONDS of protection! Our sheilds? Might as well be tissue paper! We can easily dodge those bolts! We really only ought to worry about the interceptors that craft may have... We could alter our course, take defensive maneuvers and shoot past them straight to Luna..."
As the Penumbra sails toward her target, the forward cannon on the enemy ship charges to fire a deadly green bolt, signaling it's impending birth with a bright neon glow.
Mila tries again to get her commanding officer to see reason..."Sir! Please we have to change course!"
One last time she pleads, using the name she never would use for him unless they were alone... "Null..."
Slightly surprised, Null looks at Mila to find her eyes filled with fear, truly believing they were about to die.
"Null... I... I love you..."
Smirking, Null turns his gaze to the cannon looming in front of him, and watches as the plasma stream fires, quickly burning through the nano cloud protecting the ship.
He turns to Mila, still smiling in a sideways sort of way, and answers her... "I know."
Then, turning to the window and taking a few steps forward, he shouts one more command.

The round rips through the plasma, for some reason ripping the streaming bolt into oozing glowing shreds and globlets floating in space and freezing solid. The crews of the Penumbra and many other ships watch in awe as the bullet travels straight along the beam, slowly making its way toward the cannon.
When it finally reaches its destination, there is a moment where nothing at all happens, cabins and portholes silent with bated breath.
Then it happens. The entire front end of the Thresh ship implodes, molten plasma gushing from its cracks and breakages. Cheers erupt in many places, but not in the Penumbra. Other crews had the ability to believe that the implosion was meant to happen, but aboard Null's ship, all the crew had resigned themselves to death, believing that the captain had meant to crash them into the hull in blazing sacrifice. They did not cheer, still disbelieving that their lives weren't forfeit.
Mila, being the only crew member not sitting down, collapsed to her knees, and let out a brief sob. Null, seeing this, walks back towards her and kneeling down, kisses the top of her head and leans in to whisper in her ear. "Plasma is guided by Electromagnets. An anomalic EM field in a pressurized tank of ferro plasma will burst the tank. Violently. It's science."
Then, standing up he turns and addresses his crew. "Have the nanos build a comm relay set to patch through this ship. We're gonna put those marines in contact with the fleet. Set a course for Luna-base. We've got a scientist to find." Smiling, Null Valorian walks off the bridge to his quarters, letting the pneumatic door hiss shut behind him.
Mila Fortunis stands, breathing deeply and regaining her formal composure. Looking around she sees everyone still staring at the destruction before them, motionless and in awe, still in the dark about what had just happened.
"You heard the man! Lets get moving people!"
Mila moves to the water tank at the refreshment station and takes a long pull. It was gonna be awhile before they reached Luna. Hopefully long enough for her to regain her nerves...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The farther ship seemed to falter, then it began to roll. With it’s yaw rotating to the left, the roll began a relative down-turn, clearing the the first ship, where it’s weaponry could return fire. The battleship had built up a fair amount of delta-vee, or forward acceleration. “Range to second ship,” Alex requested. “One point seven five em-kay-es,” reported Alex’ tactical officer. “Main cannon is ready to fire, Captain,” SARA chimed in. The ship ahead was already seeming to gain more confidence in it’s movement. “Energy spikes detected. They’re charging weaponry,” came the report from one of the sensor officers. “Helm, on my mark, I want you to swing to port, just enough to avoid any shots they get off.”

Alex looked at the rest of her command staff, namely her first officer, Commander Lawrence. He was only a little older and wasn’t quite as ambitious, other than wanting to be in the fight and on a battleship. “We’re not going to have too many more freebies. The reports from the outer defense grid were pretty grim. They haven’t seen all the things we can throw, but we don’t know a whole lot about them either…. It’s going to be a brawl.” The Commander nodded, then pointed to the Fenris nearby. “The ANS Fenris is calling for support,” he said, “Or at least they were before our last shot we made.”

The captain cracked a faint, very brief smile. “If the Wolf cant bring down badly wounded prey, then maybe it should starve.” She took a deep breath, “Comms, reach out to the Fenris. Let them know we’re chasing their.--” “Captain!” The sound of momentary panic was unmistakable as two ships stabbed into the black just off to starboard, close enough to be visible. “Two heavy cruisers dropping out of micro-jumps,” the young female officer reported as she got her voice under control. Green flickers appeared on the surface of the Thresh warships. “Incoming fire detected,” Tactical reported. “Return fire with the particle batteries. Make sure the gun crews are ready for contact. Main cannon you’re cleared hot.”

“Attackers have been launched from the second cruiser. I am detecting a picket line of their version of fighters screening their ships. Not tightly, but still there,” Sensor Officer Nelprin reported. “Launch the alert fighters. Bolt squadron takes the lead. Angel squadron screens us,” Alex responded.

As orders were issued many things started happening at once. The golden glow at the mouth of the great cannong began to glow as though the great Tiamat began to take a breath, about to breathe incandescent death once more. The beam stabbed outward, lancing across the distance in the blink of an eye, boiling off part of the ship’s dorsal hull before stabbing through the starboard quarter. A moment later the power plant of the ship went critical, as all materials and forces keeping it stable were no longer there. It blossomed into a fireball, slinging metal and chunks of material in it’s death throes. Part of the engine housing caromed off the first, nearly derelict light cruiser that had been victimized.

Small craft, Hammerhead exo-atmospheric jets… fighters, interceptors, whatever one wanted to call them, began pouring out like bees from a hive, burning hard on accelerator cones.

Flickers of blue-white energy traced along several dark strips that went along the long axis of the ship. Several beams of charged particles stabbed out at the closer of the two heavy cruisers. At the same time green bolts and globules of plasma began hitting the navigational shields, scattering or sticking, shimmering before their energy was dispersed into space. “Tickles,” Captain LeFores muttered. “Coms, check on the status of the Fenris.” A brief acknowledgement greeted her. “It’s too bad most of our support craft and tenders were taken out before they could make it back from the re-supply.”

“I know what you mean,” Commander Benjamin Lawrence said on the ither side of the tactical display table. Long range sensors were showing some returns from ships nearby. “Tie in to the FTL coms, make sure the quantum entanglement arrays are functioning. Tie in the IFF and transponder signals we can pick up, while we wait on the sensor data,” Lawrence requested to SARA. More green and blue blips began to appear on the long-range map. “We’re not alone in the fight, just not too many people in the neighborhood,” Captain LeFores said.

“Main cannon ready to fire,” SARA reported dutifully. Alex glanced toward the two cruisers spitting bio-plasma at them. “Magnetic shields are still up but they’re about to wear a hole in them. By now the particle batteries had been cutting into hull on the enemy cruisers, stabbing and probing, looking for weaknesses in all the places that seemed somewhat logical. Secondaries and short gouts of fire were erupting here and there, but they didn’t seem to be doing a great deal. One of the larger blisters on the closer cruiser seemed to swivel, and them belched out a massive ball of plasma the size of a house or bigger, sending boiling matter and energy like a comet toward the battleship.

The plasma slammed through the magnetic shields, only managing to peel a thin layer off the strike. It took them on the right side of the forward shields and seemed to roll down the length of the ship like someone pouring fire over glass. The decking lurched from the feedback of physical force from the gravimetric shielding. It handled the burning substance better as the rotation of the field flung and dispersed the substance away. Two more big fists of energy were headed for the Tiamat. “Helm, thirty degrees positive yaw, negative pitch, then one hundred-eight degrees positive roll if you please,” Alex ordered. The ship began to swing to the right, bringing it’s main cannon into firing position while the change in course slipped past the slower bio-plasma. The roll put fresher shields, both magnetic and gravimetric in line. Out the bridge view screens, which were just giant displays (windows on a battleship were a bad idea, on the bridge) the stars pinwheeled and the two enemy cruisers swapped sides, though it was the Tiamat that had changed orientation. That was the beauty of zero-gravity. Orientation was relative, subjective, most of the time. “Helm give me ten degrees positive yaw, ten degrees negative pitch. SARA, give me the shooting plot for the main cannon,” Alex requested.

A moment later three lines appeared, which collapsed to a point, giving the exact path of their main weapon’s muzzle travel, essentially. “Long burst fire,” she said just before the lines would have touched either ship. Again the glow built and then erupted, only taking a second or so, but this time it wasn’t just a second or two when the beam burned through space, but much longer. The beam swept across the two ships, shredding into their hulls, removing chunks from them both as charged particles skittered over the surface, destroying tissues and knocking out circuits. Secondaries rippled here and there. A few of the plasma emplacements erupted as well, but others were still firing.

And then green, as well as blue-white blasts of plasma began heading their way, not just one or two, but several, a half dozen… a dozen… “Oh, now they’re mad,” Lawrence said. The metal behemoth rocked from the volley of shots, half of it covered in a roiling sheet of plasma. “Helm, rotate us so fresher shields come into line,” Alex snarled.

“I knew we should have let them load the torpedo tube module on the ventral side,” The Captain griped. Overhead the glow panels flickered some, and a few sparks erupted from some of the control relays, but the tough bird seemed to handle the pounding decently. The particle beams continued to hit back, targeting the heavy plasma ...cannons? … that seemed to fire on the ship, and had downed several. The heavy firepower was beginning to dwindle. “Communications, update on the Fenris,” Commander Lawrence requested tightly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 18 days ago

"Damn." Otto mumbled to himself as he watched the battle unfold from his seat upon the ANS Bermuda, the flag ship of his fleet. Unfortunately, both the Gaia base and Moon were both under heavy attack, and the Moon was already under invasion from Thresh ground forces, and Marines were currently engaging them. In space, the Gaia station was under heavy attack, and they needed to clear enemy forces in order to establish contact with the Marines and bring them back home. That was a lot of work, but that is what he signed up for when he joined the millitary.

"Warrent Officer Briggs, can you establish contact with any of our troops on the ground." he said gruffly, still contemplating. "I'll get on it sir." Briggs replied with a salute, and he immediately begun typing away. "Warrant Officer Manzel, send a message to all able bodied and captians to defend the station from the enemy, I'll also need a team to flank the enemy and box them in from behind, well need our bigger ships to do this. We will also need a special extraction team to assist ground units on the moon. Is that clear Officer." He yelled. "Yes sir " Manzel yelled back as he began to contact the captains.

The ANS Bermuda started to fire its weapons at the enemy fleet, the rest of his own fleet doing the same, they were currently east of the Space Station. With all Thresh's fire power focused on the Admiral, they would hopefully not notice the other ships flanking them, and be able to take them out from behind. The ship echoed with the sounds of enemy rounds harmlessly hitting the ships shields, but they knew it would not last for long if his plan did not succeed. "Someone contact the ANS YellowStone, they will be the key to saving out men on the moon." he said in a commanding tone, he would need them to to successfully and safely save the Marines and trapped civilians.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

Member Seen 1 yr ago

So much seemed to happen in such a little time. As the Fenris began pulling back the Tiamat and Yellowstone had began their assault with support from others - heck even the Bermuda was there. Calter took a deep breath and shook his head "They saved our bacon this time... Better pay them back asap." He paused to examine the situation. "For now the enemy is concentrating on our heavier ships - that's good for us, but we can't really leave them hanging, now can we? Find the largest enemy ship in our vicinity and get a lock on it." The radar operator quickly located a massive Tresh ship that was at least a kilometer in length. "Sir, large enemy ship located just outside our range... We have fought that type before so..." The operator was cut off by the captain finishing the sentence "We know exactly where to aim. Ok. Activate our stealth systems, full radar jamming and thrusters. Stay close to the bigger ships and wait for my mark."

The Fenris moved to a safer position closer to the Yellowstone. Calter coughed and activated the comm. "This is ANS Fenris calling the Yellowstone, we'll be concentrating our firepower on a large enemy vessel - we'll mark the target for the rest of the fleet in case our guns don't damage it enough. Now here's the part where we'd need your help. Our engines are going to shut down when we open fire so... it would be real nice if you could provide me with some minor protection."

After a while the rail gun had locked to the large ship that was already wreaking havoc with it's cannons. "Ok, we are safely within our own lines... Heat up the forward lances for a simultaneous volley. Target slightly below the bow... Ready? Fire." The four lances cut to the bow of the tresh ship and cut through it just enough for the rail gun to properly take out the ship. The rail gun fired and went through the enemy ship - reaching it's core and causing an explosion that made the ship break in half.

Calter was however not celebrating - the Fenris was going to be immobile for a while and they lacked weapons to guard their own back. "Keep jamming the enemy radar and give me a report of the situation. If I can't help the folks by direct combat I'll at the very least can provide them with tactical info..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stitchblades
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Stitchblades Never Fear Stitch is here

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

ANS yellowstone ~
The Fenris Marked the target ship and in a single Rail volley the yellowstones railguns launched a barrage against the targeted ships those coupled with that of Fenris guns decimated the hostile ship to nothing more than debris and matter

The ship had been in position for about 10 minutes and by this time the ships that could make it to its location were either on route queued up ready or being repaired using the latest in Nano-repair technologie. The Fighters and bombers kept most small ships at bay using the swarm techniques that was a signature of the Cyborg run ship.
Captain Derrick Cole was still overlooking the bridge
"repair teams, Work double speed take everyone who has training from any sector to boost your numbers ~ i want no more than 10 minutes per ship" The captain yelled over the comms.
"Captain i recommend we priorities those with less damage to get them into the fight quicker as to keep our numbers boosted"
Derrick agreed with this and issued the commands to the queued ships their number ready for repairs and until such time any ships with Working weapon systems where to help deal with any Hostile or unknown entering their area.
Over time the Yellowstone managed to repair and rearm 24 frigates which all returned to the fight.

"Captain!" a voice yelled from the radar section "We have hostile jump signatures bearing 134 elevation -139 heading directly for Luna, recommend pulling out and joining the fight"
"Copy that, Calling all ships waiting for repairs we are going to have to join the fight set up a defensive location while we deal with the threat"
Any ships that was docked with the Yellowstone was launched with enough repairs and ammo to hold out for a while,
"Lynx bomber squadron stay with the ships here provide phantom support when possible" Cole ordered without haste
"Lynx one copies Bugging out" the voice responded

"transfer me the helm i will take our fair lady for this fight" the Captains control panel light up as he took his seat and linked his mechanical body with the Yellowstones interface,
Within moments the Yellowstone was on the moving towards the battle at half speed
"ANS Bermuda, ANS Typhoon, ANS Orpheus, ANS-CA Penumbra, ANS Fenris This is the ANS Yellowstone There is a large hostile Force jumping straight for Luna from deepspace Bearing 134 Elevation -139 from my location if you can keep the thresh that are here already the Yellowstone will intercept the new contacts"

The Yellowstone powered ahead moving to the estimated jump exit location with all weapons primed and ready to Fire ~

3 seconds to contact "ready men the captain yelled
2 seconds
1 second

Contact ~
To the Horror and surprise of crew and captain the Thresher's had mobilised their dreadnoughts
"Fire on the flag ship with rails 2 4 6 8 and 12 and fire 1 3 5 7 9 and 11 on the ship behind it"

"Calling all ANS And alliance ships the Thresh Dreadnoughts are here Requesting immediate back up from Bermuda"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Brink_
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Although T'Zakiel had many years of spacecraft experience under his belt, considering he had spent nearly half of his life in space at this point, he had rarely encountered any battles whilst onboard a vessel, and this was one of the first times he'd been tasked with directly attacking the Thresh. As such, he was quite nervous, though he knew better than to reveal this to any of his crewmen.

"Sir, we've taken down one of the Thresh ships," said Lieutenant Roals, interesting his captain's anxious thoughts. T'Zakiel smiled, knowing that at least he was doing something right.

"Alright, how many more are there left?" the captain asked, due to the fact that the large window-esque screen in front of his was clogged with wreckage and explosions, blocking any visual signs of an enemy.

"According to our radar, at least three more medium-sized ships. No fellow Alliance vessels are nearby." This information prompted T'Zakiel to wonder how far he strayed from the main battle. "Wait... it seems as though a squadron of a dozen enemy interceptors are coming our way," Roals continued.

"Are the turbo-lasers ready?" T'Zakiel asked, garnering a nod from his lieutenant. "Open fire, then." Suddenly, a trio of small spacecraft whizzed past the bridge, firing a multitude of what appeared to be green lasers at the Orpheus. After the shooting subsided for a moment, T'Zakiel rose and yelled at his crewmen. "What's happening? Did you not hear me? Open fire, alright?!"

"Sir, the Thresh interceptors are much too fast for our turbo-lasers. The only weapons of ours that can hit them are our point-defense lasers, and half of those are destroyed," a lone officer answered.

"Well, attempt to escape from all of this wreckage instead. Hopefully, some of those Thresh ships will crash into the debris. And as for the larger vessels, hit them with our tractor beams. If we are to miss, circle back and hit them again. I want to ensure their demise." A unanimous cheer resounded throughout the bridge, and T'Zakiel sat back down. If all was to go according to plan, the tractor beams would cripple the Thresh ships, leaving them immobilized, which would give the Orpheus enough time to high-tail it out of there and reach the wreckage in time to save the Marines stranded there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AngelNoire
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AngelNoire Lovecraft Divine

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Sir! A transmission from the ANS Yellowstone! It contains our call tag."
Null took a deep breath and punched in the comm button. "Play the transmission."
"ANS Bermuda, ANS Typhoon, ANS Orpheus, ANS-CA Penumbra, ANS Fenris This is the ANS Yellowstone There is a large hostile Force jumping straight for Luna from deepspace Bearing 134 Elevation -139 from my location if you can keep the thresh that are here already the Yellowstone will intercept the new contacts"

Pressing the relay button, Valorian sends his reply. "Negative Yellowstone. That is a Negative. This is the ANS-CA Penumbra calling out to all flagged ANS ships. I have a separate mission on Luna and I cannot provide my direct support. A comm buoy is now online through my ship. I am descending to the moon's surface to provide extraction to key members of the Alliance military. Upon landing I will Install another buoy to allow for communication between the fleet and the marines and civilians below. But I need all of you to prevent any orbital strike, or drop teams. I have a crew of nine, not an army and am not equipped to take on any significant force. Are any of the ships in orbit capable of teleport receipt? I will construct an extraction teleport for the stranded marines and civvies at 123-7, 23-9. If you can lock on to its signal we can get these men and women out of here alot faster. This is the ANS-CA Penumbra. Over and out."

"Captain, we are nearing our destination."
"Thank you Mila. Prep my away-equipment."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 15 hrs ago

The Mittnick was abustle with activity, lights flashing, radar sweeps returning to brightly glowing screens. At least the wiring wasn't sparking anymore, which was a relief to those on the bridge who ran the ship, both humans and not. Because, as Dane thought to himself sarcastically, they needed this clustered command center, strewn with spare parts of exposed innards, to be even more dangerous than it already was.

Of course, that wasn't the only reason things were abustle, Another reason would be the news, and the way the entire comm band seemed like it was having an epileptic fit with the sheer amount of transmissions coming across. As if the images of battle they were getting weren't bad enough.

"Alright, how are we doing," Dane asked, looking over his wired crew, each of them working at their consoles with augments and other techno wizardry he didn't claim to understand. As long as they did what he told them to do, things would be alright, as far as he was concerned.

Holographic generators on the bridge hummed to life, allowing a projection of a sigil, representing Fienze, the ship's AI unit, to appear. "All systems appear to be operating at nominal functionality. Cloak is ready to activate, and I calculate a 95 percent chance that activation will not release a burst of radiation that kills all you mere humans within an hour, as well as a 47 percent chance that it does not release a burst of radiation that renders the entire crew sterile."

"That's a pleasant thought," Varrick, the weapons console operator, commented from his station.

"Well, it's not like he cares, he's an AI," Travess, the comm/sensors/scanning guy, said from his seat. "It's not like he actually need sus here to fly the ship or anything. We're just the backups."

"Very skilled backups,"Alyxis, the pilot of the vessel, chimed in from where she sat. She was possibly the most rigged up of all of them, a visor over her face that gave her full access to ships cameras. "Besides, far as I'm concerned, you being removed from the gene pool wouldn't be a bad thing. Darwinian selection at it's finest."

Dane suppressed a sigh as he listened to them. This was the sort of thing he had to deal with every day, and this was only the verbal communications. Given how teched up the crew was, they could get a lot worse with their technological access, and he didn't need that. He was very unsure as to whether he was being rewarded or punished at this point. And this was why he didn't enjoy politics.

He interceded before this went anywhere else that he really didn't need to hear. "Travess, get me a sitrep on what's going on out there."

"On it," the man replied and got to work. Said work lapsed on, as the rest of the bridge crew sat waiting for him to let them in on what was happening.

"So, should I go get a book or something, Varrick asked. "At this rate we'll be here all day."

"Yeah, well maybe if people would stop using the ship's network to download catgirl porn, I'd be able to work that much faster," Travess complained as he worked, neural uplinks running at full speed as he fingers danced across keypads.

"Oh come on, that happened one time," Alyxis complained from her console, working just as rapidly as he was. "I was doing biological research. Very hush hush and classified. It's not my fault you people are perverts who get a rush out of hacking and spying on other people."

"Says the person downloading porn on a military data network," Travess shot back.

Dane spoke up then before the argument could escalate in one of the two launching a cyber attack on the other or otherwise trying to hack/spam the other, activities which would affect their performance significantly to say the least. "Excuse me, can we focus on the mission? I'd prefer living to getting ourselves blown up because you were too busy fighting each other more than the enemy."

"Right. Anyway, the Thresh are attacking, as you may have noticed. The Moon and Gaia Station are under attack right now, because for some reason the Thresh decided it would be wisest to attack our defenses where we were strongest, rather than where we were weakest like a sane military commander. Ships are rallying to the defense, people are getting stranded and cut off, and the defense is running around like chickens with their heads cut off while Earthside yells at people," Firenze said, stealing Travess's thunder, for which the man was very unamused.

"Seriously, can you at least pretend I'm here to do something," Travess asked Firenze from where he sat.

The sigil of the AI flared up onto his monitor, annoyingly, from his perspective, before it replied. "I'm sorry, did I hurt your human feelings? Here, let me make it up to you." Before Travess could respond, a rapid fire slide show of internet meme's began to run across the screen, and through his neural links before he managed to shut it off.

"God, I swear some day I am just gonna wipe you from the system, and I am going to enjoy it," Travess threatened, though all were aware it was am impotent threat at best. Even if he could, he'd end up on the first prison ship to Pluto, or any number of otherwise undesirable locations in the solar system.

"Focus," Dane interrupted once more. "Alyxis, get us moving, take us towards the combat zone under cloak, see if we can get in the enemies rear and lay some havoc. Travess, get jamming up, see if we can intercept any useful communications. Varrick, have weapons ready."

"Got it." "On it." "Alright." Acknowledgements given, the engines of the Mittnick flared, disguised by the cloak that shimmered into place as the vessel exited Earth's shadow and headed towards the warzone. A dangerous place, but one they needed to be. It wasn't like they had a choice in the matter. If Earth fell, the war would be over, and they couldn't let that happen. And so, they took the plunge
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AngelNoire
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AngelNoire Lovecraft Divine

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

CommCenter said ANS Penumbra, this is Captain Veros of the ANS Vector, we've been specifically tasked with landing on Luna, but we havent opened a hole on our side of the moon, if you have an opening please send co-ordinates and we will amalgamate.
ANS Penumbra, Captain Andreis, ANS Horoscope, we have visual contact and are closing in on your trajectory now.
ANS Back-Alley, thats a negative, we are pinned down, we will provide what support we can but our interceptors are getting steamed.

Null punched in his coordinates for the Vector and horoscope and opened his comm,
"Confirmed, Vector and Horoscope, on me. We don't have a secure link yet, so we don't know what we're facing down there. be ready for anything. Whats our ETA's?"
Vector said We're looking at two hours for us. you're clear on the other side of the rock

Horoscope said We should have the same AT as you, Penumbra. Maybe ten minutes, our crew isn't suited up yet though. We may need prep time.

"Okay, when I land my team will go in for reconnaisance and initial stealth strikes on any occupying forces. You two provide frontal assault when its available. Don't rush yourselves, like I said, we don't know what we're dealing with here..."
Turning to his Navigator he gave the order to descend.
"Here goes nothing..." He muttered to himself.
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