"Now's my turn," Gabriel said to Flood as he prepared to take off for the course. After a few seconds of concentration, he began running through the course. He let his agility and strength guide him through most of it, not bothering to think what would happen if he did a particular action but instead figuring out ways to pass a certain part once he was already dealing with it. Most of it was going will, until he got to the last part.
"A simple climb up this thing shouldn't be too hard..."
Gabriel began to hoist himself up through the rectangular thing, but halfway up, he slipped and fell.
He wasn't about to allow this final part to make quit, especially since he was so close to the finish and was no doubt getting some smirking looks from Sue and that other guy. Call this karma or whatever, he didn't care, and quite soon he was beginning to get angry with himself as he continued to fail this part.
Gabriel put his hand up against the wall facing him and slid his hand down it. He left a trail of blood.
"Screw the rules."
The wall began to melt away under his blood, creating an opening for him. Gabriel walked through it and made his way back to the sidelines.
"Obstacle course done," he said with a smirk.