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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Anime_Freak said
"People watching is always fun.." she said."Since you're so interested in people, what do you want to know about them?"

"A little bit of everything. I know that there are only a few serious relationships. Most of the students are not confident in their abilities. The students here are just like every other teen on the planet." Zack summarized.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

Anthony replies tersely, "That's better." He continues with a slightly more jovial tone,"Yes, I'll send someone to pick you up, but we must make this quick. If you keep coming over at night, people will begin to talk." He hangs up the phone, then calls out, seemingly to no one, "I need you to pick up Ms. Rayne. Quickly please." A small hole opens in the hill that houses Anthony's lab, and something emerges quickly before streaking off through the sky.

John shrugs, "It depends on how serious you are about this. If you're willing to train late at night, some of the Bat Family train in the courtyard at about 11. I'm sure you could convince them to train you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

CallaLily180 said
"Agreed." Nacelle muttered as she walked outside and hurried to the limo.

Kalinda followed after her. Well, she had managed to talk and hang out with someone that wasn't a guy so that was a plus.

KatherinWinter said
"Yea I guess I will. I just do like the idea of hurting him." Katherin said sadly.

Phoebe sighed "I know" she said softly "is there any other way of finding out?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

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knight125 said
Anthony replies tersely, "That's better." He continues with a slightly more jovial tone,"Yes, I'll send someone to pick you up, but we must make this quick. If you keep coming over at night, people will begin to talk." He hangs up the phone, then calls out, seemingly to no one, "I need you to pick up Ms. Rayne. Quickly please." A small hole opens in the hill that houses Anthony's lab, and something emerges quickly before streaking off through the sky.

John shrugs, "It depends on how serious you are about this. If you're willing to train late at night, some of the Bat Family train in the courtyard at about 11. I'm sure you could convince them to train you."

Kijani packed a book in her jacket pocket and continued to make herself ready. A small reporter's notepad was tucked away as well. After slinging her sword around her back, she headed to the school parking lot to wait. As she stood there, she folded up tiny paper cranes from the notepad paper, using nothing but her mind and subtle twitches of her fingers. A low laugh escaped from her lips, one that would have been a giddy giggle if it had been louder. It felt so good to be herself again.


Devika raised her eyebrows. "Honestly? I really don't want to be useless. There's plenty of crime where my parents live, and... well, the heroes sort of leave it alone. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's too hot for super-spandex." She chuckled softly. "There's a window of opportunity there, and... if no one else is going to take it, well, it may as well be me." A smile appeared on her face, displaying her dimples. "Hey John?" She stepped forward and hugged him very tight. Her face went rather red, because John was warm and quite solid in a rather appealing way. Hurriedly she pulled away, hoping her emotions hadn't rubbed off too strongly from the contact. "Sorry. I just... thanks for being encouraging."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


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Descending from the sky and landing just in front of Kijani is Watson, the "man" that had delivered clothes to the other students earlier in the year. "Hello Ms. Rayne," he says cordially, "I am to be your transportation this evening. You do not fear heights, correct?"

In the short time that Devika hugged him, John hugged her back, matching her intensity. After Devika breaks off the embrace, John replies with an easy smile, "Don't mention it." The smile fades from his face as something dawns on him. "I hate to end the night so soon, but I just remembered that I'm supposed to be helping Bane all day tomorrow, which means I'll need a lot of energy. I better head off to my room."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Kijani shook her head, trying not to stare openly at Watson. "Good evening." Luthor couldn't have sent a car for her? "No, no fear of heights in the least." Her hair was going to be a mess. "Shall we, then?" She wasn't entirely sure how this was going to work.
Devika nodded. "Don't worry about it. Take care of yourself, John. I'll just go study or something." She grinned, and gave him a little shoulder punch. "Goodnight."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

John winces as if the punch hurt, then says with a grin, "Good night, beautiful." He makes his way into the main building of the Academy, then retreats to his dungeon.

Watson gives the most reassuring smile an android can give before scooping Kijani up carefully and flying off into the night sky. They fly faster and faster, seeming to accelerate the entire trip before suddenly, they come to a stop. Apparently Watson broke the laws of physics, because although they halted rather suddenly, there was no jolting of his passenger. Watson sets Kijani down on Anthony's front porch and knocks on the door.

At the sound of knocking on his door, Anthony gives a mental command, which the house's AI picks up. The front door opens a moment later, seemingly of its own accord, and Anthony's voice drifts through the opening. "Come in."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Kijani couldn't help but cling to Watson as they flew off into the sky. It was exhilarating, even more than it had been with Connor. Connor had probably reduced his speed for her sake, but Watson did no such thing. By the time she was set down on solid ground, she was grinning, ear to ear. The door opened by itself, earning a nod of approval from Kijani. After putting her hair and clothes back into some semblance of order, she stepped into Anthony's home.
Devika smiled at John's retreating back. He really had to stop throwing compliments at her- she'd get to believe them if he wasn't careful. Once he was gone, she did a half hour on the treadmill before starting to walk back to her dorm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

Anthony had been reading Thomas Moore's Utopia while waiting for Watson to return with Kijani, but sets it aside as she walks in. He gestured to a chair on the other side of the fireplace and says, "Please have a seat and let's cut to the chase. You have questions, I most likely have the answers. Ask away."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Kijani entered the room, but instead of going to the other chair, she headed directly for Anthony. She stopped in front of his chair, and quite without warning, yanked him up by his shirt collar. She pressed her mouth against his for several long, warm seconds, before releasing him. Only then did she settle into the chair he'd offered, relaxing into the plush fabric as if she hadn't just kissed him. "So how did you do it? Do you have dirty pictures of Professor Xavier or something?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

Anthony watches as Kijani settles into the chair, an expression of both amusement and disgust on his face as he says, "Do not do that again. Whatever you may think of me, I am not a pedophile." He then shrugs and answers her question nonchalantly, "You needn't worry yourself about how I did it. However, it would benefit you to remember that Anthony Luthor always gets what he desires, when he desires it. Next question."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Kijani let out a faint snicker. "I'm almost 18- and I certainly don't have a child's body. I don't think anyone could legitimately call you a pedophile." She merely smiled at the non-answer to her question. Honestly, she really hadn't expected him to tell her a thing. "What's the timeline for tomorrow?" She paused, running her tongue across her lips. "...You taste like wine. Really good wine."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

Anthony chooses to reply to Kijani's second statement first, "Yes well, I had just started on a bottle of Henri Jayer Richebourg Grand Cru when you called me. I was planning on drinking the whole bottle, but now I'm glad I stopped after only two glasses." He then leans back in his chair, laces his fingers together, and continues, "My father conducts the majority of his business in the morning and early afternoon. If our plan is to avoid harming innocent civilians, which it is, then we'll need to go to the LexCorp headquarters at around eight in the evening. Mr. Parker, I'm sure you know by now, will be coming along as well. His job will be to dispose of as many guards as possible without drawing attention to himself. We, in the meantime, will be in my father's office on the top floor, exchanging pleasantries and chatting until Ben informs me that we're clear to proceed. Immediately after we're given the signal, we'll begin the interrogation, afterwards, I'll decide my father's fate."

(@Dizzy: We can continue this through PMs.)

The sun rises, ushering in yet another exciting day at the Academy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Flood still had himself barricaded in the classroom watching different traps spring on different students. He really enjoyed one sprung on Green Lantern's son. That guy was a jerk. "I wonder when the principal will realize I'm pulling all the pranks." He asked out loud as he checked the barricades preventing entry. They looked sound as usual. "Might as well play some solitaire." Flood said to himself as he got out some cards.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda had enjoyed the night out with someone, other then a guy, although she still hated the fact that she had got out of it without paying.

She had spent half the night trying to fold a metal sheet to her will, and had a faint punch scar line over the palm if one hand to prove it. She had eventually just fallen asleep, deciding she would ask for help in the morning.

She woke, and after grabbing a few slices f toast, headed to the gym
After finishing their dinner, Phoebe and Katherin had returned to the school. Phoebe had fallen asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow, exhausted. She shouldered, sent for her customary run, then went to dress for the day, choosing some of her new clothes.
Connor, having been unable to find Austin or Kyra, had spent the night trying to upgrade his tracker. Perhaps he would as Ryan if he would help test it, he had thought before falling asleep. He woke, and headed to breakfast
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 6 mos ago


The previous night

She’d merely looked at the number engraved into the wide portion of her given keys to know where her residence was. The trick was to find the dormitory, and locating it was no more than a few seconds away, clocking in at a rapid 200 kmph to the front of the girls’ dormitory, a simply deduction to see which building looked the most accommodating. Bless the people who must’ve been shocked to suddenly see a rainbow out of nowhere, leading to her room.

Upon entering, she surveyed it, attempting to uncover any secrets or entrapments, only to be surprised to see nothing. No omnipresent mirrors or black walls to lock her in, and the lights seemed almost excessive and not at all dimmed. Those made Gretchen raise her eyebrow: could they not really know even the slightest extent of how her abilities worked, and that the lack of inhibition was only enabling her? Granted, even she didn’t know the fullest potential she had under her skin, but even surely they knew the basic. She wondered if the lights were in any way triggered to dim at a time of the day, its power source most likely from a renewable energy source, natural or not.

She looked at the clock high above opposite her bed. 7 p.m., close to dinner time but she was not hungry in sustenance; she wanted to explore the Academy’s enigmatic nature. How on Earth they managed to keep and handle so many super-powered beings was beyond her. There were surely more students than teacher/superheroes, and there was no way they could keep everyone in line. Could it be that students are actually being self-restraint and want to learn to be “better” people? Rubbish! Absolute garbage! Time to get the hell out of this joint, and with that, she ran out of her room in a blinding instant.

She paid meticulous attention to memorize the layout of the Academy as she zoomed past each building and ran on every path possible. Were the buildings locked, she ran through the mirrors, her light form enabling her to enter almost anything except certain opacity or reflection. She was so quick about her surveillance; she crossed her own rainbow trail a second time, only to end up in the centre of the main campus. She turned a quick 360°, a smirk of disappointment, her presence violated practically the entirety of the Academy. Where was the challenge “Baaatttmaaan” promised?

“Pssh, easy,” as she turned to the open gates and ran out.

A constant presence of light sustained and empowered Gretchen’s abilities, the Sun being her greatest source. So when she felt the Flash running after her, she turned her direction towards the Big Apple. The City That Never Slept because all its lights were gaudily bright and abundant. She knew the Flash was going easy on her, but she was not, and as soon as she saw the first neon sign, she turned so quickly to see the Flash only a few feet behind her. A quick blow-kiss and she was suddenly a kilometre away. New York was stunned with an enormous, brief flash of light, and Gretchen was already on her way to Chicago. She had no idea how fast she was going but she was already on her way to the next nearest light source.

But, she was still too slow, and in a time so fast it was unfathomable, mirrors surrounded her. The Flash truly earned his reputation for being the fastest being ever.

“We warned you, you’re not getting away,” talking through from behind the encased Gretchen.

“But you have to admit; I was unbelievably fast.”

“Yes, yes you were, and that’s why you’re dangerous. Haven’t you considered that your flashy running endangered the lives of others? All for your excitement?”

“Yes yes yes, but come one, it was almost like you were challenging me to break free.”

“You pull a stunt like this one more time, and we’re blocking your powers for good. Yes, we can do that.”

“I call bull.”

“Try us,” and with that the Flash broke the mirror casing open, she now mysteriously back in her room, and a gust of wind messing her hair, Flash now gone.

Could they really do that? How immoral! How ruthless and cold! How… thrilling!

So it was now a challenge for her to not break the rules, use her abilities and rid of her despicable torturous boredom and control?

Out loud, she yelled: “BRING IT!”
The next morning

She slept a good slumber, and she would have gone for longer where it not for the announcement in the speakers of her room, gym in a few hours from a voice she knew not whose.

After a quick shower, she dressed up in luxurious items, though just a polo and jean shorts. A quick pucker of her lips as she applied her red lipstick, an adjustment of her supple breasts, and her hands running down her sides, she spoke to herself: “Gotta make a good impression, you gorgeous thing.”

She ran for the cafeteria, a trail of rainbow betraying her attempt of “forced” subtlety. Fine, she won’t use her powers here and blind everyone around her. She did however push everyone out of her way, cutting the queue to get a tray of food of her own. Her tall nature enabled her to stand up against the shorter, and the taller, 6’1” perhaps a great height to accentuate her beautiful figure and face.

She sat on a vacant chair and table, her flawless legs exposed for everyone to see, her sneakers a bright red like her lips, contrasting her pale skin and bright-blond/silver hair.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda went through her customary work out, this time returning to physical strength, and then to her telekinetic training. She enjoyed herself, but soon, she realised she was famished. She retraced her steps backt the cafeteria, pondering a few things.

She wondered how strong she would get with her powers, wondered if she could simply slip into the shadows one day, and reappear somewhere else. That would have to be something she would focus on, perhaps later on today she would try it.

Apart from last night though, she had spent the last two alone, and that was beginning to worry her. She had come here, and suddenly she had friends, friends that helped her, and hung out with her, but she'd only been talking with them the last two days instead of hanging out. And Kalinda feared what that might mean.

She was craving more and more the feel of other peoples emotions instead of her own. Her own seemed alien to her now, since going up against the pheromone freak. Anthony. She had to remember tnst, so she could avoid him and never experience what had happened again. Actually, she thought to herself, if truth be told, they had slowly started to feel alien to her since coming hear, since taking Griffins and Zacks emotions, since givingBen some of her emotions, and she craved to get rid of her own now.

Suddenly, she made a beeline for her dorm room, walking up the stairs and into her room. She changed, and strapped her guitar to her back, before heading back to the cafeteria. She was so lost in her thoughts, that she had no idea what food she grabbed, just knowing it thankfully had no meat. She didn't realise where she sat, until realising that she had sat at a table that had already been occupied.

She glanced up, and blushed, "sorry, lost in thought" she said, rising and making to move away from the blondy silvery haired girl who seemed to like bright red. "Didn't mean to disturb you" she picked up her tray, took a few steps back, then approached again. "May I join you? My name is Kalinda"

kalinda had been raised to respect manners and to be polite. Which clashed with her more....in your face attitude some times. Like when she had slapped John for kissing her. Or at the resturant last night. She smiled,simply to be polite. Well, she had now made effort to talk with two people, so she figured she was doing good.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Katherin dressed for the new day. Today she was going to show everyone her new look. On one hand Katherin was nervous. What if no one liked her new look? She wasn't sure what she would do if people hated it. Her hair would take months to grow back out. On the other hand Katherin was hopeful. If everyone liked her new look she would know she the changes she was making would work out. Katherin gathered up her courage and left her dorm room. She headed towards the cafeteria.
Zack woke eagerly the next morning. He had a new friend. He could hardly wait to check out the library with her. He wondered if that would be considered a date. Zack decided that he wouldn't call it a date. They were just two friends meeting to talk about books. People did that all the time. It wasn't a special occasion or anything. As Zack dressed he wondered what the day would bring. Smiling he headed to the cafeteria for breakfast.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Gretchen gladly enjoyed her tuna-mayo sandwich as she observed the people around her. They were so noisy, so active, so… oblivious to everything around them except for what’s in front of them, and even then they are so blind! A mild observation of everyone around her and she could make out the finer details that denoted their behaviours, and therefore connoted their personalities. What little science experiments waiting to be tested, how feeble their minds must be to just cra-

“Sorry, lost in thought.”

The crud? How’d sh- whatever. She was far too engaged in breaking down this one boy apart mentally to have noticed the girl out of nowhere. Hmm…

Age… not above 20… Dark hair with highlights… Guitar on her back… Light-weight and short, as she thought to herself.

“By all means,” she said as her hand gestured, inviting to the chair close to her, her bright, polished teeth a winning smile, photogenic to most cameramen in all industries.

“What’s your favourite book, you little shy bookworm, you?” a diminutive remark, perhaps a way for this Kalinda to open up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda shifted, as it seemed the girl was trying to pick her apart like she was a piece of computer bytes. "You know" Kalinda said, "Its polite when someone tells you their name to tell them yours" She said, as she bit into a cheese croissant after making sure there was no ham in it.

"I am not a bookworm" Kalinda said. Despite the fact she had pondered writing a book, she had discarded that idea, "neither am I shy. If your power is to sense what peoples characteristics are, I'd go to get a check up, because you are completely wrong with me"

She set her croissant down, and said, "You have to be scientifically built, probably by some guy wanting the perfect woman or something" It wasn't as if that was an exaggeration, there was probably some lonely guy out there prepared to try and make a human woman to play with, or perhaps even a robot. "No one is that prefect-your teeth could easily serve as a lighthouse, I am sure. Do they have a dimmer switch? and why would my favorite book have any interest with you?"

She picked her croissant up, and continued eating it. She had yet to decide about this girl.
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