Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Connor nodded, having just finished his breakfast, and stood, "It is" He agreed, picking up his back, "Eat and walk"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Caits said
Phoebe laughed, her mood lifted, and shrugged, "only in the mirror" She said, giving him a hug and a kiss, "Katherin and I went out for a girls night, spent way too much, but I had a good time. So much has happened this year, that I felt like a change, and Katherine needed it too"

Ryan smiled when she kissed him. "Missed you last night. Well if you had fun that's all that mattered. Maybe I need a guy's night out. Not sure if I know enough people for one. " Ryan said with a shrug. "So what do you think we are doing today? Super powered tag? Or maybe Hopscotch?" He joked thinking about all the games they had done. Maybe they would be doing an obstacle course.

"Maybe they are making us so more? Hopefully. Learning so much from Bane it's almost shocking. " He said wanting to use his skills more. "So what did you do last night? Other than the look change. "
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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"You just need one other person, I mean, it was just me and Katherine last night" Phoebe said, "Mimic said that our training is being stepped up, that we will be trained harder, so it could be anything" She said musingly. She did wonder why they were being made to step up their game so suddenly. It just seemed odd, but she supposed most of them had been at the academy for six months. "We've already covered several of the basic things most kids do in school Gym" She said, "So maybe, they'll be pushing our limits, making us do more things that uses our powers or other abilities" She shrugged, starting to walk once more to gym
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Nacelle sighed as she rushed over to gym, she had missed breakfast and was now eating a granola bar that she had found at the bottom of her bag...it was gross and stale but it still gave her nutrients.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

Anthony raises an eyebrow while saying, "I just had to defend you. With that in mind, I don't think you'd make a good bodyguard for me. However, if I ever need an extra set of hands for a project, I'll let you know."

Ben listens while a smile on his face, then claps quietly when Kalinda finishes, "That was great! I wish I could play an instrument, but I never really got the chance to learn."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Kalinda set her guitar down, and shrugged, "it really was nothing. Just something I wrote one day" She said, but she smiled. "Playing an instrument is easy, playing it good, and with feeling is the hard part" She said, plucking a few strings. "Music...its powerful"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Once the students had entered the gym they would notice Dr. McCoy standing in the middle of very different obstacle course than the first time they had done it. It had more of the same thing. Climbing walls, monkey bars, and rope swings. However true to form it was more difficult. The monkey bars moved requiring quick movements to get by. The climbing wall had lasers going up and down it. There was some sort of liquid over the ropes. McCoy looked at the group. "Since we are speeding up your training I figured we should go back to the original lesson. I want you to get through the course as fast as you can. One at a time. Well get moving!" He yelled motioning for them to go. It would not be easy. "None of this will kill you, hopefully. "
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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knight125 said
Anthony raises an eyebrow while saying, "I just had to defend you. With that in mind, I don't think you'd make a good bodyguard for me. However, if I ever need an extra set of hands for a project, I'll let you know."

"Whatever, I'm going to hang out with you anyways." Flood stated simply as he took out his electric katana and began fine tuning it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

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Kijani looked up from her book, then put it away when Dr. McCoy revealed their new and improved obstacle course. She smiled, got up, and started to stretch and warm her limbs, to make sure she was prepared to take on the challenge. It would be interesting to see if she could keep her powers well hidden while strictly relying on physical capability.
Devika walked into the gym to see class had already started. To her dismay, there was a wicked look obstacle course set up, and McCoy had just said that 'hopefully' it wouldn't kill anyone. She bit back a swear word and took a seat away from the rest of her classmates, staring at what was to come with a lot of worry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Avanhelsing said
Once the students had entered the gym they would notice Dr. McCoy standing in the middle of very different obstacle course than the first time they had done it. It had more of the same thing. Climbing walls, monkey bars, and rope swings. However true to form it was more difficult. The monkey bars moved requiring quick movements to get by. The climbing wall had lasers going up and down it. There was some sort of liquid over the ropes. McCoy looked at the group. "Since we are speeding up your training I figured we should go back to the original lesson. I want you to get through the course as fast as you can. One at a time. Well get moving!" He yelled motioning for them to go. It would not be easy. "None of this will kill you, hopefully. "

"Isn't that a protocol level 6 SHIELD obstacle course?" Flood observed out loud as he looked at the course. "Yeah it is, I recognize those laser formations." He remarked with a smile as he put away his Katana.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda volunteered to go first, deciding she might as well get it over with. She studied what she could see of the course. She watched how the bars moved, and the lasers, and then nodded. before starting. She ran across to the first climbing wall, pulling herself up first, before pushing off the ground with her telekinesis.

She flipped off the wall, and spun through the air, catching one of the moving monkey bars, summer saluting to the next one, and flipping to the next, and so on, until she had passed them.

She landed in front of another climbing wall, watching the lasers for a few seconds, launching herself up off the ground, and hovering, throwing herself over the top climbing wall, approaching the rope swings. She leaped to one, noticing the slickness to it. She frowned, catching herself before she could fall off them, and then she used the shadows to grip the ropes, surprised it actually worked.

She had soon finished the course, pleased with herself. She was panting slightly, but grinned happily, returning to the rest of the class.
As Connor and Austin entered the gym, and listened to what was going to happen today, Connor sighed, knowing his suit was probably next to useless here. Well, it would be an interesting test to his own endurance then.

After Kalinda went, Connor decided to go, figuring he might as well get it over with. He moved to the beginning of the course, and started. He knew he would have to be quick to avoid the lasers on the climbing walls, so he started there, watching the lasers, calculating the time he had to move. and scaled the wall quickly, pulling himself up, and over, just managing to avoid the lasers.

He moved towards the monkey bars, quickly working through them, and then the ropes. He had trouble with this, because of the sleakness on them, and ended up falling off one. He cursed, and tried again, this time moving through them quickly, and finishing the course.

He shook his arms, rubbing them, and sitting down on the bleachers.
Phoebe smiled at Ryan, going next on the course. She pondered how to get through the lasers, then simply grew a vine from the ceiling off the gym, and another on the other side of the climbing wall, retracting the vine she was on, swinging it slightly to leap to the other one. She let herself climb down it, before tackling the monkey bars, nearly falling with them a few times.

She tackled the second climbing wall pretty much the same way as she did the first, and was stumped with the ropes for a minute, before adding creepers to wrap around them, using the creepers to hold onto them instead of slipping off.

Satisfied that she had done well with the course, she returned to Ryan, glancing about at the rest of the class.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Austin nodded at the instruction, his sandwich already gone, having wolfed it down while walking. After watching the Connor and two other people go, he walked up to the course, lightly punching Connor's shoulder as he said," good job." He looked at the course before he began, eyes narrowed. He then dashed off the starting point, his agility coming into full affect. He dashed up to the wall and instead of climbing it he jumped up high into the air, caught the handholds, quickly avoiding a lasor, then jumping the last little bit , landing on top. He jumped down, landing with a roll to prevent injury, before attacking the monkey bars. He grasped onto one and began to swing across, quickly adjusting to match where the monkey bars moved. After clearing those he approached the ropes, jumping up as high as he could , then sliding down several feet before he could get his claws into the rope, the then climbed the roped using his claws to remain on the ropes, only sliding one more time. When he finished he nodded, walking back over to Connor, while looking for Kyra. He hadn't seen her yet today.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

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While upside-down hanging from a ceiling rung, Gretchen listened to the words of Hank McCoy, their apparent gym teacher, and watched curiously at the first few students who reacted and went through the course.

“Isn't that a protocol level-6 SHIELD obstacle course? Yeah it is, I recognize those laser formations,” she copied in a childish, mimicky voice, irritated with the creepo loser.

“Why don’t you go marry it, Freaaaaako,” the insult said in a forced, deep, goofy voice.

Still, she watched the flow and machinations of the obstacle course, deducing it to nothing but child’s play.

She hung on to the rung with the upper front of her left foot, but slid it off and she was soon falling head-first to the ground, the world zooming in fast to her vision, gravity and wind pushing everything of her back up yet going down.

A quick flip backwards while her body turned its very essence into light, she “landed” on her “feet” and raced forward. Each dash and jump made easy, each obstruction, high-points and long gaps made possible with intangibility and empowered jumps and runs. Past the monkey-bars, past the high-walls, not even considering the rope swings and she cleared it. It would have been easier to just walk around the thing.

But she ran back into the course.

Lasers, light optical amplification by stimulation of emission of electromagnetic radiation, hot, red, dangerous, cooooooooooooooooooooooool…..

It was to her quick summary that her body, in its light form, could perhaps… react to the laser…. and perhaps play around with it.

She jumped up high above the climbing wall, and let herself fall through the moving lasers.

The beams of heat and death now passed through Gretchen’s body, and reflected in obtuse, random angles around her. The climbing wall itself seared against the intensity of the EM radiation.

She laughed as the lasers spread to angles all over the gym, to the people waiting standby!

She fell hard on the floor, her figure of light dispersing as though she’s disintegrated, only to materialize, realize into a form next to Hank McCoy, back into her physical, devilishly beautiful form.

“Record time for Gretcheeeeen!” she sped off to the bleachers and lay down, legs raised in the air, crossing them as she planted them back to the floor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

Anthony sighs as he stands and walks to the obstacle course, "Oh joy." The monkey bars, requiring naught but hand-eye coordination, he made quick work of before standing before the climbing wall. His calculating mind quickly picked out a pattern in the seemingly random movements of the lasers, which he then memorized. Using this knowledge and taking advantage of the training he had done with John, Anthony slowly and methodically climbs the wall, passing by the lasers unfazed. Once he reaches the ropes, however, he frowns upon noticing the viscous material covering them. "There's no way I'm going to be able to cross these," he thinks, "better just be prepared to land unharmed." He swings as quickly between the ropes, making it halfway through before the liquid coating his hands made him fall to the ground. He lands lightly, without injury, and walks to his seat in the bleachers.

Ben laughs while going to the "obstacle" course. "Why don't you actually give us a challenge, teach?" he asks McCoy. He leaps from monkey bar to monkey bar, flipping rapidly between each one, moonwalks up and down the climbing wall, then uses the talons on his fingers to grip the ropes while swinging on them. Unfortunately, the talons had the side effect of tearing the lower halves of the ropes to shreds.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Nacelle felt the need to go next, the obstacle course seemed slightly easy to everyone. She found that she could possibly do it without much trouble, as she saw that the bottoms of the greased ropes were torn to shreds she sighed, looking around she gulped and kicked off with her feet. She was now hovering about fives inches of the ground, that would help her a lot.

Flying forward she stumbled slightly, this was a halfway new thing to her, before embarking on the course she made a simple plan of how to fly. Tilt left; go left, tilt right; go right, lean forwards; go forwards, and last but not least; concentrate and don't float. Simple enough.

Now she started the course, the monkey bars were simple enough to handle as she flew, though she tried to make it seem as though she had stopped the act. It was kind of stupid to fly. Swinging from bar to bar she smiled lightly but kept a mostly serious face.

Next up were the laser walls, she had stayed on the swinging bars and as she passed she examined the wall, finding out the pattern, effect, and even tried to find the heat of the lasers. After her thorough inspection she leaped on, easily avoiding the lasers and getting through fairly quickly, she knew that her time would be the slowest but her tactics would most likely be the most complicated, and serious ones.

Once she found herself at the ropes she smiled and flew through them, ending up at the finish line with a steady landing. "Thank you sir, that was a fun experience."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

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Kijani folded her arms over her chest, trying to stifle her annoyance. "Would you like to replace those ropes? I'd prefer to run the same obstacle course as my peers, Dr. McCoy. I mean, there really is no sense in testing us against each other when it's not even the same test." She was channeling her anger toward the teacher in an attempt at not lashing out at Gretchen. Someone could have gotten hurt when she ran her obstacle course- and that blonde sociopath didn't even care! Honestly, people like that needed to be put down like rabid dogs. What the heck was the school thinking, putting someone like that around people that mattered? It was enough to make her ill, somewhere between rage and fear.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Flood watched everyone do the course and raised his hand. "Could I do the level 7 course? I already have done this like 20 times so it wouldn't be much of a challenge for me." He failed to mention he only passed the course about 7 times out of those 20.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Katherin looked at the ocourse. Well it could be worse she supposed. Some of the course would be a challenge but she could handle most of it without a problem. She figured her time would be about average. She the ropes presented little problem for her. The monkey bars were a struggle. She had never gotten the hang if swimming her body. Katherin simple iced the later wall to pace that obstical.
Zack looked at the course and decide that he would attempt it. Griffin was more agile then he was but Zack figured he could so well enough. The ropes were more challenging the he had first assumed but but with a little coaching from Griffin he was able to climb them with little problem. He speed through the monkey bars. When he hit to the lazer wall Zack simple redirected the beams as he went.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

Professor McCoy shakes his head, "No Kijani, I think I'll leave the course as it is. Perhaps in the future you'll be more eager to participate in the activities."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

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Kijani let out a little snort and muttered low under her breath. "Sure, make it my fault because I refuse to risk my neck due to the negligence of others." She leaned back against the bleacher and waited, arms folded over her chest. It was just as well, she had far more important things to deal with than a paltry obstacle course.
Devika gulped as she got up. "I... I'll ah..." She shrugged, and then stepped up to the monkey bars. She managed to get up on them, which was a feat in itself, but made it about three fourths of the way before she lost her grip and dropped to the ground in a tumble. Slowly she picked herself up, closing her ears and mind against what she knew would be waiting; her classmates' amusement and derision.
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