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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Flood changed his tactics again faking kicking out at Connor's knees and then halting and kicking at his stomach.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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knight125 said
Once Ben and Kijani arrive at Anthony's house, Ben parks the car, opens the passenger door for Kijani, then leads the way to Anthony's porch. Ben knocks on the door after a brief, yet deep, breath. Anthony, now dressed, it sitting at his dining room table when he hears a knock at the door. He taps the screen of his phone a few times before a feed from the hidden camera on his porch appears. Upon seeing Kijani and some fool in a costume, Anthony speaks into his phone, his voice carrying through to the porch, "Will both of you please place your right index finger on the door bell, one at a time?"Ben glances at Kijani, then shrugs and causes his suit to retract from his finger. After placing it on the door bell, his suit returns as Ben looks at Kijani and says, "Might as well humor him."

"Hey, it's not paranoia if people are really out to kill you." She pressed her finger to the bell as well, figuring Anthony had some kind of fingerprint reader beneath it. Her first instinct was to tell him that those were not foolproof, but she had the feeling that he had thought of that years ago and circumvented it. Besides, there were bigger things at hand. Though, if all went according to plan, he probably would need all the security he could get for the future. "Can we get on with this, please, my honorable shifu?" Her voice was laced with mild sarcasm. "The evening awaits."

Caits said
Kalinda looked up as Devika approached and gave her a smile, figuring to be friendly "hey" she said as She reached out to Nacelle, decided not to try and heal, but rather just took away the pain, and locked it away for release later. She tried to ignore how good it felt to take someone else's emotions, and gave Nacelle a smile "well, you might be stiff but the pains gone"

"Kalinda..." Devika bit her bottom lip before slowly speaking. Her voice was low and nervous. "When you pull emotion from people, have you ever absorbed something... deeper?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

Anthony grins as both Ben and Kijani unknowingly allow him to take a sample of their DNA. After Ben touches the doorbell, a nanomachine acting as a vacuum sucks up the traces of unique oils on Ben's finger, then repeats the process after Kijani touches it as well. "And now I have material to make more of them, if the need arises." Anthony thinks with pleasure before sending a mental cue to the door, opening it. "Come on in," he calls out to his two classmates.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

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Kijani gave Ben a subtle nod, before she strolled into Anthony's home. She was carrying herself with purpose, more so than usual. Her stance conveyed a sense of readiness, and quiet confidence. She could have been loudly confident, swaggering, but she knew from Anthony's usual reactions that something so brazen would fail to impress Lex Luthor. Playing it subtle was the way to go. "Where is he..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Everything could be predicted by watching, something Connor had always done. And that's what Connor did, not watching Floods face, but rather his arms and legs. As he changed tactics again, Connor moved out the way, knowing he wasn't skilled enough to beat Flood on his own. He glanced about quickly, looking for something he could use. The only thing he had in his pocket was his phone, and there didn't appear to be anything around he could use.

So. Do the unexpected then. He tried to figure out what would be unexpected.

He stopped moving, letting Flood come near
Kalinda looked to Devika, "like what?" She asked curiously. Kalinda had never stopped to think before what she did when she took emotions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Caits said
Kalinda looked to Devika, "like what?" She asked curiously. Kalinda had never stopped to think before what she did when she took emotions.

Devika's eyes were flickering back and forth, as if searching. "...Personality traits. A feeling like you are not your usual self..." She didn't know who else to ask about this- according to what she knew, Anthony could only change people's emotions. He didn't have to feel them himself, or absorb anything. Lucky bastard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Nacelle didn't look at the two, scurrying up the stairs as swiftly as she could, panting and sighing though not feeling the pain of her impact. She didn't like that, she wanted to feel the pain so she could know how bad it was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda frowned, thinking. "I've more manipulated emotions than taken them. With Griffin and Zack...it hasn't been like that, but with Nacelle then, I just focused on the pain and nothing else. Touch makes how I do it stronger, easier but I've never taken in personality traits. Only...maybe when I first developed my abilities" she frowned again
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

As Anthony studies Kijani's appearance, a few thoughts rapidly flit through his mind, "Flats, not heels, good for mobility and comfort in a fight. A folder of papers, a source of paper that can be excused due to the nature of this meeting. She uses bladed weapons and although she has her sword, my father is expecting that, and has most likely prepared for that. I imagine Kijani is aware of this, so she must have backup blades. My guess is that they're those chopsticks, which I've never seen her wearing before. A rectangular bulge in her jacket's pocket, most likely a book. Yet another source source of paper. All in all, she's rather heavily armed." He glances at the costumed man, which Anthony could now tell was Ben, due to the resemblance of his suit to his father's suit, as well as his body shape. Anthony nods slightly in approval as he notices two ways to silently eliminate threats from a distance, as well as the unique weapon strapped to Ben's back.

"I'm glad you two showed up prepared. We'll be travelling to the LexCorp headquarters in New York City and once we get there, Kijani and I will be taken to the top floor of the building to enjoy a meal with my father. Kijani, I've told my father that you're an aspiring businesswoman and that you would like some information from the best. Ben, I'll have to drop you off about a mile away from our destination so that you won't be seen with us. Your job will be to eliminate as many of my father's personnel as possible before he inevitably raises the alarm. I want you to begin on the second floor and work your way up, hiding every body as you go. My father has a signal scrambling device that prevents cell phones from being used in the building, which actually makes our job easier. The only way for the personnel to communicate with each other is through wireless earpieces. All of the earpieces are connected to the same network, which is controlled by the computer in the chief of security's office on the second flood. If you start there and succeed in taking out the head of security without raising any alarms, you can disable the network by simply slashing the computer's wires with your talons. I'd normally suggest you make your way through the air vents to get to the office, but last year my father redid the entire A/C system, making it more efficient, specifically to prevent anyone from crawling through them. Instead, you'll have to utilize the cloaking device on your suit." He pauses for a moment, then asks, "Exactly how long can you stay invisible?"

"The cloaking feature is solar powered, and for every one minute I'm in the sun, I can stay invisible for three minutes. I should be able to stay invisible for about three hours tonight," Ben replies quietly as he absorbs the information Anthony is spewing.

"Then use that to enter the building and get to the office unseen. Last time I had a hold of my father's employee list, which was last week, there was a total of 74 people working at this particular building. Thirty were human security guards, five were labeled simply as metahumans, and the final thirty-nine are your stereotypical office workers. Kijani, feel free to ask my father any questions you'd like, while you can. He has one of the earpieces as well, so as soon as he hears the line go dead, he'll most likely trip the alarm. At the time, I'd like you to leave the conference room we'll be in, and stand guard just outside while I deal with him. Any questions?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Flood stopped and backed away. "I'ma amazed you've lasted this long. Most people who use suits end up relying on them." He said simply as he analyzed Connor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Connor shrugged. "I've watched my father fight without his suit, and with it. The thing with our suits is that you can still fight with them. Besides, I might not always have my suit. So I should know how to fight." He said
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Always a good philosophy." Flood responded as he relaxed and walked towards Connor with his hand stretched out. "Good match." He said waiting for a handshake. The moment Connor would take his hand though, Flood would immediately grip as hard as he could and headbutt him extremely hard in the chest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Connor was an easy going guy, but he knew that anything could happen in a fight, and this had just...ended. It seemed a bit anticlimactic. So he was wary as Flood offered his hand for a shake.

so Connor did what he thought was unexpected. He gripped Floods hand, and then pulled him in for a hug. "indeed. I'll just finish watching Jack and Bane now"

As he walked away, the shock device that Flood had planted on him was on the back of Flood's shoulder, re-activated, to give a mild shock.

One thing he had learned was you never gave your opponent something they could use against you.

He looked back over his shoulder
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Goat God

Goat God

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As Black Skull entered to campus, He looked at the piece of paper he had found. it told him how to get here. Where ever here was. He looked at it again, and it told him to go to the office. He had found this paper signed by Red Skull, his father, when he had come out of his sleep. he walked over to the office and, instead of knocking, he opened the door. "I presume you are the one known as..." he quickly looked at his paper. "Bruce Wayne?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

Bruce frowns, "In the future, you will knock or you will be ignored." He stands, gestures to a chair and says, "You're Johan Schmidt, right? I was wondering how long it'd take you to get here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Goat God

Goat God

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“Yes I am Johan Schmidt the Secound Johan Schmidt was my father… but he’s dead… or so my paper tells me. Hydra… Failed.” He looks at his paper, as the letters fade away and are replaced by the original letter. Black Skull handed it to Bruce. “I have already read it. It’s from my father. It says that he is dead, blah blah blah, and that he wants me to come here. And stuff about Hydra.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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As soon as Nacelle got to her room she sighed, plopping on the bed and groaning. This was a horrible way to spend her day, so she got up and grabbed the things she had forgotten last time.

This time she went through the window, using her claws to find handholds she snaked between windows and watched for others below her. About five feet up she dropped, twisting in the air and doing a quick somersault, picking herself up and landing on her feet with a groan.

Once outside of the facility she smiled brightly, hailing a cab and driving downtown, she was going to be fine...right? Her back hurt, she wished to feel pain, and well...that just meant she would have to tough it out for now. "Kalinda, you shall rue the day you cured me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

Bruce chuckles, "So you're saying he wrote this letter after he passed away? Interesting. And yes, Hyrda failed, thanks to Mr. Steve Rogers. He's actually one of our teachers, if you'd like to meet him," Bruce walks to the door and says, "I'll give you a quick tour of the campus, then drop you off by some students that are still in class." After showing Johan where most of the classes were, Bruce explained how to sign up for student housing and classes. Finally, he brings him to Bane's classes and clears his throat, instantly gaining the attention of the remaining students. "This is Johan Schmidt, he's our newest student. Please show him how things work around here," Bruce says while looking at Connor before leaving the class.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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( sorry, didn't see your post. )

Austin shrugged with a frown," I'm ok , this school is strange though." He looked at himself and grinned," of chourse, I'm one to talk." He let out a soft chuckle, sliding his hands into his pockets, stretching slightly as he did.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

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Kyra nodded. "Yeah...." she leaned against the wall. "I'm a little out of it today..." she murmured, her blue hair sliding down her shoulders.
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