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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

Member Seen 4 days ago

Kyra yawned and sat up, not even bothering with the fact that she was on the floor again. She stood up and went over to her bag, grabbing some fresh clothes and putting them on. She stepped out of her dorm room and went down to the cafeteria.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Klyix
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Klyix Cyber Dolce Vita

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kat lay peacefully on her couch, an old book in her hands and a black snake wound around her wrist. She’d woken early – as seemed to be a habit that was annoyingly forming – so after going about and feeding what needed to be fed she passed the time by reading. Eventually she had to begin to prepare for the day, however, so placing the book on the table and lowering the snake into its tank she headed off to change.

Walking into the cafeteria she went to see what was on offer. Choosing a sweet pastry she took it and went to sit down somewhere quiet. As she did so her attention was caught by a story being covered on the morning news.

"And in breaking news, we are just hearing that it has been confirmed that the attack on the LexCorp office in New York is connected to the string of murders by the individual working under the name of Thanatos. There are a number of victims, most notably that of Alexander Luthor. The wealthy business magnate was found with a fatal shot wound to the head. His son, Anthony Luthor who attends the local Academy of Heroes and Villains, stands to be the sole heir to his vast fortune. There was no sign of the ‘Thanatos’ figure when authorities arrived at the scene and police are calling for eyewitnesses. More on this story as we hear it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Austin yawned as he woke up, slowly sitting up, looking around. He had fallen asleep at his desk again, his head resting on the book Kyra gave him. After going through his quick morning routine, he walked downstairs, the book in his hand. He then walked to the cafeteria, grabbing his food, eggs and Bacon with a few other things. He walked over to Connor, sitting down just in time to see the news cast. He shook his head slightly as it finished and said," hey." He flipped open the book and then slowly spoke," こんにづは( hello )." He grinned, glad he was at least making a little headway on the words.

( if that's not the right characters, I blame google translate. )
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

Member Seen 4 days ago

Kyra walked over to Austin. "Well lookie who's making progress..." she said, poking his shoulder as she sat down.

(hmmm... Google must be using modified....)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 6 mos ago




What was she reading?

Oh, that’s right! Pi!

Wait, where was she?


What’s going on with the screen? What is this weird yellowish glow? Tell me it’s not another power outage.

Oh! Gretchen turned her head to the window and realized she forgot to sleep. Who forgets to sleep!? She’d been up all night and now the morning twilight came in her warming hug of glimmer and new opportunity, flashing its rays all over the land in her wake, to Gretchen’s computer monitor and her skin. Her powers activating, her life essence revitalizing, her fatigue non-existent, she felt good as new and she didn’t even sleep or eat.

What is going on?

How bizarre

Oh, there she was, 1.

In the Principal’s office”

Bruce Wayne

“This is tragic news, Bruce. We never imagined perhaps one of the most powerful persons to ever have existed could ever die. I mean, it’s Lex Luthor. He doesn’t just die with a bullet wound right in between his eyes.”

Superman’s arms were crossed like metal bars over his chest, as he stands amongst the rest of the main faculty head. To his right was Mimic; to his left, J’onn J’onzz, and the rest of the members in this emergency meeting, a silent air so still and scary even without their powers they could hear a fly flapping its wings, the outside ambient noise as audible as someone’s speech, all awaiting for Bruce’s words.

“This isn’t a normal kill-job by some lackey ”Thanatos” and his serial-killings. There are few people that can ever get close to Lex Luthor, let alone get in LexCorp.


This is the work of something even greater.

I’m calling an investigation in the event of all this. I will remain Principal, but in the event of my sudden absence, Superman you’re in charge.

You will act in my place while I search out the real culprit.

(Knight, for you) Have a hall gathering at lunch time in memory of our fallen man. Prepare a tributary speech for me, Oracle. I will be there promptly. Villain or not, he deserves respect for all that he’s done.

Everyone is to resume duties as normal. I will deal with the hole that Luthor’s left us now in our faculty.


Just as everyone turned to the door to exit, he called out for Professor X:

“Check up on Ms. Gretchen Williams. Read her mind and calm her down. She’s as smart as she is volatile.”

Charles nodded, and left the room, leaving Bruce Wayne to his own devices.

Back in the main campus

The news of the death of Lex Luthor spread far and wide, from the outskirts of town, to the interior of the Academy, as the PA roared:

"This is an urgent announcement: It is with deep regret that our fellow man, our long sponsor of the Academy of Heroes and Villains, wealthy business magnate Alexander Luthor is no longer with us. There will be a hall gathering in the place of our lunch time for tribute and memory of him and his legacy. Everyone is obliged to attend. Rest in Peace, Lex Luthor.”


What!? He’s dead!? And I didn’t get to see it!?

She hurried up to search and look for all available news on the revelation. Her light speed was too fast for the slow computing speed, and she groaned every time it loaded. Soon, she was up-to-date with the affair.

Thanatos? Bull. No way could he have done it. It’s got to be someone else.

Before she continued, a knock on the door, and Gretchen’s attention was stalled, the next second she at the mirror, adjusting into her new clothes she’d just put on, and the next, opening the door, looking down to see Professor X.

What on Earth?

“I suppose you’ve heard.”

“You’re the mind-reader, aren’t you!? Read my mind and figure it out.”

Professor X, the man whose mind so powerful he could pinpoint anyone on Earth and their location in exactitude, almost winced as he briefly concentrated on Gretchen’s mind.

“You have a powerfully active mind, Gretchen. Please remember to attend classes, for your sake and ours.”

“You didn’t have to come here to tell me that, you know? I know you’re wondering if I did it or not. Well I’ll have you know, I wouldn’t have done it in such a boring way anyway! I mean, guns are easy! You just go POW! POW POW POW! Done! Where’s the fun in that?”

“I know you wouldn’t have done it. But do not get any more thoughts like this, not while the issue is sensitive. We wouldn’t want you bothered with too many investigations, now would we?”

“Okay, I’m going to give you to the count of 100 to tell me something interesting before I go for class. One hundr- Time’s up!”

And with that, she ran past her in light-form, on her way past
 Oh! Flood, and Connor! A quick punch to Flood’s face, and a quick theft of someone’s tray, and she was out of there!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

After eating breakfast and brushing his teeth, Anthony sets out for the Academy. As he drives toward the school, far faster than he reasonably should, Anthony says to himself, "My father's death will surely be all over the news by now, which will most likely cause a lot of people to ask questions. How do I want to play this? As the obviously shaken and traumatized son or as the stoic heir who's putting on a brave face while carrying on his father's legacy? I know for a fact that I can't make to any major changes to LexCorp for a while, otherwise people will become suspicious, if they're not already. I should probably continue funding the Academy and I'll also need to find someone worthy of managing LexCorp until I'm ready to take the reins."

Soon enough, Anthony is pulling into the Academy parking lot, and he's made a decision. "I'll put on the appearance of stoicism, but I'll also shed a few tears if anyone asks too many questions or if they seem sincerely empathetic." Assuming the character he had created in his head, Anthony enters the main building of the Academy and begins looking for Connor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Caits said
Connor shook his head at Floods behaviour. "You know, you could easily avoid not getting the food you want, by, you know, actually getting the food you want by waiting in line like the rest of us" He said with amusement. "Vegan's not so bad. Better than two minute noodles" he chuckled, and found himself looking for Kijani again. He remembered that he had promised Jack he would pulled a few things for him, and looked for him too, then looked back to Flood. "isn't Deadpool your father? Why would you want to punch your father?" he asked. Connor would never understand that. Connor got on well with his father, and actually enjoyed working with him.

" He was never there for me. I'm quite surprised I'm still alive honestly, if it wasn't for SHIELD taking me in I would most likely not be here." Flood said as his tone became a bit more somber. "I mean I kinda understand, there's no way he could've raised me, he's insane, but he could have at least gave me some money from his contracts or something to help me get by." He finished as he picked at his food a bit. "You wouldn't understand, your father is not only rich, but a good person. Mines not." He finished as Gretchen ran by and punched him in the face. "Damn!" He started as he began yelling a very long string of curses as he held his nose tenderly. "God I hate her."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Connor sighed, "I've never considered being rich to be a...necessity" He paused as he watched the screen, frowning. Another disturbing news segment. "um. I'd be happy just working in a garage, inventing and creating. The money is a plus side to that-I can have whatever materials I want" He said, "But it isn't really something i think about"

He didn't think that anyone on the outside could get into LexCorp. It had to be an inside job. He listened to the announcement over the speaker system, supposed that was the right thing to do, attended the funeral of one of the greatest masterminds. Despite the fact that he had evil tendencies of taking over the world, Connor had admired Lex Luther. But then again, Connor admired many businessmen. It was a tough world out there in the business world, and anyone who could make it, deserved to be respected.

"Did you know, I actually created an online company, providing blueprints to some wannabe builders when I was 13? They'd tell me their ideas, I'd make them better, I'd get some ideas myself out of it, and I provided the blueprints" Connor said, "For a cost. I've never needed my fathers money, but its nice to know its there. I never provided anything dangerous, just things that people think they need" He smiled slightly, "I once made blueprints for a mechanical dog for a man. He said it was for his daughter who was sick, and desperately wanted a dog, but couldn't have a real one. I made the dog, and even delivered it without cost"

He blinked as Gretchen came passed, and punched Flood in the face. "Well, clearly you've ticked her off" He said politely, pushing his tray away, a cookie in hand, "I'm going to start heading to gym" He said to Flood, "before Gretchen decides she wants to punch someone else, and being in your vicinity might just be dangerous with her around as she seems to have taken an odd liking to you, in the fact that she likes to hit you" He stood, starting out of the cafeteria, deep in thought.

What was going on in the world? Was the school the best place to be? Wouldn't it be better to just be out there, trying to prevent things from happening? He had seen on the news Sue, as Echo of course, and it seemed better then learning in here. He knew he had a long way to go before being ready, but nothing was better than experience. He shrugged, finishing his cookie, brushing off his hands, looking about. He had noted who had come and gone in the cafeteria, but he hadn't seen Kijani. Now he was starting to worry, and he changed directions, moving through the main building to head to the girls dorms, stopping when he saw Anthony.

Connor disliked Anthony, but there was a grudging respect there. Not that he would ever tell Anthony that. Still, Connor disliked the way Anthony just seemed to dismiss most of them as useless. And Connor thought he'd stop at nothing to get what he wanted. So he was always wary of Anthony, and not just for that. In his suit, Connor wasn't susceptible to Anthony's powers. Outside of his suit, he was. He wondered if there was some way of creating something that would keep him safe at all times from things like that. He pondered that as he walked towards Anthony.

He stopped, and was able to sincerely say, " I'm sorry for your father's death. It must be a bit of a shock, him being murdered in his own building. I'm surprised you came today"

And that puzzled Connor. Surely if your father had been killed, you wouldn't go to school. There would be numerous things to take care off, and you'd be devastated. Well, Anthony had always been a bit cold. Still...his mind went back to the News segment, and the 'found with a fatal shot to the head' didn't match the Thanatos killings. Why would Thanatos suddenly change how he killed? Surely he wasn't the only one to notice this. It seemed to Connor that someone was trying to make it seem like Thanatos had been the attacker, but had forgot that one detail.

He waited for a reply from Anthony.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

For a moment, Anthony's somber mask falters and a look of pure grief peeks through the cracks, but they're soon patched back up. "You've no idea," he says quietly. "The first thing I do every morning after waking up is turn on the news. Care to guess what I saw this morning?" Anthony sighs deeply before continuing, "As to why I'm here, there's three reasons. First of all, I'm a creature of habit. Secondly, I really need to talk to our fearless leader, Mr. Wayne. Finally, you and I need to talk. He rests a hand on Connor's shoulder and says with a look of regret, "I need your help; it's about Kijani."
After waking up and letting out a colossal yawn, John quickly gets dressed and brushes his teeth, then makes his way to the weight room. Once he arrives, John fills up his water bottle, plugs a pair of headphones into his phone, and begins to listen to music while working out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Connor almost regretted speaking to Anthony. He had been about to say something, to interrupt, when Anthony said that he needed his help. And that it was about Kijani. His whole demeanor changed in an instant, and he stood up straight, coming out of his normal slouch. "What did you do?" Were the first words to come out of his mouth, his voice almost toneless."Where is she? If she's hurt..." He trailed off, leaving the threat implied, even though he wasn't sure Anthony had anything to do with this, but it was pretty plausible that he did, if he knew that Kijani was in trouble.

He refused to let Anthony see how Connor's own thoughts, that Kijani was hurt, that something terrible had happened to her, effected him. Instead, he fought to control his expression, planting something neutral on his face. Connor wasn't exceptionally good at that sort of thing, yet still he tried.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

Anthony sighs, "Connor, please refrain from making threats. She's been taken, but f I was the one that had her kidnapped, I wouldn't be coming to you for help. I would have just stayed my tongue and no one would be any the wiser. I had taken her out to explain some of the more secretive aspects of being a successful business owner over dinner. On our way back to the Academy, my limo was over run by at least a dozen men armed with shotguns, body armor, and gas masks. I'm sure you won't be surprised to hear that Kijani was able to put up more of a fight than I. While she had the attention of the majority of the men, my driver distracted the remainder so I could make my escape. I need your help getting Kijani back. I saw the emblem on the men's uniforms, and it looked familiar. After staying up most of the night, I traced it back to someone that has a reason to be interested in Kijani, but their base of operations is rather high-tech. Having your assistance would really expedite the rescue."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Connor didn't trust that explanation, but if Kijani was in trouble, he would help, even if it meant doing so with Anthony. "Fine" he said, "who is it? Where are they?" He asked, already thinking about what he would need to get into a high tech base
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Flood listened to Connor and watched him go away. He looked at the news and raised an eyebrow as he mentally listed contradictions in the report. There's no way that Ben could have killed Lex. The building was too high tech to get into, bullet to the head was most definetly not his MO, and Ben had no reason to go after Lex. This bared investigation. Not only that but Ben wasn't at school today either, things were very suspicious. He had much to think about, but first he needed to get to class. He got up and headed to Power Development class.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Goat God

Goat God

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Black woke up after a long sleep. Seeing that he walked all the way there from Germany, it took a lot out of him. he rubbed his face. "Scheisse how long have I been out?" he got up and went to find Connor to ask. After wondering around for a while, he finally gave up. "I wonder where Power Development class is..." he said wondering around some more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Nacelle woke up alone in her bed, she had no idea how she had gotten there though. With a shrug she quickly got ready, then she rushed down the stairs with a groan, about to head to her first class of the day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 6 mos ago


As she bit into her tuna salad sandwich, which was gross, by the way, she eyed everyone and everything around her. It took a bit of aiming to figure out where her mouth was, she was so occupied with the things around her. How something like an individual with free will can act so
 robotic and determined. So routine
 So orderly


Then she noticed a prismatic glow emanating from her hands, a reflection as the light bent and curved, passing through her skin, through and through. It was like looking at an aquarium at just the right angle, as the light dispersed and its spectrum of colour is revealed, the water making the light ripple and bounce oh so beautifully.

As she moved her light-permeable hand, the lights moved too, angularly and potently, the intensity of the brightness changing every movement she made, a light show, a disco ball for a hand.

Could she focus this? Could she
 bend light to her will, as it were?

Her eyes caught a tree. 10 yards away. Quercus chapmanii. It moved too much. It pissed her off.

It took a bit of meandering and adjustment, but soon enough her hand was held a pose, and light shot out thin but bright. Bright and hot. Just hot enough, it cut off a large portion of its branches. If the tree and its green leaves were a face, she cut off its left ear.

She looked back at her hand after the branch hit the ground hard, students panicking, scrambling to see what had happened, and she smiled, so hard her perfect molars could be seen.


Practice, Gretchen! Practice!

Soon enough a small fire blazed through the fallen branch, but a student put it out almost immediately. A pyrokinetic, hm..?


Suddenly, the speakers roared an announcement; and surprise surprise it was Batman speaking!

”Would Anthony Luthor please come to the Principal’s Office? We would like to have a word with you.”


Probably not.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

"The people who took Kijani are part of something called the Alpha Initiative. It's a covert program with the sole purpose of kidnapping young metahumans and brainwashing them to become sleeper agents. If the right person flips the switch, suddenly they have control over dozens, if not hundreds, or super-powered beings at their command," Anthony replies somewhat urgently. He cocks his head as he's called to the principal's office over the PA system. With a sigh, he says, "I have to go, you might as well attend gym. Once I'm done talking to Mr. Wayne, I'll find you and you can tell me if you want to go get Kijani right away, or if you want to recruit some people after school and go then." Leaving Connor to make his decision, Anthony strides purposefully toward Batman's office. Being a gentleman, Anthony remembers to knock and wait to be invited before barging into the office.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Connor frowned, and sighed, turning to head to gym. He had already make his decision. The only other student he trusted completely was Austin, but he would not endanger his best friend. Not when he knew next to nothing about what was going on. Taking out his phone, he began to search for anything he could on the Alpha initiative, knowing it would be incredibly hard on a laptop, let alone his phone. Still, he would try.
Phoebe looked up at the sound of a commotion, seeing someone butchering a tree. She winced, rising to go over and restore the tree to its former state, watching as the branches regrew. Satisfied, she looked about for the student, seeing the new girl. Well, the newest girl. Phoebe hesitated, wondering if she should go over and say hello, but that really hadn't worked too well for her lately. She sighed.
Kalinda had finished with her morning workout, and having packed clothes to change into in her pack, she showered, but stayed in her gym clothes, waiting for gym to start by sitting on the blenches, and playing with the shadows, creating shapes and such on the surface of the bench.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Klyix
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Klyix Cyber Dolce Vita

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

She sat alone in the cafeteria, tearing small pieces of the pastry off as she ate. Her mind was elsewhere as it ran over everything and all. Beserkers and All-Mother, France and rivers, caskets and scales. The news of Anthony's father was peripheral but considering as it now had potential to be relevant to her she made a note to try and learn more. That included ignoring near everything said by the media; it hadn't taken long to realise it was lies and untruths.

The announcement only cemented her belief that this would be more than a passing event. It was a shame, the Midgardians grieve so dully, so morose and somber. Mourn while the body burns but then feast as the ashes cool.

As the announcement calling Anthony to the office rang out she was finishing the last of her pastry, ignoring the voice in the air; they created the strangest of devices. Abandoning the plate she walked out of the cafeteria and began to head to gym.

Then she saw Anthony standing outside Wayne's office. She made a quick decision and changed course, her step not faltering as she walked towards him. "I'm sorry for your loss. It would appear this world will be a different place without him." Although there was nothing inherently sinister in the words or the tone or her expression; all together there was something slightly perturbing in her manner.

However she didn't wait for any reply - though time would be limited anyway - and continued walking down the hallway heading towards the gym for class, wondering what old idea they would try to sell them today.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Bruce Wayne

So far all efforts to find surveillance footage in and outside of LexCorp, on all floors and rooms, and by the windows and rooftop have been
 normal. There were the suspicious time-jumps or subtle frame or object shifts that made everything all the more disputable of its genuineness.

Further investigation of records is needed.

A knock on the door, and everything on his computer screens mounted against the back wall suddenly disappear, the monitors off and moving inwards into its ulterior role as large pictures, the sidewalls closing in to fully make what was essentially another usual wall of murals and class photos.

“Come in.”

“My condolences for your loss. However, we need to discuss about your father.”
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