Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaiden


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Kaiden tightened his hoodie over his head, taking his narrowing gaze to Flood. He could feel his heart beating fast from the fury he felt inside of him, such anger over a trivial act he knew, but it came uncontrollably as it always does. Kaiden was no stranger to supernatural beings, mutants, those with higher powers than humans. His father shared all of his stories from his time in the school to working with the professor. Kaiden had gotten sick of the stories and never wanted to come here. Yet when his powers began to show and his emotions continued to become sporadic it was no longer his choice. Turning back to Kalinda as she offered their names he felt his heart slow down and his body loose the tense edge it was holding. He turned to Flood and snapped coldly "If you wanted to know my powers you could have asked."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Anime_Freak said
Kyra smiled. "Hey..that's actually a great idea!" she laughed, running her fingers through the end of her braid.

"Yeah." Devika nodded, then adjusted her glasses in a fidgety motion. "Well, I'd better go get breakfast before class. It was nice talking to you!" She started to walk on, figuring it was better to stop the conversation before it hit that awkward point of silence. Passing through the halls, she saw Kalinda and Flood, and then her senses alerted her to some very angry person behind her. "Uh... good morning?" She grinned nervously at the three of them. "Hey, Flood, are we still on for training tomorrow?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Kalinda let out a soft, relieved sigh, keeping her blocks up, not wanting to get overwhelmed or swamped by angered and powerful emotions. She had no idea what he would have happened if Kaiden hadn't calmed slightly, but she felt like it wouldn't be a good thing.

She looked up when Devika approached, "Morning" She replied, before saying to Kaiden, "I said he was weird" She said with amusement, "i've come to the conclusion that he likes causing a mess, and trouble. Or that he doesn't think before he does things" She seemed thoughtful, and then shrugged.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaiden


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Kaiden turned his icy stare off of Flood as a new person approached. His social skills were being tested. He didn't dislike people on a personal level, he simply disliked people in general and had a hard time trusting someone. He knew his feelings of anger towards Flood were mirroring his anger towards his dad, a jokester in his own league. He forced himself to focus on this understanding and let the emotions degrade. He looked upon Devika as she joined their odd trio. As he heard her mention training his ears perked, the tips of them poking under his hood. "Training? What sort of training?" He was an athletic type and exercise and fitness was an escape for his mind, a way to focus his busy thoughts on a discipline that gave him results.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

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Devika turned to the boy, who luckily was no longer upset. "Oh. Uh... Flood's teaching me to fight. So far I've only had one lesson. I can do this..." She took the stance he'd taught her, and did the combo that she'd practiced all day yesterday. Or rather, she tried to. The sidewalk wasn't as even as it could have been- she hit a crack and stumbled, landing on her butt. "...ow." Her face burned with embarrassment as she tried to fight down a wave of self-loathing and get up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Mistress Dizzy said
"Yeah." Devika nodded, then adjusted her glasses in a fidgety motion. "Well, I'd better go get breakfast before class. It was nice talking to you!" She started to walk on, figuring it was better to stop the conversation before it hit that awkward point of silence. Passing through the halls, she saw Kalinda and Flood, and then her senses alerted her to some very angry person behind her. "Uh... good morning?" She grinned nervously at the three of them. "Hey, Flood, are we still on for training tomorrow?"

"Yes. Nice to meet you Kaiden. I'm Flood as Kalinda said and it's nice to meet you. You're free to join our training if you wish, I'm just bringing her up to standard in fighting. I warn you though, I am prone to burst of insanity. Like the pineapple for example. Sorry about that." He stretched his hand out for Kaiden to shake but quickly withdrew it to take a joy buzzer off. "That amount of voltage would put you in the hospital." He then put his hand out again to shake.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaiden


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Kaiden watched with anticipation as Devika showed off her move. When she fumbled and fell down he couldn't help but smirk but was quick to rush over and offer his hand to help her up. "I'd love to learn how to fight. My dad didn't think I would have any powers since my mom was human but just a year ago I began to be able to teleport, although still mostly uncontrollably." Kaiden turned to Flood "I want to learn to fight." He knew there was a high possibility he would develop more powers as he had just begun and he wanted to be able to control himself and his emotions. Learning to fight would be a great discipline that would be beneficial for him in many areas.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaiden


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Being offered to join the training Kaiden smiled. He went to take Flood's hand, retracted as Flood pulled off the buzzer, then reached out again and shook his hand. He didn't care for Flood's joking antics but he was familiar enough with them from home.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Kalinda sighed softly, shifting, now feeling out of place. She had just wanted to be nice, and now seemed to be ignored. She did speak up though "gym will start soon" she said, "we should head over. I'm sure you can catch up with your dad later, I go to his class in the afternoon sometimes" she said to Kaiden
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Katherin saw a bunch of people gathered together. She thought about approaching them but decided that maybe that wasnt the best idea. They didn't seem very happy. She was in a good mood and wanted to stay that way.
Zack flew over the group curiously. It seemed they had a new student. He thought about saying hello but the not was looking a but overwelmed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Flood smiled and let go of his hand. "I'll do some research into a good fighting style for you. Considering your parentage one would expect you to use your dad's fighting style, however if you use something different it would definitely throw people off. This shall be highly intriguing." Flood began muttering to himself as he took note of Kaiden's height and various measurements as he began writing in a notebook. "I believe a melee weapon of some sort would be beneficial to your combat skills. Becoming a bit more flexible would be good as well. Now that I think about it, your dad's fighting style would he perfect if given a couple of adjustments. I would personally suggest working with him for hand to hand, and me for weapons." Flood finalized as he showed Kaiden his notes. They looked like utter insanity, but if you looked hard they would be pure genius.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Phoebe rose early, as was her habit, and was jogging around the school grounds Anyone watching her would realise that she seemed distracted, going through the motions of running the same path she always did, her feet doing the work, while her mind was else were.

She was thinking about the day before, lunch with Ryan and his father. It had been an enjoyable lunch, and a good time. For once, despite everything, Phoebe felt like a normal girl, just having lunch with a boyfriend's parent. It had been good to laugh, and Phoebe was always up for Pizza. It had been better, because she could just be open, something she hadn't found until coming to the school.

She loved it. Not one part of her doubted how she felt about Ryan, and she had worried that things would be different on her return, and she refused to think about the night she had gone with her mother. That made her pause in her stride, and her eyes widened slightly. Did Ryan expect her to introduce him to her father, to batman? How would she even go about doing that, "Hi Dad I've only known for like five days, this is my boyfriend!". That seemed like a disaster waiting to happening, and she was more than nervous, given how her mother had reacted.

She swallowed, and realised she was back at the girls dorms. She made her way back to her room, showering and changing. She glanced at the time, absently growing an orange, and peeling the skin as she made to write a letter.

Dear Mother,

I miss you. It's only been a few days back at the school, and I feel like everything's changed. I have an idea of what I want to do now, rather then just a dream. I wish I could see you-it would be easier to talk, without wondering if this will even get to you. I suppose I'll just trust the chlorofiend to get it to you.

I just wanted touch base.

Love, Phoebe

she folded the piece of paper up, nice and small, and leaned back in he chair, creating a small, hand sized Chlorofiend, "Please take this to Poison Ivy" She said softly, giving the mini monster the letter. Phoebe had learned quickly that the plants and her mother had a special relationship, and generally plants seemed to know her. Phoebe smiled, and watched the little chlorofiend bare its teeth, raising its arms and accepting the letter, before scuttling off, out the window.

She then grabbed her things, heading out to the gym, finishing off her orange. She didn't know what was going to happen from here on out, in her life, but she found that she knew she could face it.

And that was all that mattered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

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Kyra returned to wandering around and reading her book. She didn't like to be surrounded by more than three people at a time, so sticking around wasn't an option. She got rather shy around alot of people, so she tried to avoid it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Klyix
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Klyix Cyber Dolce Vita

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Kat walked through the schools gates and cut a path straight into the school. Clearly she had been to the city already this morning by the looks of the coffee in her hand, and she seemed not to pay attention to any of the students as she walked. As she navigated the halls to the cafeteria she pulled out her phone to turn down the music, still knowing the path with her eyes focused downwards. However spotting the time Kat sighed, it would appear the moment she sat she would have to leave again, so instead changed course and headed to the gym.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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"Forget the notes actually, let's head to class." Flood stuffed his notebook in his jacket and quickly rushed to the gym. He found somewhere to sit and then he sat. He saw Kat and scooted next to her. " Hey Kat, what's up?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Klyix
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Klyix Cyber Dolce Vita

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Aware of the sudden closeness beside her Kat turned to look at Flood. "Nothing, or nothing that concerns you at least. And what of you? Driven anyone else to murder you lately?" She purred, taking a sip of her coffee.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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"Probably. Most of the people I've never even talked to though. Just people gossiping makes other hate me." Flood replied as he stared at the obstacle course for today. " They ripped off the S.H.I.E.L.D. obstacle course. All they did to change it was make it less deadly." Flood observed as he took out some gum and d uck it in his mouth. "Want some?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaiden


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Kaiden had but a fleeting moment to look at the notes that Flood showed him before he whisked them away and headed briskly for the gym as everyone else seemed to be. The notes seemed dizzying but with the way Flood spoke of fighting he felt he could trust him in his knowledge. He felt excitement tighten his chest as he thought of the fighting style he could learn. Before he realized it, when Kaiden focused back to reality from his day dreaming thoughts, everyone was far ahead moving towards the gym. He grabbed his backpack and raced after them. He hadn't quite controlled his teleporting skills and he didn't feel like making a fool of himself in front of the people he just met. Kaiden raced in after Flood and sat down right next to him. "Hey, so what's going on in here?" He glanced around for Kalinda, unsure of where she moved off to. He enjoyed talking with her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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" This is a gym. People work out in here and occasionally come here for assemblies. Do you know what an assembly is?" Flood asked before realizing who he was talking to. "My bad, I thought you were Martian Manhunter's son for a second. Basically we just wait for Beast to come and start class." Flood replied a bit more seriously as he offered him a piece of gum too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaiden


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Kaiden took the piece of gum and popped it in to his mouth. "Thanks." He would have to remind himself that he couldn't always take Flood so seriously. Inside the gym as more students came inside, the air was getting warm. Kaiden pulled the hood of his jacket off his head, unzipped the jacket and pulled it off, stuffing it in to his bag for later. He ruffled his hand through his thick dark hair, making it only more messy than it was. His pointed ears poked through his hair. He was beginning to feel more at home here. He didn't think all the raving that his father did would live up to realty. He hadn't seen much yet but the people he met seemed fine enough and there seemed to be a lot of activities to stay busy. "So, uh, can we pretty much choose our own classes?" He looked around the gym, half keeping an eye out for Kalinda and half now eagerly looking for Beast for gym class to start.
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