While students and staff alike began dispersing, Sue's fate was being decided...
Batman, sitting at the head of a long, wooden table sighs and says, "Let's not waste any time."
Superman clears his throat and says, "In my opinion, it's not safe to keep Sue on campus. I don't care if we send teachers to her home, but I can't in good conscious allow her to endanger the other students."
Lex Luthor shakes his head in disagreement, "Do you honestly think that our students and their parents weren't aware of the risks of attending this school? In a school with hundreds of children that have super powers, there will inevitably be mishaps every now and then. If we kick out every student that doesn't have full control over their powers, we won't have any students."
Mimic frowns, "She showed an appalling lack of maturity for her age. If she had been 13 or 14, I could understand, but a twenty-something year old woman? I can understand that she wanted to beat me when her classmates failed, but if she wanted to try something that dangerous, she should have at least asked me to take the fight outside. For all we know, she might have purposefully tried to harm her classmates and I."
Charles Xavier replies, "When I have classes, I do a mental sweep to determine if any of my students have violent intentions. Sue showed no malevolent traits at all. She had one of the sweetest, most innocent minds that I've come across. Nevertheless, I agree with Kent and Rankin, we simply cannot house someone with a power as volatile as Sue's. I propose immediate expulsion. We must think of the other children."
Batman thinks for a moment, then asks Ironfist, "How is her mental training coming along?"
Ironfist answers calmly, "In just one hour, Sue showed remarkable progress. By the end of the semester, I believe she could have completely control over her power."
Batman turns to Banshee and comments, "You've been awfully quiet, considering the decision I make will determine your daughter's future."
Banshee asks pleadingly, "Please think about this logically. She's never had the chance to really let loose, so how on Earth do you expect her to know just how destructive her power could be? The point of this school is to train people like her so that they can use their powers without accidentally hurting themselves or others. I'm sure some of us have had similar accidents!"
Batman nods as he stands, and says, "Thank you all for sharing your opinions. I'll let you know what I decide."
Following the unspoken dismissal, Batman's peers leave him to make a decision.