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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DrewVonAwesome
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DrewVonAwesome I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

This RP is a tribute to young heroes of the fictional world, Marvel, DC, or otherwise. Though keeping everything within a superhero style medium just for a solid overall theme. Comic book characters, cartoon characters, manga/anime characters, video game characters, even fictional book characters, if you can get them to fit into the superhero ideal, they're fair game. You can even change their details around to let them fit into the world better or in the sense of Marvel's Ultimate universe (minus nearly everyone getting killed in stupid story lines). The world this takes place in a mish-mash of the DC and Marvel universes. Gotham City is the capital of New Jersey, serving almost as New York City's darker counterpart, while Metropolis is located in Delaware. A beacon of modern know how with classic feel.

The goal is to have plenty of interacting between characters, so solo adventures are highly discouraged but not completely banned. The RP is set to take place during the fall of 2016.



Obey your GM at all times, GM's word is law.

Keep the amount of characters you wish to join with at 2 maximum.

Don't be a dick.

There is no calling dibs on a character. If more than one person makes a profile for the same character, I decide who gets said character based on quality of profile sheet.

No time traveling, it complicates stuff.

Don't be a dick.

No killing ICs or godmodding unless you get permission either from the GM or the person playing the character. Unnamed NPCs however, are much more fair game.

Do not post an incomplete character sheet. If you have questions or want the GM to review it send a private message first.


The Avengers: SHIELD's pride and joy, the legendary superhero team that operates out of the Avengers Mansion in New York City. A team that has completely given up their private lives in the name of protecting the public, the team is beloved by the general public thanks to their routine good deeds and strong public image. Even if said public image has gained the ire of Daily Planet's CEO J. Jonah Jameson. The team have SHIELD not only providing them comfortable living conditions and pay, but help to clean up any damages the team inadvertently cause during battle.

Leader: Captain America – Steve Rogers
Iron Man – Anthony 'Tony' Stark
Quicksilver – Pietro Maximoff
Hulk – Bruce Banner
Ant-Man – Hank Pym
Wasp – Janet Van Dyne
Green Arrow – Oliver 'Ollie' Queen
Power Girl – Kara Zor-L
Aquaman – Arthur Curry
Elongated Man – Ralph Dibny
Barbara Gordon – Oracle (Doesn't go on missions, works from base providing intel and hacking assistance)

Justice League: A group of superheroes who became privately funded through Wayne Industries CEO Bruce Wayne. With their headquarters both in a secret base in Washington DC, as well as a base located out in space. They operate in secret even to SHIELD with secret identities. Though SHEILD does label them as an illegal terrorist organization for this. They know the team has no ill intent, as they're just as beloved in many circles as The Avengers. Still Avengers members have been warned about interacting with this group of rouge heroes. Leading to seeing any interaction between the two very rare. Still the Justice League continue to do good work, though because they don't have the kind of backing the Avengers do, they are much more cautious about causing any destruction when they are at work.

Leader: Superman – Clark Kent/Kal-El
Batman – Bruce Wayne
Wonder Woman – Diana Prince/Diana of Themyscira
The Flash – Barry Allen
Plastic Man – Patrick O' Brian
Green Lantern – Kyle Rayner
Thor – Thor Odinson
Captain Marvel – Carol Danvers
Spider-Man – Peter Parker
Hawkeye – Clint Barton
Scarlet Witch – Wanda Maximoff
Amadeus Cho (Doesn't go on missions, works from base providing intel and hacking assistance)

Teen Titans: With the world's ever growing number of both super powered and non super powered heroes and villains alike. Things have picked up significantly for both Avengers and Justice League alike. However while The Avengers have SHIELD to help out the Justice League don't quite have the same luxury. Thus during an emergency meeting the team all got together and discussed ideas. From doubling the ranks to even putting Justice League teams on different countries. Soon the decision came to just form a new team of younger heroes that were cropping up around the world. Taking up responsibilities for overseeing the new initiative Batman had Nightwing visit and speak with various heroes who were deemed like possible prospects. It was a long process, some saying no, others not quite what they were made out to be. Finally though the team was determined and with a new based in San Francisco, modeled out of the remains of an abandoned warehouse and given the facade it still is. Project Teen Titans has now been deemed a go.


Richard 'Dick' Grayson - Nightwing (Drewvonawesome)
Bucky Barnes - Captain America - Trainer (Metronome)
Dexter McPharson (Doesn't go on missions, works from base providing intel and hacking assistance) (Gowi)
Loki (Drewvonawesome)
Danny Rand - Iron Fist (DBlade26)
Artus (Metronome)
Rock Light - Mega Man (Rin)
Mobius - Ultraman (clanjos)
Jamie Reyes - Blue Beetle (kupo)
Kurt Wagner - Nightcrawler (knighthawk)
Stephanie Brown - Batgirl (Silver Carrot)
Takamachi Nanoha - White Devil (vitavitaar)
Birdy Cephon Altira - Shion Arita (Grey Star)
Howard Anthony Stark II - Iron Lad (Archangel89)
Blossom Utonium (Gowi)


Full name:
Brief Bio:
Abilities: (Powers, skills, training, and knowledge)
Appearance: (Both picture and description would be preferred)
Affiliations: (Mentors, close friends, if the character isn't 'well known' a brief bio would be nice, if the character is a PC please contact the role player playing as said character first about it)
Notes: (Anything extra things you'd like to add)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Yay!~ The OOC is up!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DrewVonAwesome
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DrewVonAwesome I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Also go ahead and repost proflies on here too, I'll put links to them in the original post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Nanoha will be up today hopefully!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Full name:
Kurtis Wagner
Brief Bio:
When Kurt Wagner was born, his mutancy was readily apparent, due to his blue fur, pointed ears, his strange extremities and his prehensile tail. His mother, Mystique found out that Magneto, whom she was working with at the time, had been genetically experimenting on him. She tried to leave but was pursued by Magneto and a pack of wolves. She accidentally dropped the baby into a river where he was found by Mr and Mrs Wagners. The Wagners loved Kurt, but understood that he could not walk freely in the outside world, as people would be horrified by his appearance. Eventually, the young mutant was discovered by Nightwing who knew a place a stealthy teleporter would fit in.

Abilities: (Powers, skills, training, and knowledge)

He is a fun-loving and excitable personality. His superb swordfighting skill is Inspired by anime and Starwars (rather than the classical incarnations Errol Flynn influence)
He sees himself as a classical romantic at heart and hopes someday, someone will be able to look past his demonic appearance. Hell, lets be honest, he'd even be okay with some goth-wannabe who was only into his look just to be more dark.

Appearance: (Both picture and description would be preferred)
He can stand at a full five-nine but most often slips about in a five -six crouch and weighs in at a very athletic one-fifty.
Nightcrawler's physical mutation includes blue colored fur covering his body, two-toed feet and three-fingered hands, yellow eyes, pointed ears, fang-like canine teeth, and a prehensile tail. These features give him a demonic appearance.

Affiliations:(still to be determined)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: James Buchanan Barnes
Alias: Captain America, The Winter Soldier, Bucky
Age: Technically somewhere in his 90s, maybe even 100s. But psychically speaking, he's around 28 or something.
Gender: Male

Steve Rogers AKA Captain America (best friend)
Sam Wilson AKA The Falcon (Other best friend)
Natalia Romanov AKA Black Widow (Friend, Love interest)
The Avengers (Teammates)

Personality: James was standoffish to idea of training a bunch of kids. First off, he's not overly fond of kids. Second, he suffers from near crippling guilt over his actions in the past. However, Steve Rodgers and the rest of the Avengers (and SHIELD) had enough faith in the new Captain America, and encouraged him. So, begrudgingly, he agreed.

James holds most people at arms length, refusing to let himself get close. The few exceptions being the Avengers, who helped him through his rehab and whom he eventually fought beside. He's coarse, stoic, bullheaded, and maybe a little unsociable, but at the same time, he's patient and compassionate. He often means well, but he isn't sure how to interact with people anymore. It's clear that he's not too enthusiastic about being there, and the only reason he stays is because he's seeking some kind of redemption for the whole "Winter Soldier" thing.
However, after a few weeks at the base, (in between missions and mayhem), James finally starts to find that the kids are growing on him. He begins smiling more often, laughing at their jokes, and just finds himself in a better mood. One has to wonder, who's teaching who?

Abilities: (copy and pasted from the wiki page)

Having trained under Steve Rogers (the original Captain America in World War II) and others in the time leading up to World War II, "Bucky" Barnes is a master of hand-to-hand combat and martial arts, as well as being skilled in the use of military weapons such as firearms and grenades. He also used throwing knives on occasion and was a gifted advance scout. His time as the covert Soviet agent known as the Winter Soldier helped to further hone his skills, making him the equal to his predecessor in combat skills and an expert assassin and spy. He is also fluent in many languages, including English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Russian, Latin, and Japanese. He can understand French.

Winter Soldier's left arm is a cybernetic prosthetic with superhuman strength and enhanced reaction time. The arm can function when not in contact with Barnes and can discharge bolts of electrical energy from its palm. The arm can discharge an EMP causing electronics to either shutdown or become useless. The use of Barnes' EMP is shown when Barnes uses it to shutdown a Nick Fury LMD and when he attempts to use it on Iron Man. The arm has a holographic function to disguise it as a flesh and blood arm.

As Captain America, he possesses the original, indestructible, vibranium alloy shield used by his predecessor, as well as a Kevlar/Nomex blend, shock-absorbing costume. He often carries several conventional weapons such as knives, guns - mostly a Colt 1911-A1 .45 and a P08 Luger - and grenades.

Other: Bucky isn't carrying Steve's shield anymore. When he came to the Titans, he insisted that Steve take it back so that he could fight with the Avengers. Besides, Bucky's always been more of a gun guy anyway.

He was recruited to help teach the Titans fighting and weapon skills. SHIELD was very avid about him doing this, mostly because they wanted someone they knew and trusted behinds the scenes of this new team to keep tabs.

Out of costume:

In costume:


James lost his father early on in WW2. He was sort of adopted by the soldiers at Camp Lehigh as a mascot. There, at the age of 16, he was specially trained to be Steve Roger's sidekick. He fought alongside Captain America for a few years. All was fine and dandy until a mission went south. Captain American and Bucky found themselves of an experimental drone plane, armed with a bomb. The bomb exploded while they were trying to disarm it, sending Captain America into the North Atlantic to be deep frozen, and Bucky to god knows where.

Everyone presumed him dead when Captain America was found and unthawed. Little did they know that the Soviets had found Bucky first. He was revived, all memory of his past lost, and given a new arm. They 'reprogrammed' him to be their own personal Cold War assassin, the Winter Soldier. He was incredibly successful as he traveled all across the globe, committing assassinations and then disappearing like a ghost. However, because of his reprogrammed memories, he was unstable. To keep him from rebelling. The Soviets kept him in cryo freeze. This allowed him to live on for 70 years, while only aging a few.

It was 70 years later, after Captain America was thawed and brought back into action, that Bucky was discovered. While sent to assassinate the patriotic hero, Steve recognized his old best friend. SHIELD was eventually able to save him, bring back his old memories, and give him work to keep him busy. However, his identity had to be kept secret. The Winter Soldier's death was faked, so that no one would try to hunt him down. After Steve's supposed death after the events of the 'Civil War' , Bucky was talked into becoming Captain America. Only a select few SHIELD agents, and Avengers, know the true identity of this new Captain America, and if anyone else found out, they could all be in danger.

He's been Captain America few a couple years now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Full name: Artus
Alias: Still just Artus.
Age: 19 - physically
Gender: Male

Abilities: Artus possesses typical gargoyle abilities, including strength, speed, and agility greater than that of a human. When enraged, his eyes glow and his strength almost doubles. An enraged gargoyle, however, lacks good judgement skills. His wings are not built for sustained flight, however, he can use them to glide long distances. To do this, he must jump from a tall perch and use the wind to carry him. He can't take off from the ground.

His final ability is more like a weakness. Gargoyles are only active at night, as when the sun rises, they turn to stone. So every morning, Artus, too, hardens into stone. However, this stone forms allows him rest and healing from whatever wounds he received the night before. It could be life saving, if someone doesn't smash his stone form during the day. If his 'statue' is destroyed or maimed, he will not recover from it.

Personality: Artus is pretty non-conventional when it comes to gargoyles. He doesn't thrive on the traditions and celebrations of old times like many of his brethren do, but instead embraces the way of the future. Like his father was, Artus is pretty laid back, easy going, and friendly. He likes exploring human culture and mannerisms, often picked up a few of them himself. He's pretty optimistic and, overall, fairly typical of a guy his age.

However, he is still a gargoyle. Meaning, he has those defining personality traits of his species. He's very protective of those he calls family, and of humans in general. Gargoyles were created for the soul purpose of defending and protecting their human masters, thousands of years ago, and that instinct still remains in them. Although he's not too quick to anger, when he does get mad, it's nothing to laugh about. When enraged, gargoyles tend to loose themselves in a fit of anger. One that typically shies away from making lethal blows may snap a villain's neck for holding a gun on his friends.

Appearance: Artus stands at 6 feet even, and is still growing. His skin is a light greenish blue, and his eyes are golden brown. His hair, worn in a very modern mohawk, is jet black. Artus has a short mane of hair/fur that runs down his spin, ending at his tail. Artus can often be seen walking around in jeans, shorts, or other typical human attire. He has trouble getting shirts on over his wings, so he either just wears a tank top, or goes without. Wearing shoes, thanks to his large, clawed feet, is impossible.

The Manhattan Clan - his family and gargoyle clan
Broadway - Father
Angela - Mother
Hudson - Grandfather, deceased

Notes: He really likes cooking and eating, but has a bad habit of not cleaning up after himself.


Artus's egg was laid in 2008, and since gargoyle eggs are supposed to incubate for 10 years, he wasn't due to hatch until 2018. However, his egg, along with a few others, were stolen from his clan's hatchery by human scientists to be studied. They were too impatient to wait for the eggs to hatch, so they created a formula to speed the process up and force the hatchlings from their eggs early. This process sped up the hatchling's aging as well, making the infants grow into full adolescences in a matter of days. By the time the aging formula wore off, Artus and his hatchmates were physically around 12 years old.

They remained at the lab for a few more days, mostly confused and oblivious as to what was going on, until their clans tracked them down and managed to rescue them. Understandably angry, the hatchlings' parents laid waste to the lab. The children were taken back home to New York where their families began to deal with the consequence's of the humans' actions. Luckily, the children managed to grow up mostly normal.

Artus, despite having heard this story about the humans who forced him to age, was still fascinated by the creatures. His clan had been fighting crime in the dark streets of New York for years, despite the way humans may have treated them. They had many human allies. Artus wanted to push those slowly expanding boundaries between human and gargoyle. He watched the superhumans on TV and often thought about what it would be like to fight crime with them. When he caught wind of the Justice League making up a new, younger team, he jumped on it. After begging and pleading with his clan, he managed to convince them to let him go join the Teen Titans.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 5 mos ago

SO gargoyles age slower than humans (egypt/anubis episode) but he is accelerated aging, so will he have a human lifespan or even less?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Does it matter?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Depends, if he matured to young adult in days, would he have only a few years to enjoy life like robin williams in Jack?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DrewVonAwesome
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DrewVonAwesome I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

“It’s hero time!”

Benjamin Kirby Tennyson

Ben 10

Brief Bio:

Ben was born in 2001 to Carl and Sandra Tennyson, a fairly normal couple in a fairly normal town. He lived near his cousins, Gwen and Ken Tennyson, as well as his loveable grandpa Max. He grew up a generally normal kid, completely and utterly the class clown, but still a fairly normal kid.

When the school year ended in 2011, Ben got blindsided by having a summer RV trip with his grandpa and cousin Gwen thrown on him. By ‘blindsided’ it was more ‘repeatedly told but kept forgetting’. Having made plans with his local friends of various shenanigans, Ben tried to plead his way out until he was told either he was going on the trip, or grounded for the whole summer.

Naturally Ben was in a very sour mood as the trip started. Refusing to have any of the fun things Max wanted to do. This infuriated Gwen which all came to a head when the three of them spent a night camping out in the middle of nowhere in Wisconsin in Grandpa Max’s RV lovingly known as ‘The Rustbucket’. Gwen dragged Ben out to the forest where a screaming argument could clearly be heard for miles around. Finally Ben absolutely furious stomped away into the forest as Gwen went in the opposite direction. It took Ben a moment to finally cool off and realize he was completely lost.

In the skies above a sudden massive meteor shower coated the night sky in lights and motion. Gwen and Max tried to hurry up looking for Ben. Ben was in a panic, especially when an asteroid suddenly crash landed right near him. Knocking him off his feet and almost unconscious. When Ben came too, he hurried down into the crater the asteroid made. Finding at the bottom a strange wrist watch looking device. It seemed alien, glowing with some kind of energy that seemed to warm Ben to his core. Suddenly the device wrapped tightly around Ben’s left wrist. Infusing itself with Ben. When Gwen and Max finally found him, the device had turned Ben into a three foot tall alien, who promptly asked how the both of them grew so tall.

Ben found out that night a lot of things that blew his mind. Grandpa Max was former a plumber, something he knew already, but it was actually a secret organization designed to protect Earth from dangerous alien forces. It got even crazier when Gwen even ended up revealing that friends of Grandpa Max were teaching her magic. Finally the topper of it all was the wristwatch looking thing stuck on his arm. Max explained it was an alien device known simply as the Omnitrix. With it, the wearer can turn into any alien species that the wearer has contact with. It was a device that was deemed almost mythical in nature, something that held such power it could save entire species from extinction.

The three tried to continue their summer trip in peace, but quickly found themselves at odds with Vilgax. An alien overlord obsessed with taking the Omnitrix and using it to rule the galaxy. The three of them found themselves at odds with Vilgax repeatedly until finally with help from Max’s old allies in The Plumbers, Vilgax and his men were sent away for good.

Unfortunately for Ben, the real world suddenly came back into his life when the summer was over and it was back to the real world. Even still the experience had made him a more mature… to an extent at least… person. However Ben constantly found himself needing over the next few years to use the Omnitrix to help out in various problems that arose. When people asked him about the wristwatch. He’d panic and stammer a bad answer with his lack of skills in lying. Soon some years later people finally pieced the puzzle together that Ben Tennyson happened to be those aliens.

Ben worried about what he would do now that his normal life was completely over, but Grandpa Max had an old friend who owed him a favor. This all led to Ben getting an audience with the Justice League, and joining their new young heroes program in the Teen Titans.


Ben himself is a fairly healthy young man who is athletic, with backgrounds in baseball, soccer, and golf weirdly enough considering his spaz like behavior. However otherwise he’s just a normal guy. Ben’s biggest ability stem from the Omnitrix, an alien device strapped to his left wrist. With it, Ben can turn into a multitude of various alien creatures. Generally when activated Ben can stay in his alien form for 10 minutes, and have a five minute waiting period. But some aliens allow for more time and others less. Depending on how big they are and Ben’s own energy. If Ben comes into contact with any alien DNA the Omnitrix automatically saves it and stores it for later use. Any alien made with it having the black and green hourglass logo that the Omnitrix has on its chest or other such area. However, the watch can absorb the DNA of Mutants, Inhumans, Martians, Asgardians, Skrulls, Krees, Rannians, Thanagarians, and other species both humanoid and nonhumanoid. While Ben has numerous alien forms to choose from, he does have personal favorites…

•Brainstorm: Based on the Coluan race from the planet Colu, Brainstorm has incredible intelligence and can interface with electronics by extending quasi-biological cords from his fingertips. In this form, Ben has a green complexion and blonde hair.

•Heatblast: Bases on the species called Pyronite from the star Pyros. The transformation gives him a body composed of localized magma with a 'skin' of dark red charcoal. He gains the ability to toss balls of magma, immunity to heat based attacks, and the ability to shape some of his magma into stones by allowing it to rapidly cool.

•Riot: Composed of an organic sentient slime, Riot is a red form that is capable of reshaping itself for short periods of time. It is based on a species of Symbiotes (exact name unknown) that can attach themselves to hosts and amplify the hosts skills, abilities, and more, but at the cost of making the host become more aggressive. Once he is attached to a host, he can either allow them free will or dominate them

•Warhawk: Absorbed from the Thanagarian male Hawkman, Warhawk is capable of flight through the use of two large wings. He is unfeasibly strong and can fly at astounding speeds. He also has enhanced sight and vision.

•Water Hazard: Water Hazard's planet of origin and species is unknown. But he is a red-shelled alien capable of withstanding brutal blows and using impressive strength along with hydrokinesis and proficiency at swimming.

•Wildfire: Absorbed from the Tamaranian girl Starfire. In this form, Ben's skin tints into a shade of orange. He gains the ability to fly, blast bolts of energy out of his hands and eyes, super-strength, and immunity to many poisons as well as a resistance to energy based attacks.

•Wildmutt: Based on the species Vulpimancer from Vulpin, Wildmutt is an alien with the basic appearance of an orange reptilian canine, except he has a lack of eyes. However, he is capable of using an acute sense of smell and can detect heat signatures, which compensates for his technical blindness.

•XLR8: Based on a Kineceleran, from the planet Kinet. XLR8 is a black alien who can move at extraordinary speeds by 'skating' on the (literal) balls of his feet and a natural ability to manipulate friction. When he is running, a biological visor automatically covers his face. He has claws and a long tail that add to his appearance of an overall black and blue reptile.

•Ditto: The copy of a Splixson from the planet Hathor, Ditto turns Ben into a creature roughly the size of a human toddler. With, a black and white head, white face, along with black shoulders. One of the forms that Ben can use for much longer than others. Ben can with this form duplicate himself almost countless times. Each Ditto form operates independently, regardless of what the others want him to do. Though all will commonly work together for the common goal. They are also more flexible than a human, burrow into soft enough ground and out like a mole, and breathe underwater.

•Metacopy: During a visit to the Xavier School for the Gifted, when Ben ‘accidently’ bumped up against X-Men member Rouge. His Omnitrix stored her Homo Superior genetics into the machine. When activated Ben looks completely the same, only with black hair and a streak of white in the front middle of it. With it, having any physical contact with a mutant allows him to have the same mutant power. This doesn’t work quite like the aliens in that when the time’s up, he loses the mutant power he gained altogether, and can only have one or two at a time before they start getting haywire on him.

•Way Big: Of all of the alien forms Ben has in his arsenal. This particular form of the rare but very powerful To’kustar alien turns Ben into a toweringly large humanoid alien that is red and white toned, possessing superhuman strength and durability, shoot cosmic rays from his arms when formed in an L like fashion, and can create and manipulate cosmic storms. Which can be used in transportation or inhabitation. For Ben though, using this form causes a severe strain on him physically and mentally. Which leave him borderline unconscious whenever he transforms out of it, and generally can’t be in the form as long. Way Big is generally for him ONLY used in a last ditch effort.


At his absolute worst, Ben can be considered overly cocky, constantly acts before thinking, stubborn, and if you ask his cousin Gwen, is probably very stupid. However Ben’s heart, bravery, and loyalty are second to very few. Ben generally prides himself on being a good friend to anyone willing to let him be. He has a deep fear of clowns that stems back to a stuffed clown toy named “Mr. Squishy” that kept giving him nightmares. Plus Ben above all other things loves smoothies, especially from Mr. Smoothy's, a small Northeastern chain, and pickles, with the brine and all.


Standing at 5’8 generally Ben has a pretty well kept body despite a… unique diet to say the least. He is athletically toned and generally when in his super hero work wears the clothes above. The coat, one he bought and detailed himself, has a light kevlar coating in it to dispense any impact on it, as well as sharp or small handgun sized blows.


Gwen and Ken Tennyson - Cousins
Max Tennyson - Grandpa
The Plumbers - Allies

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 5 mos ago

I know waybig is inspired by Ultraman, but what if ben managed to pop waybig and tag-team with ultraman? It would end in a crater full of awesome.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 5 mos ago

DrewVonAwesome said
By the way why is Nightcrawler wearing a mask in that picture. His hardly that difficult to spot in a crowd with or without it....

The artist who drew the character was submitting for an amalgamation of dc/marvel Nightwing+Nightcrawler=Nightshadow. I think its one of those things that without the mask it looks too much like nightcrawlers costume so the iconic mask was added to balance the blend. Plus, if he gets an image inducer or the like, then it might be presumed that the blue is part of the costume. But yes, I agree the mask is silly. To quote from Green lantern [Carol Ferris: "You don't think I would recognize you because I can't see your cheekbones?"]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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clanjos Giant Hero

Member Seen 3 days ago

Full name: Mobius
Brief Bio: In the distant Nebula M-87, known to its inhabitants as the Land of Light, there resides an enormous structure of crystal and alien metals. This is the Ultra Garrison, an ancient and eternal citadel that serves as the base of the Ultramen, a race of aliens distantly related to the Tokustar in the same way humans are related to bears.

The Ultra Garrison is a sort of precursor to the Green Lantern Corps, serving to protect the universe from tremendous threats- be they eldritch horrors, the tremendous wildlife of M-87, Trigonic Fiends, or Galactus himself. They have stood their vigil for as long as most civilizations can remember, led by the Father and Mother of Ultra.

Mobius is a recent recruit into the Space Rangers, the Ultra Garrison's field agents. He has floundered through basic training, but managed to pass. The Father of Ultra, however, decided that he is still lacking in certain qualities that anyone bearing the title of Ultraman must possess. In order to prove himself worthy of the Ultraman title, Mobius has been assigned to shadow Earth's young heroes and learn from their example.


Personality: Ultras are allowed to choose their own soldier names- Mobius' friends Max and Galaxy named themselves for their potential and love of the stars respectively. Mobius chose his name because of the Mobius Strip. He's not quite sure why the strange shape appeals to him, but he finds it striking. As for behavior, Mobius is quite awkward. He's only been on Earth for a few days and is still getting the hang of the finer points of his human body's anatomy, and is honestly floored by human society and its lack of structure compared to the Ultra Garrison.

Appearance: Mobius's actual appearance, and his human form. The jacket is from a team of operatives called "GUTS" who have taken to supporting Ultraman Tiga. It's insulated for high-atmosphere travel, but Mobius seldom takes it off- Earth is freezing cold, after all.

Notes: Mebius was a Japanese approximation of Moebius, so yeah, ended up changing it to Mobius here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DrewVonAwesome
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DrewVonAwesome I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

knighthawk said
I know waybig is inspired by Ultraman, but what if ben managed to pop waybig and tag-team with ultraman? It would end in a crater full of awesome.

That shit will be hype...

Was considering something else with the Galford spot but not sure about it anymore... so ignore the thing I said here before this edit and stuff
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Oh right um.

  • Full name: DLN-001 Rock Light

  • Alias: Mega Man

  • Personality: Due to being modeled after a child, Rock is generally innocent natured and energetic, possessing an inquisitive mind and a usually rather upbeat attitude. He possessed a strong sense of justice, and whilst he is generally pacifistic and dislikes violence he is more than willing to stand up for people in need even if he has to use force against force. Despite how advanced his AI is, Rock technically has no actually free will, and is ultimately bound to his programming. Most notably, he has Asimov's Three Laws coded into him, and is thus unable to bring a human to harm unless it is necessary to prevent other humans from coming to harm, and is incapable of intentionally attempting to kill humans. To him, the preservation of life is so important that he would even through himself into risk of critical damage in order to achieve it, and will not look kindly on those who treat do not respect the right to live. He is especially fond of his family, his "father" Dr. Light and his sister Roll, and will do whatever it takes to protect them from harm.

  • Appearance: Usually, Rock looks like just your average young boy, with messy brown hair and blue eyes. He's almost indistinguishable from a human, really; the only thing that really gives away his robotic nature are his feet, and those can easily be mistaken for unusual footwear. Whilst operating as the super fighting robot Mega Man, his armour consists of what looks like blue and cyan spandex, and a blue helmet. His primary weapon, the Mega Buster, can be generated from either of his hands.

  • Notes: I'm going to be playing Rock as though the Ra Moon arc has yet to happen, mostly because a worldwide shutdown of all electronics would not only be a really major event but would probably inadvertantly kill off several important background characters such as Tony Stark.

  • Also if I remember right that was part of the reason why Clanjos decided to use an Ultraman. XD

    ...Good that we have at least one girl on the team now, too, especially one as awesome as Nanoha.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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    knighthawk Djinn Jedi

    Member Seen 5 mos ago

    Upgrade with Megaman... Duck and cover.
    Riot with Mobius... Head for the hills.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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    Member Seen 5 yrs ago

    Mainly to demonstrate what a twelve-year-old Iron Fist would wind up being.

    Full name: Daniel "Danny" Rand-K'ai

    Alias: The Immortal Iron Fist

    Personality: Previously driven to succeed and prove himself beyond anything else, Danny's banishment from K'un-Lun has caused him to question himself and his abilities, and he's currently rather lost and confused. He desperately wants to earn the mantle of Iron Fist the right way and is somewhat ashamed of how he came by his powers, questioning if he's worthy of them. Although he might not admit it, he wants to make real friends and feel like he belongs equally desperately, a task made all the harder by the fact that he's almost completely unfamiliar with modern life on Earth. He still enjoys a good fight, but more in the hope of testing himself against others in a friendly manner than proving he's a superior martial artist. His banishment due to tricking his way into the title of Iron Fist has caused him to snap back into a rigid sense of honor and playing by the rules as well.

    Affiliations: Teen Titans, potentially Rand Inc.

    Notes: Danny doesn't have anyone from K'un-lun listed under affiliations since he's currently banished until he proves himself worthy of truly being Iron Fist.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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    clanjos Giant Hero

    Member Seen 3 days ago

    Rin said
    Oh right um.Also if I remember right that was part of the reason why Clanjos decided to use an Ultraman. XD...

    Only like 20% of it! I also really like Ultraman Mebius as a series. And maybe giggled at the idea of arm wrestling Ant Man for charity.
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