By the way @NoobCW. In 1990 storylines and what not never exceeded 5-8 hours, unless they artificially made the game longer by making it really hard.
Just realized why I've been missing seasons. When does the forum clock hit midnight in relation to EST?Apparently from what I've seen there is no forum clock.
I'll wait however long is needed. Whatever happened I hope you can sort it out. I'll be here for you.Thanks, sorry for the inconvenience.
No problem at all. Life issues come first, simply a fact.-sigh- If you want I'll be on tinychat, it isn't's my friend...I'll leave him unnamed....the chatroom is
Might as well reveal it. The friend is me. I'd rather not talk about the circumstances, but I'm obviously one of the more active players in this RP and I'm also the co-GM. The situation has been mostly sorted out, but right now I have no internet at my current residence. I will notify DiamondBlizzard on Thursday when the internet has been installed. Thanks for waiting.No problem at all. Life issues come first, simply a fact.-sigh- If you want I'll be on tinychat, it isn't's my friend...I'll leave him unnamed....the chatroom is